such a general word with so many connotations. happy you’re alive! happy you’re dead. happy that it’s over. happy that it’s only begun. one word to contain so many aspects of relief and joy culminating in one tiny word that holds the world to together with hope.
Smile, its a type of light. a soul that shines. its simple
There’s not one minute in my life when I don’t think about what it would be like – to be happy. Would I even be happy without having to think what it’s like to be happy? Don’t know. Can I even express these thoughts without emoticons? Being able to do that would make me very happy.
Happy. happiness. We all wish to reach it but many people never feel like they reach it. But maybe the way to get happiness is to quit trying to get to it and be happy with what you have?
I consider myself as a happy person, though being one can be a challenging task! The world can be dark, ridiculously pessimist sort, and that sometimes tempts me of giving up my happiness philosophy. Thankfully, I have not succumbed to this temptation! I am still the girl who always try to bring smiles to others. Smile! :)
it was the penny i found that brought me a bit of happiness. the coin of supposed luck.
on the day of her birth i pocketed one cent.
I am not happy. I’m not even sure any more what would make me happy; which makes me wonder if I ever will be happy. I honestly don’t know if I have ever been happy. I think I got so good at making other people think that I was, I made myself believe it.
I am happy today
Sometimes you might think that one is happy by the way they seem on the outside. It is easily confused for someone who is faking. To get to the deep truth, you must get to know the person first. Everyone should take the time to find out how a person is really doing.
happt is a feelin of love and emotion of great feeling. happy is joy fun happy is somethin everybody should be.
Nathan Molano
“Augh! W-what was that for?” he exclaimed in loud annoyance.
“I don’t know,” the little muse smiled. “Slapping people just makes me happy.”
Just Me
This is how I feel when classes are let out, or when I realize that I have nothing to do for and hour or two, just sit and veg or do some reading, play a game, call some friends, it’s the best. I love this feeling, and pity those that don’t feel this way more ofte. This is what I think dogs feel like when there tong is lolled out of the side of there mouths, with a big doggy grin, you know what I mean, after they bring a ball back and are anticipating you to throw it. I just can’t get enough of happy, it feels really good. I wish I could be happy more often, but I seem to be more agitated than anything else.
I am happy today. There is no reason not to be. Oranges exist. It’s sunny. My bed is warm. I am so happy, I might not get out of bed at all, in case it gets ruined.
Happy Tuesday.
I am happy that I am not working seniors day today and that I will never work another one again!
I’m a happy person, life is great right now, I’m blessed, I’ve always been blessed even in the difficult times,even in the times and places I didn’t want to be where I was I could still find something to make me happy despite of teh circumstances because my happiness is not contingent or dependent upon what’s going on around
happiness is on the tip of my tongue my life my love surrounds but i cannot reach out and grab because unhappiness always gets in the way so jealous why oh why? because we stop ourselves from being what we really want. there are very few people in this world that let themselves just explore the full extent of who they ARE. just be be be be be and happiness will follow.
The sun makes me happy, and so does my boyfriend and my friends. Another thing that makes me happy is icecream <3
Anne Birgitte
Sunny days and loved ones. Shopping without a budget and everything fits or is half price. Being with family, eating out, not having to clean. Doing the things you enjoy with the ones you enjoy.
Tobey Shevrin
tis’ a blissful feeling
one in it’s self
not a place or promise but a journey and adventure. There isn’t another option
one must make this choice. A matter of success and comfort
victoria Johnson
Happiness, a seemingly positive emotions depletes wholly the existence of creativity, when happy your literary ability consists merely of puppies and flowers
I was so happy to see my brother back, it had been so long, he was away, no one new where he was, some say he went to jail some say he went…?
happiness right? at the moment i should be working on my world lit 1 assignment. about how characters embrace their deaths as an escape of the unlivable society. aburdist existentialists. happy. escape. brilliance. thank you. life is meaningless and eath is inevitable.
Bridget Mueller
Daniella asked for too much. Optimism wasn’t in her grasp so she jumped, from the Brooklyn, all alone, on a cold winter’s night. A single thought before impact – I could have been happy.
She said she was happy. I always thought she was happy. Geez, how wrong can a man be?
That smile after our hot fucking sessions, the way she smoked the cigarette that followed and her cheeky wink as I left her place each morning.
Lies. All of it.
Or at least it seems that way now. What do I know. Women, they’re a joyous mystery. That’s why we keep coming back.
happy is a complex five letter word, that may be used in a variety of contexts, and situations.
i however am not BORED enough to write about it.
being happy is incredibly important in life. if your not happy you are potentially wasting the only chance you’ll get at life. Being happy means different things to different people. Happiness can cause people to act irrationally, be selfish and other such bad things :)
It delight, it’s amazing and natural. Beautiful, it’s pure. You can find it in love, or in yourself. You can find it with family, friends, pets, or a lover. We all search for it, and sometimes we find it. Will you? Will I?
We could be happy, but instead we grumble in line for the objects we think we need. We could be simple, but demand immediate service from the overtaxed waiter. We could be beautiful, yet there aren’t enough shoes in the closet, especially ones with extremely-pointed toes and gold buckles.
Brian Slusher
Today I am happy, because voting starts tomorrow. Should that make me happy? I don’t know. I don’t think so. How can ticking a box (or putting an x there) make me happy? It’s not like my party is going to win. They won’t even get 1 third. But hey, I’m doing by bit, right? Right? RIGHT? I think so. Are you doing your bit?
I remember as a kid, I was happy, I was stupid. Now as an adult I am not longer stupid, or maybe I am… yet I remain happy. Happy for different reasons, happy yet somehow apathetic…happy happy…joy…joy…
Insanely able to feel absolutely everything you want to feel without inhibition or prejudice or worrying what others might say. Doing anything.
Feeling free to run around without checking who’s watching, able to write without caring.
Happy is a drug. It comes in a litle baggy. My friends tell me this, but I don’t believe them. Being happy comes from my brain.
I am happy to be a part of this little social experiement. I’m still not sure as to the purpose of the whole thing but this is stumbleupon so who knows what you’ll find. Has it been sixty seconds yet?
Guess not…ummmmmmm
So there I was
baphomets requiem
check it out.
ultimate goal
little things and the big ones
Mr happy didnt go to town that day. He didnt want to stand in line and watch all the miserable people complain about their lives. He is Mr. Happy but we all know that he is just oblivious to everything.
The real mr happy doesnt have that name.
To be happy is to be
i wasn’t happy. he knew it. we both knew it. i packed up my things, looked him in the eyes one more time before letting out a forced ‘sigh’ to emphasize the fact that i was, in fact, leaving him and not coming back.
kristen sexton
What a particular word that is. It means so many things to so many people. We all seem to want it be never have it. All the things we have sacrificed in the name of that word. All the good thing we gave up because we thought we could have better. We never do realize it when we see that word.
Robert McRae
I am not happy, really. I wish I were. But there are so many things currently missing from my life that I really can’t be happy. I can’t wait for these things to come back. It’s hard work being sad, but sometimes you just can’t help it.
Happy people are the worst. I mean they are all so god damned pleased all the time. They say ignorance is bliss, and i guess thats what happy people learn to do, be ignorant. But i wonder is that bad. i mean if things are how you percive them then to be ignorant of the bad to acknollege it and let it ride…is it bad.
such a general word with so many connotations. happy you’re alive! happy you’re dead. happy that it’s over. happy that it’s only begun. one word to contain so many aspects of relief and joy culminating in one tiny word that holds the world to together with hope.
Smile, its a type of light. a soul that shines. its simple
There’s not one minute in my life when I don’t think about what it would be like – to be happy. Would I even be happy without having to think what it’s like to be happy? Don’t know. Can I even express these thoughts without emoticons? Being able to do that would make me very happy.
Happy. happiness. We all wish to reach it but many people never feel like they reach it. But maybe the way to get happiness is to quit trying to get to it and be happy with what you have?
I consider myself as a happy person, though being one can be a challenging task! The world can be dark, ridiculously pessimist sort, and that sometimes tempts me of giving up my happiness philosophy. Thankfully, I have not succumbed to this temptation! I am still the girl who always try to bring smiles to others. Smile! :)
alegre smiling
it was the penny i found that brought me a bit of happiness. the coin of supposed luck.
on the day of her birth i pocketed one cent.
I am not happy. I’m not even sure any more what would make me happy; which makes me wonder if I ever will be happy. I honestly don’t know if I have ever been happy. I think I got so good at making other people think that I was, I made myself believe it.
I am happy today
Sometimes you might think that one is happy by the way they seem on the outside. It is easily confused for someone who is faking. To get to the deep truth, you must get to know the person first. Everyone should take the time to find out how a person is really doing.
happt is a feelin of love and emotion of great feeling. happy is joy fun happy is somethin everybody should be.
“Augh! W-what was that for?” he exclaimed in loud annoyance.
“I don’t know,” the little muse smiled. “Slapping people just makes me happy.”
This is how I feel when classes are let out, or when I realize that I have nothing to do for and hour or two, just sit and veg or do some reading, play a game, call some friends, it’s the best. I love this feeling, and pity those that don’t feel this way more ofte. This is what I think dogs feel like when there tong is lolled out of the side of there mouths, with a big doggy grin, you know what I mean, after they bring a ball back and are anticipating you to throw it. I just can’t get enough of happy, it feels really good. I wish I could be happy more often, but I seem to be more agitated than anything else.
I am happy today. There is no reason not to be. Oranges exist. It’s sunny. My bed is warm. I am so happy, I might not get out of bed at all, in case it gets ruined.
Happy Tuesday.
I am happy that I am not working seniors day today and that I will never work another one again!
I’m a happy person, life is great right now, I’m blessed, I’ve always been blessed even in the difficult times,even in the times and places I didn’t want to be where I was I could still find something to make me happy despite of teh circumstances because my happiness is not contingent or dependent upon what’s going on around
happiness is on the tip of my tongue my life my love surrounds but i cannot reach out and grab because unhappiness always gets in the way so jealous why oh why? because we stop ourselves from being what we really want. there are very few people in this world that let themselves just explore the full extent of who they ARE. just be be be be be and happiness will follow.
The sun makes me happy, and so does my boyfriend and my friends. Another thing that makes me happy is icecream <3
Sunny days and loved ones. Shopping without a budget and everything fits or is half price. Being with family, eating out, not having to clean. Doing the things you enjoy with the ones you enjoy.
tis’ a blissful feeling
one in it’s self
not a place or promise but a journey and adventure. There isn’t another option
one must make this choice. A matter of success and comfort
Happiness, a seemingly positive emotions depletes wholly the existence of creativity, when happy your literary ability consists merely of puppies and flowers
I was so happy to see my brother back, it had been so long, he was away, no one new where he was, some say he went to jail some say he went…?
happiness right? at the moment i should be working on my world lit 1 assignment. about how characters embrace their deaths as an escape of the unlivable society. aburdist existentialists. happy. escape. brilliance. thank you. life is meaningless and eath is inevitable.
Daniella asked for too much. Optimism wasn’t in her grasp so she jumped, from the Brooklyn, all alone, on a cold winter’s night. A single thought before impact – I could have been happy.
She said she was happy. I always thought she was happy. Geez, how wrong can a man be?
That smile after our hot fucking sessions, the way she smoked the cigarette that followed and her cheeky wink as I left her place each morning.
Lies. All of it.
Or at least it seems that way now. What do I know. Women, they’re a joyous mystery. That’s why we keep coming back.
happy is a complex five letter word, that may be used in a variety of contexts, and situations.
i however am not BORED enough to write about it.
being happy is incredibly important in life. if your not happy you are potentially wasting the only chance you’ll get at life. Being happy means different things to different people. Happiness can cause people to act irrationally, be selfish and other such bad things :)
It delight, it’s amazing and natural. Beautiful, it’s pure. You can find it in love, or in yourself. You can find it with family, friends, pets, or a lover. We all search for it, and sometimes we find it. Will you? Will I?
We could be happy, but instead we grumble in line for the objects we think we need. We could be simple, but demand immediate service from the overtaxed waiter. We could be beautiful, yet there aren’t enough shoes in the closet, especially ones with extremely-pointed toes and gold buckles.
Today I am happy, because voting starts tomorrow. Should that make me happy? I don’t know. I don’t think so. How can ticking a box (or putting an x there) make me happy? It’s not like my party is going to win. They won’t even get 1 third. But hey, I’m doing by bit, right? Right? RIGHT? I think so. Are you doing your bit?
I remember as a kid, I was happy, I was stupid. Now as an adult I am not longer stupid, or maybe I am… yet I remain happy. Happy for different reasons, happy yet somehow apathetic…happy happy…joy…joy…
Insanely able to feel absolutely everything you want to feel without inhibition or prejudice or worrying what others might say. Doing anything.
Feeling free to run around without checking who’s watching, able to write without caring.
Happy is a drug. It comes in a litle baggy. My friends tell me this, but I don’t believe them. Being happy comes from my brain.
I am happy to be a part of this little social experiement. I’m still not sure as to the purpose of the whole thing but this is stumbleupon so who knows what you’ll find. Has it been sixty seconds yet?
Guess not…ummmmmmm
So there I was
baphomets requiem
check it out.
ultimate goal
little things and the big ones
Mr happy didnt go to town that day. He didnt want to stand in line and watch all the miserable people complain about their lives. He is Mr. Happy but we all know that he is just oblivious to everything.
The real mr happy doesnt have that name.
To be happy is to be
i wasn’t happy. he knew it. we both knew it. i packed up my things, looked him in the eyes one more time before letting out a forced ‘sigh’ to emphasize the fact that i was, in fact, leaving him and not coming back.
What a particular word that is. It means so many things to so many people. We all seem to want it be never have it. All the things we have sacrificed in the name of that word. All the good thing we gave up because we thought we could have better. We never do realize it when we see that word.
I am not happy, really. I wish I were. But there are so many things currently missing from my life that I really can’t be happy. I can’t wait for these things to come back. It’s hard work being sad, but sometimes you just can’t help it.
Happy people are the worst. I mean they are all so god damned pleased all the time. They say ignorance is bliss, and i guess thats what happy people learn to do, be ignorant. But i wonder is that bad. i mean if things are how you percive them then to be ignorant of the bad to acknollege it and let it ride…is it bad.