
February 28th, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “haven”

  1. This is a safe place, this is a hug that lasts until you let go, shuddering the last of your tears out, finally able to breathe again. This is the place you kick your shoes off and take your coat off and stay awhile. This is the place where you don’t have to talk and you don’t have to shut up. This is the place where you just are and that’s enough.

  2. My home is my haven.

    It’s the place where I feel safe, secure, and comfortable. I hate when my haven is taken by other people, even when they’re loved ones. I mean, I’m okay with it for a short period of time. For instance, it was lovely to have my mom and my aunt here with me for three weeks.

    But I can’t overlook how happy I am to be by myself again. I can slowly get my house in the way I’m used to; to chill out and rest from all the crazy times.

    My house is my haven and now I have it back.

    by Nanie on 02.29.2024
  3. She found a safe haven on a hill in a suburb. The ivy was now covering the lower levels of the suburb and had covered the houses. But it seemed to be skipping the rocky hills around her. She wondered how long this haven would be safe, or whether she would be trapped there.

    by Chanpheng on 02.28.2024
  4. Haven is home, cozy, and warm. A nice day to a relaxing day A good time to have. Nice.

    by Julie on 02.28.2024
  5. Haven, my friends are a haven. My room is a haven. Every single person on this earth has different havens. And some more than other can be damaging. It’s important to understand that haven’s are personal and constructed as we grow.

    by bry on 02.28.2024