You wear it on your head. often it was a thing that i was supposed to wear in the ninties. my mom made me do it. they came in many colors and designs. but i hated them and only wore them as far as the playground and then i took it off. in all of the “pretty” pictures my mom has of me I am almost always wearing a headban.
Sie tr
i never really wore headbands as a kid because I had really short curly hair and it just looked silly. I always thought that girls that wore headbands were pretty cool and trendy. I really liked trish’s headband in Napoleon Dynamite. I think she is bringing the headband back along with the side ponytail. I was sad I could never pull those looks off.
goes around the head like a noose, but only on the forehead. sweaty and nasty wet. hair tie. fuzzy and stretchy.
eagles blue soft for the face eyebrows semi-pro will ferrel michael jordan fruity
its an 80’s style fad that was puer retarded and some how people still do it and think its cool, with like leopard skin pink and shit like that, I killed a man… just to watch him die, and he wore a headband that should teach you a thing or 2 about headband wearing
I had a wide white headband with silver stars all over that I’ve had as long as I can remember. I lost it just this week, and I’m still s little sad over such a silly, sentimental thing.
Headbands are really useful things. It usually enhances style. It adds much to the looks. But nowadays no one uses it much. So much of the people are not interested in wearing it.
a thing people where to hoop. Can be worn to be funny. good with long hair. It’s 2 words. I want one, right now. I would probably like to be a giant headband. It would be a good band name….headband. yea, I like it.
Mister Shimizu
Mister Shimizu
And she wore it cover up the bad haircut her mother gave her. The ironic part is that she (her mother) once, maybe twice blistered me to death for giving her a so called bad haircut one day. It wasn’t even close to bad. I think she was just jealous. Anyway, her words have come back to bite her. I still haven’t said anything about the haircut. We both know.
The headband is on the ground.
I can see it.
Do you?
Because that was a fucking lie. If you said you saw it you’re fucking wrong. It’s not there. What the fuck? I don’t know what your beef is, but you probably shouldn’t be telling people you see headbands on the ground when they’re not even there. It’s fucking weird.
Stephan Karadja
it’s the zombie apocalypse. she wears a headband to denote what side she’s on–she’s definitely not human. Running around with nerf guns, she’s now afraid of everyone who used to be on her side.
they look silly, but I can’t help but feel like they’re getting something that I’m not. sometimes you’ve gotta look dumb to do something good.
i don’t wear headbands. i don’t know why. i own a couple. sometimes i think i want to wear them, then i put them off but then i take them off again. they make me look too sporty, and from the side i look like a neanderthal. like it makes my head look like a naked skull. the hard head bands give me knobs behind the ears which can be painful.
i’m lerning t spek english. they weare this headbads in tennis matches so the sweat dont come to their face.
i have many. blair loves them like the dickens. i wish i would have bought that outrageous bow one when i was in bellingham, but unfortunately it would have cost me 15 dollars. did i have that much on me? no. i would have been oh so stylish though.
i wore my headband today when i was putting on my shoes.
it was nice outside and pat benatar was singing to me. is that even how you spell her name?
so my headband was a structure and I was the thing upon which it sat, or the thing that engulfed the space of my body. or the thing that so delicately touched upon memory and empathy.
i just bought a headband at urbanoutftters its a turban headbad so i dont have to wash m hair as often. I heard not washing your hair is good for it. I have bad hair because I dye it so muc. I recently went back to brunette. I used to be this awkward coppr blonde colo. I like t better cus now its winter. winter is my favortie.
ah crap.
blue. that was the color of my favorite headband. hideeous thing, it was. i remember the day i broke it. was cleaning my room and snapped it in half. had had it since kindergarten or something ridiculous like that. bawled my eyes out for hours. my mom didn’t understand, of course…
this is a very 80s style choice used by many hair bands and professional wrestlers. There isn’t much point to the headband, other than looking cool and fucking up your hair.
the origins of the headband were from sir phillip band of the royal infantry. he wore a giant elastic over his head to fool the french into surrendering. it didn’t work
billy bob
seriously. i don’t really like this word. although when i think about headbands, i think about innocent times in my childhood where i would’ve worn one.
but for the most part, it seems aesthetic. and i don’t want to write about anything aesthetic right now.
oh…it’s the same word every time. I need sleep. anyone want to write my essay for me? I’ll pay in hair accessories and multi layered gum.
what the hell kind of word is that? i have no idea wht to write about…ok so a headband holds your hair back, i wrote head the first time…i think lululemon because they sell really expensive ones, reptty ones like pink colours….umm…a headband is usually on people that work out…picks up the sweat
Sweaty, gross. I don’t exercise. I should. Maybe I’ll start jogging again. I miss skating. I miss skating in the rain. Most of all I miss skating with Sean. I remember trips to the city. Downtown Portland. Skating along the waterfront. Taking the bus and MAX everywhere. I miss that more than anything.
i had a total headband slash wristband obsession in 2nd/3rd grade (around the time that these had a big boom in the childhood obsession market)… i remember begging my mom to take me to sports authority to buy a pack of them, which i recently found unopened in my dresser.
for your hair, curved, can be aesthetic in appearance, helps hold hair back, got it’s name describing a band going on the head, thus involving the literal subjects at hand. i don’t use them
pull back
Blarir from Gossip Girl
little girls
colors, cause they ar different colors
As the LSD stricken sweat dripped down into my head band, I got extremely calm but was still excited. I had no idea what was coming in the not to distant future, but I had a feeling about space. The final frontier where I will spend he rest of my days.
Wendal Kane
it goes on your head. Keeps bangs out of your face
The headband dug into his head, cold and old, salt water dripping into his eyes. He swung and missed.
Matthew Wright
College goers wear headbands to impres girls. The main motive of the headband is to swipe the sweat from our forehead. Required by players of soccer, tennis and cricket. Also a part of fashion.
Aritra Raymukherjee
what headband?
The headband constricted even further around her head, wrapping around, like a snake, a boa constrictor. It squeezed around the delicate skin of her scalp, twisting it, torturing it, until its tinny little screams gave way and she slumped down to the floor, forever unmoving.
Ann X.
So light, and heavy at the same time. When it is compressed up against your head. Yet it helps keep the cold from eating up at your ears. So many years have gone by and yet i have only used the head band once.
mike hawk
So light, and heavy at the same time. When it is compressed up against your head. Yet it helps keep the cold from eating up at your ears. So many years have gone by and yet i have only used the head band once.
mike hawk
headband is used for making head good…
if you wear head band you might get a good look… but i dont know what the people here means by head band
welcome to India
You wear it on your head. often it was a thing that i was supposed to wear in the ninties. my mom made me do it. they came in many colors and designs. but i hated them and only wore them as far as the playground and then i took it off. in all of the “pretty” pictures my mom has of me I am almost always wearing a headban.
Sie tr
i never really wore headbands as a kid because I had really short curly hair and it just looked silly. I always thought that girls that wore headbands were pretty cool and trendy. I really liked trish’s headband in Napoleon Dynamite. I think she is bringing the headband back along with the side ponytail. I was sad I could never pull those looks off.
goes around the head like a noose, but only on the forehead. sweaty and nasty wet. hair tie. fuzzy and stretchy.
eagles blue soft for the face eyebrows semi-pro will ferrel michael jordan fruity
its an 80’s style fad that was puer retarded and some how people still do it and think its cool, with like leopard skin pink and shit like that, I killed a man… just to watch him die, and he wore a headband that should teach you a thing or 2 about headband wearing
I had a wide white headband with silver stars all over that I’ve had as long as I can remember. I lost it just this week, and I’m still s little sad over such a silly, sentimental thing.
Headbands are really useful things. It usually enhances style. It adds much to the looks. But nowadays no one uses it much. So much of the people are not interested in wearing it.
a thing people where to hoop. Can be worn to be funny. good with long hair. It’s 2 words. I want one, right now. I would probably like to be a giant headband. It would be a good band name….headband. yea, I like it.
Mister Shimizu
And she wore it cover up the bad haircut her mother gave her. The ironic part is that she (her mother) once, maybe twice blistered me to death for giving her a so called bad haircut one day. It wasn’t even close to bad. I think she was just jealous. Anyway, her words have come back to bite her. I still haven’t said anything about the haircut. We both know.
The headband is on the ground.
I can see it.
Do you?
Because that was a fucking lie. If you said you saw it you’re fucking wrong. It’s not there. What the fuck? I don’t know what your beef is, but you probably shouldn’t be telling people you see headbands on the ground when they’re not even there. It’s fucking weird.
it’s the zombie apocalypse. she wears a headband to denote what side she’s on–she’s definitely not human. Running around with nerf guns, she’s now afraid of everyone who used to be on her side.
they look silly, but I can’t help but feel like they’re getting something that I’m not. sometimes you’ve gotta look dumb to do something good.
i don’t wear headbands. i don’t know why. i own a couple. sometimes i think i want to wear them, then i put them off but then i take them off again. they make me look too sporty, and from the side i look like a neanderthal. like it makes my head look like a naked skull. the hard head bands give me knobs behind the ears which can be painful.
i’m lerning t spek english. they weare this headbads in tennis matches so the sweat dont come to their face.
i have many. blair loves them like the dickens. i wish i would have bought that outrageous bow one when i was in bellingham, but unfortunately it would have cost me 15 dollars. did i have that much on me? no. i would have been oh so stylish though.
i wore my headband today when i was putting on my shoes.
it was nice outside and pat benatar was singing to me. is that even how you spell her name?
so my headband was a structure and I was the thing upon which it sat, or the thing that engulfed the space of my body. or the thing that so delicately touched upon memory and empathy.
i just bought a headband at urbanoutftters its a turban headbad so i dont have to wash m hair as often. I heard not washing your hair is good for it. I have bad hair because I dye it so muc. I recently went back to brunette. I used to be this awkward coppr blonde colo. I like t better cus now its winter. winter is my favortie.
ah crap.
blue. that was the color of my favorite headband. hideeous thing, it was. i remember the day i broke it. was cleaning my room and snapped it in half. had had it since kindergarten or something ridiculous like that. bawled my eyes out for hours. my mom didn’t understand, of course…
this is a very 80s style choice used by many hair bands and professional wrestlers. There isn’t much point to the headband, other than looking cool and fucking up your hair.
the origins of the headband were from sir phillip band of the royal infantry. he wore a giant elastic over his head to fool the french into surrendering. it didn’t work
seriously. i don’t really like this word. although when i think about headbands, i think about innocent times in my childhood where i would’ve worn one.
but for the most part, it seems aesthetic. and i don’t want to write about anything aesthetic right now.
oh…it’s the same word every time. I need sleep. anyone want to write my essay for me? I’ll pay in hair accessories and multi layered gum.
what the hell kind of word is that? i have no idea wht to write about…ok so a headband holds your hair back, i wrote head the first time…i think lululemon because they sell really expensive ones, reptty ones like pink colours….umm…a headband is usually on people that work out…picks up the sweat
Sweaty, gross. I don’t exercise. I should. Maybe I’ll start jogging again. I miss skating. I miss skating in the rain. Most of all I miss skating with Sean. I remember trips to the city. Downtown Portland. Skating along the waterfront. Taking the bus and MAX everywhere. I miss that more than anything.
i had a total headband slash wristband obsession in 2nd/3rd grade (around the time that these had a big boom in the childhood obsession market)… i remember begging my mom to take me to sports authority to buy a pack of them, which i recently found unopened in my dresser.
for your hair, curved, can be aesthetic in appearance, helps hold hair back, got it’s name describing a band going on the head, thus involving the literal subjects at hand. i don’t use them
pull back
Blarir from Gossip Girl
little girls
colors, cause they ar different colors
As the LSD stricken sweat dripped down into my head band, I got extremely calm but was still excited. I had no idea what was coming in the not to distant future, but I had a feeling about space. The final frontier where I will spend he rest of my days.
it goes on your head. Keeps bangs out of your face
The headband dug into his head, cold and old, salt water dripping into his eyes. He swung and missed.
College goers wear headbands to impres girls. The main motive of the headband is to swipe the sweat from our forehead. Required by players of soccer, tennis and cricket. Also a part of fashion.
what headband?
The headband constricted even further around her head, wrapping around, like a snake, a boa constrictor. It squeezed around the delicate skin of her scalp, twisting it, torturing it, until its tinny little screams gave way and she slumped down to the floor, forever unmoving.
So light, and heavy at the same time. When it is compressed up against your head. Yet it helps keep the cold from eating up at your ears. So many years have gone by and yet i have only used the head band once.
So light, and heavy at the same time. When it is compressed up against your head. Yet it helps keep the cold from eating up at your ears. So many years have gone by and yet i have only used the head band once.
headband is used for making head good…
if you wear head band you might get a good look… but i dont know what the people here means by head band