white and fun, i think of running and i think of working out, really i think about my self a couple years ago when i went through this gnarly phase, it was sick i wore headband and looked bad ass, haha it was pretty nice.
Her black headband felt too snug behind her ears. She wasn’t used to wearing it, but had put it on for the occasion. Her boyfriend had given it to her for her birthday. She knew she needed to wear it and show her appreciation.
hair off my face. Comfort after a long day. gets too tight, so I finally have to rip it off. love my peach-colored one the best. it’s lost. using a gray one, but don’t enjoy it as much as the peach one.
Becky Ree
i use headband when i have less time to prepare and fix my hair
My hippie headband is my favorite of all it brings me up when my mood falls it’s classy and very simple and sits elogently at my temples
Shay'Lah Garcia
the band tightened around my head, swueezing
routine had convinced him that the machine’s hum was not the rattling tail of a diamondback but rather the purr of a kitten. he passively lay down on the bed, allowed them to wrap the band around his head and place the bit in side his mouth. he glanced quickly at the nurse then shut his eyes.
I wore one when I was a little girl, then later across the forehead when in my early 20’s. How rediculous that looked!
A headband is a clothing accessory worn in the hair or around the forehead, usually to hold hair away from the face or eyes. Headbands generally consist of a loop of elastic material or a horseshoe-shaped piece of flexible plastic or metal. They come in assorted shapes and sizes and are used for both practical and fashion purposes.
Another headband has jumped upon us. What does the headband want? It’s living here, after all. It is ALIVE. It is MOVING. It is… well it’s here, and all of you should pay respect to it.
Like the warm up I am doing, the headband keeps your head warm. You ought to thank the head band. It is doing great things for you.
Early morning meeting, so there
Every headband is up to no good. What does it want, to tame the hair? Reign-in the brain, keep that thought-explosion from popping of of the skull? More likely it’s trying to convince the wearer he is a naked brave, skulking through the night, about to tomahawk a fat settler.
Brian Slusher
it is a nice thing to show off for girlfriends and for much different things …
simplistic beauty
What if my head was in a band? What would it be called? Would it be soulful, or angry punk, or classical, or a love song? I wonder if my head is in a band? I should go to see it.
headbands on boys are really lame. theyre for ppl who think they are cool…but who arent. and they all have royal names like edward or something.. jeez- those ppl should get a
i banged my head so hard,
my headband hit the girl in
front of me.
I wear headbands more than you know. especially ones with bows on them, because I like them.
It was useless. This thing on my head that did not speak or cry or breathe or die. I want to say, “So long, so long, so long.” I know I never can. Just this headband and me.
“It’s funny you should mention a headband,” she said. “I happen to be wearing one right now!”
She dressed up to do homework. Costumey gold necklace, earrings, headband, giant glasses, layers of clothing and…sweatpants?
“I look like an alien; I have a funny shaped head”.
something that i don’t wear, though a lot of the girls that i played basketball with wore. pretty good at keeping your hair out of your face when you are running up and down the court sweating with the thrill of the game
I wear a headband when exercising. Don’t want to get my hearing-aids wet. See, deaf doesn’t necessarily mean dumb!
As a six year old girl, she would patiently stand in the bathroom facing the mirror as her mother pulled a thin toothed comb through her hair. She winced in silence as each permed curl was brushed through, and would leave the bathroom only after the headband was placed on top of her shiny, black hair. It was a ritual, a little piece of childhood she always remembered when she placed a headband on her own head.
The headband depicts the rising sun of the Japanese empire. It also signified tgo many peoples of asia a sign of domination and the horr
The headband cut into her fourehead as she ran , her legs hurt and sweat ran down her face , her legs were like jelly. The physical pain ebbed through her but it was better then the menatal pain , the pain of the emense loss she felt. The headband still cut into her. She kept running.
headbands are a spectacular hair accesory which is both convenient and stylish. The can be worn casually to gived a natural hair pulled back look, or more elegantly with formal attire. By allowing some hair lose on the sides, it can give a naturally sultry effect.
it is actually what i need now – a headband, something that I can tie my head, force my mind to focus on the final exam, focus on what is really important now, something that can help me avoid distraction.
I don’t know what to say about headbands. They are quite elastic and keep you from sweating all over the place. I don’t believe I’ve ever worn one. They’re used for exercise, and I don’t know what else to say.
i wear it on my head. it keeps my hair back. it’s a fantastic style. it’s also a way to keep the middle of my head warm. i like green ones. they are very classy looking. my best friend wears a lot of headbands. it’s great. im jealous of her look. that bitch.
I pulled it over my head, the material scraping against the long strands that crowned my skull. I ran a hand through my hair, brushing it back from behind by eyes, and continued on my way. No-one noticed that I was wearing it; no-one ever pays any attention to me. That’s just who I am. Indiscriminate. A part of the crowd. It’s my life.
Headbands. Only for those with a fringe. I learned that the hard way as a child. Foreheads are generally not the part of your face that you want to accentuate as they are large and mostly unattractive.
It wasn’t just that he was exercising in his short shorts again. It was the whole ensemble. The Goodies T-Shirt, The Dunlop KT-26’s, The fluffy headband.
He had escaped from the 80’s and he needed to be stopped.
I swung the big 4WD onto the footpath and planted the foot.
His Huey Lewis and the News CD flew out of his walkman moments later as the walkman shattered into a thousand pieces from the impact.
a band for the head, can be of many colours, fabrics or it can even be made out of plastic or metal. It’s to keep the hair from the face.
a band for the head, like a bandana, can be of many colours and fabrics or plastic.
I never wore headbands. Just not my style. In exercise videos in the 80s it was a popular thing to wear. It serves the purpose of collecting sweat.
headbands go around your head. some people wear them for the sole purpose of fashion, some wear them to collect the sweat that pours from their heads. they come in many colors and they don’t look good on me.
white and fun, i think of running and i think of working out, really i think about my self a couple years ago when i went through this gnarly phase, it was sick i wore headband and looked bad ass, haha it was pretty nice.
Her black headband felt too snug behind her ears. She wasn’t used to wearing it, but had put it on for the occasion. Her boyfriend had given it to her for her birthday. She knew she needed to wear it and show her appreciation.
hair off my face. Comfort after a long day. gets too tight, so I finally have to rip it off. love my peach-colored one the best. it’s lost. using a gray one, but don’t enjoy it as much as the peach one.
i use headband when i have less time to prepare and fix my hair
My hippie headband is my favorite of all it brings me up when my mood falls it’s classy and very simple and sits elogently at my temples
the band tightened around my head, swueezing
routine had convinced him that the machine’s hum was not the rattling tail of a diamondback but rather the purr of a kitten. he passively lay down on the bed, allowed them to wrap the band around his head and place the bit in side his mouth. he glanced quickly at the nurse then shut his eyes.
I wore one when I was a little girl, then later across the forehead when in my early 20’s. How rediculous that looked!
A headband is a clothing accessory worn in the hair or around the forehead, usually to hold hair away from the face or eyes. Headbands generally consist of a loop of elastic material or a horseshoe-shaped piece of flexible plastic or metal. They come in assorted shapes and sizes and are used for both practical and fashion purposes.
Another headband has jumped upon us. What does the headband want? It’s living here, after all. It is ALIVE. It is MOVING. It is… well it’s here, and all of you should pay respect to it.
Like the warm up I am doing, the headband keeps your head warm. You ought to thank the head band. It is doing great things for you.
Early morning meeting, so there
Every headband is up to no good. What does it want, to tame the hair? Reign-in the brain, keep that thought-explosion from popping of of the skull? More likely it’s trying to convince the wearer he is a naked brave, skulking through the night, about to tomahawk a fat settler.
it is a nice thing to show off for girlfriends and for much different things …
simplistic beauty
What if my head was in a band? What would it be called? Would it be soulful, or angry punk, or classical, or a love song? I wonder if my head is in a band? I should go to see it.
headbands on boys are really lame. theyre for ppl who think they are cool…but who arent. and they all have royal names like edward or something.. jeez- those ppl should get a
i banged my head so hard,
my headband hit the girl in
front of me.
I wear headbands more than you know. especially ones with bows on them, because I like them.
It was useless. This thing on my head that did not speak or cry or breathe or die. I want to say, “So long, so long, so long.” I know I never can. Just this headband and me.
“It’s funny you should mention a headband,” she said. “I happen to be wearing one right now!”
She dressed up to do homework. Costumey gold necklace, earrings, headband, giant glasses, layers of clothing and…sweatpants?
“I look like an alien; I have a funny shaped head”.
something that i don’t wear, though a lot of the girls that i played basketball with wore. pretty good at keeping your hair out of your face when you are running up and down the court sweating with the thrill of the game
I wear a headband when exercising. Don’t want to get my hearing-aids wet. See, deaf doesn’t necessarily mean dumb!
As a six year old girl, she would patiently stand in the bathroom facing the mirror as her mother pulled a thin toothed comb through her hair. She winced in silence as each permed curl was brushed through, and would leave the bathroom only after the headband was placed on top of her shiny, black hair. It was a ritual, a little piece of childhood she always remembered when she placed a headband on her own head.
The headband depicts the rising sun of the Japanese empire. It also signified tgo many peoples of asia a sign of domination and the horr
The headband cut into her fourehead as she ran , her legs hurt and sweat ran down her face , her legs were like jelly. The physical pain ebbed through her but it was better then the menatal pain , the pain of the emense loss she felt. The headband still cut into her. She kept running.
headbands are a spectacular hair accesory which is both convenient and stylish. The can be worn casually to gived a natural hair pulled back look, or more elegantly with formal attire. By allowing some hair lose on the sides, it can give a naturally sultry effect.
it is actually what i need now – a headband, something that I can tie my head, force my mind to focus on the final exam, focus on what is really important now, something that can help me avoid distraction.
I don’t know what to say about headbands. They are quite elastic and keep you from sweating all over the place. I don’t believe I’ve ever worn one. They’re used for exercise, and I don’t know what else to say.
i wear it on my head. it keeps my hair back. it’s a fantastic style. it’s also a way to keep the middle of my head warm. i like green ones. they are very classy looking. my best friend wears a lot of headbands. it’s great. im jealous of her look. that bitch.
I pulled it over my head, the material scraping against the long strands that crowned my skull. I ran a hand through my hair, brushing it back from behind by eyes, and continued on my way. No-one noticed that I was wearing it; no-one ever pays any attention to me. That’s just who I am. Indiscriminate. A part of the crowd. It’s my life.
Headbands. Only for those with a fringe. I learned that the hard way as a child. Foreheads are generally not the part of your face that you want to accentuate as they are large and mostly unattractive.
It wasn’t just that he was exercising in his short shorts again. It was the whole ensemble. The Goodies T-Shirt, The Dunlop KT-26’s, The fluffy headband.
He had escaped from the 80’s and he needed to be stopped.
I swung the big 4WD onto the footpath and planted the foot.
His Huey Lewis and the News CD flew out of his walkman moments later as the walkman shattered into a thousand pieces from the impact.
a band for the head, can be of many colours, fabrics or it can even be made out of plastic or metal. It’s to keep the hair from the face.
a band for the head, like a bandana, can be of many colours and fabrics or plastic.
I never wore headbands. Just not my style. In exercise videos in the 80s it was a popular thing to wear. It serves the purpose of collecting sweat.
headbands go around your head. some people wear them for the sole purpose of fashion, some wear them to collect the sweat that pours from their heads. they come in many colors and they don’t look good on me.