Today I put a headband on my head. I didnt know if it was cute or dorky. I went to the bus stop and felt dorky. I left in on. The whole day I felt uncomfortable. Someone commented on my headband. I didnt know if they liked it or not. At the end of the day I took it off and put it in my closet. After that, whenever I saw the headband, I felt so uncomfortable and never wore it again.
I don’t like wearing headbands. They always poke behind my ears and it starts to get painful after a while. I wish there were actually some good looking ones that had little soft thingys on the end. But, oh well. I can’t find any.
getting in shape
losing fat
matching accessories
Gay people
will ferrell
other stuf
headband is to put on the head. and it’s an accessory. and that it can be different colors. and i was a kid and i use to wear them alot, i dont wear them anymore, because i look more like a kid if i do. yeah i do look like a kid. i dont know what else to write. head. band. headband. yeah. okay.
My hair fell around the curves of my face and into my eyes. I can’t even see with this stupid headband on. I try to shove the tangled mess back into place when the car in front of me suddenly stops. Oh God was the last thing that ran through my head.
SHe is wearing a headband. It is green, red and orange. “Yuck, those colors are terrible,” thought mary. She couldn’t understand why that ugly girl would want to make herself uglier by wearing that headband.
Headbands, I wear them when I seldom work out, to prevent the sweat from dripping down my hot face.
greg lynch
I hate headbands, they represent everything that is wrong in the world. They’re mostly worn by egotistical idiots who think it’s ‘ironic’ to dress like they’re from the 1980s when they’re only 15. Eugh.
Pretty headbands made up of new ribbons with burned ends so as not to fray lined the drawers of my childhood bathroom. Even though they had a box underneath the sink with fluffy bows they always ended up in the drawers.
hair piece…delightful. Keeps my hair in place and makes me happy throughout the day! Wonderful accessory for me to have. Goes with anything depending on color! Cute
1970s basketball, portland trailblazers, bill walton. so cool, so smooth. short shorts and high socks. everything was more fluid back then, just straight cool, and the headband was the start.
I wore a headband in college once. My best friend told me that I was one of the only people that could pull that off. Her opinion always counted the most to me. I had only bought the headband so that I could attach antennae and be a butterfly for Halloween.
who the hell wears headbands? douche bags and yoga moms. stop wearing them, they do nothing. they catch sweat, which then builds up cuz you never was your headband cuz you will lose it. it then scrubs dead sweat skin cells all over you. gross. if youre a guy and a you wear it, you look like a tool. ladies, not so good for you either (you look like sex and the city moms).
The headband is red, and a little too snug. But she can’t bear to take it off or throw it away, but it was given to her by her first love, on her 13th birthday. It’s the only thing that she has to remember him by.
So she’ll keep on wearing it with pride, even if it gives her headaches. That headband, from her first love.
She pulled the headband over her brows, securing her hair back.
It was an old thing, that headband. She remembered her grandfather wrapping it around her forehead when she was little, comparing her to her grandmother.
uncomfortable, but sylish. Never liked them at all. Kids look stupid. Hate kids
I love the different colors. the beauty it gives you. and the neatness it brings to your face. It makes you look so organized no matter how cluttered your mind is. It’s just so cool to be wearing one
the headband is a useful tool that my friend uses quite often. She wears them all the time and they are constantly being found around my home and my other friends homes. We love her for them though and wouldn’t change anything about her wearing them cause we put them on and wear them around too!
i have a headband. it is cool. it has a red stripe. i sweat on it sometimes. i like to run while wearing my headband. sometimes i let sean borrow it so he can sweat on it too while we’re doin’ it! hell yes. mmm. sean sweat is tasty. he wants to let the cat wear the headband, but i dont think it will fit him. besides,
i have a headband that is sparkly and has a bow on
people like it alot and think it is fashionable
it wont be fashionable in about 10 years
which is kind of sad
it is purple and black
i have a white one
i think flower headbands would work for some fashion
Her headband displayed the proud heritage of her people, the great Lakota Sioux, from the region of North Dakota, her name was Bethany and she was a friend i truly thought of with great fondness.
maxine paradiso
Headband on my head
yellow , blue, green and orange.
Ties back the strands
fits just perfect
love the way it looks greatly designed
headband on my head
Jessica Nelon
He wrapped the headband around his arm to show solidarity and support for the anti-war march downtown. Since that morning, the news station vans were parked outside at the front and end of the street with cameras in tow, and reporters preparing to go live. That including Bill Russel, who worked for channel 5, fixing his tie and clearing his throat. He already had in mind the basics of the event: college students holding rallies on campus and handing out fliers to march up to Capitol Hill and have their say.
“This is Bill Russel.” he said to himself, practicing.
“Scott, how do I look? Is my hair fine?”
The cameraman gave a thumbs up in approval.
“We’re going live in 3…2…1.”
The tape began to roll.
Gouldin Lion
the hippie wore a headband. it was a bright red strip of cloth salvaged from a thrift store somewhere in time. it wasn’t much of a headband but it was the only one she had.
In the fifth grade I wore a headband with my pageboy hairdo. Made me feel very withit and pretty as far as fifth grader can be. Each generation and era has its “headband”- what is mine now?
a piece of elastic worn mostly by girls to keep their hair out of their face. The headband comes in various widths, colors and sometimes patterns. There are a few young men who wear them but that is not the fashion.
My hair never really touches my face but I love the look of the headband on me. I am trying to decide on whether or not I should grow it out…Pro’s i could wear more headbands con’s?? I have none
Her hair was flinging back and forth crazily and she regretted losing her tie in the forest. Wishing she could go back and relive that moment, she searched the trees for any sort of material she could use. Xavier reccommended a rather large and sturdy looking blade of grass but it wasn’t the same for Seraphine.
i like wearing head bands they fit snugly on m head and keep me warm i dont know hosw they do do ti but tis good like head band style oh yeha
She adjusted the headband behind her ears again, trying to find a place that it didn’t pinch her head and give her a headache. Some of her bangs slipped out from under the plastic teeth on the underside of the band and she groaned. She was never going to get this thing on right today.
I decided I should wear my headband as I killed myself. I’m not sure if I ended up wearing it at my funeral, but would like to think I did.
80’s wow break a sweat! then shot that thing to the trash can!
Bobby Lightening
pull your hair back away from your face and see things clearly. bind your head for the sake of style. when i was a little girl i wanted my bangs in front but my mother got mad
The 80’s called and wants their headband back. All of the colors are in one headband making it the best day of your life. As you live in this life, remember that the headband is your keystone
Her headband lay broken on the floor. It had shattered when she had violently thrown it off of her head in rage. She thought for sure that Tommy would finally notice her today. If only she had said something to him. If only she had been prettier. So many “if onlys” ran through her head she became tired and dizzy. She collapsed on her bed, and began to cry. It was just another day in her life, and she had failed herself again…
My friends are the type who discuss what kinds of superheros we would be. As for myself, I would have telepathic and telekinetic powers, and my name would be Enigma. We’ve created this entire world full of our friends and enemies, turned into alter-comic book personas. Now, what does this have to do with headbands, you say? Why my costume of course! Whatever it is, it will be finished off with a headband type thing embellished with the Eye of Horus.
something used as an accessory for hair. popular with hipsters, girls, gays, and athletes.
wrapped in silky smothering limit, she cries. tears of terror trapped a million times. she throws away.
Today I put a headband on my head. I didnt know if it was cute or dorky. I went to the bus stop and felt dorky. I left in on. The whole day I felt uncomfortable. Someone commented on my headband. I didnt know if they liked it or not. At the end of the day I took it off and put it in my closet. After that, whenever I saw the headband, I felt so uncomfortable and never wore it again.
I don’t like wearing headbands. They always poke behind my ears and it starts to get painful after a while. I wish there were actually some good looking ones that had little soft thingys on the end. But, oh well. I can’t find any.
getting in shape
losing fat
matching accessories
Gay people
will ferrell
other stuf
headband is to put on the head. and it’s an accessory. and that it can be different colors. and i was a kid and i use to wear them alot, i dont wear them anymore, because i look more like a kid if i do. yeah i do look like a kid. i dont know what else to write. head. band. headband. yeah. okay.
My hair fell around the curves of my face and into my eyes. I can’t even see with this stupid headband on. I try to shove the tangled mess back into place when the car in front of me suddenly stops. Oh God was the last thing that ran through my head.
SHe is wearing a headband. It is green, red and orange. “Yuck, those colors are terrible,” thought mary. She couldn’t understand why that ugly girl would want to make herself uglier by wearing that headband.
Headbands, I wear them when I seldom work out, to prevent the sweat from dripping down my hot face.
greg lynch
I hate headbands, they represent everything that is wrong in the world. They’re mostly worn by egotistical idiots who think it’s ‘ironic’ to dress like they’re from the 1980s when they’re only 15. Eugh.
Pretty headbands made up of new ribbons with burned ends so as not to fray lined the drawers of my childhood bathroom. Even though they had a box underneath the sink with fluffy bows they always ended up in the drawers.
hair piece…delightful. Keeps my hair in place and makes me happy throughout the day! Wonderful accessory for me to have. Goes with anything depending on color! Cute
1970s basketball, portland trailblazers, bill walton. so cool, so smooth. short shorts and high socks. everything was more fluid back then, just straight cool, and the headband was the start.
I wore a headband in college once. My best friend told me that I was one of the only people that could pull that off. Her opinion always counted the most to me. I had only bought the headband so that I could attach antennae and be a butterfly for Halloween.
who the hell wears headbands? douche bags and yoga moms. stop wearing them, they do nothing. they catch sweat, which then builds up cuz you never was your headband cuz you will lose it. it then scrubs dead sweat skin cells all over you. gross. if youre a guy and a you wear it, you look like a tool. ladies, not so good for you either (you look like sex and the city moms).
The headband is red, and a little too snug. But she can’t bear to take it off or throw it away, but it was given to her by her first love, on her 13th birthday. It’s the only thing that she has to remember him by.
So she’ll keep on wearing it with pride, even if it gives her headaches. That headband, from her first love.
She pulled the headband over her brows, securing her hair back.
It was an old thing, that headband. She remembered her grandfather wrapping it around her forehead when she was little, comparing her to her grandmother.
uncomfortable, but sylish. Never liked them at all. Kids look stupid. Hate kids
I love the different colors. the beauty it gives you. and the neatness it brings to your face. It makes you look so organized no matter how cluttered your mind is. It’s just so cool to be wearing one
the headband is a useful tool that my friend uses quite often. She wears them all the time and they are constantly being found around my home and my other friends homes. We love her for them though and wouldn’t change anything about her wearing them cause we put them on and wear them around too!
i have a headband. it is cool. it has a red stripe. i sweat on it sometimes. i like to run while wearing my headband. sometimes i let sean borrow it so he can sweat on it too while we’re doin’ it! hell yes. mmm. sean sweat is tasty. he wants to let the cat wear the headband, but i dont think it will fit him. besides,
i have a headband that is sparkly and has a bow on
people like it alot and think it is fashionable
it wont be fashionable in about 10 years
which is kind of sad
it is purple and black
i have a white one
i think flower headbands would work for some fashion
Her headband displayed the proud heritage of her people, the great Lakota Sioux, from the region of North Dakota, her name was Bethany and she was a friend i truly thought of with great fondness.
Headband on my head
yellow , blue, green and orange.
Ties back the strands
fits just perfect
love the way it looks greatly designed
headband on my head
He wrapped the headband around his arm to show solidarity and support for the anti-war march downtown. Since that morning, the news station vans were parked outside at the front and end of the street with cameras in tow, and reporters preparing to go live. That including Bill Russel, who worked for channel 5, fixing his tie and clearing his throat. He already had in mind the basics of the event: college students holding rallies on campus and handing out fliers to march up to Capitol Hill and have their say.
“This is Bill Russel.” he said to himself, practicing.
“Scott, how do I look? Is my hair fine?”
The cameraman gave a thumbs up in approval.
“We’re going live in 3…2…1.”
The tape began to roll.
the hippie wore a headband. it was a bright red strip of cloth salvaged from a thrift store somewhere in time. it wasn’t much of a headband but it was the only one she had.
In the fifth grade I wore a headband with my pageboy hairdo. Made me feel very withit and pretty as far as fifth grader can be. Each generation and era has its “headband”- what is mine now?
a piece of elastic worn mostly by girls to keep their hair out of their face. The headband comes in various widths, colors and sometimes patterns. There are a few young men who wear them but that is not the fashion.
My hair never really touches my face but I love the look of the headband on me. I am trying to decide on whether or not I should grow it out…Pro’s i could wear more headbands con’s?? I have none
Her hair was flinging back and forth crazily and she regretted losing her tie in the forest. Wishing she could go back and relive that moment, she searched the trees for any sort of material she could use. Xavier reccommended a rather large and sturdy looking blade of grass but it wasn’t the same for Seraphine.
i like wearing head bands they fit snugly on m head and keep me warm i dont know hosw they do do ti but tis good like head band style oh yeha
She adjusted the headband behind her ears again, trying to find a place that it didn’t pinch her head and give her a headache. Some of her bangs slipped out from under the plastic teeth on the underside of the band and she groaned. She was never going to get this thing on right today.
I decided I should wear my headband as I killed myself. I’m not sure if I ended up wearing it at my funeral, but would like to think I did.
80’s wow break a sweat! then shot that thing to the trash can!
pull your hair back away from your face and see things clearly. bind your head for the sake of style. when i was a little girl i wanted my bangs in front but my mother got mad
The 80’s called and wants their headband back. All of the colors are in one headband making it the best day of your life. As you live in this life, remember that the headband is your keystone
Her headband lay broken on the floor. It had shattered when she had violently thrown it off of her head in rage. She thought for sure that Tommy would finally notice her today. If only she had said something to him. If only she had been prettier. So many “if onlys” ran through her head she became tired and dizzy. She collapsed on her bed, and began to cry. It was just another day in her life, and she had failed herself again…
My friends are the type who discuss what kinds of superheros we would be. As for myself, I would have telepathic and telekinetic powers, and my name would be Enigma. We’ve created this entire world full of our friends and enemies, turned into alter-comic book personas. Now, what does this have to do with headbands, you say? Why my costume of course! Whatever it is, it will be finished off with a headband type thing embellished with the Eye of Horus.
something used as an accessory for hair. popular with hipsters, girls, gays, and athletes.
wrapped in silky smothering limit, she cries. tears of terror trapped a million times. she throws away.