Once upon a time, there was a sparkly headband that saved someone’s life, opening their creative world.
I don’t know about it, how can I write about that,
The girl wore a plaid head band that pretty much summed up the way she lived her life. Very safe. Playing it safe was her forte, like one would play a guitar. She was not one to stand out and aim to make a splash, this would be her blessing and ultimately her greatest cure.
Angelique Choplin
The headband is crushing my skull. okay agreed it makes me look oooo so pretty. But the pain! Oh the pain!
Forget the looks and keeping the hair in place.
I’ll go for the ragamuffin look and the comfort that comes with it.
i wore a headband to school one day and it turned out to be a magickal headband. whoever wore it had magickal powers AND could do whatever they wanted. i decided to become invisable and rob banks until i became a millionare and be the happiest woman alive.
injury. hurt. So poor. How can I help? I wonder. I’ve been tortured. How can I help? So I wonder.
Hold my hair back. I love my ribbon head band, it reminds of when I was a child again. When it was ok to claim to not do anything all day, t only want to play and be in the sun. They are slightly unconventional, they fall off my crazy hair. Hair ties work better.
I means to be happy and have a certain look on your face. Sometimes your teeth show, sometimes your eyes get squinty. It can look sad or happy, look evil or bad. Some people are self conscious about theirs.
Stupid, kind of pointless, semi-functional. Good for sports. Looks good on emo girls. Kind of creative. Not really useful in day to day stuff. ?
What is this?, I don’t understand. Why should I type here. Can you give more details. This is for testing.
the girl was wearing a pretty headband today. i liked it in her hair . and it matched her shirt. i think ill ask her out for coffee tomarow morning.
She had a headband, it kept her hair straight. She wore it through thick and thin, sunrise to sunset. It made her identity, also see her as a compassionate girl to keep the hairband with her for a long time.
She wore one of those pink headbands from the 80’s. Not a scrunchy, but a headband. She always wore it when she worked out twice a week at the local gym. It covered up the unsightly lumps on her head that came from the places where her horns used to be. Human unicorn hybrids aren’t common these days.
They don’t fit my head. I’ve never found one that works; sooner or later, they all succumb to the pull of gravity, falling gracefully from the back of my head, or suddenly blinding me, falling into my eyes as I move. I’ve given up on headbands.
i saw a head band. back in ’95. they weren’t as good as they used to be, and they looked like shit.
brain tournaqet
I used to have a headband collection when I was younger, it had purple, blue, green, all sorts of colors you could imagine in it when I was little. I wore these headbands EVERY DAY. I’m not even joking, I was known as the headband girl all through middle and elementary school for this. I still have the pictures too. Luckily, I got rid of the headbands, except for one, just to remind me.
If that motherfucker ever shoves that headband in my face again, I swear, he doesn’t know anything about love. He’s crazy. I’ll drop some quarters in that headband, roll it up, swing it at his jaw, and he’ll shut up for once. Dumb motherfucker. Mouth full of silver. See how he likes it. I’ll tell him about love.
When I was in the third grade, I had a leopard print headband that I wore every day to school. One day a popular girl stood up and told me that it made my ears stick out. That day when I got home from school, I hid my headband in the bottom of my closet and never looked at it again.
Cheerleaders wear headbands to keep their hair back. I’m pretty sure if they didn’t when they did flips and stuff their hair might get in the way. But they look pretty dorky. I wonder how cheerleaders would look with short hair.
The bright colored headband clashed with her clothes, but she wore it every day because he’d given it to her. It was a cheap gift, but she loved it anyway, and she knew he didn’t have money or really any idea what you should get a girl for her birthday. It was a sweet gesture, and while she knew it would never work out between them in the long run, she loved his innocence and felt safe around him in a way she usually didn’t around men. She knew that she was leading him on, and only hoped he wouldn’t end up angry at her for it.
head. band. bang. head. zzzz
i’m really in to headbands lately. i’ve seen cute ones at several stores. i’m contemplating wearing one to my sister’s wedding, but i don’t want to seem like i’m upstaging her or have people wondering why i have that weird headband on my head. i also have been wearing a lot of bows in my hair, along with headbands
I watch as she removes her headband from her forehead. She was just so beautiful standing there. I took the fabric out of her hand.
Cassie C
i like headbands. in fact, i bought a nike headband at the store and used it when i had long hair. however, i lost it somewhere and i am wondering where the hell it went. i am not going to buy another one because i have found my
i like to wear headbands because it keeps the hiar out of my face, also it’s a cute accesorie. i like them usually to be pink or white
headbands are for douchebag hipster kids.
screw this.
head is th eimportant part of the human body.. head band means wg=hich is used to cover the head to protect from some of the out side things.
Hipsters are really lame, but I kind of enjoy their silly headbands sometimes. You know what I don’t enjoy though. Them drinking fucking cheap ass beer and thinking they’re super cool…oh, goodness. D: Hipsters. What. The. Fuck. Am I right? I am.
She got her headband and gingerly fixed her hair. It is their first date after all and she wanted to look fabulous.
She is excited, giddy with anticipation. Would they have a good time together? Would there be a second one after this?
I had a headband once, it had a Hello Kitty on the front of it. Everytime I wore it, I felt like I was a brand, an advertiser for Sanrio. I loved that headband though, because my best friend gave it to me. She died from Cancer last year, and I really wanted to put the headband on her at the funeral, but her mother forbade me. So I dropped it in her grave.
headband ok oh no im out of time!
Something you wrap around your head that instantly turns you into a non-conformist badass.
Today I wore my favorite pink headband and thought I looked pretty. My boyfriend told me that the way the headband fit made me look like a cancer patient. All I wanted to do was go and cry.
you wear it on your head. in your hair. it can look good, and bad.
my head’s too big for headband. i need XXL.
Once upon a time, there was a sparkly headband that saved someone’s life, opening their creative world.
I don’t know about it, how can I write about that,
The girl wore a plaid head band that pretty much summed up the way she lived her life. Very safe. Playing it safe was her forte, like one would play a guitar. She was not one to stand out and aim to make a splash, this would be her blessing and ultimately her greatest cure.
The headband is crushing my skull. okay agreed it makes me look oooo so pretty. But the pain! Oh the pain!
Forget the looks and keeping the hair in place.
I’ll go for the ragamuffin look and the comfort that comes with it.
i wore a headband to school one day and it turned out to be a magickal headband. whoever wore it had magickal powers AND could do whatever they wanted. i decided to become invisable and rob banks until i became a millionare and be the happiest woman alive.
injury. hurt. So poor. How can I help? I wonder. I’ve been tortured. How can I help? So I wonder.
Hold my hair back. I love my ribbon head band, it reminds of when I was a child again. When it was ok to claim to not do anything all day, t only want to play and be in the sun. They are slightly unconventional, they fall off my crazy hair. Hair ties work better.
I means to be happy and have a certain look on your face. Sometimes your teeth show, sometimes your eyes get squinty. It can look sad or happy, look evil or bad. Some people are self conscious about theirs.
Stupid, kind of pointless, semi-functional. Good for sports. Looks good on emo girls. Kind of creative. Not really useful in day to day stuff. ?
What is this?, I don’t understand. Why should I type here. Can you give more details. This is for testing.
the girl was wearing a pretty headband today. i liked it in her hair . and it matched her shirt. i think ill ask her out for coffee tomarow morning.
She had a headband, it kept her hair straight. She wore it through thick and thin, sunrise to sunset. It made her identity, also see her as a compassionate girl to keep the hairband with her for a long time.
She wore one of those pink headbands from the 80’s. Not a scrunchy, but a headband. She always wore it when she worked out twice a week at the local gym. It covered up the unsightly lumps on her head that came from the places where her horns used to be. Human unicorn hybrids aren’t common these days.
They don’t fit my head. I’ve never found one that works; sooner or later, they all succumb to the pull of gravity, falling gracefully from the back of my head, or suddenly blinding me, falling into my eyes as I move. I’ve given up on headbands.
i saw a head band. back in ’95. they weren’t as good as they used to be, and they looked like shit.
brain tournaqet
I used to have a headband collection when I was younger, it had purple, blue, green, all sorts of colors you could imagine in it when I was little. I wore these headbands EVERY DAY. I’m not even joking, I was known as the headband girl all through middle and elementary school for this. I still have the pictures too. Luckily, I got rid of the headbands, except for one, just to remind me.
If that motherfucker ever shoves that headband in my face again, I swear, he doesn’t know anything about love. He’s crazy. I’ll drop some quarters in that headband, roll it up, swing it at his jaw, and he’ll shut up for once. Dumb motherfucker. Mouth full of silver. See how he likes it. I’ll tell him about love.
When I was in the third grade, I had a leopard print headband that I wore every day to school. One day a popular girl stood up and told me that it made my ears stick out. That day when I got home from school, I hid my headband in the bottom of my closet and never looked at it again.
Cheerleaders wear headbands to keep their hair back. I’m pretty sure if they didn’t when they did flips and stuff their hair might get in the way. But they look pretty dorky. I wonder how cheerleaders would look with short hair.
The bright colored headband clashed with her clothes, but she wore it every day because he’d given it to her. It was a cheap gift, but she loved it anyway, and she knew he didn’t have money or really any idea what you should get a girl for her birthday. It was a sweet gesture, and while she knew it would never work out between them in the long run, she loved his innocence and felt safe around him in a way she usually didn’t around men. She knew that she was leading him on, and only hoped he wouldn’t end up angry at her for it.
head. band. bang. head. zzzz
i’m really in to headbands lately. i’ve seen cute ones at several stores. i’m contemplating wearing one to my sister’s wedding, but i don’t want to seem like i’m upstaging her or have people wondering why i have that weird headband on my head. i also have been wearing a lot of bows in my hair, along with headbands
I watch as she removes her headband from her forehead. She was just so beautiful standing there. I took the fabric out of her hand.
i like headbands. in fact, i bought a nike headband at the store and used it when i had long hair. however, i lost it somewhere and i am wondering where the hell it went. i am not going to buy another one because i have found my
i like to wear headbands because it keeps the hiar out of my face, also it’s a cute accesorie. i like them usually to be pink or white
headbands are for douchebag hipster kids.
screw this.
head is th eimportant part of the human body.. head band means wg=hich is used to cover the head to protect from some of the out side things.
Hipsters are really lame, but I kind of enjoy their silly headbands sometimes. You know what I don’t enjoy though. Them drinking fucking cheap ass beer and thinking they’re super cool…oh, goodness. D: Hipsters. What. The. Fuck. Am I right? I am.
She got her headband and gingerly fixed her hair. It is their first date after all and she wanted to look fabulous.
She is excited, giddy with anticipation. Would they have a good time together? Would there be a second one after this?
I had a headband once, it had a Hello Kitty on the front of it. Everytime I wore it, I felt like I was a brand, an advertiser for Sanrio. I loved that headband though, because my best friend gave it to me. She died from Cancer last year, and I really wanted to put the headband on her at the funeral, but her mother forbade me. So I dropped it in her grave.
headband ok oh no im out of time!
Something you wrap around your head that instantly turns you into a non-conformist badass.
Today I wore my favorite pink headband and thought I looked pretty. My boyfriend told me that the way the headband fit made me look like a cancer patient. All I wanted to do was go and cry.
you wear it on your head. in your hair. it can look good, and bad.