
November 20th, 2008 | 786 Entries

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786 Entries for “held”

  1. When I held her in my arms, it felt just as if I were holding a human child. She may not be able to convey her thoughts to me verbally nor is she human, but in that moment when I held her, I felt like she was my little girl, albeit with four legs and a shorter lifespan.

  2. he held the candy over his head as the children strained to reach it. after a time, he tired of the ‘game’ and starting asking questions to determine who should have a piece. “What kind thing did you do for someone today?” “Did you say I love you to anyone today?” When was the last time you thanked your mom or dad?

  3. He held his head in his hands, wondering if he would ever see her again.

    Phil Bearce
  4. held too long
    held too little
    held too tight
    held too ample
    held too seriously
    held too lax
    to be held

    held too sweetly
    held too bitterly
    held too heeding
    held too unheedingly
    held too soft
    held too rough
    to be held

    held too ardently
    held too reluctantly
    held too greatly
    held too scarcely
    held too happily
    held too unwillingly
    to be held

    held too steadily
    held too unexpectedly
    held too carefully
    held too carelessly
    held too tenderly
    held too coarsely
    to be held

    Emily Patterson
  5. i held a really big elephant made out of oranges. in the other hand i held a really small peacock, who was trying to eat the elephant. suddenly the elephant lunged forwards, oranges spilling everyone. children ran past me, staring at me, falling over the oranges. i felt the embarrassment hang over me.

  6. hey. I think I just wanted to say hi :)

    and ‘i love you’

  7. I held him in my arms. I have been waiting for that moment far too long and now I am cherishing every second of it. I didn’t want to let go.

    This has not happened yet, but I am hoping it will, someday. Soon.

  8. He held up the torch, high above his head. Suddenly a drip of hot amber dripped from the immolated cloth onto his leather jacket. “Damn, he thought, this is my favorite jacket.”

  9. I held her as she cried . . . . . her body trembling against mine. the lonliness and pain were consuming and her body heaved with sobs. What was I to do . . . . except to just hold her and allow her to grieve . . . I just held her in my arms.

  10. As I held the world in my hands I thought about what everything means. Does holding to world truely make me a protector or a guardian? Can I truely protect the world alone?

    I do not think so.

    Karl Potter
  11. I held her naked naked breast in my hand, and thought… wait a minute.. do i even know who this is? When I snapped out of my daze, i realised it was Winona Ryder, and I began to weep… for you should never hold the breast of one who steals.

    Mitch Hedberg
  12. Good a new word. Finally, I’ve been checking this site every week and there is just nothing. Stop holding back oneword. I love your site and I want to write but your limiting me. I love you but you’re bringing me down. Don’t hold back.

  13. I am being held by two people at once. We are in the king-sized bed we bought for this purpose. I love them, they love me. Life is good and I have become very happy in my heart. Why does the world not want me to be held in more than one heart?

  14. I held the blanket close. I did not want to lose the day- the night was here but tomorrow too far away. Too close and yet too far. This was all I knew. It scared me.

  15. being held is something if you do if you love someone. to be held is to be loved, not hurt

  16. i was held back by my boy friend he did not love me and so he held me back in some way. i hate eing held back. the owrd that is writen here is held in dutch there is a simulair word is is a hero. this is really not enough time to wirte down what you think

  17. hero everything is alright now that she is here everybody hopes, people are happy and safe. what happened to you?

  18. i held him in my arms,
    it felt so good, my heart was beating so fast, i wanted the moment to freeze,,,

  19. she held me close and it was like everything was whole. There was nothing to want nothing to gain from it this was is and it was complete and special in its existence warm and fluffy like summer love but permamanent. It was in that moment that I realized it would of course have to end, or i would get bored.

  20. When I clicked on one word today, I held my breath hoping for a new word. Once again I am disappointed and am left holding my sack instead!

  21. she held on tight would he let go, could he be as strong as he looks?she dangled there not looking down not even having time to think?would she have time to see hime again or………..

  22. held? still? Really? I want my money back. God I found this site on stumble and thought the idea seemed so awesome but now, 3 effing times i”ve gotten the same goddamn word. I am thouroughly pissed. Oh and then i just submitted my story and forgot to put my name and email so when i went back, it lets me write for 60 more seconds with my old writing still there. I hate this site now.

  23. you place something in your hand and grasp it,this is the past tense of holding an object

    or when you are kept in a place usually without your permission

  24. The monster held the screaming blonde. The mother held the child. The test taker held his breath. The earth held the next moment available for those willing to grasp it.

    dave macpherson
  25. Held in mid-air by the tight rope, she looked down and wondered if it would hold.

    Yes, there was a net down there, but would it really support her if she fell?

    Being held up high in the arms of God seems a better choice than a thin little wire that could snap and tumble her to her death at any moment.

    Being held close to the heart of God seems a much better choice in deed.

  26. I am held to a higher level of accountability. Why is that? Why is it that so many others can get away with murder, but if I breathe wrong, it’s my head on a platter? Held accountable…that’s why. I allow myself to be responsible for my actions.

  27. I can’t wait for Thursday. I love the feeling of being held in his arms. It makes the time we are apart worth it. Never again will I take his hugs for granted.

  28. whatever that was held that i could see, but it didn’t make any sense. i could sense the touch but that was it. whatever time that i spent on it, beyond it all was not really making any sense. whatever that was held that i could see, but it didn’t make any sense. i could sense the touch but that was it. whatever time that i spent on it, beyond it all was not really making any sense. whatever that was held that i could see, but it didn’t make any sense. i could sense the touch but that was it. whatever time that i spent on it, beyond it all was not really making any sense. whatever that was held that i could see, but it didn’t make any sense. i could sense the touch but that was it. whatever time that i spent on it, beyond it all was not really making any sense.

  29. he held me tight.

  30. i don’t know what is means.. i feel so stupid…

  31. once again….as if writing about it will make it more possible…more mine…more desirable….as if the world would open up to me in its heldness……mine……..

  32. this was the word ….and now i face it again..held…..rocked…blessed..the division between us fading….oneness

  33. In one wor I would like to say that MONEY DOESNT MEAN A THING! LOVE, PEACE & UNITY is what will make us be happy & satisfied!
    So love one another!

  34. i held the baby

    Frustrated poor desi
  35. I held the sword close to my chest…My heart beating, throbbing in my ears. I could hear everything around me…Every little detail echoed in my brain endlessly.
    This was my one chance to strike and end it all for good. Sweat dripped down my arms, reaching my hands and loosening my grip on the sword..

  36. I held her close, or I meant to. I didn’t though. I was just like the back of a chair. Slightly uncomfortable, but warm. With a reservation about it. Like it wanted to be a flashier chair but never thought it was dignified.

  37. the way he held me was like how i always wanted him to but he only sometimes did. i could feel that he regretted everything he’d done to me before and was glad for what we had just done. and i wasn’t mad we did it. or that he made me cry. just the way he held me like he never had before he messed it all up did.

  38. And I held my Shih-Tzu in my arms. His puppy dog eyes losing their sparkle, and in its place a dull kind of unfocused glaze.
    He had eaten something that quite obviously did not agree with him.
    I held him all the way to the vet.
    And he didn’t make it.

  39. He held me in his arms as we had the not so silent struggle. Moving ourselves accidentally together, not fully clothed… Wrestling ended up being better than the sex we would never have had in those circumstances… Looking back, I mostly remember the way he felt when our lips brushed together… Do I love him?

  40. held back by what others expect of you and what you expect from yourself, you try to strive forward. You know that you are worth far more than what they think, and you, yes you ari, should know that by now. you should never let anyone’s thoughts or expectations for/about you hold you back from anything you want.
