
November 20th, 2008 | 786 Entries

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786 Entries for “held”

  1. I held your hand
    in mine
    it was so soft
    so small
    smelling like rosewater
    and flour

  2. he held the girls hand as they walked down the busy streets of downtown LA. he did this because the girl was only two years old as time passed he stopped holding her hand because she was gettng older and could cross the streets by herself.

    Johanna Rodriguez
  3. I held a guitar and i thought that it would be cool to play it so i played it and it was awsome i wis that i knew how to play it because i would probably be good at playing it.

    Kyle Adlam
  4. We held hands once.
    Weird that my hand feels so vacant without
    I contributed to the ending, though.
    I held myself back.
    Held sounds rather queer when you say it
    It sounds like a mythical place.
    Not sure.
    I am blank today.

  5. She held her child tightly in her amrs, afraid of his startling reaction. “What will happen next?” she thought. Finally, after several anxious minutes, she let go.

  6. Tightly my arms gripped, but not too tight, they are so fragile. His face wrinkled as he began to cry, my tears flowing with his.

    “Gabriel”, I whispered, “Welcome to the world”

  7. I held it in my hand when I thougtht I had nothing left. it was the most amazing expirience.

  8. I held it in my hand, glancing down at it, my mouth opened to one side. “How…what…what is ths?” But I knew what it was. It was her heart. I held her heart in my hand, and I knew that if she did not get it back, I would loose it somehow. Because that was just the kind of person I was.

  9. slowly doomguy entered the room holding the flashlight. his father had warned him against entering because DEMONS were here. doomguy herd a noise and he turned around. nothing wasw there. then doomguy became afraid and he made his way trhough the ship. suddenly, he turned around. then he saidd BEGONE ZOMBIE GOASTS. I AM NOT AFRADE.

  10. I held the torch as I traveled through the caves. I began to make my way through the damp cave, wary of the darkness approaching. As soon as I got in deeper and I started to hear water dripping from the walls, bats came out of the dark and started flying at me. I waved my torch at them, but they still flew in. I burned a few, but they scared me half to death.

    Mr. Derp
  11. I held held held a PS3 controller

  12. i help a yang women shi told me i has nice boyn for helpin her so much she gave me a candy for helping her cross the street she was very thakfoll

  13. i help a yang women shi told me i has nice boyn for helpin her so much she gave me a candy for helping her cross the street she was very thakfoll

  14. I held the ball in my hand. I thought about what to do with this hitter. I had two strikes, and a pitch to waste. What to do, what to do? I figured I should try to get him to swing at a breaking pitch. Here goes nothing…
    Yeah baby. I struck him out. This time at least. I knew that if I faced him again, things would be different

    Garrett Durbin
  15. i held the sandwhich that i was going to eat. It looked so good. It was a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich and I hadn’t eaten in 30 days. If I could just keep it in my grasp I would be ok, but i was so weak from not eating. Soon I would be fine though. Right when I held the sandwehich to my mouth I tripped and fell. I didn’t know it would all come to this. I would never be able to eat again. But I had to fight! I couldn’t let it end like this! I needed to live! I got on my feet and saved myself.

  16. I held the flower in my hands, turning it around and around, watching its petals fan out as I twirled it. So beautiful… so delicate. And I couldn’t help but think how it was on its way to death. Slaughtered because I wanted to hold something beautiful.

  17. i held a litte puppy when it was just born. i thought how cute this puppy has a little brown tail but hes black. when his mommy came i gave the puppy to her and i wasnt able to carry him again.

    nicole contreras
  18. I held the ball in my hand. I thought about what to do with this hitter. I had two strikes, and a pitch to waste. What to do, what to do? I figured I should try to get him to swing at a breaking pitch. Here goes nothing…
    Yeah baby. I struck him out. This time at least. I knew that if I faced him again, things would be different

    Garrett Durbin
  19. I held my mom as she died in my hands. The cancer got to her and yet she still gazed upon me with those earnest eyes; those loving eyes.

    timothy traver
  20. You held me in your arms
    the sun shined on our lives
    the thoughts inside my head were calm and peaceful
    all the things that scared me slowly melted away
    You held me in your arms
    our lives combined as one
    the thoughts of happiness are all that i knew
    the music played and the time flew
    as we danced away the night
    You held me in your arms as the dawn came into sight
    The world would stop in those moments of affection
    The peace I felt achieved no where else
    We danced, laughed, dreamed, and loved
    As you helped me in your arms
    The world flew by but we always hoped it had stopped
    Until that moment when the ball finally dropped
    I wasn’t the one in your arms anymore
    You left me cold and alone
    But for some reason

    I still will let you hold me in your arms

    Nikki Harrold
  21. i went to the park and i saw this big
    coin it was so big it was like a bird
    i got it and put it and went home and
    put it in my closet

    carlos juarez
  22. I held in my hand the diploma I had worked so hard to get. It didn’t seem like it was 5 years worth of work but it was. I was happy to have it in my hand. I smiled broadly as I walked across the stage and had my picture made. I held in my hand the key to my future.

    Laurie Fowler
  23. Im so glad this day has finally come. No more school, one more say of work, and then the fun begins. I actually will take time out to be held. Sit back relax and be held. I have longed for his tender caress. Time to be held.

    Precious Mitchell
  24. I held a sandwich. It feld good . I ate the sandwich. It was so delicious, I had another one. That one wasn’t as good. I wish it tasted like the other one. The other one tasted so much better.

    Matthew Hallada
  25. The man held the gun while I held the bank for ransom. The people were horrified, I was mad. We were both mad… thinking we would rob a bank. So many people think it’s really easy, but no. It was no picnic. As soon as the police came, me a Franco ran out the front door, holding a child in our arms.

    Danny Jaramillo
  26. While held in chains one day, I saw
    A maiden with hair colored straw.
    As I was bound so was she too,
    But unlike she, I had a view.
    Such a pretty face.
    I love you.

    Nat Yonce
  27. Stay still and don’t move. He put the gun up to my head and told me to be very careful and not make any sudden movement. At first I was very confused, but then I realized that I was being held captive.

  28. i’ve lived long enough to know who i am;
    i’ve loved enough to know where i stand;
    i’ve fought enough to know how to win;
    i’ve lost enough to know how to land;

    and if they want to shake me down
    let them try
    i’m already found

    and if they want to wash me clean
    let them try
    i’m already green

    oh, the things that i held
    the places i carried them
    the things that i held
    and where i had began
    (where i had began)

  29. held??????????? i dont speak english and i dont know what “held” means? I’m from a non-english spoken country SWEDEN and we learn english in school, i guess i have to learn what “held” means.

  30. she held my nuts as she sucked every last drop of goo from my sack!

  31. Held. Complete. Harmony. Rhythm. Solitutde. Peace. Integrity. White integrity. Blue state of mind. Solace Solace Solace. I was held. And I said. You are beautiful. You are the most beautiful thing in the world.

    Akiko Mahreen Mukai Agha
  32. You held me close. And whispered in my ear “I have a secret”..I looked a you with longing eyes as I opened my mouth to say it to you, you said it for me “I think I’m in love with you.” That night, in your car, after experiencing your world and seeing you in it. I knew I loved you. And I knew I always would. You held a piece of my heart that night and I knew from then on you would always hold a part of me.

  33. I held a frozen water botel to school today and in the morning,the water was smoking.Like smoke was comming out of it.

    Grigor Nargizyan
  34. one night i held my first football and when i held it i knew i would like this sport.as soon as i held it i tryed to learn how to play this sport.and i eventually learned

  35. i held my book in my hand during my history class. i held my book in my hand because i couldnt leave in my locker.

    adrian ramos
  36. i held the baby in my arms. she was the most beautiful baby in the world. she had nice big blue eyes and nose just like the dad. her hand were so soft and she was the softest baby i ever touch. she was also so light that i felt like if i was going to drop her.it felt like if i was carrying a cloud. she looked so peaceful when she was slepping, her face looked as if she was dreaming with angels.

  37. one night i held my first bat it was a cool emosion i was realy happy.then i went to the bath room and when i got out he held his first ball he was realy proud.it was a cool emotion.

  38. the first time i held a basketball i knew i would like this sport. i started playing and practicing. after some years i got good and began to play in tournaments. that is where i am now

  39. I held the thingie in my left hand and saw it burnig . I was stunned, how could this happen??? Maar dan ben ik een held! Ik kan dingen in de fik steken, ongelooflijk!
    This is a story about an amazing object!!

  40. The world of social networking is too complicated, it’s hard to see the point…

    Fred Mindlin