
November 20th, 2008 | 786 Entries

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786 Entries for “held”

  1. i wanna be held so bad. i miss him so much, i wish he were here and that we don’t have this distance between us. he makes me feel safe in his arms and i just want to be in them, forever.

  2. i held a mango on a beach one sunny afternoon. i was on vacation in the bahammas. it was quite lovely. holding that mango really made me feel like i was in the real. The only way i knew i wasn’t dreaming was because the texture in my hand was so real.

  3. Held like a prison bitch, the owned man indentured by debt. Debt fueled by artificial need … a crush of want in the brainwashed mind, dulled by endless hours of aggressive television advertising.

  4. As he held her close in the cold breeze he realized that this is what he had been looking for all along. Nothing else mattered in this moment, not the stars falling, the moon dying, just the sound of her voice slowly whispering a promise. A promise of eternity to spend together just the two of them.

    Joseph Santos
  5. a gun to your head to paint the wall with your blood. Held a belief that all men are created equal even if one is more equal than the other. I held a gnat responsible for my actions involved in his death, and felt no pity or remorse for the loss of flight time that he has suffered henceforth.

    Sam McGrath
  6. held, held, held me now, wen i stolsd you i just think y your heart heald.

    jose ramirez
  7. Like a baby. Like a father. Like the morning after, when you don’t even know her name. Somehow, the motion of it all is sickening. The style and chance that we too will become wolves.

    Oh Travioso
  8. ein held ist ein gro

  9. In a captive place. That dark and dank time I spent was worth it. In his arms, I feel alone. Tho I can not have it, for it is held. Tomorrow will be my freedom. For up to high, it is.

    J. Young
  10. He held her hand for what seemed like hours, his breath hitching in his throat and his legs shaking (though hopefully she didn’t see). The warmth of her fingers spread through his body, from his heart to his toes. Finally he thought it safe to give a little squeeze. She jumped.

    “Whoa, why am I holding hands with you?”

  11. I held him in my arms as he gasped for air. This must be what it’s like, I thought, to lose someone or have thought you’ve lost someone.

    He’s struggling at this point. Struggling for air. Struggling to hold onto life and he’s clinging to me, I don’t know if I could handle being responsible for his living or dying.

  12. safe.
    held in place.
    held onto.
    held back.

  13. she held me in her arms. there was tension a spark or two…I didn’t know what to think, what to feel, so right so wring confusion. Help me I said don’t let me fall. Please don’t let me fall. I cannot fall. Its just to far.

  14. She held the baby in her arms in the last moments of its breath. The sadness permeated throughout the little cottage.

  15. the dog held the man back, even though he wanted to go.

  16. I held him in my arms and told myself I’d never let him go. But as I held him, I realized he was slipping away and there was nothing I could do to hold onto him forever. So now all I can do is look back and wonder if I could have held him tighter.

    Missa Belle
  17. My dad held my hand as we stood by the side of the road. My brother and sisters were out there, somewhere, in the tree line past the wheat field. Dad raised his fingers to his mouth and whistled – signalling not just my siblings, but also our two dogs, that it was time to go. Wind tossed my short blonde air against the back of my sticky neck. I didn’t want to let go.

    Elaine Plybon
  18. I was held fast to my missgivings and was left wanting from them.

    Ebon L. Tatro
  19. He held her hand tightly as they crossed the street. She was scared and he could feel that in the strength of her grip, but the the determination in her face told another story. She was afraid to cross the street now that she no longer had the power of sight.

  20. He held me so gently as my arm slowly bled dark liquid from my body. Was i going to die? Why now? I’m not old enough for this. Why me? He set me down and told me think about what I have done, then we both floated into the clouds.

    Devin Hardin
  21. I want to be held, by someone who cares, in gentle, strong arms where I can feel safe for now and forever. Will it happen soon? Who will it be? Have we met? If we have, when will we finally be held.

  22. one word isn’t what we think it is. it’s two words. simply… It’s more complex than simple, but one word in unison means simplicity. which is never achieved. if you try to achieve simplicity you simply create a complex workout of forcing yourself to do nothing… and your mind wanders. nothing is simple, nothing is easy. don’t give up though. simplicity is all around you, but you may never be able to reach it.

  23. I held her hand while she wept quietly. I wasn’t sure about the problem; I only knew that holding her hand seemed to be the only thing I could do that made any sense. We didn’t speak. Words weren’t necessary. Occasionally, I ventured a look at her face, but most of the time my eyes stayed downward, looking at the ground, afraid to commit to contact of any kind. After a while, she smiled.

    Tim Childers
  24. HE held me tightly but, I asked myself if I should let go of all barriers, all things that keep me captive, all things that hold me back from giving myself over to this one true love that can forgive, forget and grow again into something so real unlike this world. Something that I am afraid to give into because I might fail, be unfaithful, untrusting and unforgivable. He tells me that He will never leave me, forsake me or give me too much that I cannot handle. “Can I trust Him” I ask myself. Then I remember……He sacrificed Himself for me and would do it again if He needed to just to save me. He held me tightly when no one would. He held me tightly when no one should. He held me tightly so I could not let go.

    Tina Moore
  25. i held the door and my lover’s hand as we raced down the hill away from civilization into the sunset to spend the rest of our lives, our eternities with each other forever – no complications, no problems, just the two of us. alone. together. forever.

    jessie jackknife
  26. captive by my own reluctance to rebuild my exercise routine I have been held in a state of inactivity and mental lapses. It is up to me to break free of my myself

    Brad Fountain
  27. He held me close as I sobbed uncontrollably, not sure when or even if I would see him again.
    Then all at once, the skies opened and released the pouring rain it had held for so long and finally dropped to the Earth. Soon after the sun popped up and held our attention as the rainbow burst across the sky.

  28. i held my head high
    i held my boyfriends hand
    i held my faith
    i held my heart when no one else would
    i held my self esteem
    i held a new born baby
    i held my books the key to my future
    i held my shoes the stepping stone to the path of sucsess

  29. he held me in his arms for hours, I hadn’t felt that good in a long time. I didn’t even know who the strange man was, but I knew that something great had just begun. I held my hopes high for the future as we sat and talked about the past. I knew that I could do anything with him around, my confidence had never been greater.

    mattee g
  30. i held the freeway and made my way to thebasement of my abandoned house where i had many people in the basement waiting for me to demolish the house. I had to upset them though.

  31. He held my hand and whisperd those 3 words to me. He held me my hand tightly as if to never let it go. He held me like he knew we belonged together. He held as if he felt the same I did. He held like he would never let me go. He held me. He held me. He held me

    honey singh
  32. he held her in his arms, sobbing, weeping, every ounce of his energy going into the spasms that shook his spine. He had no coherence to ask “why?” or to curse or spit, his face was simply contorted, inhuman. She was gone, and he was too.

    K-K Bracken
  33. held back. I was held back by my parents in kindergarten, so I’m one of the oldest in my grade. I don’t know how much I could thank them for doing that. I love to learn. Knowledge is something I crave for. But why? Why is it so important? I think because it is really asking to know yourself, and therefore, God.

    Drew Brandon
  34. i would love to be held. cherished for being me, and not just touched because there’s nothing else to do. not just kissed because we’re bored and using each other. loved. if that actually exists. anymore, i think its some grand illusion that we’ve all dreamed up, something we pretend. i just want to pretend forever. i know this dream is about to be shattered.

  35. I held on tight to his hand as we glided across the midnight sky. I don’t know what had driven me to this place, but here I was, to late to turn back, and a part of me was glad for that.

    Terry Esq
  36. holding someone’s hand, holding a baby close to you, keeping what you love close.

    “hold nice and close the ones that get to your soul”- xavier rudd lyrics to “messages”

    family, love, keeping it all together

    Hannah Cressy
  37. I was held when I was born. I was held when I cried as a child. I was held when I became a beautiful young woman. Will I be held when the beauty fades?

    N. D.
  38. you touch me slightly. Then all over as I shutter at the thought. Is this really happening? Can my dreams coming true? I have to wake up from this dream real soon,but it’s not a dream. It’s really happening. You are holding me.

  39. I once held something. In fact, I hold things quite often. The things I hold might not be exactly what I want to hold, but I get to hold something nonetheless. The things I desire to hold are the things you would imagine. The things I do get to hold are simple, common things.

    Ryan Mcneely
  40. He held her closly in his arms, waitng for the day to end, not knowing that it would be the final embrace. Her eyes glistened with tears, and yet he could only think of the chores he had to do that day. That was the defining day for young Philip.

    Hannah Lund