
November 20th, 2008 | 786 Entries

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786 Entries for “held”

  1. he held me in his arms and i said wow you feel warm and cozy it’s been a long while since we’ve done this excercise. don’t pull away for to be held by you is like having a yummy bowl of ice cream and i like that quite a bit but i do enjoy your loving arms around me more…

    Jennifer Marrelli
  2. i held the baby. for hours it seemed. he cried a little but no harm done. i was glad. dropping him in the soup was not so bad after all. it even tasted better!

  3. I held my baby for the first time and was amazed at how strong he was from the get go.

    Lisa Cruz
  4. I want to be held. To be told everything will be okay eventually.
    I want to be protected by the pain i experience day to day. the loneliness i feel penetrating throughout my entire brain and emotions. A bleeding heart of loneliness is something that needs to end before i end it myself.

  5. He held me in his arms. I wanted him to continue to hold me. I just wanted to be held forever. He held my hands while crossing the street. He held the door open for me. He is perhaps holding my heart in his hands. Which is quite scary. When was the last time I held someone’s heart. I want to be held.

  6. in your hand, its yours a thing you want no one can have it it was yours, not any n=mot

  7. she held me. nothing existed but us.
    so tightly, so closely. the sweat from our bodies, the only thing between us.
    the world stopped, time was held.
    i had never felt that way before.
    hold me close, my love.
    never let me go.

    Andie Carrozzella
  8. to be held in the arms of someone who cares for you is to be in a moment of pure clarity and comfort that, no matter how hard you try, is impossible to relate, exceed or ever truly comprehend…

    John Wright
  9. was in a shop and i got held up and he had a gun and he was holding it up to the shop girls head and she was goin beserk and the craic was mental to be honest and the cunt was holding away

  10. i held my pants in when i was reading about how you fell in the closet and then started flying. i dont know why i held her hand when she didnt have any .so how is your mothers dog i herd it fell

    victor manzo
  11. hugs, compassion, friends, closure, control, stealth, longing, sleeping, waiting, grasping, keeping, attaching, wanting, needing, hoping, falling, wishing, hopes, breaking, strength, affection.

  12. It was a summer morning when I first held a little kitten in my hands. It was purring and it kicked in me the desire to protect this little thing. It was amazing how much joy a little bundle of fur could bring. I wanted to keep it for mine.

  13. He held her tight. Close. In a way she knew would be forever. Held her like autumn holds the golden leaves, like the sky holds the clouds and the stars. Not held like held back. Held like held safe. Held forever.

  14. I saw her at the bus station. I looked in her eyes. She looked in mine. The kindle in her eyes sent me towards her. I took her soft hand in my own rough ones. I was happy.

  15. grip. It’s something we all do. In every day life. Its something we do without noticing. We can forget that we are holding something. it’s a strange thing that evolved along with us. It grew with us from infancy. It allows us to interact. It allows us to do many various things, such as play games and get our points across.

  16. She held me, I held her. Then we feel we were complete for some time.

  17. i held my dog for the first time in months. he was much thinner than the last time i saw him, when i picked him up he reconized me like i had seen him two days ago. The thing i missed most about him was throuwing the tennis ball for him in the yard.

    Roberto Brian
  18. I held onto the idea of writing about this for a while, not really knowing what to say, or how to say it in a way it’s never been said, so I’m still holding onto, trying to figure this thing out, how do I do it? How should I? It shouldn’t be that hard. I might as well share it. You know? Or do I just write about falling in love? The chick lit scene is needing something sexy these days.

  19. He held me tight, and I tried my best to make the feeling last forever. I knew, somewhere within the depth of my being, that he wouldn’t return to me as he was now. Somehow, he would leave, and even if he did eventually come home, he would be forever changed.

    Time was up for us.

  20. closely held
    she held me, closely held
    held in arms so closely held
    do not crush so closely held
    her arms so tight
    throughout the night
    so close
    so closely held

  21. i held his hand and we decided to keep going down the road of love. he gave up a year in and let go of my hand…leaving me to fall back down the road alone.

    abbie evans
  22. held in my arms like everything…everything dissappeared around us. Feeling of strength, we are not alone. Company, oh sweet company. Loneliness is no more when we grasp the things wich are more dear to us. Make them ours. Hold. Treasure.

  23. I held her in my arms, the first person to touch her, the only one who had ever held her, held her within myself, now I can only hold her within my heart for she is out, she is within the whole world now, I held her as long as I could

    carrie etue
  24. i was held in place with a banana. the monkeys were vicious enough to see the ending of the pirate helicopter. it was angry. But the locksmith saw a pirate! and he was like “WTF” at that moment a sharpie pen entered.

  25. as he held me in his arms, I felt safe, he was tall asn I am short and its such a nice combination. I hold him in his times of sadness adn he will be there just the same for me.

    we hold each other down, through thick and thin times, throght the happy andthe sad, and I guess that is what realtionships are made of

    i hope I am there to be strong and hold up my end of the bargain

    hold me, just hold me and dont say a word, that is all I need from you today. Im not sure if you see holdingas a sign of male weakness, but I hope you dont because there will be a time in yoru life where holding you will be all i can do and hoding you will be al that you need from me

  26. when i was young i was held by my parents, when i was a teen i was held by my boyfriend. when i grew up i was held by my lovers and when i got married i was held by one man forever and ever, in his heart and in his arms, and that has made all the difference.

    Kate Haslem
  27. we were not held. he was gone. i was alone and they were not there, but nothing is lost we are still together. his body is next to mine, we could never be far apart. No matter where he is going, he has given me what I’ve got, and even if he never comes back he has taken me in his heart.

  28. to be held in his arms was such a safe feeling. Nothing could ever compare to being with him. Even under a warm soft blanket when your completely relaxed and have nothing to do. You feel like you can be yourself around him, and that’s okay. He accepts you for who you are… no matter what.

  29. i held your hand tonight. it wasnt like always i fely like something was wrong.you had no expresion on your face, just a cold hand. i didnt think too much about it, but then later that night i got a call and they said you died. you hung your self.

  30. I held her for the first time and she was so tiny and wrinkly in my hands. I loved her immediately but then I changed a lot of diapers and she grossed me out. 8 Years later, I still think she’s rad.

  31. i like to be held
    it makes me feel safe
    being held makes me feel close to the one who is holding me
    i love that feeling
    that feeling of safety
    it is very lovely
    and i enjoy every minute of it

    s. klaus
  32. you held me close and that’s all i want ever ever ever; just to be held always. it’s better than sex! seriously, it just means that everything is okay. i think it’s all anyone wants. there are so many songs about this. and poems.

  33. she used to think it was more than a dream, that he had a reason to believe, to retain. but nothing really kept it in place, the dream. she held it close, he kept it distant; it was the way in their world…

  34. Witheld?
    Held…in your arms?
    Restrained perhaps. It all depends on your perspective.
    Are you holding?
    Are you held?
    It’s your choice.

    The creator of the toaster.
  35. Most people love to be held. It is not only a sign of affection, but true compassion for humanity. Being held is one of the greatest parts of being in a relationship. In fact, you don’t even have to be in a relationship to be held. It’s quite acceptable to simply hold someone when they’re having a bad day and allowing them to cry on your shoulder. It’s considered an honor, if not a privilege! And that’s that.

  36. held. something you use your hands to have power over its position, mainly done with your hands. to anything, an object that is physical or something that is intangible. while something is held it is part of you, and you keep on to it and wrehig.

  37. People lie in there beds at night, curling in on themselves, envisioning that someday it won’t be there own person holding them; they’ll be held by someone who loves them.

  38. I held my anxiety in my hand, and nervously waited eight long months to see the labor, the sweat, the love, the money, the effort imbued on the pages of The Mayfielder.

    kerry rutigliano
  39. It’s crazy the way things work out sometimes. Sometimes you’re falling forever without end. The bottom of an endless pit is the first stop. After that it feels like it takes a while. If only there was a reason to wait where you were. If only the person on the other side hadn’t put you on hold, if only your love held you longer in bed. If there was anything worth while going on at all you might not have fallen.

    And yet you fall forever. Nothing to hold onto again, nothing to see.

  40. It was so cold and we were walking very fast. It was so early that the stars were still in the sky. I was having trouble keeping up with Daddy, and he looked back to see if I was still coming. He reached back and held my hand.
