i held a bannan today and it was all brown and yellow. just like our rival school in caldwell. i wonder why we never called them the bannanas. all we could ever think about was gold and brown flush it down. how immature is that? i think it would have been cool to call them valivue bannanas.
a single word
meaning so many different things
a game
nothing quite as real
as when you
me in your arms
for an hour
or a moment in time
i do not recall
but being
by you
is all i can ask for
I wish I got to hold you longer that one day in the parking lot before you left. Now everything is a disaster and you won’t talk to me anymore. I know in my heart that we are meant for each other and one day we’ll be walking side-by-side down that aisle. I wish you could see it, too. Maybe not now. Maybe not in a year. But soon.
She held on with all her might, feeling herself slipping into the black abyss. Fear. Sorrow. Hurt. Anger. They were all mixed together, creating a blackness unlike any she’d ever seen.
Jen M
I was held, when I was an infant at least, I don’t know if I am still coddled. i feel more independent than I ever have in my life, it usually leaves me stress free; still a new sense of stress is building within me.
Funmi owoloja
my hand your head your eyes…
I have a good day today
It was friday
The friday, it’s the last day of the week
Friday make poeple happy !
This is why i’m happy !
I really like the friday !
The friday, you can go with your friends and have a lot of fun !
I held her hand as she was slowly fainting. Never knew exactly if she found it important, but that was the closest to a relationship I’ve ever had with her.
my hand your head your eyes…
I have a good day today
It was friday
The friday, it’s the last day of the week
Friday make poeple happy !
This is why i’m happy !
I really like the friday !
The friday, you can go with your friends and have a lot of fun !
I held her hand as she was slowly fainting. Never knew exactly if she found it important, but that was the closest to a relationship I’ve ever had with her.
my hand your head your eyes…
I have a good day today
It was friday
The friday, it’s the last day of the week
Friday make poeple happy !
This is why i’m happy !
I really like the friday !
The friday, you can go with your friends and have a lot of fun !
I held her hand as she was slowly fainting. Never knew exactly if she found it important, but that was the closest to a relationship I’ve ever had with her.
If hope is born of suffering
If this is only the beginning
Can we not wait, for one hour
Watching for our savior
This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was that when everything fell
We’d be held
natalie grant
I held on as long as I could. However, I was weak from battle; I felt my fingers slipping, and then there was nothing in my hands but air. I was falling, falling down into the canyon…
Ihrian B
I was held captive by the beauty I saw before me. Never had I been held in that way before. It reminded me of being a babe in my mother’s arms. I didn’t want to lose the
she held him tightly in her arms, and promised never to let him go. within the whole period of their relationship, she never considered that he was actually a she.
shocking that she continued to let her hold her.
but she still loved her as much as she had before, and therefore, always wanted that word ‘held’ to be in their life.
C. Michelle
The boy I held was dying in my arms. Sounds still resounded in excess, thundering explosions, a cacophony of light and rumbling distortion. The boy was dying. Blood seeped through his clothing and onto my hands. I was crying, I knew.
I held the hand of a different person, this person was crazy like me but absolutely highly funky from the tip of their head to the hole in their socks, oh we are on they now, i hold the hand of many, from the tip of their pointed ugly hats to the bottom of their ragged too long jeans. they are creative, funny, annoying, wholesome, they live their lives differently then i live mine at the moment but i hold their hand because I always have. Right now while holding the hands of many i am walking alone because i choose to walk alone , picky beyond belief, i know what i want and i want what i know, the queen of manipulation you say? isnt that a good thing? this way i can make anything happen and there is always a smile while its happening,.. Right? Wrong? let me persuade you to why its right.. see not manipulation just pure persuasion. ok so i was pursuading you to do what? hmmm ok anything i want to persuade you to do, we wont be specific just yet, bend form fix fabulous happy comic callus sincere mean carelessness leave it alone calamidty all a part of my everday life my oh so good happy happy everyday damn day life. Alone. Positive thinking thats my new thing, not being a queen of manipulation being a queen of positive thinking.. hmmmm flowers pretty great awesome soso funny happy lucky quirky cute attentive sharing spunky artsy talented thoughtful loving Im yours. The holder of hands that are held.
The queen
He held her in his arms and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. But that’s it. It was nothing.
Nothing sweet about it either. Hold me in your arms and whisper sweet nothings will ya? Do you think me stupid?
If you wish to be held, and I do, then hold me with out all the sweet nothings. Tell me the truth. It sounds better.
i held the dog as it gracefully rested itself on my elbow/funnybone while his brother delightfully and sadly at the same time slept and dreamt about unimaginable things.
Cody Collins
she held my penis and sucked on it until i BUSTED IN HER EYE!
I’ve never been held the way the she held me that evening, and truly never quite that way again. It was neither tender not firm. It was like I was just some other thing in her arms. Like the groceries or the mail or maybe a sack of fertilizer.
day a little girl walked in the park. a man was watching her. but she didn’t notice. unlucky fr her her whole world would change that day. in a flash she was gone. stuffed in a bag, never to be seen again for fifteen year. he was her pet. he held her to play with, to be his companion. to be there for him in his lone ly world. he was lonely. he woke up alone. he wen to work and did his work alone. he went home alone and ate his meal alone. after this he went to bed alon. but with her, his held, his dimone, he wasn’t that alone anymore. now he had someone to talk to. someone to break that never ending aloeness. this ment so much to him that he was willing to give up her freedom to help his loneliness.
I held his hand so hard it hurt. It broke his bones. It broke my wrist. It broke my skin into pieces and I broke down. I held on.
I am being held captive by this website.
Carlos Rodriguez
held in my hand hand hled like a baby like a dog a small dog held by paris hilton celebrity consciousness held in my hand hand held like a cell phone a connector of society of people held like a hug like a close friend holds you close right before they let you go and you fall you fall and wish you had something to hold onto wish that you had held hands more wish that you had held your own child but all you’ve held i syour feelings inside held hell hole.
Fred Beebe
I held my own hand. I was tired. Worn from all that I had seen. I felt alone, but content. Strange. I think about the deer on the road. The reason they can’t get out of a car’s way. Their hooves are slick the road is hard. I’m not a deer. I hope. I’m not gone.
she held the coins in her palm, and felt the sun rays bounce off them. that was all she needed. all she cared for. the insignificant things. ordinary things. that others didn’t notice.
As we walked down the street. he slowly looked over at me, placed his hand in my and held it all the way hom.
Jade Marshall
She held him close. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t real, wasn’t hers, wasn’t even there. She held him like she held her son, her husband, her father. She held him until she had to let go. There wasn’t anything she else she could do, anyway. If she let go, she was dead. If she held on, she was dead. That was it.
I held her in my arms as the the world slowly passed by us. this simple moment seemed so perfect yet i knew that the moment would pass, and that fact made the moment worthless.
Sam Niver
The hammock sways. It feels like I am in the womb of a restless giant, a uterus of rough fabric and crumbs. I can taste the gasoline and smoke in the humid night air. The hammock is so wide that it’s edges fold in over me, reducing me to a slight bulge in its belly, and I can’t help but feel comforted in my shrunken space with my limited air supply. Is this what dying feels like? The phone rings inside.
my hand your head your eyes…
i held my boyfriend while we were making love last night. it was passionate and i felt as if we were connected even more than usual. we were bonding each moment and that touch that brought us together was so amazing.
In my arms. You were so peaceful. I remember, being able to feel your heartbeat. Slow, rhythmic. When we held each other, it was more than love. it was heaven…
i love being held. I long to be held. Because if someone is held just right, they could feel like it would be worth waking up tomorrow.
I haven’t been held lately. I wish there was someone here with me now to hold me close, and to tell me everything will be ok.
And so I held her tight.
Wasn’t something that I had planned on
(to be honest, I had burned myself
on my last affair…)
but here I was, holding and kissing her.
Led to another three years of this stuff,
this time to much greater regret,
and to a much tighter leash on me
when I broke loose oh her.
i held a bannan today and it was all brown and yellow. just like our rival school in caldwell. i wonder why we never called them the bannanas. all we could ever think about was gold and brown flush it down. how immature is that? i think it would have been cool to call them valivue bannanas.
a single word
meaning so many different things
a game
nothing quite as real
as when you
me in your arms
for an hour
or a moment in time
i do not recall
but being
by you
is all i can ask for
I wish I got to hold you longer that one day in the parking lot before you left. Now everything is a disaster and you won’t talk to me anymore. I know in my heart that we are meant for each other and one day we’ll be walking side-by-side down that aisle. I wish you could see it, too. Maybe not now. Maybe not in a year. But soon.
She held on with all her might, feeling herself slipping into the black abyss. Fear. Sorrow. Hurt. Anger. They were all mixed together, creating a blackness unlike any she’d ever seen.
I was held, when I was an infant at least, I don’t know if I am still coddled. i feel more independent than I ever have in my life, it usually leaves me stress free; still a new sense of stress is building within me.
my hand your head your eyes…
I have a good day today
It was friday
The friday, it’s the last day of the week
Friday make poeple happy !
This is why i’m happy !
I really like the friday !
The friday, you can go with your friends and have a lot of fun !
I held her hand as she was slowly fainting. Never knew exactly if she found it important, but that was the closest to a relationship I’ve ever had with her.
my hand your head your eyes…
I have a good day today
It was friday
The friday, it’s the last day of the week
Friday make poeple happy !
This is why i’m happy !
I really like the friday !
The friday, you can go with your friends and have a lot of fun !
I held her hand as she was slowly fainting. Never knew exactly if she found it important, but that was the closest to a relationship I’ve ever had with her.
my hand your head your eyes…
I have a good day today
It was friday
The friday, it’s the last day of the week
Friday make poeple happy !
This is why i’m happy !
I really like the friday !
The friday, you can go with your friends and have a lot of fun !
I held her hand as she was slowly fainting. Never knew exactly if she found it important, but that was the closest to a relationship I’ve ever had with her.
If hope is born of suffering
If this is only the beginning
Can we not wait, for one hour
Watching for our savior
This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was that when everything fell
We’d be held
I held on as long as I could. However, I was weak from battle; I felt my fingers slipping, and then there was nothing in my hands but air. I was falling, falling down into the canyon…
I was held captive by the beauty I saw before me. Never had I been held in that way before. It reminded me of being a babe in my mother’s arms. I didn’t want to lose the
she held him tightly in her arms, and promised never to let him go. within the whole period of their relationship, she never considered that he was actually a she.
shocking that she continued to let her hold her.
but she still loved her as much as she had before, and therefore, always wanted that word ‘held’ to be in their life.
The boy I held was dying in my arms. Sounds still resounded in excess, thundering explosions, a cacophony of light and rumbling distortion. The boy was dying. Blood seeped through his clothing and onto my hands. I was crying, I knew.
I held the hand of a different person, this person was crazy like me but absolutely highly funky from the tip of their head to the hole in their socks, oh we are on they now, i hold the hand of many, from the tip of their pointed ugly hats to the bottom of their ragged too long jeans. they are creative, funny, annoying, wholesome, they live their lives differently then i live mine at the moment but i hold their hand because I always have. Right now while holding the hands of many i am walking alone because i choose to walk alone , picky beyond belief, i know what i want and i want what i know, the queen of manipulation you say? isnt that a good thing? this way i can make anything happen and there is always a smile while its happening,.. Right? Wrong? let me persuade you to why its right.. see not manipulation just pure persuasion. ok so i was pursuading you to do what? hmmm ok anything i want to persuade you to do, we wont be specific just yet, bend form fix fabulous happy comic callus sincere mean carelessness leave it alone calamidty all a part of my everday life my oh so good happy happy everyday damn day life. Alone. Positive thinking thats my new thing, not being a queen of manipulation being a queen of positive thinking.. hmmmm flowers pretty great awesome soso funny happy lucky quirky cute attentive sharing spunky artsy talented thoughtful loving Im yours. The holder of hands that are held.
He held her in his arms and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. But that’s it. It was nothing.
Nothing sweet about it either. Hold me in your arms and whisper sweet nothings will ya? Do you think me stupid?
If you wish to be held, and I do, then hold me with out all the sweet nothings. Tell me the truth. It sounds better.
i held the dog as it gracefully rested itself on my elbow/funnybone while his brother delightfully and sadly at the same time slept and dreamt about unimaginable things.
she held my penis and sucked on it until i BUSTED IN HER EYE!
I’ve never been held the way the she held me that evening, and truly never quite that way again. It was neither tender not firm. It was like I was just some other thing in her arms. Like the groceries or the mail or maybe a sack of fertilizer.
day a little girl walked in the park. a man was watching her. but she didn’t notice. unlucky fr her her whole world would change that day. in a flash she was gone. stuffed in a bag, never to be seen again for fifteen year. he was her pet. he held her to play with, to be his companion. to be there for him in his lone ly world. he was lonely. he woke up alone. he wen to work and did his work alone. he went home alone and ate his meal alone. after this he went to bed alon. but with her, his held, his dimone, he wasn’t that alone anymore. now he had someone to talk to. someone to break that never ending aloeness. this ment so much to him that he was willing to give up her freedom to help his loneliness.
I held his hand so hard it hurt. It broke his bones. It broke my wrist. It broke my skin into pieces and I broke down. I held on.
I am being held captive by this website.
held in my hand hand hled like a baby like a dog a small dog held by paris hilton celebrity consciousness held in my hand hand held like a cell phone a connector of society of people held like a hug like a close friend holds you close right before they let you go and you fall you fall and wish you had something to hold onto wish that you had held hands more wish that you had held your own child but all you’ve held i syour feelings inside held hell hole.
I held my own hand. I was tired. Worn from all that I had seen. I felt alone, but content. Strange. I think about the deer on the road. The reason they can’t get out of a car’s way. Their hooves are slick the road is hard. I’m not a deer. I hope. I’m not gone.
she held the coins in her palm, and felt the sun rays bounce off them. that was all she needed. all she cared for. the insignificant things. ordinary things. that others didn’t notice.
As we walked down the street. he slowly looked over at me, placed his hand in my and held it all the way hom.
She held him close. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t real, wasn’t hers, wasn’t even there. She held him like she held her son, her husband, her father. She held him until she had to let go. There wasn’t anything she else she could do, anyway. If she let go, she was dead. If she held on, she was dead. That was it.
I held her in my arms as the the world slowly passed by us. this simple moment seemed so perfect yet i knew that the moment would pass, and that fact made the moment worthless.
The hammock sways. It feels like I am in the womb of a restless giant, a uterus of rough fabric and crumbs. I can taste the gasoline and smoke in the humid night air. The hammock is so wide that it’s edges fold in over me, reducing me to a slight bulge in its belly, and I can’t help but feel comforted in my shrunken space with my limited air supply. Is this what dying feels like? The phone rings inside.
my hand your head your eyes…
i held my boyfriend while we were making love last night. it was passionate and i felt as if we were connected even more than usual. we were bonding each moment and that touch that brought us together was so amazing.
In my arms. You were so peaceful. I remember, being able to feel your heartbeat. Slow, rhythmic. When we held each other, it was more than love. it was heaven…
i love being held. I long to be held. Because if someone is held just right, they could feel like it would be worth waking up tomorrow.
I haven’t been held lately. I wish there was someone here with me now to hold me close, and to tell me everything will be ok.
And so I held her tight.
Wasn’t something that I had planned on
(to be honest, I had burned myself
on my last affair…)
but here I was, holding and kissing her.
Led to another three years of this stuff,
this time to much greater regret,
and to a much tighter leash on me
when I broke loose oh her.