
April 30th, 2008 | 304 Entries

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304 Entries for “hidden”

  1. It wasn’t there gone, hidden somewhere by time. I needed to find it. It was the key to everything. The answers to everything I ever needed in life. But they took it away and it was hidden, just like all the things needed in life, always hidden from view

  2. my true self is hidden behind so many false layers of protection. i can’t let her out. she might get hurt. how do i know she will be liked and loved? if i let my guard down, i am afraid of what people will think. my true thoughts and desires are hidden. no one knows them but me.

    Xena Firetower
  3. My most hidden secret is that I read you emails. I’m not sorry for invading your privacy. I’m sorry because I keep finding out things I don’t’ want to know. And that is what makes me feel bad about myself. I wish I didn’t know that you might have a new girlfriend. I wish you would say something about still missing me. Because I still miss you and I only check to get updates on you life.

  4. in the closet is a person hidingl.
    counting countig
    they cant find me
    oh no i hear footsteps
    “i ikno ur there”
    hahah they wont find me
    the doorknob turns
    i push farther back into the clothes
    “shes not here1”
    yay im still hidden!
    “there she is”

  5. so i walked down to the stor the other day and i happend to find a sheep, the sheep asked me if i knew who krusty the clown was, i said no. the sheep looked offended, and then he began to go on and on about the liberal media, so we debaatied long into the night, untill eventualy a russian scientist explained we were gay.

  6. Hidden, what you don’t want to be found. When something is hidden, it is secret, it is yours. To hide what you treasure means to not share it, for all the good and all the bad that entails. Too much of life is hidden now, and I cannot blame the iPods or the ways we wall ourselves off from one another. I can only blame people, who elect to hide themselves and their lives, from their fellow man and form the Lord.

    Ernest Phillips
  7. Beneath the surface, out of touch, beyond conception or visual detection. Questionable, defying insatiable lust and desire. Why isn’t it out in the open. I want it to be lit with light from the sun, so that I can see it. Beneath the light, in a tunnel, in a shadow, out of sight, out of knowledge.

  8. It was hidden behind the tribal masks, a stone glowing in a glow that rivaled the sun over the Serengeti. And eyes, two eyes, and a soul greater than Africa herself.

  9. So it wasn’t there after all. He could have sworn it would have been. After years of searching under rocks, behind cupboards, he thought he’d be done. He supposed it was better off this way, saying it didn’t really matter. He’d just have to find love in some other hidden place.

  10. –>

  11. Finding a shadey spot
    Laying low, like a leaf to the groud
    And waiting to see what happens

    Crystal S
  12. My family loved to hide things. We’d take anything, anything at all, and just put them into crooks and window sills and under beds and desks.

    Me, I like hiding myself. Going somewhere so I don’t know where I am, so, sometimes, I’m the only one who knows where I am. Because that’s just the way I am. I don’t care where I am or what I’m doing because I get to hide myself away.

  13. She hid underneath the chair. No. She changed her mind and moved, away from the open window, away from the light. The fluttering curtains, swaying in the wind, was trying to get her. She hid, further away into the corner. Almost half-hidden, swallowed in the darkness. No one knew she existed. They did. She didn’t. She thought. She dreamed. She hid.

  14. hidden life in the universe, hidden story for the glory, hidden for the given ,being hidden meaning being given.
    hidden inspiration and hide

  15. hidden in the kitchen are sponges.
    hidden in the crevices are germs.
    hidden in geeks are millionaires.
    hidden in plain sight are our emotions
    hidden in plain sight are the soldiers
    hidden from us is teh real motive of teh president
    hidden from us is his truth

    aaron jacksonwilde
  16. About an hour later for no reason at all the power went off and the house was in darkness and silence, we quickly lit all the candels when we noticed a sound that was similar to the dragging sound…
    – “let’s hide…” – I said…

  17. there are many thoughts that are hidden in the minds of the people.also there are many more truths in the universe that are hidden from the mankind.also we should not always believe on what we see and should also consider the hidden truth.sometimes hidden values of other people will come out whom we have known from much time.

  18. The was a hidden hollow in the back of the house. The cellar stood beneith it. When the sun would set, a hidden beast would emerge from the hidden hollow. But Sam the Hidden man was not afraid. He knew the meaning of this beast.

    Frank Google
  19. Once we went to a hidden place. My family went there to spend the holiday and run away from the chaotic atmosphere of big cities. We had a lot of fun and I really enjoyed playing around with my folks. I miss that place and those days…

    Minha quimera
  20. Flowers in the dark.
    Why so sad my child.
    Have you forgotten your heart?
    Have you lost your passion?
    All alont left in the dark.

    Tiffany Law
  21. a secret, hidden deep within you, shhh don’t tell.
    Buried, six feet underground, nobody will find it.
    Hiding, camouflaged by bushes, dappled by shadows.

  22. In the woods. A yellow leaf sits below the earth. Slowly, so slowly it tries to come up, reaching for the fresh air and the golden touch of sunlight. This little hidden treasure awaits the time where it will be fully born into this world.

  23. not able yo be seen. some people hide things because they’re afraid to show others. hiding can be fun, like hide and go seek. things that are hidden should sometimes stay hidden, other times they must be uncovered.

  24. THe vines were crusted against the crumbling stone blocks but I managed to pry them away with trembling fingers. The veil of moss-green creepers peeled away and I could see a crack in the stones–just big enough for a small child to squeeze through.

    Jessica MacDonald
  25. we all have hidden masks we keep to ourselves and refuse to show others. why must these remain hidden? what don’t we want others to see? what are we afraid of? why are we conditioned to only show our “normal” side? what can we face? how can ridicule and humiliation be better than lying to ourselves?

    kyle callert
  26. i was hidden. That is, until you came along. I was uncovered by your love. I love you still. But you see you were far too old and I was only in middle school. Things like that aren’t allowed to happen. So yes I miss you and still love you but what i hope for you is that you’re happy and you can find some other girl to uncover you.

  27. where is it all why is it gone…its in the air its in my hair……..beneath the surface it is all still there …still and quiet or buzzing and throbbing…waiting and watching for the moment to emerge just because it is hidden does not mean it is not there….or important…or not making a difference……look for the hidden…and ponder

    e jablon
  28. It was there. In that place you once knew, but had long forgoten. It was a part of you that had been, but is now no longer. That thing, which you couldn’t quite put your finger on. It was created and lost. It knew you, but only as a stranger.

    Steve P
  29. hidden from hope, hidden from love, hidden from relief. I am hidden.

    Sandra Andra
  30. i looked up and noticed what seemed to be a hidden camera in the smoke detector. Not knowing what to do I slipped my clothes back on and urged my girlfriend to do the same.

  31. You can not see me. I am a cow eating grass. What, you don’t see the grass? Well, that is because I at it all. You don’t see me? Well, why should I stick around when there’s no grass silly.


  32. i am hidden in a box , the box is big and ugly. next time i am hidden in a box i will add cusions and maybe a key to get out. or maybe i just wont me hidden i dont know. i wish i was not hidden. i wish i was alive. save me from this cardboard boX!

  33. …all of our raw passion and emotion is concealed behind a facade of charm and calm in an attempt to keep hidden the child who cares not to be rejected or replaced by a lessor version of himself which so happens to be camouflaged in a superior version which WE know is fake, but others seem to find valid.

    it’s all so damn exhausting.

  34. she took the pearl that i had hidden, deep within my mouth. she popped it in her own, swallowed it quickly, hard, and down it went into her belly. i had to sneeze, but i stopped myself, and made this hideous noise. when i did, all these pearls came cascading out my ears, my tear ducts, my belly button.

    i couldn’t believe it that they had been inside me, waiting to be recognized. i started laughing so hard.

    sara hickman
  35. My intelligent, insightful thoughts are hidden in the muddled pseudo-intellectual narrative I feel I must conform myself to. I don’t want to write like a pompous scholar, dammit.

  36. it was ther ejust a moment ago, i thought, but perhaps he had moved it again. he did this often, just to tease me, i thought, but perhaps i was wrong. it didn’t happen much, of course, but fairies are unpredictable, always teasing. it could be just around the corner, or in front of me, even, but i was sure that it was there again.

  37. I always thought of hidding to be the safest and most secure situation to be in, but in reality, the only thing secure was my position in life. Hopefully, one day, the world will see that nothing should ever be hidden.

    Jacob Parr
  38. i hid something today. It was my soul. When you asked if I loved you I didn’t know what to say so I just said “YES”. how utterly tragic. how positively wrong of me.

    the jokester
  39. There was this one time, I was hidden in this bush outside this girl’s house. Man she was hot, I was just hiding there watching her on myspace. It was AWESOME! I can’t even begin to explain the awesomocity of the situation. But then she started to strip and it turns out she was a dude.

  40. I saw a door that was behond the edge of the room. I went over to it and attempted to open it. It was stuck, but I pulled hard and it flew open. I was almost thrown to the ground by the sudden burst as it opened easy as I had put all my strength into it. I looked inside and I seen what appeared to be a long hallway with the walls built of rock, I grabbed the flashlight and proceeded to walk down the long corridor. I could see that this was of very old construction, as I neared the end of the hall, I came upon the end and it was a stairway heading down, I noticed that it was the enterance to a cave, no more like a manmade chamber where there were tunnels up ahead. I am beginning to believe that this is a forbidden place and I was not supposed to find this.

    Bruce Amidon