
October 3rd, 2008 | 1,005 Entries

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1,005 Entries for “hill”

  1. I climb to the top of the hill, feeling as free as I have ever felt before in my short life. Not long to go now; they’ll be here any minute. Didn’t I always know that it would end this way? The writing was on the wall from the start. Oh well then, all’s fair in love and war…

  2. The hilltop rolls as if ice cream covers the earth. A hill, what is a hill. It’s not quite a mountain nor a mound but simply a hill. Like a lump of earth just resting there.

  3. there was a tall one one time that I fell down. i know a story about jack and jill going up one and they had a transformation while up there. something happened to jack. hills are places where things happen. i know that abraham went up a hill to sacrifice his son and God provided a miracle. amazing things happen on hills. i know a story of a man that went up a hill but came down a mountain. interesting concept about how hills can change your perspective on things.

    shane spears
  4. hill and dale, that’s all she could think. hum a tune from years ago. she forgets the words. lulls into the crush of a car, steady, slow, waiting for the next crest. over hill and dale. over.

  5. I sat on the hill looking over my next door nieghboors lawn. Damn, he looks like a nice guy but I never go over to say high. Everytime i see him mowving his loawn i cant help but want to leave. I drive away and dont wave. Everyone on my street waves.

    Robert ONeil
  6. golden slope.
    ragged tear shooting off towards the garden.
    Pocked with dandelions and giving way towards earth.

  7. tall big thing that you cant see over andf that is tiring to wlak up, but fun the sled down. usually has trees and wood. but sometimes its a mkolehill that is small with blind little animals in it that are cute. hills are pretty

  8. the hilly landscape caught my eye as I passed by in the car. I thought about getting out, but was late as it was. I longed to sit under the sun and stare at the clouds again. It had been too long since I felt grass on the back of my neck and a cool breeze on my face.

  9. the world was flat he knew, nothing above the level and everything below, she didn’t like that fact and so kept her heads in the cloud all three of them, no longer alone they decided tyo confuse each other with intimations of love but needless ly confused the issue by sending them o secondary school at the age of twenty three.

    harry howell
  10. there it was
    the sun coming up and over the hill
    but this was not the time
    this was not her day
    the birds gave no warning and more over
    she had not slept
    so much for a fresh start
    maybe next morrow

  11. the hills below us were silent. In fear of being found unoccupied. Green with every of the trees that swayed near them.

    Sasha Johnson
  12. Capitol Hill is in trouble. The very ideas that this country is built upon has crumbled and no one is leading the way to change. Sarah Palin said that she is happy that someone (Dick Cheney) realized that the vice-presidency has more executive power than anyone realized before. Yes, he did take the reins during Bush’s terms because Bush is a puppet, too unintelligent to be president. But Dick was at the helm (for some unknown reason)at the moment that the planes hit the Twin Towers, while Bush was reading My Pet Goat (book was upside down) to children. Cheney made the order for the Air Force fighter jets to stand down and not intercept the planes. This resulted in 3,000 deaths in the towers. And now Palin wants that much authority also. Hmmm, I don’t think she is a serious minded person who is ready for that kind of responsibility.

  13. Mossy, oaky green. Grey over clouds, a lone solitary treetop dream with dollops of said grey and rain, cascading through the earth.

  14. i walked up a hill, and at the top of the hill there was a garden of tall sunflowers. i walked through them, swaying with them in the breeze and brushing their stems with my outstretched hands. as i did this, i prayed that everything and everyone will find peace.

  15. my castle is collapsing
    and i watch, displaced.
    like samson and delilah
    we bury defects at the base of all our trees
    where thieves eclipse with bags of tricks,
    coalescent through the tatted leaves.
    and i disperse- one and three spells out what spilt-
    but who has been forsaken
    the edifice or me?

    Hannah Wells
  16. down the hill up the hill down the hill. i wish we could stay down the hill. i’d stay down there for ever, send you up for supplies. we’d have little feral babies and visitors every now and then but mostly just you and me. happy i would be. baby. if only we could stay down the hill. my love.

  17. i’m thinking of kate bush, running up that hill, good song, reminds me of danny. i always wanted him to know that i thought of him when i heard that song because i wanted him to run up that hill to know what it was like to be me when he would finger me to nora jones an di would laugh and he would pout and run away up that hill time is running up. ahhhh the hill!!!

  18. It was a slow, steady climb up the hill. My fears and doubts were exhausting the climb. I could just see my goals, my dreams, my aspirations at the top, just beyond reach. If only I could make it to the top.

    Jen M
  19. There is a beautiful hill outside the back of my parents house. Sometimes on, when the clouds and the sun are just right, and orange glow fills the air and the place has a serene quality to it that exists nowhere else on the planet. Of course, it only exists for me, as I’m the only one to experience it.

    Kyle Wiering
  20. i think about siting under the sky and stars on a hill and how we have always had a need to be closer to the heavens why are we pulled in that direction hil overcome giant mounds of pillow tops on dessert candy mountians with marshmellows in winter time.

  21. i climbed one yeaterday. it wasnt what I expected at all. I had intended to take a stroll around the block, but somehow made may way past the city limits and upon this strange hill. its funny…i had never seen it before. Im not really sure how i got there. I assume I walked. But there i was.Standing at the foot of this hill. The only option I had at this point was to climb.

    Lionel Rainey III
  22. hello its nice to meet you oh wait that’s hill wow kind of weird looks like wii anyway hill, interesting word upward downward all around the hill I go like a sundae with a cherry on top get to the top and you get a price sleigh ride down you get a thrill some would be afraid some would have a blast some would be terrified if they had to take on a hill. Others like the hill and seek to keep climbing higher hills till they get to the tallest most craziest hill. Where then? Kind of hard to find the biggest hill maybe then you look for ways to get down be cause maybe down wss where it was at. Could be we shouldn’t look at hills but then does that mean that we shouldn’t aspire to climb. But if we never climbed does that mean that we wouldn’t have known how great down was? Hmm, is my time up yet? Cause now I want to move on and I am tired of talking about the hill. The hills are alive with the sound of music….does that count becuase I used hills and not just hill. Hills then takes on a whole new mean. Time has to be up….

  23. He was stuck lonely and alone
    Inside the tunnel of the hill
    Leaning to one side and then to the other
    Lonely and alone, the big train waited patiently.

  24. fool on the hill. paul mccartney. one tree hill? i don’t like that show. i love the beatles. hillside. julie andrews. sound of music. matterhorn! niiiicolaaaaa

  25. on the hill the boy ran wildly
    on the hill the lovers lay quieltly
    on the hill the man laid finally
    on the hill the day ended

  26. Jack and Jill went up the hill. Hahahhaha. What the hell. Im out of inspiration and creative juices, Bah.

  27. rolling rolling rolling rolling rolling rolling rolling rolling rolling rolling rolling rollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrollingrolling



  28. it hurt me, you know? she didn’t see what it meant to me. she didn’t see what it could do. she didn’t remember… but I guess I have to be fine with it. It’s out of my hands. I’m sorry, but things have gotten too overwhelming. I can’t… do this anymore.

  29. Upon the hill, the pennant flowed as the force lines of the summer whipped past. The artist’s hands though quick, were not deft enough to catch the way the light would sparkle and shimmer across the shining peaks, or the way the battlefield looked so beautiful only a week after the Somme.

  30. Hill and Sea–the great title by hilaire Belloc; his love of land, sea, life, truths both moral and philosophical–all this forms the backbone of his text, his mountain, his tribute to hills and sea and everything in between.

  31. i quickly glanced behind me, frantically scrambling up the snow-covered hill…
    I knew I would never escape the murderers…
    I swallowed the white pills and everything went black.

  32. I slowly made my way to the behemoth looming on the horizon like a megalithic silhouette against a pale moonlit sky. As I moved ever near to its stark precipice I held in my mind the nearest I had to a forgotten promise.

    Captain Spense
  33. there is a hill it is tall and beautiful with lucious green hills that no one has yet to see except me and oh what a lucky guy i am to have seen this hill oh this beautiful hill

    tyler quintero
  34. I loved playing on hills as a child. Sliding down on a cardboard box or running down even. I like the bigger hills over the small ones. You can even climb up with a tire and climb in it to roll down.

  35. mounds of green, filled with grass and growth, mushrooms and trees blanket the hill as far as the eye can see. It has a steady incline manageable and comfort. climb with ease on a casual day, stroll, free.

    Amish Zaver
  36. Climb it and fall a little lower than before.

    Oh bother, the honey is all gone.

    Let it go and find a new way.

    Are you sure you took the right path?

    Let’s all give a big “what if?” to yesterday.

  37. the hill was very large and the mother fuckers were comin over with the battle riffles and rocketrs so I decided to start fragging them until my backup could arrive. Luckily, Kyle swang by on a warthog, allowing me to quickly mow down the rest of the baddies with the mounted machine gun atop the gunner seet. They never knew what hit them as myself and

    Ross Younger
  38. there was a hill just beside our. it was the loveliest among all hills i had visited! that is why i called it, “The micHill”..

  39. Climbing slowly, he reached the crest of the hill and turned around. As he expected she had not been following. He knew he should have said something then.
    He started back

  40. The whole valley spread out before his eyes, the small village where he’d spent his whole life nestled in the middle. From his new vantage point on top of the world, he felt like a new man. Finally, he nodded in satisfaction and made his decision: He would sell the farm.

    K.A. Alexander