the hills are alive
carrie underwood sang that at movies rock
dont chyyyyaalll care?!
okayy so anywho
hills are pretty sexy yo.
hills like a kids last name iknow
kid was a FREAKSHOW
im sorry that was terribly mean. uhm so anyhow once again
but it dings? what was that
A boy sits on top if the hill. He sits and wathces the clouds go by and wishes for the day to never end. He misses his home, his family, his old life. And wishes that he could go back and see his old family again. His new life…Sucks
S. G. H.
i stumbled up the hill in italy as a tried to catch my breath. we had been walking uphill all day in a rainly cobblestone town with old women trying to make us stay at her hostel. bella is what she called me… but I knew she just wanted the money. After we got to the apex of the hill I sat on a bench nesxt to two cats. One of which looked
a mountain. [out of a molehill]
has an edge,
suicide is the biggest decision you can make without regretting it.
love letters and suicide notes might have the same content.
hills are fun to ride down on. I also remember that one day on that one hill. I was so tempted. I’m glad that it worked out the way it did though. now a I hope nothing is going wrong. but at the same time, I hope he knows.
I have lots of associations with the word “hill”. I grew up, my first home in life, was on Oak Hill Road in Midland Park, New Jersey. We had a lot of fun as kids flying down the hill on our bicycles. Now, I live in Mokelumne Hill, Ca. in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California.
Dave Lauter
I can see the sun behind the hill.
tree space dude monkey time space cantankerous green apple old memory farm carriage wagon gas station
Of course they’re nothing compared to the expression u getr when you see a mountain.
climbing over hills, overlooking trees. i stand upon a hilltop of monumental endeavors, and yet i sink into the depths of valleys. how can i put into words i feel right now? am i a hill, or am i a valley?
Hill. Hilla diya. Moved. Gave to my Parsee friend Hilla. Shone a light on her. This sixty second typology thingy will improve typing speeds if it does nothing else. Improving typing speed is an uphill task. Like Sisyphus. Two hills up, one hill down. Like a description of a pregnant lady.
Violet Hill. Coldplays new single, on their new album is my favourite song! :D
Get into it :P
overcoming this hill of social anxiety is getting to me. potential is failing and people are flying by. overcoming this hill and placing the flag of victory in it is hard to imagine. even if i make it to the top i can soon fall down all over again.
Hills stretching upwards above me, burying me overwhelming, holy shit. I tell bill this, tell him about the dirt under me and he says I’m being ridiculous, says being an undertaker is hard, especially at first, but that you get over it fast. I don’t believe him, and I have nightmares where I claw away at the hills, dig elaborate tunnels to escape whatever it is. Whatever this is. I scream until someone tells me to wake up. Sometimes, no one does.
there certainly was a hill, she said. theres where they all go to die. the rest their bones beneath soil and stone because they can. the crows will pick them apart but thats no bother, at least thats what pooh wants you to believe, but really honey, really
Once upon a time there was a hill. It was pretty and green.However, buried under that said hill, was something not so pleasent. can you guess what it was? figure it out.
hi i was just talking the other day and u frgot what i was saying so i was like what the heck your gay and i hate you you you fat some of a lard poop on a stick you dick face i can’t belive tat you waoulkd do this to me me you fat gafer i hate you my mother will kill your fac and digest your butt unside down
Chip lang
Jack and Jill went up the hill and when they got there a little bird said, “Hello.” Jack ate the little bird, cooked him for dinner, sucked the juice right out of the little bird’s bones. Jill said, “Jack, that’s just awful.” Jill starved to death. It didn’t take long. Jack ate her for a week and a half, and during this week and a half, he missed her. A lot. Then, he chipped a crown and lost a filling on Jill’s fibula. He didn’t miss her anymore after that.
Molly Gaudry
This is not “The Shining City On the Hill”. I would venture to say, it never was. We have been duped. We have been bamboozled. We have been fooled. We have been lied to. We have been used. WE have murdered and invaded other lands in the name of OUR DEMOCRACY.
I stumble sometimes, but always manage to get back upright and carry on. Sometimes it feels to me as if I’m always facing a great big fucking hill. With horrendous obstacles all the way to the top.
I will make it…
Many races, religions, languages, cultures, values, way of life.
Living together.
Simon foo
as i walk along the road i come to a hill. its not very high so i try to keep walking. the farther i go the higher to seems to get. its weird!
hi lloyd. hi llama.
over the hill. i feel old. that green bar is in the red, telling me im old. older now than i was 15 seconds ago.
i once knew a boy named keith hill. he was my brothers best friend. he was the only friend of my brother that was nice to me. i loved him for 5 years. he still doesnt know that. and he never will.
Chelsey Jo
and on top of the hill, she could see it all. the tales of love within the city, the lies and betrayal that came with nightfall. the hope in a sunrise and dispare in a sundown. purple prose. purple prose. purple prose. and on top of the hill from the roof of her house, she realized how shitty the town really was blahbalh PURPLE PROSE.
yer mam
There was a small hill, atop which there was a tiny chapel…there was a cross in the front garden and a tiny stained glass window above the door. I stood watching for a while before deciding that I’d like to take a closer look. I climbed the steps carved into the slope. They were stone and tiny bits of moss had begun to emerge from the cracks. I walked carefully, so as not to damage the delicate greenery. So peaceful…so serene…this was what I had been looking for…what I needed. As I entered the chapel, the sense of calm that enveloped me was greater than any I had previously encountered. I walked slowly between the pews, wondering who had been there before me. The place looked unused – almost abandoned. Dust had settled thickly on all the surfaces. In front of the altar there was a small bunch of wild flowers in a glass vase – long since wilted and dried. As I reached to touch one of them, it crumbled. So sad…all things must come to an end. All things die. I knelt on the stone floor and cried. He was gone…dead…I’d never see him again. Tears flowed as if they would never stop, there was a wrenching in my belly. This was the first time I’d cried since his death – not that I hadn’t grieved, I’d just been unable to admit what his death had meant to me…still meant to me. Yes, this was what I’d needed. I stayed for hours, crying, thinking, praying, remembering, loving…I stayed until the tears stopped. Somehow I’d find a way to cope, to continue with life…a life without him. Strange how we often don’t realize how much we count on another person until they’re gone. When I left, it was with a different mind set. I’d go on with life. I’d learn how to be happy again. He’d want it that way. He wouldn’t want me to spend the rest of my life grieving. Live, love, laugh…somehow I’d find a way.
The hill was so big, but I chose to transverse it. I walked for hours and hours, stopping only to tie my shoe and pee off the side of the trail. When I finally reached the top, I could look over the whole valley, the city nestled in the crevice of this monstrous hill, the bay far off to the east. But standing up here gave me this God complex. Here I was observing the land, feeling that with a single stroke of my hand, I could devastate the bay, wipe out the city and flood the valley. But it was ridiculous, I had no purpose standing up here. I mean, I could do all that from the city anyway.
hopoping along the gaurded railway.
she stopps
awaiting the falling of a crimson leaf
surfing in and out, the shallow crisy breath of fresh morning toothpaste awaits the lover.
The hill is grassy
And the grass is dying
I lay upon the hill and look at the night
The stars are hiding from my eyes
Behind the clouds
They blend in with the night
I only know the clouds are there
Because I feel the rain
Upon my freckled face
It is warm
And I am alive
It’s an uphill battle.
It will always be an uphill battle.
Tree tops on a grassy knole a ball rolling down, an apple, jack and jill, the top of the hill, the big house, there is a toouch hill to climb, up the heill, niver ends, it just keeps going, top of the hill. over the hill, not quite at the hill. it is hilly like a roller coaster ride, it makes my stomach quesy going over it, the hill, is long and steep ubut I iwill prevail.
upward battle of struggle and exercise in will and determination, resulting in a sense of accomplishment once reaching the top. a place to stand and look down at where you’ve come from and be able to
Up up up, the little boy climbed. The right summer sun stood high above him. It looked as if it was perched a top the little hill in his yard. and he believed if he walked all the way up he would reach it indeed. He kept on climbing, and he swore he was so close he could touch it. Finally he collapsed on the top of the hill, but the sun was still so far away.
Matthew Kolbert
wait hill agian what a geep
hahaha i cant right fast enought to speel correctly
dont judge me atleast im not trying to be deep
all out of nowherre
soo yeah hopelly i can get started on my english hw instead playing around stumble
i walk on a steep hill
to see a burning city
as i walked down
i relized i wasnt in a hill
i was mearly wathing my life
seeking perspective from a top of a hill
must think just write seems
I sat upon my hill waiting for my love to come.
I waited.
I waited.
I waited.
She went to another hill, and I never saw her again.
my friends name is hilary, and i used to call her hill. i haven’t really talked to her since iwas 10, but becuase of facbeook and msn we have quick talks every one in a while.
valleys and hills are also related.
i should have thought about hills because of my job, where i teach people to climb them. but that’s the first stuff that came up.
Just Like Jack And Jill.
There can’t be any sense to it right? It’s just english after all, nothing that we can’t decipher.
I spent a few days walking from my house to the hill. So many memories. So many things I had thought of while on that hill. The tears I shed there, the laughs with friends. Even my first love spent time with me there. Now that I’ve moved away and into the city, I still think of the hill.
the hills are alive
carrie underwood sang that at movies rock
dont chyyyyaalll care?!
okayy so anywho
hills are pretty sexy yo.
hills like a kids last name iknow
kid was a FREAKSHOW
im sorry that was terribly mean. uhm so anyhow once again
but it dings? what was that
A boy sits on top if the hill. He sits and wathces the clouds go by and wishes for the day to never end. He misses his home, his family, his old life. And wishes that he could go back and see his old family again. His new life…Sucks
i stumbled up the hill in italy as a tried to catch my breath. we had been walking uphill all day in a rainly cobblestone town with old women trying to make us stay at her hostel. bella is what she called me… but I knew she just wanted the money. After we got to the apex of the hill I sat on a bench nesxt to two cats. One of which looked
a mountain. [out of a molehill]
has an edge,
suicide is the biggest decision you can make without regretting it.
love letters and suicide notes might have the same content.
hills are fun to ride down on. I also remember that one day on that one hill. I was so tempted. I’m glad that it worked out the way it did though. now a I hope nothing is going wrong. but at the same time, I hope he knows.
I have lots of associations with the word “hill”. I grew up, my first home in life, was on Oak Hill Road in Midland Park, New Jersey. We had a lot of fun as kids flying down the hill on our bicycles. Now, I live in Mokelumne Hill, Ca. in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California.
I can see the sun behind the hill.
tree space dude monkey time space cantankerous green apple old memory farm carriage wagon gas station
Of course they’re nothing compared to the expression u getr when you see a mountain.
climbing over hills, overlooking trees. i stand upon a hilltop of monumental endeavors, and yet i sink into the depths of valleys. how can i put into words i feel right now? am i a hill, or am i a valley?
Hill. Hilla diya. Moved. Gave to my Parsee friend Hilla. Shone a light on her. This sixty second typology thingy will improve typing speeds if it does nothing else. Improving typing speed is an uphill task. Like Sisyphus. Two hills up, one hill down. Like a description of a pregnant lady.
Violet Hill. Coldplays new single, on their new album is my favourite song! :D
Get into it :P
overcoming this hill of social anxiety is getting to me. potential is failing and people are flying by. overcoming this hill and placing the flag of victory in it is hard to imagine. even if i make it to the top i can soon fall down all over again.
Hills stretching upwards above me, burying me overwhelming, holy shit. I tell bill this, tell him about the dirt under me and he says I’m being ridiculous, says being an undertaker is hard, especially at first, but that you get over it fast. I don’t believe him, and I have nightmares where I claw away at the hills, dig elaborate tunnels to escape whatever it is. Whatever this is. I scream until someone tells me to wake up. Sometimes, no one does.
there certainly was a hill, she said. theres where they all go to die. the rest their bones beneath soil and stone because they can. the crows will pick them apart but thats no bother, at least thats what pooh wants you to believe, but really honey, really
Once upon a time there was a hill. It was pretty and green.However, buried under that said hill, was something not so pleasent. can you guess what it was? figure it out.
hi i was just talking the other day and u frgot what i was saying so i was like what the heck your gay and i hate you you you fat some of a lard poop on a stick you dick face i can’t belive tat you waoulkd do this to me me you fat gafer i hate you my mother will kill your fac and digest your butt unside down
Jack and Jill went up the hill and when they got there a little bird said, “Hello.” Jack ate the little bird, cooked him for dinner, sucked the juice right out of the little bird’s bones. Jill said, “Jack, that’s just awful.” Jill starved to death. It didn’t take long. Jack ate her for a week and a half, and during this week and a half, he missed her. A lot. Then, he chipped a crown and lost a filling on Jill’s fibula. He didn’t miss her anymore after that.
This is not “The Shining City On the Hill”. I would venture to say, it never was. We have been duped. We have been bamboozled. We have been fooled. We have been lied to. We have been used. WE have murdered and invaded other lands in the name of OUR DEMOCRACY.
I stumble sometimes, but always manage to get back upright and carry on. Sometimes it feels to me as if I’m always facing a great big fucking hill. With horrendous obstacles all the way to the top.
I will make it…
Many races, religions, languages, cultures, values, way of life.
Living together.
as i walk along the road i come to a hill. its not very high so i try to keep walking. the farther i go the higher to seems to get. its weird!
hi lloyd. hi llama.
over the hill. i feel old. that green bar is in the red, telling me im old. older now than i was 15 seconds ago.
i once knew a boy named keith hill. he was my brothers best friend. he was the only friend of my brother that was nice to me. i loved him for 5 years. he still doesnt know that. and he never will.
and on top of the hill, she could see it all. the tales of love within the city, the lies and betrayal that came with nightfall. the hope in a sunrise and dispare in a sundown. purple prose. purple prose. purple prose. and on top of the hill from the roof of her house, she realized how shitty the town really was blahbalh PURPLE PROSE.
There was a small hill, atop which there was a tiny chapel…there was a cross in the front garden and a tiny stained glass window above the door. I stood watching for a while before deciding that I’d like to take a closer look. I climbed the steps carved into the slope. They were stone and tiny bits of moss had begun to emerge from the cracks. I walked carefully, so as not to damage the delicate greenery. So peaceful…so serene…this was what I had been looking for…what I needed. As I entered the chapel, the sense of calm that enveloped me was greater than any I had previously encountered. I walked slowly between the pews, wondering who had been there before me. The place looked unused – almost abandoned. Dust had settled thickly on all the surfaces. In front of the altar there was a small bunch of wild flowers in a glass vase – long since wilted and dried. As I reached to touch one of them, it crumbled. So sad…all things must come to an end. All things die. I knelt on the stone floor and cried. He was gone…dead…I’d never see him again. Tears flowed as if they would never stop, there was a wrenching in my belly. This was the first time I’d cried since his death – not that I hadn’t grieved, I’d just been unable to admit what his death had meant to me…still meant to me. Yes, this was what I’d needed. I stayed for hours, crying, thinking, praying, remembering, loving…I stayed until the tears stopped. Somehow I’d find a way to cope, to continue with life…a life without him. Strange how we often don’t realize how much we count on another person until they’re gone. When I left, it was with a different mind set. I’d go on with life. I’d learn how to be happy again. He’d want it that way. He wouldn’t want me to spend the rest of my life grieving. Live, love, laugh…somehow I’d find a way.
The hill was so big, but I chose to transverse it. I walked for hours and hours, stopping only to tie my shoe and pee off the side of the trail. When I finally reached the top, I could look over the whole valley, the city nestled in the crevice of this monstrous hill, the bay far off to the east. But standing up here gave me this God complex. Here I was observing the land, feeling that with a single stroke of my hand, I could devastate the bay, wipe out the city and flood the valley. But it was ridiculous, I had no purpose standing up here. I mean, I could do all that from the city anyway.
hopoping along the gaurded railway.
she stopps
awaiting the falling of a crimson leaf
surfing in and out, the shallow crisy breath of fresh morning toothpaste awaits the lover.
The hill is grassy
And the grass is dying
I lay upon the hill and look at the night
The stars are hiding from my eyes
Behind the clouds
They blend in with the night
I only know the clouds are there
Because I feel the rain
Upon my freckled face
It is warm
And I am alive
It’s an uphill battle.
It will always be an uphill battle.
Tree tops on a grassy knole a ball rolling down, an apple, jack and jill, the top of the hill, the big house, there is a toouch hill to climb, up the heill, niver ends, it just keeps going, top of the hill. over the hill, not quite at the hill. it is hilly like a roller coaster ride, it makes my stomach quesy going over it, the hill, is long and steep ubut I iwill prevail.
upward battle of struggle and exercise in will and determination, resulting in a sense of accomplishment once reaching the top. a place to stand and look down at where you’ve come from and be able to
Up up up, the little boy climbed. The right summer sun stood high above him. It looked as if it was perched a top the little hill in his yard. and he believed if he walked all the way up he would reach it indeed. He kept on climbing, and he swore he was so close he could touch it. Finally he collapsed on the top of the hill, but the sun was still so far away.
wait hill agian what a geep
hahaha i cant right fast enought to speel correctly
dont judge me atleast im not trying to be deep
all out of nowherre
soo yeah hopelly i can get started on my english hw instead playing around stumble
i walk on a steep hill
to see a burning city
as i walked down
i relized i wasnt in a hill
i was mearly wathing my life
seeking perspective from a top of a hill
must think just write seems
I sat upon my hill waiting for my love to come.
I waited.
I waited.
I waited.
She went to another hill, and I never saw her again.
my friends name is hilary, and i used to call her hill. i haven’t really talked to her since iwas 10, but becuase of facbeook and msn we have quick talks every one in a while.
valleys and hills are also related.
i should have thought about hills because of my job, where i teach people to climb them. but that’s the first stuff that came up.
Just Like Jack And Jill.
There can’t be any sense to it right? It’s just english after all, nothing that we can’t decipher.
I spent a few days walking from my house to the hill. So many memories. So many things I had thought of while on that hill. The tears I shed there, the laughs with friends. Even my first love spent time with me there. Now that I’ve moved away and into the city, I still think of the hill.