On top of the hill or the bottom of the hill? Hills are really all about perspective. Where you are in relation to the hill is what it’s all about.
And do you really love me, oneword?
jw shields
The man went down the hill, never to return again. The girls on the top totally didn’t see him until nine minutes ago. OMG, did I just here a scream from the bottom of the hill? Oh, yes I did! Maybe he is hurt? Maybe we should help him? The girls didn’t do ANYTHING. OMG, he will never return again.
i guess it could be a beautiful place to hang around with you.
Over. No, too easy. Under. One removed, but tritely so. I’ll take a deep breath and come back.
Right. Hill buy us a new one, yes? Go to hill. And quit stunting your short vowels.
The hill is a grassy knoll, much like the one of JFK fame, but larger.
I often wander around the hill just seeing what there is to discover.
One day I found an entire viking longship – I have no idea how it got there, but it was there. I went back the next day and it was gone though. Perhaps it was just a dream.
the hill was blue and mist covered in the distant horizon. the small dirt track to the top was barely visible through the heavy cover of trees. somewhere from the dense cover wisps of blue smoke rose snaking through the treetops.
my friend is called matt hill.. he’s a really cool guy, he puts on the best nights out in Hull and has a great personality.
hills are things you can climb up and have at picnic on when you reach the top. maybe I will take matt to a picnic on a hill
There was once a hi9ll whose first name was Greg.Greg had five eabbit holes. The Holes weren’t really there but when people came to see him the holes would turn into cactus’. There was once a hill and the hill was Geg’s best friend. It’s name was Jopan. Joan had five other kinds of hills living inside her. Like an yunderground village. The village had more than one person. The people were half rabbit and half mole and half human. They were called Rmolhumans. Those people had noses made of diamonds and eyes made of stars. It made no sense to the girl who visisted them one night. Infact, they killed her. It was insane. And Now I am telling my story.
Erin Cahill
Hill could be a last name. Hill could also be a hill top.
i’m looking at the top of this hill, waiting for a sign to come. no sign, only wind. cool wind, nice sun, i’m feeling like staying here for the rest of my life. nothing else to think, nothing else to say, only the feeling on my skin. a feeling that i’d like to share.
Climbed up by Jack and Jill, but the story does not end well. Just ask Jack’s crown.
I think of my friend chelsea. She is kinda nice but shes real mercanary. I never liked people like that. They always get on my nerves. She owes me 15 dollars too.
a top the hill sat jack and jill to fetch a pail of water
Tim Karr
the hill seemed to levitate through the shrouds of clouds wrapped around it. The grass beneath was bejeweled with dew; maroon heads of clover hung heavily br
Up… forever up. I should have trained harder… or at all. This pack must weigh 60 lbs. My accountant’s lung capacity and quad strength can’t quite keep up with my adventurer’s lust for the wilderness trail. Hills are killer, and if I don’t rest periodically I won’t last long… but if I don’t keep going, I may not reach the camp in time.
Sarah A
me and you went up the hill
and i went alone when you fell
because hitting that high meant more
you broke your crown
i wouldn’t care
reaching the top, that moment of nothing
was worht more to me than you
and i see that you’re gone now
hill street is where we lived when we were very poor. It has bad memories and yet they were some of the best days too. Learning to go without and challenging myself to rise above the looks and judgement of other people as they saw our poverty.
hill. wtf hill means ? i’ not a english-spoken contry resident so i don’t know what to say. sorry if it fucks up your stats. but you know whatever.
They told you to make it to the top
and so you did
Stading in your own glory the skies bowed thier colors to you
but you didn’t seem to notice the blood from your knees
you let them fall…
and now baby boy your on top
Adie Williams
The imagination about the large hill outside of town haunted me. There were mountains every where, but this hill…
It was medium height and had no houses, but the sage brush actually made in green in spring.
Aric Keith
jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. jack fell down and broke his crown and jill came tumbling after.
hills can be so calming….Just thinking about sitting on one, with warm summer breeze brushing through my curly locks bring this familiar, yet distant feeling of internal peace…
Thw fool on the hill é a primeira coisa que me vem à cabeç.a Lembrei depois da brincadeira que fizemos no almoço, se fôssemos ermitãs, seríamos todas gordas, the full on the hill. Agora vamos ver no que dá essa parada. Esse Stumble me leva a cada lugar!
the hugeness of rock, telling one of death and history, of past. it stands
The place was all orange–well, not entirely orange, but with bits and knobs of grey and three children running across a stone bridge in white jumpers. The lady gestured a bit toward the lake where dawn cypresses thrust coned roots through the dead grass.
Katharine Polak
Walk up the hill, but don’t run. Once you’re there, look beyond to the horizon far far away. It stretches infinitely, and once you reach the next hill, you will be closer and both further away from the horizon. At no time will this ever change. Learn to deal with it and never expect an end to anything.
there is a hill in nantucket where sheep usually dance at minight the town is calld shanty hill and there is no reason that the hill is there its just a place for the sheep to dance atr night. The only exception is on a full moon.
I once was on a hill when I was a kid. The snow has been pouring from the sky all night, and I, there with my sled was determined that I was going to not slide sideways as I head toward the bottom. All the thoughts of making a jump, then making it strong enough to actually jump over it kept going through my head. Allowing someone over the jump other than my friends was going to be tough, I didn’t trust many people. Hopefully they would rebuild it, maybe even build it bigger. The Hill was always a fun place, a place to get away and just be a kid.
on the hill, under it, I fly, the dog on a leash, the man on a leash, hauled by the dog up his hill, and who knows what bones lie beneath that mound, only the dog hears the other world, the man merely tries to hang on to his hold. on the hill.
up the hill they went jack and jill to fetch some water the hill was steep the hill was slippery the hill is the house and the hill is a horror and it’s morning and I’m tired and I can’t think but I will keep going until it stops and the hill is alive and there
gail desautels
Green Hill next to the sea in irland, a green plain country with peace and fresh air ^^
Where all is peace and pretty thing, no more violence !!!
All about
It was under the hill that the remains were found. At first glance, here in the country it could have been something local, not unlike something found countless time in the farm pastures. But these things only remotely belonged to us. Those things should not have been found. Toby looked at a small piece of flint. He tried to wrap his eyes around the cuts and grooves of the blade.
Barry Stiglets
Up on the hill is where you’ll find me. In the sunshine, reading a book, looking out over the sea. There’s an olive tree next to me, up on the hill. I sit in its shade. The weather is warm, it’s the end of a warm afternoon, and there’s a breeze from the sea. I’m reading a classical book.
jackson climbed the hill completely covered in his father’s blood. He didn’t know what he wanted to accomplish, but he knew that if he was to have any chance of survival he would have to signal an airgraft with the flair he recently wrestled from his recently deceased fathers hand.
Ty Harden
upon the hill the couple sat, pondering about how their lives could change. The women decided to push the man down the hill. He did not die physically, but emotionally he was transfixed by what the girl had done… He loved her til then. But now he was unsure…
Sargent Hill was unsure of the vehicle he was pulling over. The plates had not come back as stolen, but he could see that their registration was overdue.
the hill is a hill and hills are hills of hills on the mountain there were five hills that were each sand and one was not sand and then there was less sand and more sand and faces and games and everyone lived happily ever after the end and everyone jumped off the mountain and died the end and everyone flew around in elliptical orbits the end and everyone and everyone and everyone
hill is the english word for Montage(french).this is t
They sat on top of the hill over looking everything… they had known each other all their lives. Yet, things were different now. They could never go back to the way things were. So on that night… on top of the hill… they tryed to remember… one last time. Once again.
once upon a time i went up a hill. kinda like jack and jill ya know? only i didnt want to fetch a pail of water – why would there ever be a well at the top of a hill? like wtf, that makes no sense whatsoever. gravity pulls water downhill, therefore the well should be at the bottom of the hill. laws of physics mannnn. guess who ever wrote that had no knowledge of basic physics.
On top of the hill or the bottom of the hill? Hills are really all about perspective. Where you are in relation to the hill is what it’s all about.
And do you really love me, oneword?
The man went down the hill, never to return again. The girls on the top totally didn’t see him until nine minutes ago. OMG, did I just here a scream from the bottom of the hill? Oh, yes I did! Maybe he is hurt? Maybe we should help him? The girls didn’t do ANYTHING. OMG, he will never return again.
i guess it could be a beautiful place to hang around with you.
Over. No, too easy. Under. One removed, but tritely so. I’ll take a deep breath and come back.
Right. Hill buy us a new one, yes? Go to hill. And quit stunting your short vowels.
The hill is a grassy knoll, much like the one of JFK fame, but larger.
I often wander around the hill just seeing what there is to discover.
One day I found an entire viking longship – I have no idea how it got there, but it was there. I went back the next day and it was gone though. Perhaps it was just a dream.
the hill was blue and mist covered in the distant horizon. the small dirt track to the top was barely visible through the heavy cover of trees. somewhere from the dense cover wisps of blue smoke rose snaking through the treetops.
my friend is called matt hill.. he’s a really cool guy, he puts on the best nights out in Hull and has a great personality.
hills are things you can climb up and have at picnic on when you reach the top. maybe I will take matt to a picnic on a hill
There was once a hi9ll whose first name was Greg.Greg had five eabbit holes. The Holes weren’t really there but when people came to see him the holes would turn into cactus’. There was once a hill and the hill was Geg’s best friend. It’s name was Jopan. Joan had five other kinds of hills living inside her. Like an yunderground village. The village had more than one person. The people were half rabbit and half mole and half human. They were called Rmolhumans. Those people had noses made of diamonds and eyes made of stars. It made no sense to the girl who visisted them one night. Infact, they killed her. It was insane. And Now I am telling my story.
Hill could be a last name. Hill could also be a hill top.
i’m looking at the top of this hill, waiting for a sign to come. no sign, only wind. cool wind, nice sun, i’m feeling like staying here for the rest of my life. nothing else to think, nothing else to say, only the feeling on my skin. a feeling that i’d like to share.
Climbed up by Jack and Jill, but the story does not end well. Just ask Jack’s crown.
I think of my friend chelsea. She is kinda nice but shes real mercanary. I never liked people like that. They always get on my nerves. She owes me 15 dollars too.
a top the hill sat jack and jill to fetch a pail of water
the hill seemed to levitate through the shrouds of clouds wrapped around it. The grass beneath was bejeweled with dew; maroon heads of clover hung heavily br
Up… forever up. I should have trained harder… or at all. This pack must weigh 60 lbs. My accountant’s lung capacity and quad strength can’t quite keep up with my adventurer’s lust for the wilderness trail. Hills are killer, and if I don’t rest periodically I won’t last long… but if I don’t keep going, I may not reach the camp in time.
me and you went up the hill
and i went alone when you fell
because hitting that high meant more
you broke your crown
i wouldn’t care
reaching the top, that moment of nothing
was worht more to me than you
and i see that you’re gone now
hill street is where we lived when we were very poor. It has bad memories and yet they were some of the best days too. Learning to go without and challenging myself to rise above the looks and judgement of other people as they saw our poverty.
hill. wtf hill means ? i’ not a english-spoken contry resident so i don’t know what to say. sorry if it fucks up your stats. but you know whatever.
They told you to make it to the top
and so you did
Stading in your own glory the skies bowed thier colors to you
but you didn’t seem to notice the blood from your knees
you let them fall…
and now baby boy your on top
The imagination about the large hill outside of town haunted me. There were mountains every where, but this hill…
It was medium height and had no houses, but the sage brush actually made in green in spring.
jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. jack fell down and broke his crown and jill came tumbling after.
hills can be so calming….Just thinking about sitting on one, with warm summer breeze brushing through my curly locks bring this familiar, yet distant feeling of internal peace…
Thw fool on the hill é a primeira coisa que me vem à cabeç.a Lembrei depois da brincadeira que fizemos no almoço, se fôssemos ermitãs, seríamos todas gordas, the full on the hill. Agora vamos ver no que dá essa parada. Esse Stumble me leva a cada lugar!
the hugeness of rock, telling one of death and history, of past. it stands
The place was all orange–well, not entirely orange, but with bits and knobs of grey and three children running across a stone bridge in white jumpers. The lady gestured a bit toward the lake where dawn cypresses thrust coned roots through the dead grass.
Walk up the hill, but don’t run. Once you’re there, look beyond to the horizon far far away. It stretches infinitely, and once you reach the next hill, you will be closer and both further away from the horizon. At no time will this ever change. Learn to deal with it and never expect an end to anything.
there is a hill in nantucket where sheep usually dance at minight the town is calld shanty hill and there is no reason that the hill is there its just a place for the sheep to dance atr night. The only exception is on a full moon.
I once was on a hill when I was a kid. The snow has been pouring from the sky all night, and I, there with my sled was determined that I was going to not slide sideways as I head toward the bottom. All the thoughts of making a jump, then making it strong enough to actually jump over it kept going through my head. Allowing someone over the jump other than my friends was going to be tough, I didn’t trust many people. Hopefully they would rebuild it, maybe even build it bigger. The Hill was always a fun place, a place to get away and just be a kid.
on the hill, under it, I fly, the dog on a leash, the man on a leash, hauled by the dog up his hill, and who knows what bones lie beneath that mound, only the dog hears the other world, the man merely tries to hang on to his hold. on the hill.
up the hill they went jack and jill to fetch some water the hill was steep the hill was slippery the hill is the house and the hill is a horror and it’s morning and I’m tired and I can’t think but I will keep going until it stops and the hill is alive and there
Green Hill next to the sea in irland, a green plain country with peace and fresh air ^^
Where all is peace and pretty thing, no more violence !!!
All about
It was under the hill that the remains were found. At first glance, here in the country it could have been something local, not unlike something found countless time in the farm pastures. But these things only remotely belonged to us. Those things should not have been found. Toby looked at a small piece of flint. He tried to wrap his eyes around the cuts and grooves of the blade.
Up on the hill is where you’ll find me. In the sunshine, reading a book, looking out over the sea. There’s an olive tree next to me, up on the hill. I sit in its shade. The weather is warm, it’s the end of a warm afternoon, and there’s a breeze from the sea. I’m reading a classical book.
jackson climbed the hill completely covered in his father’s blood. He didn’t know what he wanted to accomplish, but he knew that if he was to have any chance of survival he would have to signal an airgraft with the flair he recently wrestled from his recently deceased fathers hand.
upon the hill the couple sat, pondering about how their lives could change. The women decided to push the man down the hill. He did not die physically, but emotionally he was transfixed by what the girl had done… He loved her til then. But now he was unsure…
Sargent Hill was unsure of the vehicle he was pulling over. The plates had not come back as stolen, but he could see that their registration was overdue.
the hill is a hill and hills are hills of hills on the mountain there were five hills that were each sand and one was not sand and then there was less sand and more sand and faces and games and everyone lived happily ever after the end and everyone jumped off the mountain and died the end and everyone flew around in elliptical orbits the end and everyone and everyone and everyone
hill is the english word for Montage(french).this is t
They sat on top of the hill over looking everything… they had known each other all their lives. Yet, things were different now. They could never go back to the way things were. So on that night… on top of the hill… they tryed to remember… one last time. Once again.
once upon a time i went up a hill. kinda like jack and jill ya know? only i didnt want to fetch a pail of water – why would there ever be a well at the top of a hill? like wtf, that makes no sense whatsoever. gravity pulls water downhill, therefore the well should be at the bottom of the hill. laws of physics mannnn. guess who ever wrote that had no knowledge of basic physics.