
October 3rd, 2008 | 1,005 Entries

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1,005 Entries for “hill”

  1. I really like hills. You can see really far from on top on them. In fact I like hills so much I’ve brought 3 girls to the top of my local ski hill to try and hook up with them, even though they all failed miserably. Hahahahahahahahaha anyways yeah.

  2. a hill is a place higher than flat ground, a hill allows someone to view things higher, than if they were on a level playing field.. A hill is hard to walk up, let alone run up, a hill makes trees look bigger than they really are.
    A hill is sometimes what my last name is perceived to be.
    A hill can sometimes be very small.

  3. A hill is a mound of earth. It can be a magical place, surrounded by fog and rested upon by picknickers. It can be a terrifying place, in the dark and the snow. It is a place of legend, full of faeries.

  4. I approached the hill with trepidation. I could already imagine my legs hurting as I began to climb. Indeed, my calves started to ache after a few steps. The hill was steeper than it looked, and I was in ratty old tennis shoes that were not ideal for climbing, especially when the hill was sparsely covered in grass. Tufts tripped me up, and I could feel dust from the parched ground settling on my bare legs. Sweat pooled in my armpits, and I despaired at the thought of the stains that would discolor my shirt when I reached the summit.

  5. Hills like white elephants? He was so pretentious. I don’t care if icebergs are pretty; icebergs aren’t writing. If you wanna write, don’t do it like that. Tell me, show me, what you wanna say, not something vague that takes hours to dissect. Hills like white elephants. No, hills like pregnant bellies. That’s what we should call it. That’s what it’s about, isn’t it?

  6. i walked up a hill and looked out over the world. i decided that i indeed liked being far above and being untouchable. there were creatures of the insect kind and the foul kind that shared my hill, but for all i felt that day, it belonged only to me. i was indeed queen of that particular hill.

    Kathline Stewart
  7. the hill is big and green. and sometimes it wears glasses. the hill is silent and hardly never speaks to anyone. the hill doesnt even speak to the king.
    but sometimes the hill moves to another spot. just to get another view on things.
    the hill is a good friends to everyone. even though it doesnt talk that much.

  8. hills are the places that I Like to climb when I have plenty of energy. I’ve had a lot of good times on hills, and I know that being on top of a hill is the advantageous place to be in a battle. I think that if I could build hills all day, it’d be really tiring, but that I wouldn’t be particularly bad at it, and that I would have competitions against myself to see which hill would be the biggest hill, and then once I had the biggest one I wouldn’t want to make any bigger than that, but of course I would by accident.

    Then once i have a new big hill, I’d always think of it as badass, until I saw a mountain, ’cause mountains are way bigger and more cool than hills are. Mountains don’t have grass though.

  9. The comfort of a landscape growing from the bottom, puckering as it rises toward some aim, some distant site calms me in the West, where the form is rougher

  10. hahahahahahah this site is so ownage. i can really write whatever i want? oh no im wasting time. alligator. terminator. elevator. see ya laterrrrrrrrrrrr. blue or iguanas. im a joker. roflcfopter.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  11. There was a hill in my backyard that provided hours of fun for us as kids. We would roll down it in the fall, slide down it in the winter. Lay on it and star gaze on summer nights. That hill has so many memories for me.

  12. hills are round, sometimes big.
    many houses are built on top of hills because the owners want to see everything around them. this gives them a feeling of security/authority over their neighbors.

  13. once apon a time there was a farmer and his wife. they lived on a nice little farm on the outskirts of town, and had built up a good life for themselves. on the far edge of their farm, there was a hill with a cherry blossom set upon it. The tree always seemed to be so terribly alone, because the hill was away from all else on the farm.

  14. Hilltop- on the hilltop we sat. We sat on the hill staring out into the sky. We put our backs against the cool grass and let the sun warm our bodies. We didn’t touch, just relaxed. Our hands just inches apart. I couldn’t imagine reaching out to touch him. It’s not that I was scared- it’s just that I didn’t want it to end.

  15. jack and jill went up the hill, like lovers, they came to rest. beneath the trees (showing their leaves) the world no longer existed. they were one beneath the sun upon the hill the hill that day. two lovers dressed in the sky.

    shut up
  16. i like hills, my primary school had a hill we rolled down it i broke my wrist worst day of my parents life, but they still love me. lol, why did i roll down the hill, oh my friends were doing it! i love them

  17. When I think about hill, I think about landscapes, I think about my country, France…But when I see hill, I see a dream to. You have to climb the hill to achieve your dream, your goal. Hill is life.

    Antoine Laurent
  18. Hill, just like the hill i have to climb to rise up from my depressed state, I want to climb up the disaster of my last relationship, I need to be confident with myself to reach the top of the Hill. I really need it.

  19. The top of the hill was a place never seen.
    Snakes and bramble covered the place in between.

    A man with a hammer, a saw and some nail
    Decided one day to build a tall rail.

    But when he for got to put in a step
    He looked so foolish, dumb and inept.

    So when he gave up and went right on home
    His wife there was waiting to give him the ????

  20. she said to meet right here. I mean i know she said it offhandedly but i could have sworn i heard her say 3:00 on the west hill past the school.

    charles ratteray
  21. jack and jill went up it and then tumbled back down… bad hill

    Lisa Payne
  22. I’m a ant in rotonde extortinary danger.
    The rain flips sidewise in pear shaped peaks.
    I sleep less soundly.
    When a man on a lip falls insect on the ground.

    warren longmire
  23. The sun rose, bathing the hilly rise with rosy sunlight. Two sleeping figures stirred, looked at each other, and smiled. There was nothing to be said between them. Everything had already been said. So without saying anything, they sat up and watched the sun rise over their hill, together.

  24. the hill the wind the everlasting wind, blowing over a solitary grave
    what is it for?
    i think not of what has been but of what will become of it, and how i will become it. i dream, i wish, i hope, i die.

  25. On a hill the world was spinning round
    and I almost fell off
    there was a void beneath
    but I didn’t
    and couldn’t
    and nothing ever came of it

  26. round and ambiguous and altogether too flexible for effective metaphor unless made drastic but the effort is no less than sysiphean. everything can be warped into one. the word and its meaning.

  27. The fool on the hill is a man most often misunderstood. You seen, the fool on the hill is really someone we, as a society do not understand, and because of that we cast him out. What we don’t realize is that we are the true fools.

  28. Over the hill tonight I thought about you,
    carressing my full body en nue,
    I would feel the warmth of your hand,
    all my cover…all in sand.

    The grey sky,
    beautiful orange line,
    our body intervined,
    and love will never die.

  29. lauren conrad is on this show!!! hills are fun to climb and roll down.

    Charlie Herrmann
  30. i fell off a hill once, but thats not true. maybe it is, maybe i fell so hard that i dont remember falling. but maybe its not, and maybe im just writing to have something to write about. its like those people who talk just to hear their own voices. im not sure, but im sure i fell of a hill or down a hill at some point.

  31. i was at the topp of the hill and the wind was blowing my hair into my face. i loved it. so calming. someone came up behind me and wrapped their hands around me. sticky. i looked at his hands and they were coverd with chocolate.
    “sweet tooth?”

    Bon QuiQui
  32. green, peaceful, wind, love. A place to be with yourself, think, reflect. Where you can feel free, no stress. Just you.

  33. jump form the hill and then sit like jack and jill who went up the hill .. they saw that the hill had eyes and that the hill would awake from its keep sleep one day they would be converted into heills too and they got so scraed of the hill they decided to get off the hill and go to down the hill and they then started running down the hill and finally then came down the hill and looked at the hill once they were down the hill.

  34. I was on this mound that some call a hill. I could see a mighty 100 yds before there was an obstruction. Everything was dead.

  35. I went up the hill.There i found Jack laying on the grass. He was sobbing. What’s wrong Jack. Nothing he replied. What are you doing here. Nothing he replied. Well what do you plan on doing. Well, nothing. Oh, i see why you’re sobbing.

  36. the hills quake with the rumble and shumble of the earth

  37. The word triggers a sense of nostalgia as it reminds me of my childhood. There was a very pretty park close to my house that friends and I would always venture to during our daily imagined adventures. There was a hill near the center of the park blanketed with perfectly green grass. I would climb to the top of the hill, which seemed like an ascent to Everest at my young age. Upon reaching the top I would roll down picturing myself falling from a mountain. Upon reaching the soft bed of grass at the foot of the hill my imagination subsided and reality returned.

  38. i dont like hills. sometimes they are steep and im in a bad shape to climb them. totally lazy…like now…im lazy lying around like a roasted chicken..

  39. i was at the top of the hill, looking at the lake.
    the sun was gright anmd the air was still.
    the colours were wonderful and all was silent.
    the lake was beautiful but sad…lonely.
    i went down the hill running
    that was cool!

  40. I don’t visit that place anymore. Nothing binds me to it, holds me there. Tobias is dead, gone, out of the picture (butmaybenotoryesyesyes), but that hill still haunts me.
