eventually micheal knew he would make it to the top of the hill, but with each step he began to doubt if eventually would ever become reality. His heavy boots, flooded with rain and laden with mud seemed to pull his tired feet into the ground. But he
P. Coulonovich
hill stands for small obstacles that come up
but tht make the journey worthwhile.
hill stands for the small issues that cm up
but lead to a smile
Traveling down the road, I spotted a hill that was emerald green. It looked so beautiful that I forgot about continuing down the pathway and immediately veered off in that direction.
Once I got closer to the hill it was obvious that it was meant for me to head that way.
I ran up the hill and to my surprise, they were all gone. Every single one of them. Below me was a scene of disaster and ruin. All I could do was fall to the frozen ground and weep out of exhaustion, fear and utter grief.
Amy Coble
are beautiful
in their simplicity
their failed attempts
to become mountains
my music just echoed
‘failed attempts’
that’s about it
hil high mole run
ant hill
swim aroud lookout point water grass mud
the large rolling green thing makes u wanna fuck and its large protruding head nauseates the fuck outta you….. rolling rolling green hillsssss daffodils
I ran up the hill as fast as i could – my body out running my breathe, my legs beginning to spasm. I was hyperventalating. It was impossible, i just couldnt push myself any harder, there was no escaping the horrific phantom drawing closer and closer, its eldritch eyes shimmering in the light of incandescent street lamps. I was a gonner.
there was a bunny on a large grassy knoll. Her name was robot rabbit bunny face. RRBF soon got hungry. Then she went to town saying “OOOO, bunny want foodses!” A noble lad heard the plea and came to her aid. Nick cox was this lad; he offered her a multitude of bread in all varieties.
it was a tall hill to hard to climb when I asked for help the man held my hand and up the hill we went. When we got to the top of the hill I realized I was in the mother goose rythem jack and jill and I was jill. I let go of jacks hand.
i climbed the hill and fell back down. just like all the dinosaurs before me. trying to get away from the frothy teeth. and the dry claws. maybe this’ll be the time, i prayed. maybe this time.. i’ll get to the top and just not stop. maybe now i’ll be somethine i’m not. something i’m meant to be. something more. or maybe it’ll be the death of me.
on top of a hill she sat waiting to see when they would remember to get her. She had been waiting all morning and now all afternoon but there was still no sign of her family, no way of knowing whether or not they remembered her. She sat counting the grass and then tearing it out with her fingers. This is how she spent her day.
jack and jill fell down the hill
it really sucked the entire way down
my life is going down hill
when am i going to hit the ground
i wanna go back up
up to the tippy top
it may be better there
i hope atleast better than here
that blue morning mountain hill dividing us is driving me mad like a dog with rabies.
I ran up a hill the other day with Bree. She’s a sister from the sorority I want to pledge. I hope this is a good decision, and they’ll accept me for who I am. I’d hate to be stuck in a sisterhood that thought I was crazy. We ran as fast as we could up the steep side, and later found there was a less steep side, I lost a shoe.
Upon a grassy knoll sat a small rabbit, overcome by the forces of inertia he was forced off his haunches where he tumbled to the bottom of the hill. Upon doing so he reached the conclusion that perhaps gravity was not his friend after all. having acquired this knowledge he returned to his perch atop the hill enlightened and a bit more wise of his footing.
The place where you feel on top. Try to stay, try to echo the emotion of lying on top of a place higher than everyone else. The green grass is beautiful and the breeze reaches high. All you need to appreciate is the lovely hilltop place of solitude.
Thom Justice
a hill is a hill that is built on a hill for a hills pleasure =)
up and down we hike and roll and fall into oblivion forgetting the place we came from, forgetting that this is the end and that we will not see daylight again after this moment suspended on threads everlasting and never showing.
we are alone.
Brittant Currie
at the top o fthe hill was a beuatiful well that could produce the most glorious water that could refresh you and make you feel reborn. all yur troubles would melt away and your life would have new meaning. this hill, ife. the well. your decision, and the water, your choice that everything will be ok.
Hill… that’s what we called her. Nowadays it’s “Hillary” or “Senator” or even, “Mrs. Clinton”, but when I knew her back in middle school, she was just “Hill”. Seemed like a stupid name to me.
I walked up a steep hill from school every day on the way home from school, sometimes twice a day when I went home for lunch (Tuesdays and Thursdays were short days.) The road was unpaved and dusty, and it seemed like a big task to ask of a small girl to
The hill was covered in a beautiful variety of wildflowers. The little girl watched with wonder as the little flowers moved in the breeze which swept down the hillside. She wished she could be part of the gorgeous scene enfolding before her.
jack and jill
there’s a hill where the stars come crashing down and roll down past thistles and rocks and the flashes make the smoke curl around my hair, around my arms, and i lose my balance, tumble to the bottom with all the other charred stones.
We go up,
We go down.
That’s how it works,
And that’s how it will always work.
I’m not saying it’s easy, living on top of the food chain,
But I sure as heck ain’t complaining.
Because I’m in my own litle world.
I’m on my own little mountain top.
I’m on my hill.
top of the hill. Getting to the top of the hill requires energy.
a hill climbing climbing to get to the top to pause and look around i lay with the sun on my back and the wind in my face and i felt good, it felt good to be on my own there sometimes i need to be on my own i think and think while the clouds go by though i love people i really do
A hill that stands with the utmost clarity and commanding stature is perhaps the most awe-inspiring landscape given to man. Without the hill we as a people, would have nothing to stand proud over.
Charlie Bay
My entire life has evolved around that hill. This hill, it holds a home. My home.
I have rolled off that hill, too many times.
I’m still dizzy even.
But now, it is just a hill, with a house, with no memories attached and no feelings there to find.
i like to run up hills with nice big flowers and nice fat ladies with blue dresses and giant boobs and i like chocolate cake and to roll down the hill with jack and jill with their buckets of swill and a jar of jam made by my granny manny janny fofanny whale of a mother and then jump on the back on a dolphin and ride til my heart’s content and then jump off into a giant ice cream sunday with piles and piles of chocolate fudge sauce
i want to roll down a hill? I really had nothing better to say. Does that rhym? i don’t know, wait i spelled rhym wrong, i just did it again. I wander why we have to capitalize I, i don’t see….
there is a hill at the football stadium at my high school where all the little elementary school kids hang out during football games. I like to look at them and remember how cool it was to be hanging out on that hill. we were not cool at all. we all looked incredibly stupid. oh well, those were the days…
I’m just falling off the hill, and he’s holding my hand, and at the end, his hand still is in mine, but his body is far away
It’s where Jack and Jill went! Both up and down. I always thought that was a rather unpleasant story for children – broke their crowns?!? Ick. Hill never seems to be a pleasant metaphor – over the hill, then there is that whole “hill” thing with Jesus and crucifixion and whatnot. All in all rather unsavory. And I don’t particualrly have anything against hills – but it seems mythos and tradition has an issue.
the rising sun looks beautiful behind the hill and the light makes my heart yearn for a day where I can just lay there and look at it, waiting for the sun to kiss my skin and make me feel whole. To stare at it, and feel completely fulfilled and my world is silent.
It hasn’t been far, so far. Just one day at a time, and then a week; sometimes, months pass by in the sort of hazy knowledge that this too shall pass and we too shall reach that peak. I miss him. I don’t know what’s on the other side of the peak, or if there is even is one – I’m not sure I want there to be one.
voyage bergers et moutons, s’allonger, penser lire, vivre, rire penser au moment présent à ce qu’on a accomplis et non pas à ce qui nous manque ni à nos échecs, la colline c’est là ou on peut voir de haut, s’aerrer
The hill became clearer than the ignorance of Sarah Palin, the exclamation was adhered to principle. The question was this: Was this the hill that Sarah Palin thought gave her foreign experience?
Ratapus P. Johnson
at the top of the hil were jack and jill. they were fetching a bucket of water but then sadly jack had fallen down, breaking his crown. and jill went tumbling after. at the bottom of this hill jack weeped of his broken crown and jill made him all better again
eventually micheal knew he would make it to the top of the hill, but with each step he began to doubt if eventually would ever become reality. His heavy boots, flooded with rain and laden with mud seemed to pull his tired feet into the ground. But he
hill stands for small obstacles that come up
but tht make the journey worthwhile.
hill stands for the small issues that cm up
but lead to a smile
Traveling down the road, I spotted a hill that was emerald green. It looked so beautiful that I forgot about continuing down the pathway and immediately veered off in that direction.
Once I got closer to the hill it was obvious that it was meant for me to head that way.
I ran up the hill and to my surprise, they were all gone. Every single one of them. Below me was a scene of disaster and ruin. All I could do was fall to the frozen ground and weep out of exhaustion, fear and utter grief.
are beautiful
in their simplicity
their failed attempts
to become mountains
my music just echoed
‘failed attempts’
that’s about it
hil high mole run
ant hill
swim aroud lookout point water grass mud
the large rolling green thing makes u wanna fuck and its large protruding head nauseates the fuck outta you….. rolling rolling green hillsssss daffodils
I ran up the hill as fast as i could – my body out running my breathe, my legs beginning to spasm. I was hyperventalating. It was impossible, i just couldnt push myself any harder, there was no escaping the horrific phantom drawing closer and closer, its eldritch eyes shimmering in the light of incandescent street lamps. I was a gonner.
there was a bunny on a large grassy knoll. Her name was robot rabbit bunny face. RRBF soon got hungry. Then she went to town saying “OOOO, bunny want foodses!” A noble lad heard the plea and came to her aid. Nick cox was this lad; he offered her a multitude of bread in all varieties.
it was a tall hill to hard to climb when I asked for help the man held my hand and up the hill we went. When we got to the top of the hill I realized I was in the mother goose rythem jack and jill and I was jill. I let go of jacks hand.
i climbed the hill and fell back down. just like all the dinosaurs before me. trying to get away from the frothy teeth. and the dry claws. maybe this’ll be the time, i prayed. maybe this time.. i’ll get to the top and just not stop. maybe now i’ll be somethine i’m not. something i’m meant to be. something more. or maybe it’ll be the death of me.
on top of a hill she sat waiting to see when they would remember to get her. She had been waiting all morning and now all afternoon but there was still no sign of her family, no way of knowing whether or not they remembered her. She sat counting the grass and then tearing it out with her fingers. This is how she spent her day.
jack and jill fell down the hill
it really sucked the entire way down
my life is going down hill
when am i going to hit the ground
i wanna go back up
up to the tippy top
it may be better there
i hope atleast better than here
that blue morning mountain hill dividing us is driving me mad like a dog with rabies.
I ran up a hill the other day with Bree. She’s a sister from the sorority I want to pledge. I hope this is a good decision, and they’ll accept me for who I am. I’d hate to be stuck in a sisterhood that thought I was crazy. We ran as fast as we could up the steep side, and later found there was a less steep side, I lost a shoe.
Upon a grassy knoll sat a small rabbit, overcome by the forces of inertia he was forced off his haunches where he tumbled to the bottom of the hill. Upon doing so he reached the conclusion that perhaps gravity was not his friend after all. having acquired this knowledge he returned to his perch atop the hill enlightened and a bit more wise of his footing.
The place where you feel on top. Try to stay, try to echo the emotion of lying on top of a place higher than everyone else. The green grass is beautiful and the breeze reaches high. All you need to appreciate is the lovely hilltop place of solitude.
a hill is a hill that is built on a hill for a hills pleasure =)
up and down we hike and roll and fall into oblivion forgetting the place we came from, forgetting that this is the end and that we will not see daylight again after this moment suspended on threads everlasting and never showing.
we are alone.
at the top o fthe hill was a beuatiful well that could produce the most glorious water that could refresh you and make you feel reborn. all yur troubles would melt away and your life would have new meaning. this hill, ife. the well. your decision, and the water, your choice that everything will be ok.
Hill… that’s what we called her. Nowadays it’s “Hillary” or “Senator” or even, “Mrs. Clinton”, but when I knew her back in middle school, she was just “Hill”. Seemed like a stupid name to me.
I walked up a steep hill from school every day on the way home from school, sometimes twice a day when I went home for lunch (Tuesdays and Thursdays were short days.) The road was unpaved and dusty, and it seemed like a big task to ask of a small girl to
The hill was covered in a beautiful variety of wildflowers. The little girl watched with wonder as the little flowers moved in the breeze which swept down the hillside. She wished she could be part of the gorgeous scene enfolding before her.
jack and jill
there’s a hill where the stars come crashing down and roll down past thistles and rocks and the flashes make the smoke curl around my hair, around my arms, and i lose my balance, tumble to the bottom with all the other charred stones.
We go up,
We go down.
That’s how it works,
And that’s how it will always work.
I’m not saying it’s easy, living on top of the food chain,
But I sure as heck ain’t complaining.
Because I’m in my own litle world.
I’m on my own little mountain top.
I’m on my hill.
top of the hill. Getting to the top of the hill requires energy.
a hill climbing climbing to get to the top to pause and look around i lay with the sun on my back and the wind in my face and i felt good, it felt good to be on my own there sometimes i need to be on my own i think and think while the clouds go by though i love people i really do
A hill that stands with the utmost clarity and commanding stature is perhaps the most awe-inspiring landscape given to man. Without the hill we as a people, would have nothing to stand proud over.
My entire life has evolved around that hill. This hill, it holds a home. My home.
I have rolled off that hill, too many times.
I’m still dizzy even.
But now, it is just a hill, with a house, with no memories attached and no feelings there to find.
i like to run up hills with nice big flowers and nice fat ladies with blue dresses and giant boobs and i like chocolate cake and to roll down the hill with jack and jill with their buckets of swill and a jar of jam made by my granny manny janny fofanny whale of a mother and then jump on the back on a dolphin and ride til my heart’s content and then jump off into a giant ice cream sunday with piles and piles of chocolate fudge sauce
i want to roll down a hill? I really had nothing better to say. Does that rhym? i don’t know, wait i spelled rhym wrong, i just did it again. I wander why we have to capitalize I, i don’t see….
there is a hill at the football stadium at my high school where all the little elementary school kids hang out during football games. I like to look at them and remember how cool it was to be hanging out on that hill. we were not cool at all. we all looked incredibly stupid. oh well, those were the days…
I’m just falling off the hill, and he’s holding my hand, and at the end, his hand still is in mine, but his body is far away
It’s where Jack and Jill went! Both up and down. I always thought that was a rather unpleasant story for children – broke their crowns?!? Ick. Hill never seems to be a pleasant metaphor – over the hill, then there is that whole “hill” thing with Jesus and crucifixion and whatnot. All in all rather unsavory. And I don’t particualrly have anything against hills – but it seems mythos and tradition has an issue.
the rising sun looks beautiful behind the hill and the light makes my heart yearn for a day where I can just lay there and look at it, waiting for the sun to kiss my skin and make me feel whole. To stare at it, and feel completely fulfilled and my world is silent.
It hasn’t been far, so far. Just one day at a time, and then a week; sometimes, months pass by in the sort of hazy knowledge that this too shall pass and we too shall reach that peak. I miss him. I don’t know what’s on the other side of the peak, or if there is even is one – I’m not sure I want there to be one.
voyage bergers et moutons, s’allonger, penser lire, vivre, rire penser au moment présent à ce qu’on a accomplis et non pas à ce qui nous manque ni à nos échecs, la colline c’est là ou on peut voir de haut, s’aerrer
The hill became clearer than the ignorance of Sarah Palin, the exclamation was adhered to principle. The question was this: Was this the hill that Sarah Palin thought gave her foreign experience?
at the top of the hil were jack and jill. they were fetching a bucket of water but then sadly jack had fallen down, breaking his crown. and jill went tumbling after. at the bottom of this hill jack weeped of his broken crown and jill made him all better again