Tomorrow the hill will still be there white and bald and begging me to tempt it. I fell before, hurt myself, broke my damn leg. And she saw it all, that witch of a neighbor. This time I’ll take it and laugh on my ascent, like some fool dumbstruck for lack of oxygen on Everest.
we left the front door and headed up the hill across the street. She wouldn’t tell me what was wrong, but I suspected that it had to do with the sauerkraut that I had with my bratwursts for lunch.
I’ll never know, though, because the eagle that had been lurking behind the house chose that moment to swoop in and take her cellphone.
Someday we’ll look back at this and laugh, or not. Maybe we won’t even remember any of it. I hope so. This really sucked.
Word Phoole
i really like to sit on the top of the lush green spining circles that is above the ivory setting in my story book. i flip and flop and listen to the quiet around my ears.
Hill. Grant Hill. Went over to the Orlando Magic basketball team of the NBA just to sit on the bench. His injuries were too serious to play, but not serious enough to not collect millions and millions of dollars.
This really hurt the team. I am a grant Hill fan.
Keu, The Talent
Climbing, trudging,
Out of breath,
Muscles straining,
Reaching for the top,
Just a little farther,
I am on top of the hill.
View is breathtaking,
It was worth the effort.
Beauty as far as the eye can see.
N. Kourmoulis
The hilltop rose in the distance, and if one looked closely enough, you could just see the smalled peice of fabric, flapping in the wind. White; symbol of defeat and tragedy.
It stood alone. No one was around.
she sprints up the hill, full of angst. it’s raining and cold, and frankly, she doesn’t really care about soccer at this point. she just really wants a hot chocolate. one-two-three, one-two-three. she reaches the top and jogs back down, breathing heavily.
just five more.
there was a hill that held a pill and tried to kill the little grill.
Hills are evil, very evil I hate Hills. They puff me out they are plain evil, Very Evil. You can trip down them, they are high too high. I hate Hills so much, they are evil.
Hills might be fun but they are evil, darn evil very evil why do we have Hills I dont know
Life is a hill, and right now it feels like I’m climbing up and carrying quite a load. I can’t even quite see the top, but I know it’s there and am determined to make it. The good thing is you can live at the top of a hill more easily than a mountain.
Today I sat on the hill watching the sun rise and thought about history and how time flies.
Today I sat on the hill wondering what life will bring and how we’ll all survive these agonizing moments. Today I sat on the hill hoping to find what I’m looking for.
There were three crosses on the hill. Two went to heaven, one came back, then went again. The other stayed on the hill.
The third time I asked her about the damned noises coming from the basement, she told me to fuck myself, else she’d get a restraining order on me. Of course, to be sure I wasn’t speaking out of the wrong translation manual, I shot her. No really, she gave me that look.
I am going down hill, without no fears or doubts, everything is just passing by, waiting for the next stage. I am at peace.
a small bump, a round ride in the landscape. green of grass or orange of sand. someone big, bigger than a mountain, sat cross legged on the land and stroked the hills curiously.
i climb the hill to see how huge is all that. dont beleive in god but do beleive in immensity. no croud, just air and vue. ocean is right bellow and i’m dead.
hills are like paths of life, you can choose to let it take you down and not be in control or you can resist and try to climb that hill in hoped of achieving something greater.
ryan hancock
Writing this post is like climbing a hill that never ends. Putting one foot in front of another again and again is much like writing about the same word day after day after day after day. But Monday will bring a new week, and maybe a new word.
I live on top of a hill. Every day in 3rd grade, I ran from the top of the hill to school, but the trip back was unbearable. Not only did I have to go back up, but school had made me tired. So in 4th grade I bought a bike after earning enough money, and that’s where I learned the valueof hard work.
diddy c
There was once a hill with a old man on top.
He lorded over his children with glee.
They hated him, but he shot the rebellious ones.
They made him Tea and Lemonade, and old people food.
One day little johnny tried to poison him. But he got caught and had his balls severed. What a awful old man he was.
Austin Krzciok
I am on a hill and I feel very large; I look down and everyone has their faces upturned as humble moon pies. I do not feel sorry for them, and I do not feel bigger, either. I’ve just walked a little ways, and now I am winded, my legs
Bea Winn
up, through the mist
through the eerie darkness
I’m alone, yet I have you
for comfort,
to warm me,
when I’m feeling cold;
the grass is filled
with dew
so early in the morning
and this could be the end
but I think now
I could be ready.
Josh Miller
dancing stars arising above the horizon, twinkling eyes reflect, only true to God above. Reaching toward the sky, no trying to deny, it’s inspirational and sunny, daisies grown amiss.
So this guy walks over a hill… and on the other side is an old torn down city. He’s never seen it before… it’s as if it’s never been there. Here he was cooped up inside his home for so many years, and there was a ruined city right outside his City limits. How odd…
I was walking. for what like miles it seems. all around me, nothing but green. an occasional glimpse of your memory, smiling back at me. how much I wish you could have been here, to see it all with me. but you’re here in spirit, in my heart.
Josh Miller
sitting on the hill at one in the morning, the stars spread out above us seeming curved at the edges like a dark bowl covering us. We followed the satellites and raced them across the sky. It was the first night of summer the beginning of the end.
the hill is very high one tree hill is a show that i have never watched what is the point of this stupid website note be sure to enter your name and email or your entry will be deleted when you click submit. i think
Jack and Jill went (skipped? ran?) up the hill to catch a pail of WA-ter. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after………………..dadadadadadada.
deep in the earth is a bean. just a bean. it’s green and yellow and has a slimy feeling to it. it has a raw smell and what is lovely is when you put it in a hill of dried dung, it turns out to be the best meal ever!
I sat on the hill, my green eyes staring into no where. I wondered what my destiny was, and why I had been chosen to live this incomprehensible life. My name is Miss Mizell, as my favorite teacher calls me.
Miss Mizell
It was tall. Nearly impossible to see the very top. The blades of grass growing there blew in the gentle breeze. I could nearly smell the deep smells of home cooking coming from the other side. I began to race to the top. It was steep, it would’ve been nearly impossible to run if I hadn’t of had years of practice. I’d seen others try, and fail miserably. But I was accustomed to the steepness and ran nearly flat out. Home was just on the other side of the hill.
Brittney Borgford
orange round hill. perfect to slide down on. is really fun to roll, and perfect for lying down on. kissing in the grass under the moonlight. seeing her eyes glisten in the starry night.
Jill was a really good smelling woman. She had long clean hair and a nice smile. In spite of the fact that she often went out drinking and spent a lot of time in dirty backwoods montana dives, dancing with all manner of backwoods montana men, she maintained a sense of freshness
Monkey woman
The hill of jack and jill, rap reference, the cypress tree slopes
water flows
mud view.
Darrin Johnson
Hillary went up the hill. Her hills were divine. She was in Beverly Hills. And Henry Hill met her there. “Hilloooo!” she shouted into the valley. “Hilloooo” echoed the valley back. She was exhillerated!
I sat atop a hill in my blue jeans, reading a book my Mark Sanders and it was really neat. This is a horrible piece of writing I thought to myself but I don’t care… It’s almost time to stop writing. Goodbye.
i think about the hill behind the cottage, the one i ran to when i first heard she was dead. the wind touched me, seemed to reach me in a way that no person could at that point. i loved her. i missed her. she was my beloved nana. she’s been gone so long now, but the hill remains the same.
My hill is flat
The lumps have been rapped out of it.
Flat as a piece of paper on a flat table.
unless you turn that table sideways… then my hill is a slant.
Sarah Carlsen
theres a hill outside my house. theres not much ever going on, but someone should put a ski jump on it. jump right over my house. completely unrealistic, but whatever. dogs run up and down it, maybe they need a jump. keeps the air flowing, and the traffic noise down. except you can see right in my windows. at least theres nothing interesting going on
I saw her, standing up on the hill.
Alone in the rain.
Looking past the hroizen to will come.
Tomorrow the hill will still be there white and bald and begging me to tempt it. I fell before, hurt myself, broke my damn leg. And she saw it all, that witch of a neighbor. This time I’ll take it and laugh on my ascent, like some fool dumbstruck for lack of oxygen on Everest.
we left the front door and headed up the hill across the street. She wouldn’t tell me what was wrong, but I suspected that it had to do with the sauerkraut that I had with my bratwursts for lunch.
I’ll never know, though, because the eagle that had been lurking behind the house chose that moment to swoop in and take her cellphone.
Someday we’ll look back at this and laugh, or not. Maybe we won’t even remember any of it. I hope so. This really sucked.
i really like to sit on the top of the lush green spining circles that is above the ivory setting in my story book. i flip and flop and listen to the quiet around my ears.
Hill. Grant Hill. Went over to the Orlando Magic basketball team of the NBA just to sit on the bench. His injuries were too serious to play, but not serious enough to not collect millions and millions of dollars.
This really hurt the team. I am a grant Hill fan.
Climbing, trudging,
Out of breath,
Muscles straining,
Reaching for the top,
Just a little farther,
I am on top of the hill.
View is breathtaking,
It was worth the effort.
Beauty as far as the eye can see.
The hilltop rose in the distance, and if one looked closely enough, you could just see the smalled peice of fabric, flapping in the wind. White; symbol of defeat and tragedy.
It stood alone. No one was around.
she sprints up the hill, full of angst. it’s raining and cold, and frankly, she doesn’t really care about soccer at this point. she just really wants a hot chocolate. one-two-three, one-two-three. she reaches the top and jogs back down, breathing heavily.
just five more.
there was a hill that held a pill and tried to kill the little grill.
Hills are evil, very evil I hate Hills. They puff me out they are plain evil, Very Evil. You can trip down them, they are high too high. I hate Hills so much, they are evil.
Hills might be fun but they are evil, darn evil very evil why do we have Hills I dont know
Life is a hill, and right now it feels like I’m climbing up and carrying quite a load. I can’t even quite see the top, but I know it’s there and am determined to make it. The good thing is you can live at the top of a hill more easily than a mountain.
Today I sat on the hill watching the sun rise and thought about history and how time flies.
Today I sat on the hill wondering what life will bring and how we’ll all survive these agonizing moments. Today I sat on the hill hoping to find what I’m looking for.
There were three crosses on the hill. Two went to heaven, one came back, then went again. The other stayed on the hill.
The third time I asked her about the damned noises coming from the basement, she told me to fuck myself, else she’d get a restraining order on me. Of course, to be sure I wasn’t speaking out of the wrong translation manual, I shot her. No really, she gave me that look.
I am going down hill, without no fears or doubts, everything is just passing by, waiting for the next stage. I am at peace.
a small bump, a round ride in the landscape. green of grass or orange of sand. someone big, bigger than a mountain, sat cross legged on the land and stroked the hills curiously.
i climb the hill to see how huge is all that. dont beleive in god but do beleive in immensity. no croud, just air and vue. ocean is right bellow and i’m dead.
hills are like paths of life, you can choose to let it take you down and not be in control or you can resist and try to climb that hill in hoped of achieving something greater.
Writing this post is like climbing a hill that never ends. Putting one foot in front of another again and again is much like writing about the same word day after day after day after day. But Monday will bring a new week, and maybe a new word.
I live on top of a hill. Every day in 3rd grade, I ran from the top of the hill to school, but the trip back was unbearable. Not only did I have to go back up, but school had made me tired. So in 4th grade I bought a bike after earning enough money, and that’s where I learned the valueof hard work.
There was once a hill with a old man on top.
He lorded over his children with glee.
They hated him, but he shot the rebellious ones.
They made him Tea and Lemonade, and old people food.
One day little johnny tried to poison him. But he got caught and had his balls severed. What a awful old man he was.
I am on a hill and I feel very large; I look down and everyone has their faces upturned as humble moon pies. I do not feel sorry for them, and I do not feel bigger, either. I’ve just walked a little ways, and now I am winded, my legs
up, through the mist
through the eerie darkness
I’m alone, yet I have you
for comfort,
to warm me,
when I’m feeling cold;
the grass is filled
with dew
so early in the morning
and this could be the end
but I think now
I could be ready.
dancing stars arising above the horizon, twinkling eyes reflect, only true to God above. Reaching toward the sky, no trying to deny, it’s inspirational and sunny, daisies grown amiss.
So this guy walks over a hill… and on the other side is an old torn down city. He’s never seen it before… it’s as if it’s never been there. Here he was cooped up inside his home for so many years, and there was a ruined city right outside his City limits. How odd…
I was walking. for what like miles it seems. all around me, nothing but green. an occasional glimpse of your memory, smiling back at me. how much I wish you could have been here, to see it all with me. but you’re here in spirit, in my heart.
sitting on the hill at one in the morning, the stars spread out above us seeming curved at the edges like a dark bowl covering us. We followed the satellites and raced them across the sky. It was the first night of summer the beginning of the end.
the hill is very high one tree hill is a show that i have never watched what is the point of this stupid website note be sure to enter your name and email or your entry will be deleted when you click submit. i think
Jack and Jill went (skipped? ran?) up the hill to catch a pail of WA-ter. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after………………..dadadadadadada.
deep in the earth is a bean. just a bean. it’s green and yellow and has a slimy feeling to it. it has a raw smell and what is lovely is when you put it in a hill of dried dung, it turns out to be the best meal ever!
I sat on the hill, my green eyes staring into no where. I wondered what my destiny was, and why I had been chosen to live this incomprehensible life. My name is Miss Mizell, as my favorite teacher calls me.
It was tall. Nearly impossible to see the very top. The blades of grass growing there blew in the gentle breeze. I could nearly smell the deep smells of home cooking coming from the other side. I began to race to the top. It was steep, it would’ve been nearly impossible to run if I hadn’t of had years of practice. I’d seen others try, and fail miserably. But I was accustomed to the steepness and ran nearly flat out. Home was just on the other side of the hill.
orange round hill. perfect to slide down on. is really fun to roll, and perfect for lying down on. kissing in the grass under the moonlight. seeing her eyes glisten in the starry night.
Jill was a really good smelling woman. She had long clean hair and a nice smile. In spite of the fact that she often went out drinking and spent a lot of time in dirty backwoods montana dives, dancing with all manner of backwoods montana men, she maintained a sense of freshness
The hill of jack and jill, rap reference, the cypress tree slopes
water flows
mud view.
Hillary went up the hill. Her hills were divine. She was in Beverly Hills. And Henry Hill met her there. “Hilloooo!” she shouted into the valley. “Hilloooo” echoed the valley back. She was exhillerated!
I sat atop a hill in my blue jeans, reading a book my Mark Sanders and it was really neat. This is a horrible piece of writing I thought to myself but I don’t care… It’s almost time to stop writing. Goodbye.
i think about the hill behind the cottage, the one i ran to when i first heard she was dead. the wind touched me, seemed to reach me in a way that no person could at that point. i loved her. i missed her. she was my beloved nana. she’s been gone so long now, but the hill remains the same.
My hill is flat
The lumps have been rapped out of it.
Flat as a piece of paper on a flat table.
unless you turn that table sideways… then my hill is a slant.
theres a hill outside my house. theres not much ever going on, but someone should put a ski jump on it. jump right over my house. completely unrealistic, but whatever. dogs run up and down it, maybe they need a jump. keeps the air flowing, and the traffic noise down. except you can see right in my windows. at least theres nothing interesting going on
I saw her, standing up on the hill.
Alone in the rain.
Looking past the hroizen to will come.
this sucks.