With nothing but determination and my backpack, I set out to climb the mountain standing before me. Blinded by the sun on the horizon, slowly rising over the orange clouds, I began my task.
One foot in front of the other, up and up and up and up I climbed. Stopping for water, I looked down to see my progress. I’d made it up hallway.
Here I rest. I’ll handle the peak tomorrow.
Peter Walsh
Going up the hill towards the horizon I in awe of the beauty I am viewing. I sit upon the top of the hill to just gaze below to the artistic cottages. It seems like a painted picture seen in an art gallery.
up it, over it. Getting to the next one. Riding my bicycle, I hate hills. Some people can climb mountains.
go up the hill. enjoy the view, take a rest, take a sip, recover your strentgh and off you go. continue on your way to the finish.
What’s that coming over the hill? Is it a monster? Is it a monster? What’s that coming over the hill? Is it a monster? Is it a monster?
On the hill, overlooking the sea, I found my lover… the one made just for me. It was on that hill our lips first touched, our bodies first swayed in perfect harmony. It was on that hill you took my innocence with promises of a future filled with love and happiness. It was on that hill that you told me, not three months later, that you were leaving. That you’d signed up to fight in that god-awful war and that you had to go. I stood on our hill and cried, tears streaming down my face as I watched you walk down the path we’d walked together so often in times past. And I knew, that my life would never be the same. Because you had just walked out of it, carrying my heart.
of molehills
made into
you can molest.
let us not forget
who lies here.
once on top of a hill there lived an old man with a dream as big as a hill. He always felt the urge to do big things in life. His hill top home was the best around the country side as it was right at the side of the hill where he could see both the sunset and sunrise
i once walked up a hill. hills are high up depending on how steep the hill is. grant hill used to play for some team in the NBA but i can’t remember which team. now i remember. the detroit pistons. but he sucks now. pretty sure he still plays but he is horrible now. i recall grant hill in some mcdonalds commercial where larry bird was trying to seduce him with mcdonalds french fries. i love mcdonalds. but i think i hate hills cause they are shitty to walk up
Hills are beautiful. I love hills with a lot of trees and grass. I live on a hill. Our hill is not very high. It used to be an island. There are a lot of houses there. People like to go walking and cylcling on our hill. There are good roads which lead to the top.
any hills. itchy red fire ants I hate them they swarm bite hurt itch blister pop
You can climb the hill. Just don’t think it’s going to be easy. Nothing ever is.
And when you get there, the most important thing about being at the top is the view beneath you, of all the places you went through to get there.
beatiful, green, and clean. exapanding to ever explorable heights. dont stop, keep going. you can rest in the patch of trees over there. Forget yourself, and everything below. now, you, or I, are climbing the hill.
It’s what Jack and Jill fell down on. Nothing more, nothing less. A hill, a rolling land mass that can cause devastation as well as beauty. I would like to sit atop a hill tomorrow looking out among the grass at nothing. Maybe I will meet Jack and Jill. Or maybe I will just be on a hill.
At the top of the hill in my first few weeks… it was amazing. all you could see were the rich houses and not the slums below. Gun shots rang out shortly after, we had to go inside and shelter in place, welcome to mills college.
Jack and jill went up te hill to fetch a pail of water jack fell down and broke his crown and juilll came tublming after. Bob the builder goes up hills. Bob sledding involves going downhils. I like hills covered in snow theyre the funnest. Snowboarding is wonderful down big hills yay hills. I love snowboarding/
over the hill was a stream that i swam in win i was young it was allways cold and envigorating i miss my childhood alot these days
The hill is great and bound filled with trees and water. the water flows down the hill like a wintery breeze. the snow and the patches of light puffs covers the hill with a peaceful cinderella feeling, that one can sleep peacefully on the snowy patch. With the birds and chipmunks hibernating and bears filled with timber, the hill swallows the animals into a peaceful sleep.
franklin cheng
strange hill, silent hill? what kind of hill are we talking about here? the sorta hill which you can climb and see the inside of your anus?
or are we talking about a more conventional sort of hill where you can go up on top and smoke a big fat blunt with a leprechaun in drag?
make your decision.
There once was a hill we used to roll down when we were children. We would race each other and see who could roll down to the bottom first. We had a blast and ended up with many grass stains on ourselves. It made u happy and was a simple joy. It makes me remember what is most important.
uphill battle. i think that’s my life right now. well – really not compared to what else i could be living. maybe i’m a bit self-indulgent. but melancholy…a hill of melancholy. sounds like a sad dessert. one hill after another. at least it’s exercise.
hills are bi they have grass jack and jill pails of water rolling no hills little hills two hills pills drills thrills spills milk no carying no worry no cry sleadin
I went over the hill with Jack, and he pushed me down. I went home and told mom, but she was too busy cooking. I went outside with Jack and told him to go back up the hill with me then pushed him down. Revenge is sweet.
I was once a hill with the love of my life. It was 1st grade and at the time I didn’t know it, but she was my soul mate. We got married on that hill 10 years later.
what the hell does that have to do wiht anything. has two ls. i wish i could sit atop a hill and over look something cool. like a gathering of people or some sick stars. imagine if hill moved and could be like soft like jelly so they absorbed u when u moved.
roll me down these curves covered in stainless steel blades on parade; slicing my skin with every inch traveled in and over and through a lot more than any of us would like to admit. i am reminded that if you never reach the top, you don’t get the view. but right now i have no use for climbing anything other than the trees i planted in my dreams some time ago, having ignored them in lieu of shiny, pretty things that tempted me with a love that may not really exist.
there is a beautiful hill near where i live. the tree stands upon it, haunting me with its dark foreboding branches. it hides a secret. the hill hides one also. miracle of nature? carved by satan itself? who knows why it looks so evil.
up. harder and harder to keep running, but you must, the finish line is on the other side. can’t breathe but you keep going up the hill because you must, you must win.
it is tough to climb, very far away, so many to go over and over and over, i wonder if there will be any water on the other side. What about rest.
I sat upon the grassy hill. Imagining everything I could have been. Could have seen. Happiness that filled me now drains silently down the hill. Emptying into vacant lakes and streams. Tears fall from my aching heart and I bleed the joy and happiness that I once was. I am so hollow. So alone.
a hill can be as small as a pitchers mound or as big as a mountain
luis quiroz
I’m looking back, down upon my hill. Looking at the distant memories, that are doing nothing but causing me pain. But back then they were doing quite the opposite job. They brought me joy, of when i could trust you. Know you wouldn’t hurt me.
Here I can be myself. Now that i’m on the other side of my hill, i have real knowledge of who you are. Thats completely different from what you began as. Goodbye.
I walked up the hill, contemplating what had just occurred. My own sister, with my boyfriend? Really, had that just happened? I kept walking, hours had passed but I couldn’t go back to them quite yet. Surely they had to be worried, more likely for their own safety than mine.
when i think of hills it reminds me of my great grandparents as it was there last name. I grew up racing my dirt bikes on hills around my house and there used to be a store called hills. I don’t really remember it much but my mother shopped there a lot because when I got older I saw the shopping stickers everywhere. back the the actual hills, I lived on a bunch when i was little
hill – foss hill. i miss springtime and sunshine and when things made sense, sort of. i pass foss hill as the last stop when giving tours, and it’s nice to talk about sledding on trays (last year when sarah, kelli, turner, nelson, and i did that!) or mud sliding or setting up a water slide. hill could be an obstacle – something to get through and to pass in order to make it to the other side.
Like Federal Hill in Baltimore
Reminds me of hanging with step-dad and mom when they lived in Fells Point
I miss that
There’s this place called Spring Hill, and today he was talking about how he wanted to climb it just so he could be at the top and see the entirety of the tiny town we lived in. Needless to say it was a fun, windy, Autumn day, and I’m really not looking forward to the world heating up again. I like the rain.
The hill… We always used to sit there, do you remember? And we’d laugh about your dog’s latest antics, or something your brother said, or maybe I tripped on the curb (again) and you caught me, like you always did. We used to pick up the apples from the tree and see if we could throw them to the train tracks… And you always won, didn’t you?
The day they started construction on that hill, was the day my childhood ended.
Chelsey Dunphy
Lately I’ve been trying to get to the point that I can move farther, faster and more efficiently. This that stands before me is my purpose: the Hill. The Valley is where I will be tested, the climb is the lesson.
The man climbed up the hill, slowly, slowly. With every step he took, he slipped, slipped, and slipped. His feet bled, the skin peeling off, exposing the bones, a gleaming, crisp white. Someone had shined his bones, making sure they were passable.
With nothing but determination and my backpack, I set out to climb the mountain standing before me. Blinded by the sun on the horizon, slowly rising over the orange clouds, I began my task.
One foot in front of the other, up and up and up and up I climbed. Stopping for water, I looked down to see my progress. I’d made it up hallway.
Here I rest. I’ll handle the peak tomorrow.
Going up the hill towards the horizon I in awe of the beauty I am viewing. I sit upon the top of the hill to just gaze below to the artistic cottages. It seems like a painted picture seen in an art gallery.
up it, over it. Getting to the next one. Riding my bicycle, I hate hills. Some people can climb mountains.
go up the hill. enjoy the view, take a rest, take a sip, recover your strentgh and off you go. continue on your way to the finish.
What’s that coming over the hill? Is it a monster? Is it a monster? What’s that coming over the hill? Is it a monster? Is it a monster?
On the hill, overlooking the sea, I found my lover… the one made just for me. It was on that hill our lips first touched, our bodies first swayed in perfect harmony. It was on that hill you took my innocence with promises of a future filled with love and happiness. It was on that hill that you told me, not three months later, that you were leaving. That you’d signed up to fight in that god-awful war and that you had to go. I stood on our hill and cried, tears streaming down my face as I watched you walk down the path we’d walked together so often in times past. And I knew, that my life would never be the same. Because you had just walked out of it, carrying my heart.
of molehills
made into
you can molest.
let us not forget
who lies here.
once on top of a hill there lived an old man with a dream as big as a hill. He always felt the urge to do big things in life. His hill top home was the best around the country side as it was right at the side of the hill where he could see both the sunset and sunrise
i once walked up a hill. hills are high up depending on how steep the hill is. grant hill used to play for some team in the NBA but i can’t remember which team. now i remember. the detroit pistons. but he sucks now. pretty sure he still plays but he is horrible now. i recall grant hill in some mcdonalds commercial where larry bird was trying to seduce him with mcdonalds french fries. i love mcdonalds. but i think i hate hills cause they are shitty to walk up
Hills are beautiful. I love hills with a lot of trees and grass. I live on a hill. Our hill is not very high. It used to be an island. There are a lot of houses there. People like to go walking and cylcling on our hill. There are good roads which lead to the top.
any hills. itchy red fire ants I hate them they swarm bite hurt itch blister pop
You can climb the hill. Just don’t think it’s going to be easy. Nothing ever is.
And when you get there, the most important thing about being at the top is the view beneath you, of all the places you went through to get there.
beatiful, green, and clean. exapanding to ever explorable heights. dont stop, keep going. you can rest in the patch of trees over there. Forget yourself, and everything below. now, you, or I, are climbing the hill.
It’s what Jack and Jill fell down on. Nothing more, nothing less. A hill, a rolling land mass that can cause devastation as well as beauty. I would like to sit atop a hill tomorrow looking out among the grass at nothing. Maybe I will meet Jack and Jill. Or maybe I will just be on a hill.
At the top of the hill in my first few weeks… it was amazing. all you could see were the rich houses and not the slums below. Gun shots rang out shortly after, we had to go inside and shelter in place, welcome to mills college.
Jack and jill went up te hill to fetch a pail of water jack fell down and broke his crown and juilll came tublming after. Bob the builder goes up hills. Bob sledding involves going downhils. I like hills covered in snow theyre the funnest. Snowboarding is wonderful down big hills yay hills. I love snowboarding/
over the hill was a stream that i swam in win i was young it was allways cold and envigorating i miss my childhood alot these days
The hill is great and bound filled with trees and water. the water flows down the hill like a wintery breeze. the snow and the patches of light puffs covers the hill with a peaceful cinderella feeling, that one can sleep peacefully on the snowy patch. With the birds and chipmunks hibernating and bears filled with timber, the hill swallows the animals into a peaceful sleep.
strange hill, silent hill? what kind of hill are we talking about here? the sorta hill which you can climb and see the inside of your anus?
or are we talking about a more conventional sort of hill where you can go up on top and smoke a big fat blunt with a leprechaun in drag?
make your decision.
There once was a hill we used to roll down when we were children. We would race each other and see who could roll down to the bottom first. We had a blast and ended up with many grass stains on ourselves. It made u happy and was a simple joy. It makes me remember what is most important.
uphill battle. i think that’s my life right now. well – really not compared to what else i could be living. maybe i’m a bit self-indulgent. but melancholy…a hill of melancholy. sounds like a sad dessert. one hill after another. at least it’s exercise.
hills are bi they have grass jack and jill pails of water rolling no hills little hills two hills pills drills thrills spills milk no carying no worry no cry sleadin
I went over the hill with Jack, and he pushed me down. I went home and told mom, but she was too busy cooking. I went outside with Jack and told him to go back up the hill with me then pushed him down. Revenge is sweet.
I was once a hill with the love of my life. It was 1st grade and at the time I didn’t know it, but she was my soul mate. We got married on that hill 10 years later.
what the hell does that have to do wiht anything. has two ls. i wish i could sit atop a hill and over look something cool. like a gathering of people or some sick stars. imagine if hill moved and could be like soft like jelly so they absorbed u when u moved.
roll me down these curves covered in stainless steel blades on parade; slicing my skin with every inch traveled in and over and through a lot more than any of us would like to admit. i am reminded that if you never reach the top, you don’t get the view. but right now i have no use for climbing anything other than the trees i planted in my dreams some time ago, having ignored them in lieu of shiny, pretty things that tempted me with a love that may not really exist.
there is a beautiful hill near where i live. the tree stands upon it, haunting me with its dark foreboding branches. it hides a secret. the hill hides one also. miracle of nature? carved by satan itself? who knows why it looks so evil.
up. harder and harder to keep running, but you must, the finish line is on the other side. can’t breathe but you keep going up the hill because you must, you must win.
it is tough to climb, very far away, so many to go over and over and over, i wonder if there will be any water on the other side. What about rest.
I sat upon the grassy hill. Imagining everything I could have been. Could have seen. Happiness that filled me now drains silently down the hill. Emptying into vacant lakes and streams. Tears fall from my aching heart and I bleed the joy and happiness that I once was. I am so hollow. So alone.
a hill can be as small as a pitchers mound or as big as a mountain
I’m looking back, down upon my hill. Looking at the distant memories, that are doing nothing but causing me pain. But back then they were doing quite the opposite job. They brought me joy, of when i could trust you. Know you wouldn’t hurt me.
Here I can be myself. Now that i’m on the other side of my hill, i have real knowledge of who you are. Thats completely different from what you began as. Goodbye.
I walked up the hill, contemplating what had just occurred. My own sister, with my boyfriend? Really, had that just happened? I kept walking, hours had passed but I couldn’t go back to them quite yet. Surely they had to be worried, more likely for their own safety than mine.
when i think of hills it reminds me of my great grandparents as it was there last name. I grew up racing my dirt bikes on hills around my house and there used to be a store called hills. I don’t really remember it much but my mother shopped there a lot because when I got older I saw the shopping stickers everywhere. back the the actual hills, I lived on a bunch when i was little
hill – foss hill. i miss springtime and sunshine and when things made sense, sort of. i pass foss hill as the last stop when giving tours, and it’s nice to talk about sledding on trays (last year when sarah, kelli, turner, nelson, and i did that!) or mud sliding or setting up a water slide. hill could be an obstacle – something to get through and to pass in order to make it to the other side.
Like Federal Hill in Baltimore
Reminds me of hanging with step-dad and mom when they lived in Fells Point
I miss that
There’s this place called Spring Hill, and today he was talking about how he wanted to climb it just so he could be at the top and see the entirety of the tiny town we lived in. Needless to say it was a fun, windy, Autumn day, and I’m really not looking forward to the world heating up again. I like the rain.
The hill… We always used to sit there, do you remember? And we’d laugh about your dog’s latest antics, or something your brother said, or maybe I tripped on the curb (again) and you caught me, like you always did. We used to pick up the apples from the tree and see if we could throw them to the train tracks… And you always won, didn’t you?
The day they started construction on that hill, was the day my childhood ended.
Lately I’ve been trying to get to the point that I can move farther, faster and more efficiently. This that stands before me is my purpose: the Hill. The Valley is where I will be tested, the climb is the lesson.
The man climbed up the hill, slowly, slowly. With every step he took, he slipped, slipped, and slipped. His feet bled, the skin peeling off, exposing the bones, a gleaming, crisp white. Someone had shined his bones, making sure they were passable.