the hill above my house is slowly sliding down. I build walls to hold it back, to hold back nature, but the only thing that keeps it up is the stumps from the redwoods cut down years ago.
We climbed for hours. We dragged our possessions with us for as long as we could. We made love by the side of a cherry tree.
We got the water our village so desperately needed. However, in the heat of our excitement, I fell. My head was shattered on the rocks below. Jill was not far behind. The village never heard from us again.
un mundo donde no nos maneje el miedo, donde vivamos sin estar paralizados por las continuas malas noticias, NO MIEDO, no creamos en nada que nos vendan por miedo, no ebola, no cambio climático, no votar con miedo, no efecto 2000. no asteroides asesinos, no mutación de la fiebre del pollo, no miedo,no miedo, no miedo
She went up the hill and sat uncomfortably looking at the city down below. It was then and there that she made the decision of never speaking a word, ever again.
ms. t
Climbing the hill was not Harry’s favorite part of the day. The bastard was steep, slippery, and always crowded. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d been knocked aside and slipped into the mud. But every day he still walked to work. He didn’t like the hill, but the walking was good.
Best when they come in pairs. Not as arrogant as a mountain, not as boring as the plain. Like the chocolate ones in the phillipines. Sledding and sliding.
i was sitting atop a hill looking at the beautiful sunset. the stream below the hill looked clear as a crystal. the horizon was a mix of pastel colors. the world seemed to stand still, just for me.
Courtney Henes
i was sitting atop a hill lokking at the beautiful sunset. the stream below the hill looked clear as a crystal. the horizon was a mix of pastel colors. the world seemed to stand still, just for me.
Courtney Henes
The last few steps up the hill were the most treacherous. He turned to look down the hill and his entire life flashed through his eyes.
His eyes, eyes that had never seen colors nor shapes. As he placed the final step up the hill, he felt an arm reach to grab him and help him up.
“You are the one who guided me through life, up this hill. I love you”
the hill was the highest one i had ever climbed. it was a very weary climb. some time i would climb the hill and sit at the top an wonder about the world. i knew many people who just didnt go up hills . they said it was to dangerous. this hill seemd to have a personality . it was my friend it knew me . i felt at peace wheni climbed it.
The last name of a guy I went to high school with – who is now a semi-famous baseball player.
A hill is a geographical feature by definition. Like the sand at the seaside, it is as if millions of years of wind has rippled the earth. The ground undulates and flows like an ocean, and hills are its waves.
A hill is a geographical feature by definition. Like the sand at the seaside, it is as if millions of years of wind has rippled the earth. The ground undulates and flows like an ocean, and hills are its waves.
a hill is a steep sort of bulge in the earth on which buildings are sometimes built. It can be described as steep or shallow, and can be hard to climb if too steep. normally found in the countryside, they are natural mounds of earth.
Oh hill, oh gloroius hill, what corpses of old are hidden beneath your green skin, what worm highways do you hide in your intestines?
old as the hills, old as mold, cold as the folds of fat in my soul
big, high, green, place of peace, love, view, sunset, dust, grass, relaxation, fun, picknic,
It was a steep thing, but a thing of beauty. Green and lush in one season, a pretty joyful place of imangings and wonder. And yet it changes, and It is a cold fortress of fear and potential death.
Stretching before me I see the hill, and my tired feet ache a little more at the thought of it alone. The straps of my bag dig into my shoulders as I plod onward, just a little further. Just a little further.
apparently there are places in this goddamn suburb where it really does go uphill both ways. one of those places happens to be right where my street empties out onto the main road. poor catherine from a mile before the hill rides her bike sometimes, but i always walk. or run when she catches up to me like she did today. i hate running but love her to death. did you know i’m an infp personality and she’s the polar opposite of that? and other infps bother me something fierce. hmm.
grace h
The sun crested over the farm as dawn broke, and roosters crowed in the distance. It was a chilly morning, dew frozen on the grass and the wilted wildflowers that rolled delicately over the hill we lived on. I stepped outside and smiled at the day, clutching my thick woolen sweater tightly around my body.
He climbed to the top of the hill, careful not to slip on the dewy grass and stain his nice khaki pants. The daisies he carried with him looked fresh and nice against the bright green grass and light gray stone. Silent tears made their way down his face, and he whispered her name with reverence. “Lucy…”
I used to believe in hills,all my life I would pray to that hill,,,did it listen,,,untill my penis ruptured inside a rabid calf I’d have said yes,,but now hills have forsaken me,,so no more can I believe in a hill of love,,,,,,,,,,,,no wait is that god Im thinking of? oh fuck
challenge. emotion. domination. life. perspective.
going up hills down hills, life is but a hill. We climb and climb just to see that it isn’t a hill, but a mountain. You are on top all the time, you just have to turn around to see it. Sometimes it’s not so bad to look back. Even when things seem to be going down hill, you are always climbing up the hill of life.
once upon a time these two kids went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. They saw a monster on the way and found a hole to hide in. They slid through the hole all the way to China as they scrambled to save their water. Once in China they ate food and went home.
The Teacher
on the hill lies my heart where you left it. you left it when you found her. her, with the eyes you love to lose yourself in. to lose yourself so you don’t have to face your fears; your fears of self-regret and torment. you left me there to rot, to decay, to betray myself.
hill struggle up down fall slip tumble weed pull yank up go stop look see what you can do! dont stop now keep going dont look back keep your eyes on the prize
my elementary school was named after a hill in our tyown. Faires in the books i read live under the hills, sitting on hills is where you can watch the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets…
I’ll bet it hurts in them shoes. All that rubble and debris and you’re up and down all day with your bucket and spade, like a kid on a beach, or something a little less dainty.
Sorry about that, I’ll have the soles done in no time.
Upon that little hill, my grandma was born. It was because she didn’t have money to go to the hospital and grand-grand dad just thought — hey, why don’t we just go to that hill and let my first daughter be born there? And everyone in town went to see my grandma get born. That’s why it’s called Edna Hill, after my grandma.
the beautiful woman stood atop the hill, watching, waiting. her violet eyes teeming with anticipation were bright and hopeful. she was searching the countryside for her one true love.
The air is crispy clean and the leaves are starting to bleed from their branches. I wrap my wool sweater tight around my body, trapping the heat from within, preparing for the windy chill to come. Step by step, I make my way upwards, feeling a healthy burn, a steady pulse, flow through my thighs.
A figure awaits, darkened by the backlit twilight sky. It lingers in obscurity. And I’m not sure whether to keep going forward or to turn and run away.
At the top of the hill there is a figure. There is a decision. At the top of the hill, which is ever so close now, awaits a decision. Shifty and unpredictible.
But as nervous as I am, I keep stepping. I keep climbing. I am anxious and excited. I am nervous and confident. I am all sorts of mixed-up and clear all mixed into me.
Something is waiting there. At the top of the hill.
going up, going down
going up, going down
i climbed up the hill. it was beautiful. all you could see were the leaves changing colors. i wanted to push him off the edge, but i held back. I knew i wouldnt be able to finish without hm
i was on a hill, lookin below , trees and gardes and flowers….
the hill above my house is slowly sliding down. I build walls to hold it back, to hold back nature, but the only thing that keeps it up is the stumps from the redwoods cut down years ago.
We climbed for hours. We dragged our possessions with us for as long as we could. We made love by the side of a cherry tree.
We got the water our village so desperately needed. However, in the heat of our excitement, I fell. My head was shattered on the rocks below. Jill was not far behind. The village never heard from us again.
un mundo donde no nos maneje el miedo, donde vivamos sin estar paralizados por las continuas malas noticias, NO MIEDO, no creamos en nada que nos vendan por miedo, no ebola, no cambio climático, no votar con miedo, no efecto 2000. no asteroides asesinos, no mutación de la fiebre del pollo, no miedo,no miedo, no miedo
She went up the hill and sat uncomfortably looking at the city down below. It was then and there that she made the decision of never speaking a word, ever again.
Climbing the hill was not Harry’s favorite part of the day. The bastard was steep, slippery, and always crowded. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d been knocked aside and slipped into the mud. But every day he still walked to work. He didn’t like the hill, but the walking was good.
Best when they come in pairs. Not as arrogant as a mountain, not as boring as the plain. Like the chocolate ones in the phillipines. Sledding and sliding.
i was sitting atop a hill looking at the beautiful sunset. the stream below the hill looked clear as a crystal. the horizon was a mix of pastel colors. the world seemed to stand still, just for me.
i was sitting atop a hill lokking at the beautiful sunset. the stream below the hill looked clear as a crystal. the horizon was a mix of pastel colors. the world seemed to stand still, just for me.
The last few steps up the hill were the most treacherous. He turned to look down the hill and his entire life flashed through his eyes.
His eyes, eyes that had never seen colors nor shapes. As he placed the final step up the hill, he felt an arm reach to grab him and help him up.
“You are the one who guided me through life, up this hill. I love you”
the hill was the highest one i had ever climbed. it was a very weary climb. some time i would climb the hill and sit at the top an wonder about the world. i knew many people who just didnt go up hills . they said it was to dangerous. this hill seemd to have a personality . it was my friend it knew me . i felt at peace wheni climbed it.
The last name of a guy I went to high school with – who is now a semi-famous baseball player.
A hill is a geographical feature by definition. Like the sand at the seaside, it is as if millions of years of wind has rippled the earth. The ground undulates and flows like an ocean, and hills are its waves.
A hill is a geographical feature by definition. Like the sand at the seaside, it is as if millions of years of wind has rippled the earth. The ground undulates and flows like an ocean, and hills are its waves.
a hill is a steep sort of bulge in the earth on which buildings are sometimes built. It can be described as steep or shallow, and can be hard to climb if too steep. normally found in the countryside, they are natural mounds of earth.
Oh hill, oh gloroius hill, what corpses of old are hidden beneath your green skin, what worm highways do you hide in your intestines?
old as the hills, old as mold, cold as the folds of fat in my soul
big, high, green, place of peace, love, view, sunset, dust, grass, relaxation, fun, picknic,
It was a steep thing, but a thing of beauty. Green and lush in one season, a pretty joyful place of imangings and wonder. And yet it changes, and It is a cold fortress of fear and potential death.
Stretching before me I see the hill, and my tired feet ache a little more at the thought of it alone. The straps of my bag dig into my shoulders as I plod onward, just a little further. Just a little further.
apparently there are places in this goddamn suburb where it really does go uphill both ways. one of those places happens to be right where my street empties out onto the main road. poor catherine from a mile before the hill rides her bike sometimes, but i always walk. or run when she catches up to me like she did today. i hate running but love her to death. did you know i’m an infp personality and she’s the polar opposite of that? and other infps bother me something fierce. hmm.
The sun crested over the farm as dawn broke, and roosters crowed in the distance. It was a chilly morning, dew frozen on the grass and the wilted wildflowers that rolled delicately over the hill we lived on. I stepped outside and smiled at the day, clutching my thick woolen sweater tightly around my body.
Jack & Jill traveled up this to fetch water.
tjk ejktl jaseklt jskl tjkla sjkelt jksl ejtka sjkle tjkla sjeklt sjklt ejakls etjklas jtkl aejtkl
He climbed to the top of the hill, careful not to slip on the dewy grass and stain his nice khaki pants. The daisies he carried with him looked fresh and nice against the bright green grass and light gray stone. Silent tears made their way down his face, and he whispered her name with reverence. “Lucy…”
I used to believe in hills,all my life I would pray to that hill,,,did it listen,,,untill my penis ruptured inside a rabid calf I’d have said yes,,but now hills have forsaken me,,so no more can I believe in a hill of love,,,,,,,,,,,,no wait is that god Im thinking of? oh fuck
challenge. emotion. domination. life. perspective.
going up hills down hills, life is but a hill. We climb and climb just to see that it isn’t a hill, but a mountain. You are on top all the time, you just have to turn around to see it. Sometimes it’s not so bad to look back. Even when things seem to be going down hill, you are always climbing up the hill of life.
once upon a time these two kids went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. They saw a monster on the way and found a hole to hide in. They slid through the hole all the way to China as they scrambled to save their water. Once in China they ate food and went home.
on the hill lies my heart where you left it. you left it when you found her. her, with the eyes you love to lose yourself in. to lose yourself so you don’t have to face your fears; your fears of self-regret and torment. you left me there to rot, to decay, to betray myself.
hill struggle up down fall slip tumble weed pull yank up go stop look see what you can do! dont stop now keep going dont look back keep your eyes on the prize
my elementary school was named after a hill in our tyown. Faires in the books i read live under the hills, sitting on hills is where you can watch the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets…
I’ll bet it hurts in them shoes. All that rubble and debris and you’re up and down all day with your bucket and spade, like a kid on a beach, or something a little less dainty.
Sorry about that, I’ll have the soles done in no time.
Upon that little hill, my grandma was born. It was because she didn’t have money to go to the hospital and grand-grand dad just thought — hey, why don’t we just go to that hill and let my first daughter be born there? And everyone in town went to see my grandma get born. That’s why it’s called Edna Hill, after my grandma.
the beautiful woman stood atop the hill, watching, waiting. her violet eyes teeming with anticipation were bright and hopeful. she was searching the countryside for her one true love.
The air is crispy clean and the leaves are starting to bleed from their branches. I wrap my wool sweater tight around my body, trapping the heat from within, preparing for the windy chill to come. Step by step, I make my way upwards, feeling a healthy burn, a steady pulse, flow through my thighs.
A figure awaits, darkened by the backlit twilight sky. It lingers in obscurity. And I’m not sure whether to keep going forward or to turn and run away.
At the top of the hill there is a figure. There is a decision. At the top of the hill, which is ever so close now, awaits a decision. Shifty and unpredictible.
But as nervous as I am, I keep stepping. I keep climbing. I am anxious and excited. I am nervous and confident. I am all sorts of mixed-up and clear all mixed into me.
Something is waiting there. At the top of the hill.
going up, going down
going up, going down
i climbed up the hill. it was beautiful. all you could see were the leaves changing colors. i wanted to push him off the edge, but i held back. I knew i wouldnt be able to finish without hm
i was on a hill, lookin below , trees and gardes and flowers….
i loved the children below, laughing, crying,
i loved myself, loving everything in the world
i loved god