I pulled and tugged and yanked. Nothing was enough. It was just too heavy. I could see the blood pumping as I took deep breaths, not taking one for granted. If I could just get over this hill I might make something of my life. I’ve never broken my own heart, but if I turn back now or fall again I never will. I just have to reach the top. Then I can let go of it and watch it drop to depths I won’t ever have to visit myself. Once it breaks into tiny, empty veins way down there I won’t feel a thing. And I’ll be able to move on and grow a new heart without the one I grew with you that beat so steadily I’m enjoying the quickening pulse this hill-climbing has induced.
Green rolling hills come in dreams often. They represent peace to me. No disturbances only calm surroundings. Looking down on them they show as gentle waves
grassy slopes and kites. its summer. always summer. perpetual childhood. running down the hill cascading down the hill. tumbling with jack and jill. bows and clouds and life. dandelions. it is a wonderful life and when you reach the bottom it hurts.
We stood on it and talked about its beauty. he looked at me, I looked at him and we felt a sense of liberation. He dared me to take of my clothes. I stripped off, unthinkingly. The freedom I felt was marvellous. The wind against my skin. He dropped his jeans and we laughed. The country green all around us. And the moment was magical.
over the hill is everything that you hope will be there. Every wish, every hopw will be waiting for you.
But alas, it disappears into smoke as you crest the peak of the hill. Maybe the next hill will be the one.
Large mound, presents a challenge, do you take it on and climb, or do you wimp out. Take the challenge see how well you do, take a break enjoy the view, it’s the thing to do
capital hill used to be a place where the peoples’ voice was heard that all changed today. It’s a sad day in history. WE are losing our freedom If Obama is elected it’s gone for good
I live in a town on the top of the hill. I t´s not a high hill but it´s a beautiful one and its view is wonderful. It´s lovely to be on the top of this hill when the sun is setting.
I climbed it. It wasn’t nearly as glorious as I was told it would be. But then, sitting there among the nettles, overlooking the brownish urban gloaming, when I decided I was the only pretty thing around… I liked it.
Watch, as the tree sways. Winter is cold, barren, and soso dark, but the hill is left untouched. Walk up, one the darkest of nights, and sit underneath the tree, and watch the stars in silence.
there was a hill in my childhood upon which i drew all my inspiration, and spent all my time chanelling the energy of the hill into creative endevours about the neighborhood. the hill was quite a distance away from the quaint village of waukesha, but all could see it. At times i would erupt into a fire due to troublemakers, and everyone was drawn to the efforts of extinguishment.
the hills are beautiful as the grass bleeds up and down each side. i can see for miles of green rolling hills. how i miss your warmth.
jordan redman
I once sat on top of a hill with nothing in my mind but the clouds I saw and the wind I felt. I felt like I could finally breathe again although I couldn’t remember the troubles that kept me from it before. It was serene and beautiful and all mine. I could hear the birds and wildlife around and felt at peace. Then a heavy wind blew and I awoke.
Danielle Werner
it was a top of the hill.
a king and he was quite the family man.
he loved his family. and his people loved him.
but he had a desperate streak that would stop at nothing to be make sure he was loved.
and there was nothing that would stop in his way.
except the hill that was keeping him from the promised land and the milk and honey that lied therin
gree ireland laura sit soup holocaust potatoe the way of her argyle frannie saying its over its over what will i do? i don’t want these friends, i don’t want them, i don’t belong and even olivia is going now bones the bones the bodies they lift out of those fragile clay graves and the cheekbones beautiful and shrunken.
Hills are things that I have no ability to climb over. Every problem is a hill, and I cannot surpass any of them lately. I’d love to tell you the mountains I’ve climbed but the list would be rather quickly finished. I run away from hills and go towards level ground. I cannot help but worry for my future.
She was standing there, looking back. She could see the tops of the trees and the remains of the disease and she could see the life that she had made. She felt the wind against her face and she thought maybe it was time to turn around. So she did.
Just a girl, standing tall and looking high, and facing a new beginning where she could see it all.
I fell of a hill at age eight. My knee was broken, and I had scratches all over my left side.
I lay in bed for 5 weeks before I was allowed to move around on my own (other than trips to the bathroom).
Really. Worst summer ever. Well, except for that time my mind was lost.
there’s a hill over the mountain and under the tree. it’s hidden in a quiet burrow, waiting for someone to give his/her love. waiting for an eternal spring, where it can rise higher and higher, support his grass brothers and maybe even his very own tree. but for now he waits just hiding and hoping and praying.
thilly thenny
The grassy slope curves away gently as I think about my life and all the little ants that call my small spot home. This life is not one of desperation at all, nor of isolation, but of gently interlocking pieces in a green grassy puzzle that shines brightly in the sun and reminds us all of the colors that keep us alive.
Amy Glover
Hither, near the open wound that was the crevasse amid the dismal ground lay a single leaf, a tear staining the hallowed ground. A drop touching and tilting and slanting sideways, pouring into the Earth’s molten core.
Peter Kispert
They told me to take the hill and I took the hill. There was no way we’d win this and we all knew that we would die on that hillside without any further thought. We knew that in the end, that hill was important, and what we did on that day meant something. That it might be remembered and we would be talked about later.
climbing unknown to seek what is over the apex. looking over the horizon to explore the other side. walking down after the rush calm, satisfied. relaxed, after the flag has been set
Once upon a time there was a hill in a mountain. There were a few guys that walked around the mountain and they all sang and danced. The dancing soon began to annoy the moon. The moon decided to stop it all and threw a potato at the little guy in the cloud. He was angry at the moon for throwing things at him, so he decided to ignore the request.
There was a hill I saw once. It was behind my friends house, and I had always wanted to go climb on it. I was never allowed however, as a boogey man apparently lived on the hill, and if I went up there I was likely to be eaten. I think this is a bit silly really, because everyone knows boogey men sleep in your room, not on hills, so I think my friends mum was lying that day.
over the hills and far away. where i’d like to spend my day. everything is far from grey and the children play atop the sun casted mound. Grass freely flows in the wind and shimmers in the sunset. No one is near and everything is as it should be. bliss
Sean Staaleson
There I was, standing on top of the hill.
Nobody there but myself and nature.
I laid down on the wet grass and just stared up at the blue cloudy sky. I didn’t know what to do next.
Call her.
That’s all I could think about, was calling her.
That’s all I wanted to do.
I got up, picked up my bag, and left.
over the hills and far away. where i’d like to spend my day. everything is far from grey and the children play atop the sun casted mound. Grass freely flows in the wind and shimmers in the sunset. No one is near and everything is as it should be. bliss
Sean Staaleson
On top of the hill sat a goat. He way crying. Everyone had left him and he sat alone on the hill. He sat until the sun went down and then smiled.
side. green. grass. sunset. flowers, sheep, lions. blue skies,
i got up the hill like mr. ryan said. shortened strides, use your arms, crest the hill, go for a little bit, then open your strides and let gravity take you. i did that. that hill was much worse than he said. and he also said it was the only one, there were at least four in that race.
your mom is a fucking bitch i hate her
They seemed elevated, like they were standing on a hill of their own, a whole pedestal they staked claim to and marked as theirs.
It was such an infuriating arrogance that they had.
They were so unlike the others around there, so completely sure of themselves and brimming with confidence. The pedestal they stood upon was more a creation of their own than anything they’d been given.
hills are awesome, i can climb them
I live on a hill, and Its rad.
hills are awesome, i can climb them
I live on a hill, and Its rad.
I looked in the mirror and saw a hilly white cap. I used my digits to press the sides until a volcanic like event occurred.
govardhan brdo krina podigao htio bi to realizirati
lijepo mjesto za samospoznaju
govardhana dhari
najbolji sluga također
oboavati govardhan
giriraja ki jay!!!
nama das
i stood aloft, the crabgrass tickling my feminine ankles, my breast full of emotion and my ovaries tingling with the glittering calumny of the hillside breeze.
‘this is where i shall lose my virginity,’ i thought.
floating. the clouds are like little whispers in the daylight. I never knew what to call them, when I saw shapes and likenesses inside of them. But then again, they were free, so why should we have to capture them with names. They are beautiful.
As the sun began to set in the sky that they had seen many times above them before, the clouds began to part, and they didn’t notice the breeze any more.
i love you. i love you and you will never know.
All she could think was that this would have been, should have been, the most beautiful, the most poignant moment in her life, and she had let it go.
I pulled and tugged and yanked. Nothing was enough. It was just too heavy. I could see the blood pumping as I took deep breaths, not taking one for granted. If I could just get over this hill I might make something of my life. I’ve never broken my own heart, but if I turn back now or fall again I never will. I just have to reach the top. Then I can let go of it and watch it drop to depths I won’t ever have to visit myself. Once it breaks into tiny, empty veins way down there I won’t feel a thing. And I’ll be able to move on and grow a new heart without the one I grew with you that beat so steadily I’m enjoying the quickening pulse this hill-climbing has induced.
Green rolling hills come in dreams often. They represent peace to me. No disturbances only calm surroundings. Looking down on them they show as gentle waves
grassy slopes and kites. its summer. always summer. perpetual childhood. running down the hill cascading down the hill. tumbling with jack and jill. bows and clouds and life. dandelions. it is a wonderful life and when you reach the bottom it hurts.
We stood on it and talked about its beauty. he looked at me, I looked at him and we felt a sense of liberation. He dared me to take of my clothes. I stripped off, unthinkingly. The freedom I felt was marvellous. The wind against my skin. He dropped his jeans and we laughed. The country green all around us. And the moment was magical.
over the hill is everything that you hope will be there. Every wish, every hopw will be waiting for you.
But alas, it disappears into smoke as you crest the peak of the hill. Maybe the next hill will be the one.
Large mound, presents a challenge, do you take it on and climb, or do you wimp out. Take the challenge see how well you do, take a break enjoy the view, it’s the thing to do
capital hill used to be a place where the peoples’ voice was heard that all changed today. It’s a sad day in history. WE are losing our freedom If Obama is elected it’s gone for good
I live in a town on the top of the hill. I t´s not a high hill but it´s a beautiful one and its view is wonderful. It´s lovely to be on the top of this hill when the sun is setting.
I climbed it. It wasn’t nearly as glorious as I was told it would be. But then, sitting there among the nettles, overlooking the brownish urban gloaming, when I decided I was the only pretty thing around… I liked it.
Watch, as the tree sways. Winter is cold, barren, and soso dark, but the hill is left untouched. Walk up, one the darkest of nights, and sit underneath the tree, and watch the stars in silence.
there was a hill in my childhood upon which i drew all my inspiration, and spent all my time chanelling the energy of the hill into creative endevours about the neighborhood. the hill was quite a distance away from the quaint village of waukesha, but all could see it. At times i would erupt into a fire due to troublemakers, and everyone was drawn to the efforts of extinguishment.
the hills are beautiful as the grass bleeds up and down each side. i can see for miles of green rolling hills. how i miss your warmth.
I once sat on top of a hill with nothing in my mind but the clouds I saw and the wind I felt. I felt like I could finally breathe again although I couldn’t remember the troubles that kept me from it before. It was serene and beautiful and all mine. I could hear the birds and wildlife around and felt at peace. Then a heavy wind blew and I awoke.
it was a top of the hill.
a king and he was quite the family man.
he loved his family. and his people loved him.
but he had a desperate streak that would stop at nothing to be make sure he was loved.
and there was nothing that would stop in his way.
except the hill that was keeping him from the promised land and the milk and honey that lied therin
gree ireland laura sit soup holocaust potatoe the way of her argyle frannie saying its over its over what will i do? i don’t want these friends, i don’t want them, i don’t belong and even olivia is going now bones the bones the bodies they lift out of those fragile clay graves and the cheekbones beautiful and shrunken.
Hills are things that I have no ability to climb over. Every problem is a hill, and I cannot surpass any of them lately. I’d love to tell you the mountains I’ve climbed but the list would be rather quickly finished. I run away from hills and go towards level ground. I cannot help but worry for my future.
She was standing there, looking back. She could see the tops of the trees and the remains of the disease and she could see the life that she had made. She felt the wind against her face and she thought maybe it was time to turn around. So she did.
Just a girl, standing tall and looking high, and facing a new beginning where she could see it all.
I fell of a hill at age eight. My knee was broken, and I had scratches all over my left side.
I lay in bed for 5 weeks before I was allowed to move around on my own (other than trips to the bathroom).
Really. Worst summer ever. Well, except for that time my mind was lost.
there’s a hill over the mountain and under the tree. it’s hidden in a quiet burrow, waiting for someone to give his/her love. waiting for an eternal spring, where it can rise higher and higher, support his grass brothers and maybe even his very own tree. but for now he waits just hiding and hoping and praying.
The grassy slope curves away gently as I think about my life and all the little ants that call my small spot home. This life is not one of desperation at all, nor of isolation, but of gently interlocking pieces in a green grassy puzzle that shines brightly in the sun and reminds us all of the colors that keep us alive.
Hither, near the open wound that was the crevasse amid the dismal ground lay a single leaf, a tear staining the hallowed ground. A drop touching and tilting and slanting sideways, pouring into the Earth’s molten core.
They told me to take the hill and I took the hill. There was no way we’d win this and we all knew that we would die on that hillside without any further thought. We knew that in the end, that hill was important, and what we did on that day meant something. That it might be remembered and we would be talked about later.
climbing unknown to seek what is over the apex. looking over the horizon to explore the other side. walking down after the rush calm, satisfied. relaxed, after the flag has been set
Once upon a time there was a hill in a mountain. There were a few guys that walked around the mountain and they all sang and danced. The dancing soon began to annoy the moon. The moon decided to stop it all and threw a potato at the little guy in the cloud. He was angry at the moon for throwing things at him, so he decided to ignore the request.
There was a hill I saw once. It was behind my friends house, and I had always wanted to go climb on it. I was never allowed however, as a boogey man apparently lived on the hill, and if I went up there I was likely to be eaten. I think this is a bit silly really, because everyone knows boogey men sleep in your room, not on hills, so I think my friends mum was lying that day.
over the hills and far away. where i’d like to spend my day. everything is far from grey and the children play atop the sun casted mound. Grass freely flows in the wind and shimmers in the sunset. No one is near and everything is as it should be. bliss
There I was, standing on top of the hill.
Nobody there but myself and nature.
I laid down on the wet grass and just stared up at the blue cloudy sky. I didn’t know what to do next.
Call her.
That’s all I could think about, was calling her.
That’s all I wanted to do.
I got up, picked up my bag, and left.
over the hills and far away. where i’d like to spend my day. everything is far from grey and the children play atop the sun casted mound. Grass freely flows in the wind and shimmers in the sunset. No one is near and everything is as it should be. bliss
On top of the hill sat a goat. He way crying. Everyone had left him and he sat alone on the hill. He sat until the sun went down and then smiled.
side. green. grass. sunset. flowers, sheep, lions. blue skies,
i got up the hill like mr. ryan said. shortened strides, use your arms, crest the hill, go for a little bit, then open your strides and let gravity take you. i did that. that hill was much worse than he said. and he also said it was the only one, there were at least four in that race.
your mom is a fucking bitch i hate her
They seemed elevated, like they were standing on a hill of their own, a whole pedestal they staked claim to and marked as theirs.
It was such an infuriating arrogance that they had.
They were so unlike the others around there, so completely sure of themselves and brimming with confidence. The pedestal they stood upon was more a creation of their own than anything they’d been given.
hills are awesome, i can climb them
I live on a hill, and Its rad.
hills are awesome, i can climb them
I live on a hill, and Its rad.
I looked in the mirror and saw a hilly white cap. I used my digits to press the sides until a volcanic like event occurred.
govardhan brdo krina podigao htio bi to realizirati
lijepo mjesto za samospoznaju
govardhana dhari
najbolji sluga također
oboavati govardhan
giriraja ki jay!!!
i stood aloft, the crabgrass tickling my feminine ankles, my breast full of emotion and my ovaries tingling with the glittering calumny of the hillside breeze.
‘this is where i shall lose my virginity,’ i thought.
floating. the clouds are like little whispers in the daylight. I never knew what to call them, when I saw shapes and likenesses inside of them. But then again, they were free, so why should we have to capture them with names. They are beautiful.
snow, flowers, love, storms, battles, sunshine, roll, frolic
As the sun began to set in the sky that they had seen many times above them before, the clouds began to part, and they didn’t notice the breeze any more.
i love you. i love you and you will never know.
All she could think was that this would have been, should have been, the most beautiful, the most poignant moment in her life, and she had let it go.