
October 3rd, 2008 | 1,005 Entries

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1,005 Entries for “hill”

  1. Hill Street Blues was a great show. I always thought Pizza Man’s wife was hot. She’s old now, though. I’d still hit it. Might need an oil drum full of K-Y, though. Whatever. Don’t judge me! I love Hill Street Blues, goddammit! Is that so wrong?

  2. A place at the end of a road. The hill is green and high with several trees on top. Birds are flying all around. I walked toward the hill thinking about all the things that I would find there. Slowly, I walked up the winding path through the trees to reach the top. There, looking outward I could see all.

  3. On top of the hill a girl is standing and she’s barefoot. She’s hungry. She knows hunger like the dirt on the bottom of her feet. She grows wings.

    Kelly Hannon
  4. mr. and mrs. hill spent some time apart. he was 89 and she was 92, and the lived in separate nursing homes, towns three miles apart. they were dependent on the generosity of others for rides.

    he had never been proud, but he couldn’t believe that he needed help just to be with his wife of 55 years.

  5. the hill was blanketed with fluffy white snow. catherine had never seen snow. she lived in hawaii. she was visiting switzerland now and found snow to be utterly amazing. how can you not like winter? the hot chocolate, the winter wear, the activities that require snow? whats not to like?

  6. on top of the lonely hill there was
    and the sheep said
    and I said
    “sounds nice”
    and then
    I did.

  7. I’m over it. It’s an easier ride on the downside.

    Joseph Leff
  8. Climbing hills is something I don’t often do. But you know who did climb hills? The little engine that could. Boy, could he climb hills. I saw a guy that reminded me of the little engine that could. He was walking on a handrail and kept falling off, and he would always try again and again and again. So there you go.

  9. The silence echoed over the distant hill, where the small buriel had taken place those many years ago. Occasionally a stranger might glance up, wondering absently what that marker up there meant, what poor soul was buried alone on that lifeless mound. No one ever went to see, no one ever thought. The hill remained silent in death.

  10. the hills are alive with the sound of music!!!

    hills are fun and tall oh so beautiful….

    i wanrt to be a hill when i grow up like my friend arturo that is a hill right now and because of his hilly waist it’s hard to write

  11. There once was a hill where people used to sit upon it. During the nights the moon shone upon the grassy knoll and strangers admired the view. The hill never changed, and the strangers never left.

  12. once i walked up a hill then through myself down it. The wind and sticks tore at my body, but the overall experience was fascinating. The blood and dirt somehow transformed into badges of experience and triumph. The clouds stared back at me from below and laughed as I tore a thorn from my backside. What a day to walk up a hill…what a day to come tumbling down.

  13. I fill over the hill. Always taking these pain pills. Forgetting what I said, a few minutes asking something again. Still I have you, and that is all that matters.

  14. She went to the ede of the hill to find an answer, an answer to the question he posed the night before. It was there. Everything she needed to know, to feel.

  15. She went up the hill to view the mountains without having to look through sky scrapers.

  16. tall and majestic it stands over us in all its glory we praise it we love it we want to be a part of it. we dig deep we build tall we want it, all of it. please be us.

  17. High on the hill, the wind seems stronger
    than down below, ripping its useless howl
    straight through the air without any roadblocks
    to stop it. It splays its wild spinning through
    the night and doesn’t stop until morning.

  18. I was walking up a hill one day with Jack and Jill went up a hill to catch a pail of water water everywhere and not a drop to drink out of the faucet whats the word hill is the word hill is high and steep and grassy on it is a well that runs everlastingly with water from a stream flowing down trickling sofly down my back in the heat of the evening.

    Rachel Flye
  19. I was once on top of a curious hill, and upon that hill is where i met my soul mate. Soon after, we died of a horrible car accident

  20. small mountain. looks peaceful. very relaxing.
    i have not seen one

    Mark Lopez
  21. hills are fun hills are high hills can let you roll down hills are grean and flowers grow on hills the hills is a show with silly girls hills can be climbed and skiing and riding and hills are good for seeing far distances. Hills are small and hills are big

  22. I climb the hill first. I waited for you to catch up. You were always a little slow like that. Slow to catch my sarcasm. Especially slow in the morning-always hogging the bathroom. Tomorrow, I’ll wake up 15 minutes earlier than you.

    Kendra B.
  23. from that hill I could see all the city, the people in the morning when they went to work, I could see the childrens playing with the dogs, smiling and running.

  24. His name is Brent. Brent means “hill,” or “people of the hill.” I don’t know why I bothered to look it up.

  25. At the end of the street was a scraggly hill, with sad patches of grass meagerly covering the gray soil. Pieces of litter covered the ground like ticker tape at a parade. The children of the town, having once attempted to play on the hill, deemed the lump “unfit for rolling down” and left the place deserted.

  26. climb never ending move out of my way teacher i am not big humble over and over to climb hill anita black hills rolling over my shoulder topanga canyon my home

  27. a hill is majikal like the meals of the middle east I love thy almighty hills hide the future and block out the past!


  28. jaime vega lara trabaja en etronics y esta en una loma llamada interlomas, ese trabajo me gusta mucho y mas o menos lo que estaba buscando como para salir adelante tanto como persona como laoralmente, me da esas ganas de querer seguir adelante y eguir en busca de algo mas bonito

  29. atop the hill was a fountain that jack and jill often visited. Jill was quite certain she would never be as happy as the times she had at the fountain with Jack. As the summer came to a close, they both new they would have to return to school in their separate towns

  30. hills can be large and not large and this is a great about language one thing can varie on many other things such as size and width and the amount of people around it amnd the amount of things growing on hills. Hills are very important to

  31. I have a hill, It is a big hill. that is the hill of my dreams. always just that hill, I love that hill. I absolutely love the hill in my dreams. Always.That hill is fun.I play on it often.

  32. high
    it has so many features
    a pure mound of dirt with green moss growing on it
    jack and jill went up the hill
    the hills have eyes

    Aman Gill
  33. lomos is called the hills. it is where the rich live here in slp. most mountains, or what I consider to be mountains, are consider lomos, or hills. There is a lot of assoications with hills in mexico. It’s interesting to me from a cross cultural perspective that really they are not hills at all but rather mountains or something more drastic.

  34. Hills can be thought of as challenges, but I don’t know if I like that analogy. Places are flat and utterly without hills because of glaciers that came by long ago, while challenges can’t just be caused to disappear for others in the future.

  35. up and down and up and down
    dow n n n jones
    700 billion
    no more

  36. I hate climbing hills. I lose my breath, and I run out of energy. Also, generally walking up a hill seems to take longer than, say, walking down one. I suppose it’s good exercise though.

    It just makes me think about how much I hate exercising.

    There’s a really great hill here that overlooks the valley. Best view in town, if you ask me. I still haven’t been up there to take pictures yet, though. I keep promising myself that one of these days I will go at sunset, but I never do.

    Hills. Bad. Good. Definitely not ugly.

  37. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Was there a well on this hill? Why on a hill? Or was it a stream? Water doesnt run uphill.

  38. Hills are fun to roll down even though you get grass in you pants and shirt. Then the grass makes you itchy and you think maybe it wasn’t so fun to roll down that hill!!

  39. Lauryn Hill, a hill is supposed to be tall, a high place to go, a high place to climb, you have to get there soon, its hard, but it is where you have to be, at the top of eveything, in the hill.

  40. the hill lay ahead of me…a challenge calling out to my soul.
