on top of the hill i see nothing but the horizon looking back at me. i can never write as much on top of the hill. moreso with sixty seconds left for me to take this opportunity. the hill.
Find yourself at the top of the world. Nothing else in your mind than the numerous contradictions. Questions. Always the same. The feeling that the open space is a way to breath but also reminds you the dead end that had become your life.
i can not not think and just writei need a reason to do this junk! who is playing with me maybe i am just paranoid a hill is quite boring anyway…and my coffee is burning the sun in
violet hill.. coldplay.. cool..gift of god
mountain. with a lot of dreams and high careers. what could one say about it? could you reach that hill? are you ready for sacrifice? in my opinion i am too complicated to reach that hill.
There was a hill that I climbed and from it I could see the town in which my father died. I was sad it’s true, but I needed to climb the hill in order to breath the fresh air only available from its summit.
flowing green with trees and beauty. sounds of tranquility peppered with birds chirping.
matt higgins
The hill I will remember most is Onidake, an extinct volcano on a Japanese Island where I once lived. The finest day there was when one spring the burned all of the Grass off of it and there were falcons circling overhead
living life is often like walking up a hill. you walk up with your thighs burning and your heart pumping, but once you get to the top of the incline you feel relief – release. It is so freeing to be at the top and look back at the climb you just accomplished.
up on the hilltops where can i go how high not quite that high mining three shields outhouse on the hill BC last name people who live in them mountains hillbillies beverly hillbillies west virginia mountaineers creation
It’s a lonely hill in a wide valley upon which a tree sits. The tree marks the place where a sad, tall boy once declared his love for a pretty and generous girl.
Jane and Jacob rested atop the hill. As they held each other tight, wrapped up in a blanket, they found themselves remembering all the memories they made on the hill.
everyday is like climbing a hill. you just have to keep at it or risk falling from great heights.
where the hill led was a an empty space above the city where everything congealed into the essence of conglomerate being. Those who went to the top of the hill waited. They sat and leaned themselves into the empty space.
She walked up the hill, dog in tow, feeling content to be outside wrapped in the night sky and the warm breeze.
Green and high, the grass is rusted over and my shoes are pressing into the dirt beneath as I begin to breathe heavily from the climb. I am ascending, yet much like the heaviness I feel within, I cannot resist feeling weighed down.
There we were on the hill up above her father’s house. We looked down and saw the vast green space between him and us and knew we would never go back now. We were our own secret.
We’d never, not once, not ever again roll down that hill into the pool of thick sadness that lay at the bottom. There was only one way now, up and over the mound we stood upon and out into the blue of tomorrow and whatever was beyond. I took her hand, and it was warm, which surprised me, and then staggered me until I must have blushed. I assumed we would walk now, inevitably away and down the other side, but instead she pulled me down to the green and the ground beside her and kissed me. Not once, not twice, but so many times that I had to stop counting and instead suck her breath into me because I had none of my own to spare. Here we were, one woman on top of another, and not a sound except the late August fields rustling in what must have been a breeze because it blew her hair across my face. Her breast curved into my own, and I could smell my own sweat beneath my clothes. How long would we stay there and what would we be afterward, when we finally made our way down to the beyond. Now that we were free, would we continue to exist, or was this sweet, long-sought physical love being made on this hill our finality. Would we cease to exist when when our climax came? Her blouse was blue with buttons like small see shells, and when I felt for them, she smiled. So, I opened her blouse and leaned into her white-pink hills and by the time I reached the surface, my was already out. Around her wrist was a strand of purple yarn. I kissed the inside of her wrist and she sighed. She said, “I want to build a mountain out of our love, because what I feel for you is too remarkable for anything less. I need a mountain, not a hill, or a valley, or a shrine. This feeling is huge, like a beast, like the earth, and the breath that comes out of you is for me.” When I think of it now, it is hard to imagine we could be that selfish and involved, but we were. She took the small clasp from her hair and let it rain down the front of her, down over her breasts, those hills with nipples I drank from, first one, then the other, and back again until she let her head fall back, her eyes closed, and she said my name. Was it still my name when said so earnestly and sweet? There was a short ferocious pause, and then I ground myself into her until it seemed we were the sand. We were the dirty soil, and we were wet.
There would be no marker for where we made love that day. There was only the hill and the purple strand I tore from her wrist as my mind spilled over her and drenched her.
i am below the hill. As much as I struggle I can’t climb….my feet sink into the soft soil and each step I take brings me back to where I began…only with dirtier feet. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll walk around the hill…
rachael kimball
though i never said i loved you, there on that lonely hill top, i felt it. i wanted to be with you, but i was afraid. how can i hope to be what you want. i wish i had the strength to tell you now, but you’ve moved on. i wish i could too.
Jo Leigh
i walked up a hill one day, thinking of you. I felt said for all of one minute, before i remembered that you were the one who broke my heart. i never could tell you that, though, because you are still a friend. a friend that i love, and who still loves me. it’s a shame we can’t be together. for want of a hill, everything reminds me of you.
Jo Leigh
As I stood on top, watching the rising sun, I realized that last night was goodbye. The sun was vibrant and almost blindingly bright, but I stared as I recalled every second of our life.
together we will write a fairy tale,
full of faeries and magic,
laced with spells and sorcery
with an underlying message
together we will climb from point a
to point b,
defeating every obstacle in our way
and laughing as the fat lady sings
a song of sweet tomorrow
together we will fall as the rain does,
trickle down the heart of the hills
and we will land in crimson mercury
with smiles in our quilts
there is a large hill in the backyard. The Hobbit lives there. It is a warm cozy place. It is quite small but just enough space for one. There is tea served every day there and everyone in the town is invited. They all sit on top of the hill because the house is so small. The Hobbit loves serving the tea to the town though. It is the highlight of the day!
the hill is beautiful with a lot of trees on it. There are few peoples out there, but there’s a house on the top of the hill which looks like it was there hundreds year ago. The birds are flying around and singing.
She lived in a house on the top of a hill. It was a hill like no other. Her whole family lived on that one hill. There was a cemetary dating back to 1776. It was beautiful. Covered in white flowers. Plenitiful.. her great grandfather knew what he was doing.
Jack and Jill went up the hill, but only Jack came down. Jill was a bitch, or was it a witch? Either way Jack received a crown.
Heh. Okay, I don’t have a minute’s worth of patience for this word, hill is boring. Well, sort of boring anyway. I could have done more with it, but, there you go I suppose. Wow, still time left. Where’s the ding?
Every day I feel as if I climb a hill. I try to achieve my dreams, but some days I feel they are unobtainable. The stress from climbing this hill has left me feeling ragged inside and I sometimes wish for calm.
Lisa Marie Lewis
so once upon the time jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pale of water. jack bumped his head, went to bed and didn;t wake up till the morning.
They sat at the top of the hill, peering down at the purples and reds and yellows and blues that made up the sunset. It was perfect, regardless of the enormous mass of water heading for them, regardless of the burning city below, regardless of the scorching sky incinerating their skin and bones and organs: the sunset was beautiful on that final night.
That was the school we went to. The thill school to tell people that it was time for something new. mY SCHOOL COULD GO ON FOREVER MOST THOUGHT, THE IDEA that someday we would all be gone and gone and left without the words to exchange a solid good bye. I miss each one of you, on that hill, against the hill and for the hill ti was was time for something compeltely knew and we were ready. We thought. I showered that day, the graduation was sweet, short and everyone rejoiced to lunch that was solely awkward for the fact we didnt belong. We were through and the school through with us and to this day i will not
Tess Liegeois
King of the kill is the first thing that comes to mind, but after that I think of the hobbit which brings me to think about my Mythology class which is kinda exciting because I like the map that I’m doing for the final project but I really need to get started on it. I also need to decide on the layout for it.
alway up, always ongoing, never stopping…always just up hill…so hard, steeper and steeper, no end in sight…what lead to this limbo?
beyond that beautiful
grass-coated crest
lies a paradise that
the both of us may rest in.
beyond that pleasant,
orange, swaying crest
lies a world
a separate universe
created for only
you and me.
beyond that hill
we belong.
there is a hill with green grass and a tree. the tree has a tire swing attached to it. the hill is beautiful, people have picnics there and there are lots of flowers. mountains surround this one single hill. it has an amazing veiw from the top.
i nver see a hill before, neither a high one nor a short one. This is something called luck, when you se the hill, you would love to climb up on it. What is up there? Probably you have no idea.
He’s gone over the hill.
Too far over the hill.
This boy that I am in love with,
he was my best friend.
and then something changed in him.
His heart, his mind, and his body.
And now all he cares about is drugs and being a rebel.
His life is in a bad place. At this rate he’ll never get anywhere.
I don’t know what to do.
It all sucks.
Make this hill end so that he can be his normal self again.
And so that love can prevail.
Lilly Julia
a hill is a small mount of earth that is higher than the surrounding ground. hills are pretty when they have flowers on them or meadows. i like hills. i wish there were more hills where i live. sometimes i want to drive far far away to see if i can find some ‘rolling hills’. I could sit and view hills forever
the lion stood atop the hill watching the grazing antelope. he licked his chops and moved slowly down the hill, slinking unnoticed by the preoccupied antelope. then, without a sound, he pounced.
Quite frankly, I’ve never been fond of hills. I’ve found them quite garish compared to their plain brethren.
But, this is the problem. Why favour plains over hills when they are really the same thing? Afterall, land is land, right?
on top of the hill i see nothing but the horizon looking back at me. i can never write as much on top of the hill. moreso with sixty seconds left for me to take this opportunity. the hill.
Find yourself at the top of the world. Nothing else in your mind than the numerous contradictions. Questions. Always the same. The feeling that the open space is a way to breath but also reminds you the dead end that had become your life.
i can not not think and just writei need a reason to do this junk! who is playing with me maybe i am just paranoid a hill is quite boring anyway…and my coffee is burning the sun in
violet hill.. coldplay.. cool..gift of god
mountain. with a lot of dreams and high careers. what could one say about it? could you reach that hill? are you ready for sacrifice? in my opinion i am too complicated to reach that hill.
There was a hill that I climbed and from it I could see the town in which my father died. I was sad it’s true, but I needed to climb the hill in order to breath the fresh air only available from its summit.
flowing green with trees and beauty. sounds of tranquility peppered with birds chirping.
The hill I will remember most is Onidake, an extinct volcano on a Japanese Island where I once lived. The finest day there was when one spring the burned all of the Grass off of it and there were falcons circling overhead
living life is often like walking up a hill. you walk up with your thighs burning and your heart pumping, but once you get to the top of the incline you feel relief – release. It is so freeing to be at the top and look back at the climb you just accomplished.
up on the hilltops where can i go how high not quite that high mining three shields outhouse on the hill BC last name people who live in them mountains hillbillies beverly hillbillies west virginia mountaineers creation
It’s a lonely hill in a wide valley upon which a tree sits. The tree marks the place where a sad, tall boy once declared his love for a pretty and generous girl.
Grassy, Love, beauty, flowers, summer, sun, hot, swim, life, breathe, laugh, wind, ground, earth dirt, mud, rain, alive.
Jane and Jacob rested atop the hill. As they held each other tight, wrapped up in a blanket, they found themselves remembering all the memories they made on the hill.
everyday is like climbing a hill. you just have to keep at it or risk falling from great heights.
where the hill led was a an empty space above the city where everything congealed into the essence of conglomerate being. Those who went to the top of the hill waited. They sat and leaned themselves into the empty space.
She walked up the hill, dog in tow, feeling content to be outside wrapped in the night sky and the warm breeze.
Green and high, the grass is rusted over and my shoes are pressing into the dirt beneath as I begin to breathe heavily from the climb. I am ascending, yet much like the heaviness I feel within, I cannot resist feeling weighed down.
There we were on the hill up above her father’s house. We looked down and saw the vast green space between him and us and knew we would never go back now. We were our own secret.
We’d never, not once, not ever again roll down that hill into the pool of thick sadness that lay at the bottom. There was only one way now, up and over the mound we stood upon and out into the blue of tomorrow and whatever was beyond. I took her hand, and it was warm, which surprised me, and then staggered me until I must have blushed. I assumed we would walk now, inevitably away and down the other side, but instead she pulled me down to the green and the ground beside her and kissed me. Not once, not twice, but so many times that I had to stop counting and instead suck her breath into me because I had none of my own to spare. Here we were, one woman on top of another, and not a sound except the late August fields rustling in what must have been a breeze because it blew her hair across my face. Her breast curved into my own, and I could smell my own sweat beneath my clothes. How long would we stay there and what would we be afterward, when we finally made our way down to the beyond. Now that we were free, would we continue to exist, or was this sweet, long-sought physical love being made on this hill our finality. Would we cease to exist when when our climax came? Her blouse was blue with buttons like small see shells, and when I felt for them, she smiled. So, I opened her blouse and leaned into her white-pink hills and by the time I reached the surface, my was already out. Around her wrist was a strand of purple yarn. I kissed the inside of her wrist and she sighed. She said, “I want to build a mountain out of our love, because what I feel for you is too remarkable for anything less. I need a mountain, not a hill, or a valley, or a shrine. This feeling is huge, like a beast, like the earth, and the breath that comes out of you is for me.” When I think of it now, it is hard to imagine we could be that selfish and involved, but we were. She took the small clasp from her hair and let it rain down the front of her, down over her breasts, those hills with nipples I drank from, first one, then the other, and back again until she let her head fall back, her eyes closed, and she said my name. Was it still my name when said so earnestly and sweet? There was a short ferocious pause, and then I ground myself into her until it seemed we were the sand. We were the dirty soil, and we were wet.
There would be no marker for where we made love that day. There was only the hill and the purple strand I tore from her wrist as my mind spilled over her and drenched her.
i am below the hill. As much as I struggle I can’t climb….my feet sink into the soft soil and each step I take brings me back to where I began…only with dirtier feet. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll walk around the hill…
though i never said i loved you, there on that lonely hill top, i felt it. i wanted to be with you, but i was afraid. how can i hope to be what you want. i wish i had the strength to tell you now, but you’ve moved on. i wish i could too.
i walked up a hill one day, thinking of you. I felt said for all of one minute, before i remembered that you were the one who broke my heart. i never could tell you that, though, because you are still a friend. a friend that i love, and who still loves me. it’s a shame we can’t be together. for want of a hill, everything reminds me of you.
As I stood on top, watching the rising sun, I realized that last night was goodbye. The sun was vibrant and almost blindingly bright, but I stared as I recalled every second of our life.
together we will write a fairy tale,
full of faeries and magic,
laced with spells and sorcery
with an underlying message
together we will climb from point a
to point b,
defeating every obstacle in our way
and laughing as the fat lady sings
a song of sweet tomorrow
together we will fall as the rain does,
trickle down the heart of the hills
and we will land in crimson mercury
with smiles in our quilts
there is a large hill in the backyard. The Hobbit lives there. It is a warm cozy place. It is quite small but just enough space for one. There is tea served every day there and everyone in the town is invited. They all sit on top of the hill because the house is so small. The Hobbit loves serving the tea to the town though. It is the highlight of the day!
the hill is beautiful with a lot of trees on it. There are few peoples out there, but there’s a house on the top of the hill which looks like it was there hundreds year ago. The birds are flying around and singing.
She lived in a house on the top of a hill. It was a hill like no other. Her whole family lived on that one hill. There was a cemetary dating back to 1776. It was beautiful. Covered in white flowers. Plenitiful.. her great grandfather knew what he was doing.
Jack and Jill went up the hill, but only Jack came down. Jill was a bitch, or was it a witch? Either way Jack received a crown.
Heh. Okay, I don’t have a minute’s worth of patience for this word, hill is boring. Well, sort of boring anyway. I could have done more with it, but, there you go I suppose. Wow, still time left. Where’s the ding?
Every day I feel as if I climb a hill. I try to achieve my dreams, but some days I feel they are unobtainable. The stress from climbing this hill has left me feeling ragged inside and I sometimes wish for calm.
so once upon the time jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pale of water. jack bumped his head, went to bed and didn;t wake up till the morning.
They sat at the top of the hill, peering down at the purples and reds and yellows and blues that made up the sunset. It was perfect, regardless of the enormous mass of water heading for them, regardless of the burning city below, regardless of the scorching sky incinerating their skin and bones and organs: the sunset was beautiful on that final night.
That was the school we went to. The thill school to tell people that it was time for something new. mY SCHOOL COULD GO ON FOREVER MOST THOUGHT, THE IDEA that someday we would all be gone and gone and left without the words to exchange a solid good bye. I miss each one of you, on that hill, against the hill and for the hill ti was was time for something compeltely knew and we were ready. We thought. I showered that day, the graduation was sweet, short and everyone rejoiced to lunch that was solely awkward for the fact we didnt belong. We were through and the school through with us and to this day i will not
King of the kill is the first thing that comes to mind, but after that I think of the hobbit which brings me to think about my Mythology class which is kinda exciting because I like the map that I’m doing for the final project but I really need to get started on it. I also need to decide on the layout for it.
alway up, always ongoing, never stopping…always just up hill…so hard, steeper and steeper, no end in sight…what lead to this limbo?
beyond that beautiful
grass-coated crest
lies a paradise that
the both of us may rest in.
beyond that pleasant,
orange, swaying crest
lies a world
a separate universe
created for only
you and me.
beyond that hill
we belong.
there is a hill with green grass and a tree. the tree has a tire swing attached to it. the hill is beautiful, people have picnics there and there are lots of flowers. mountains surround this one single hill. it has an amazing veiw from the top.
i nver see a hill before, neither a high one nor a short one. This is something called luck, when you se the hill, you would love to climb up on it. What is up there? Probably you have no idea.
He’s gone over the hill.
Too far over the hill.
This boy that I am in love with,
he was my best friend.
and then something changed in him.
His heart, his mind, and his body.
And now all he cares about is drugs and being a rebel.
His life is in a bad place. At this rate he’ll never get anywhere.
I don’t know what to do.
It all sucks.
Make this hill end so that he can be his normal self again.
And so that love can prevail.
a hill is a small mount of earth that is higher than the surrounding ground. hills are pretty when they have flowers on them or meadows. i like hills. i wish there were more hills where i live. sometimes i want to drive far far away to see if i can find some ‘rolling hills’. I could sit and view hills forever
the lion stood atop the hill watching the grazing antelope. he licked his chops and moved slowly down the hill, slinking unnoticed by the preoccupied antelope. then, without a sound, he pounced.
Quite frankly, I’ve never been fond of hills. I’ve found them quite garish compared to their plain brethren.
But, this is the problem. Why favour plains over hills when they are really the same thing? Afterall, land is land, right?