I was walking up the hill when I saw it, it was huge, major! scary. I was nervous, surprised, scared and at the same time anxious to see if it saw me,. How could one creature,thing,as terrifying as it may be make me feel so many differnt thing. I have no idea what to do. It saw me! What do I do? So many things were rushing through my head. Run away? Just stand there, hope IT goes away. I was thinking of what to do, what to do, what to do? I had no idea? It started inching towards me… closer, and closer it came. I knew what was going to happen next. I was going to die today. I was going to die, and there was nothing I could do about it. What would happen to my kids, my husband, my family, my job, my dog, my friends? So many things rushed through my mind, my life flashed before my eyes. My sixth birthday, My first bike, my ninth birthday, the birth of my little brother. My 14th birthday, my first day of high school, my first love, my first car, my first drink, my wedding, the birth of my children, the day we got the dog from the animal shelter, when I bought my new car a week ago, the blouse I bought a mere six hours ago. I was about to die, and despite all these thoughts going through my head I couldn’t help but think I left the stove on.
Stephanie `
The hill we fell down was muddy at the bottom. You soiled your dress, and I offered you my hand. Grasping, we both fell; laughing,touching,then kissing each other in a warm, soiled mess.
Jason Shinn
The blocks that stop a person from attaining what they desire. Uphill, downhill. The changes in life or the crescendos along the way to the choices in life. Green pastured dirt hills. Rolling gently into the foothills and into the mountains. Sunsets and mountain roads. Valleys with rivers. One tree hill. Beverley Hills. Ashlee Hillman.
at the top of the hill we sit and watch th sunet go down. we sit all night until it is compleatly gone. no more light, just dark, everything peacful. the night is calm, then sun is gone. all at the top of the hill.
i hav a friend with this same last name.i ride dwn oone on a snow tube evry winter.i love going fast down them. its 4 letters long.
jack and jill went up the hill. what we don’t know is why they went up the hill. maybe it is that this children’s poem has some sort of sexual undertone. who’s to say. these days people tend to see sex in everything. that’s alright i suppose. it is sort of integral to human life…
Mona Porter
Why was the ground so obnoxiously uneven? The man panted as he made his way up yet another hill. Only seven hundred more of these till he reached his destination. Honestly, could this town be any farther away?
Bakken smiled to himself as he watched the poor fool.
A. J. Meyers
Hippy hill is a prominent and historical point in SF’s Golden Gate park, for over 40 years people have been congregating there and playing bongs, smoking, reading, and socializing.
the hill loomed ahead of us, sunlight breaking just beyond the top. we knew what would happen once we were atop of it. our lives would be changed for ever by what we were about to see.
alexandra griffin
over the hill and far away? A place to visit, to see more of the world…pastures, green, breeze and maybe rain or a rainbow…birds and lots of fun
Lawrence Kohn
i dream of climbing the hill that will take me away. It might be hard, but at least I know that I’ll be okay when I get to the other side. Who knows, maybe i’ll meet new people while going up this huge hill. The winter snow is the worst though. I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it up this winter.
Hills in Indian times were built to bury bodies in mass graves. Well, at least the ones that weren’t formed naturally by the movement and convection of the world. But hey, hills are hills and who gives are shit if they’re filled with dirt or bodies, because bodies become dirt eventually.
Joey M.
OVer the hill I roam, a distance I’ve never thought to go before now. I wonder briefly whether I’m ready to go beyond, after so many years of the same old… And yet, as I stand at the bottom, a world of new experiences is before me.
I’m Alida, what should I do in my life, I don’t like nothing right now, it is very boring and I feel very useless
What the fuck. I hate hills. There so much less fun than straight level ground. It kind of makes my legs hurt. I remember a movie my dad made me watch once. It was called Hamburger Hill. There was a scene where a soldier was at a whorehouse.
i grow up like it and we fall together at the begining of every night or every days
Up in wherever it is, a tree shallow and dead, corrupted and idisolute in the sky. Some clouds hanging like deadmen, some birds singing int the distance and then, what is it? the sky is downward by the wind. Some nostrils that exhale waves upon waves than intermi
Enrique Guerra
I hate this climb. I start climbing, get over my own hurdles, then come crashing down, only to get right back up and start climbing again. It’s not fair to either of us. I am done climbing this hill. It’s the hardest thing I’ll ever do, but I have to turn around and walk away, or I’ll kill myself. It’s all different now.
Fred Man Jones
I was sitting on a grassy hill, just minding my own business, when out of no where this man came and sat beside me. He was a very tall man to say the least. Dark hair and eyes that were completely captivating. I wasn’t sure of how to react or what to say.
Chelsea LaSalle
As I came down the hill, the rain pattered on the windshield and I thought I better turn my wipers on. I slowed the car a little, too, because it was getting dark and the roads were slick. I was listening to a great Lucinda Williams song and thinking about him. And that’s when I ran into a fucking bear.
the mount at the back of the house, when in was 5 it was where the giant slept, now of of course it’s the left over soil to flaten the land to build my house
jon ray
from a hill top far away the lady could see that the sun was setting. But it made her no less anxious to know that darkness was comming
I spent all my life at the top of that hill. Every moment of every day, dreaming and hoping for someone to come up and experience the beautiful sunsets I saw up there. Then, one day, she was there, climbing, or pedaling, rather, up the hill, towards me.
All I could do was smile, and I was so happy. I could not be any more excited about someone simply coming up a hill.
Parker Feierbach
the hill is steep and rocky. Climbing proved difficult as the loose rocks slid under foot. We have to get up there. That is where the answer lies. The truth cannot be known without achieving the summit. The heat is intense too. Sweat running into my eyes, stinging. I wipe my brow with my sleeve.
a grassy slope.
Rising up above the land. A big mound, sloping gently north with a veritable cliff to the south. Standing on top with Springfield in the distance, the river winding through the farmland, the highway following the river, the warehouses posted along the highway. Trucks pulling in for a stop at the diner, where the waitresses love the truckers but not the college kids.
They rolled down the hill together, father and daughter, barrel rolling, arms folded. Hitting the bottom in a pile of arms and legs and giggles. Another moment, meaningless in the cosmos, lost even to memory after just a few months, so unimportant, so intangible, and yet so critical to human happiness and survival.
Sarah A
It’s not as if it hadn’t been there all my life, hadn’t been out my window when I woke, or beneath my feet when I walked to school, beneath the tree I leaned on when receiving my first kiss, the tree near where we had picnics on the plaid bedspread that was once new in mother’s college dorm. It’s not as if we didn’t fly kites there or sled down the slope in the winter. None of it mattered to them. They said, they did, it would be a great location for a new apartment complex.
Every hill has its flaws. This one is lopsided. Just like your nose. It’s a good nose though, and this is a good hill.
Kendra Brown
There was a hill, and along time ago my Savior died upon it. Well, died upon a cross on a hill. Most people think it’s just religion, but I know my Savior, and it’s a relationship. I suppose this would be a digression, but a relationship is more important than a hill any day. I wonder what it would be like to go see that hill?
high on top of a hill lies the reason why i hate to admit the truth: your eyes dash before me, lonely and distracted, in the wake of our demise. i yearn to know the hope in which you live, that denies all existence of Life and Salvation. but it is all that you never wanted to know.
bike rides
rolling down hills
jack and jill
fall down the hill
bike ride down hill
i ran up the hill to meet my bestest friend, we walked and talked and watched the sun on that hill everyday. For when i took my last walk to “our” hill,i was alone with your ashes to spread. Smoke a joint and remmeber the good times and the love we had to never fade in life or death
I was running up the hill with my younger sister. We were enjoying the middle period of our run. We started talking about our different views of mental states when running up the hill. I said I was ok with thinking that the sooner that i accept this is going to take the time it needs, I can do it. She said, she will overtake the hill before it overtakes here.
I am proud of my sister for having that mentality.
one day there was a girl on a hill and there she sat, wondering where she could possibly go after this, then a boy sat down next to her & gently took her face in his hands, & kissed her tenderly on the lips, after that they traded numbers, names & other info. 5 years later, they’ve been dating for 3 1/2 years and he’s going to propose to her. Fast forward, 10 years, together still, kids.
caitlin campbell
what sits on top of that hill? is it my life waiting to unfold or roll down the hill? i have no idea. i’m at the bottom of the hill. i cannot see the top. but i can see that it is near. and i can see my legs which will get me to the top of that hill. but i dont know what is on top of it. run. i will run.
The hill is something we used to climb in my Nana’s backyard. I remember falling down it so many times I still think I have the marks on my knees. I remember eating worms that my brother used to feed me.
Emile-Anne Ladubec
A picnic table sits on top of a hill at the park. Every day from 1:15 to 2:15 it is mine. I use it to think and write and draw and enjoy myself. I think the hill is the favorite part of my work day. Even though it isn’t part of my work day. It is only mine when I am on my break from 1:15 to 2:15. Which is very unfair. It is a beautiful hill.
the sign at the top of the hill read do not enter. intrigued, i began to climb. when i reached the top, there was a beautiful and thick forest staring at me. i slowly took a step towards it when i heard a huge crash. startled, i looked around.
at the top of the hill.
i want to live at the top of the hill with you, love.
we can look over the town and smile
at our seclusion and seperation therefrom,
but still revel in our involvement within.
the hill where we can can see what needs to be seen, hear what need to be heard, which is sometimes nothing,
and sometimes everything.
where who we are isn’t what matters
but what we want is what counts
and how we say what we say, and do what we do changes things.
at the top of the big green hill.
I was walking up the hill when I saw it, it was huge, major! scary. I was nervous, surprised, scared and at the same time anxious to see if it saw me,. How could one creature,thing,as terrifying as it may be make me feel so many differnt thing. I have no idea what to do. It saw me! What do I do? So many things were rushing through my head. Run away? Just stand there, hope IT goes away. I was thinking of what to do, what to do, what to do? I had no idea? It started inching towards me… closer, and closer it came. I knew what was going to happen next. I was going to die today. I was going to die, and there was nothing I could do about it. What would happen to my kids, my husband, my family, my job, my dog, my friends? So many things rushed through my mind, my life flashed before my eyes. My sixth birthday, My first bike, my ninth birthday, the birth of my little brother. My 14th birthday, my first day of high school, my first love, my first car, my first drink, my wedding, the birth of my children, the day we got the dog from the animal shelter, when I bought my new car a week ago, the blouse I bought a mere six hours ago. I was about to die, and despite all these thoughts going through my head I couldn’t help but think I left the stove on.
The hill we fell down was muddy at the bottom. You soiled your dress, and I offered you my hand. Grasping, we both fell; laughing,touching,then kissing each other in a warm, soiled mess.
The blocks that stop a person from attaining what they desire. Uphill, downhill. The changes in life or the crescendos along the way to the choices in life. Green pastured dirt hills. Rolling gently into the foothills and into the mountains. Sunsets and mountain roads. Valleys with rivers. One tree hill. Beverley Hills. Ashlee Hillman.
at the top of the hill we sit and watch th sunet go down. we sit all night until it is compleatly gone. no more light, just dark, everything peacful. the night is calm, then sun is gone. all at the top of the hill.
i hav a friend with this same last name.i ride dwn oone on a snow tube evry winter.i love going fast down them. its 4 letters long.
jack and jill went up the hill. what we don’t know is why they went up the hill. maybe it is that this children’s poem has some sort of sexual undertone. who’s to say. these days people tend to see sex in everything. that’s alright i suppose. it is sort of integral to human life…
Why was the ground so obnoxiously uneven? The man panted as he made his way up yet another hill. Only seven hundred more of these till he reached his destination. Honestly, could this town be any farther away?
Bakken smiled to himself as he watched the poor fool.
Hippy hill is a prominent and historical point in SF’s Golden Gate park, for over 40 years people have been congregating there and playing bongs, smoking, reading, and socializing.
the hill loomed ahead of us, sunlight breaking just beyond the top. we knew what would happen once we were atop of it. our lives would be changed for ever by what we were about to see.
over the hill and far away? A place to visit, to see more of the world…pastures, green, breeze and maybe rain or a rainbow…birds and lots of fun
i dream of climbing the hill that will take me away. It might be hard, but at least I know that I’ll be okay when I get to the other side. Who knows, maybe i’ll meet new people while going up this huge hill. The winter snow is the worst though. I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it up this winter.
Hills in Indian times were built to bury bodies in mass graves. Well, at least the ones that weren’t formed naturally by the movement and convection of the world. But hey, hills are hills and who gives are shit if they’re filled with dirt or bodies, because bodies become dirt eventually.
OVer the hill I roam, a distance I’ve never thought to go before now. I wonder briefly whether I’m ready to go beyond, after so many years of the same old… And yet, as I stand at the bottom, a world of new experiences is before me.
I’m Alida, what should I do in my life, I don’t like nothing right now, it is very boring and I feel very useless
What the fuck. I hate hills. There so much less fun than straight level ground. It kind of makes my legs hurt. I remember a movie my dad made me watch once. It was called Hamburger Hill. There was a scene where a soldier was at a whorehouse.
i grow up like it and we fall together at the begining of every night or every days
Up in wherever it is, a tree shallow and dead, corrupted and idisolute in the sky. Some clouds hanging like deadmen, some birds singing int the distance and then, what is it? the sky is downward by the wind. Some nostrils that exhale waves upon waves than intermi
I hate this climb. I start climbing, get over my own hurdles, then come crashing down, only to get right back up and start climbing again. It’s not fair to either of us. I am done climbing this hill. It’s the hardest thing I’ll ever do, but I have to turn around and walk away, or I’ll kill myself. It’s all different now.
I was sitting on a grassy hill, just minding my own business, when out of no where this man came and sat beside me. He was a very tall man to say the least. Dark hair and eyes that were completely captivating. I wasn’t sure of how to react or what to say.
As I came down the hill, the rain pattered on the windshield and I thought I better turn my wipers on. I slowed the car a little, too, because it was getting dark and the roads were slick. I was listening to a great Lucinda Williams song and thinking about him. And that’s when I ran into a fucking bear.
the mount at the back of the house, when in was 5 it was where the giant slept, now of of course it’s the left over soil to flaten the land to build my house
from a hill top far away the lady could see that the sun was setting. But it made her no less anxious to know that darkness was comming
I spent all my life at the top of that hill. Every moment of every day, dreaming and hoping for someone to come up and experience the beautiful sunsets I saw up there. Then, one day, she was there, climbing, or pedaling, rather, up the hill, towards me.
All I could do was smile, and I was so happy. I could not be any more excited about someone simply coming up a hill.
the hill is steep and rocky. Climbing proved difficult as the loose rocks slid under foot. We have to get up there. That is where the answer lies. The truth cannot be known without achieving the summit. The heat is intense too. Sweat running into my eyes, stinging. I wipe my brow with my sleeve.
a grassy slope.
Rising up above the land. A big mound, sloping gently north with a veritable cliff to the south. Standing on top with Springfield in the distance, the river winding through the farmland, the highway following the river, the warehouses posted along the highway. Trucks pulling in for a stop at the diner, where the waitresses love the truckers but not the college kids.
They rolled down the hill together, father and daughter, barrel rolling, arms folded. Hitting the bottom in a pile of arms and legs and giggles. Another moment, meaningless in the cosmos, lost even to memory after just a few months, so unimportant, so intangible, and yet so critical to human happiness and survival.
It’s not as if it hadn’t been there all my life, hadn’t been out my window when I woke, or beneath my feet when I walked to school, beneath the tree I leaned on when receiving my first kiss, the tree near where we had picnics on the plaid bedspread that was once new in mother’s college dorm. It’s not as if we didn’t fly kites there or sled down the slope in the winter. None of it mattered to them. They said, they did, it would be a great location for a new apartment complex.
Every hill has its flaws. This one is lopsided. Just like your nose. It’s a good nose though, and this is a good hill.
There was a hill, and along time ago my Savior died upon it. Well, died upon a cross on a hill. Most people think it’s just religion, but I know my Savior, and it’s a relationship. I suppose this would be a digression, but a relationship is more important than a hill any day. I wonder what it would be like to go see that hill?
high on top of a hill lies the reason why i hate to admit the truth: your eyes dash before me, lonely and distracted, in the wake of our demise. i yearn to know the hope in which you live, that denies all existence of Life and Salvation. but it is all that you never wanted to know.
bike rides
rolling down hills
jack and jill
fall down the hill
bike ride down hill
i ran up the hill to meet my bestest friend, we walked and talked and watched the sun on that hill everyday. For when i took my last walk to “our” hill,i was alone with your ashes to spread. Smoke a joint and remmeber the good times and the love we had to never fade in life or death
I was running up the hill with my younger sister. We were enjoying the middle period of our run. We started talking about our different views of mental states when running up the hill. I said I was ok with thinking that the sooner that i accept this is going to take the time it needs, I can do it. She said, she will overtake the hill before it overtakes here.
I am proud of my sister for having that mentality.
one day there was a girl on a hill and there she sat, wondering where she could possibly go after this, then a boy sat down next to her & gently took her face in his hands, & kissed her tenderly on the lips, after that they traded numbers, names & other info. 5 years later, they’ve been dating for 3 1/2 years and he’s going to propose to her. Fast forward, 10 years, together still, kids.
what sits on top of that hill? is it my life waiting to unfold or roll down the hill? i have no idea. i’m at the bottom of the hill. i cannot see the top. but i can see that it is near. and i can see my legs which will get me to the top of that hill. but i dont know what is on top of it. run. i will run.
The hill is something we used to climb in my Nana’s backyard. I remember falling down it so many times I still think I have the marks on my knees. I remember eating worms that my brother used to feed me.
A picnic table sits on top of a hill at the park. Every day from 1:15 to 2:15 it is mine. I use it to think and write and draw and enjoy myself. I think the hill is the favorite part of my work day. Even though it isn’t part of my work day. It is only mine when I am on my break from 1:15 to 2:15. Which is very unfair. It is a beautiful hill.
the sign at the top of the hill read do not enter. intrigued, i began to climb. when i reached the top, there was a beautiful and thick forest staring at me. i slowly took a step towards it when i heard a huge crash. startled, i looked around.
at the top of the hill.
i want to live at the top of the hill with you, love.
we can look over the town and smile
at our seclusion and seperation therefrom,
but still revel in our involvement within.
the hill where we can can see what needs to be seen, hear what need to be heard, which is sometimes nothing,
and sometimes everything.
where who we are isn’t what matters
but what we want is what counts
and how we say what we say, and do what we do changes things.
at the top of the big green hill.