Do you feel like you’re on top of the world? Well the truth is you’re not, you’re merely peaking the interest that you have but you’ll lose. Theres nothing good about climbing to the top. Just going over the edge. The edge, there is no honest way to explain it. Because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.
Eric Pitt
The time spent with her on that hill were the best moments of my life. Not only did she remind me of the childhood I’ve been missing, but she always made me think of a better life that I knew I’d one day have.
THe farm at the top of the hill is different that Grandma’s place she lived at the bottom of the hill. It is amazing that granpa can run up the hill at his age.. especially with Ruth by his side. They are
The hill was very high. It reached the sky. The hill was covered in every shade of green. I just want to climb to the top of the hill.
A hill is much smaller than a mountain. Sometimes you can get to the top a hill quickly. It can depend on many factors such as the weather, what might be in your way, and if you have to carry anything along with you. Some hills can be very large and hard to climb. I don’t like to see hills coming when I am out walking and running. They make me tired and out of breath.
A hill kicks ass it is where jack and jill went, they went to fetch a pail of water. Things got pretty bad from there, but damn, Jill sure was hot. I bet if they didn’t tumble down that hill, there would have been some pretty sweet action goin on up there, which is why hill rock.
Up the hill was the mansion with a beautiful, albeit pretentious, tower to the side. It was there that the new class was plotting the coup.
There on the hill of the coast of North Carolina, he sat, wishing on the one star he thought would bring him to you.
too high to climb. so i sit. and wish i could. climb. move.
hill, often green and often rolling in stories but have you ever been to one. it’s rather disappointing since the shape is always off and the grass is never even enough to make rolling down them seem all that appealing. and when you do try it, your head hurts something awful when you try to get up, not to mention you get grass stains all over the sweatshirt your dad just washed for you. hills, overrated.
john paul
She walked up the hill and decided to have a sit while she waited for Johnny to arrive. She had always liked the view from here, it reminded her of her childhood.
Suddenly she was taken aback by a dreadful sight. A sight of true horror.
Jesse Felt
As I was on top of the hill, I realized how little my troubles really are. Sure, I had hurt a few people the night before, but only in such trivial ways. Never did I commit such a heinous crime that would forbid instant forgiveness. I really wish someone will listen.
“The hill is on fire” he said
Little Jimmy’s hand was shaking as he tried to grasp his mother’s shoulders to wipe his tears from his face. “No honey, its just the fall, leaves change like this every year, dont be afraid my child; one day everything will be better for us all and you won’t have to cry anymore”.
john readling
slope green hard grassy land roll hike forest mountains
the hill top was silent, the mist was grey. I felt like a fool for agreeing to meet with her there. I was a fool, but hey, nothing was better than being in her presence. I felt alive. She never did show. I’ve never liked hills since that night.
One day I walked up the hill. It wasn’t a very big hill, and looked slightly bleak, covered in the snow that had follow the previous evening. The snowfall had slowed considerably now, and only the odd snowflake fell, each a little different to the last, with six or eight arms bejewelled with crystal spikes and shards.
it time you will reach me. round. you have to climb. cannot see. beyond. traped. beautiful mountains. colors on the hilltops. you’ll know when you get there. you’ll see.
krystle clark
i went rolling down the hill
at the bottom i will kneal
and thank God i did not creak my head
doing a 360 on a bike
in the air
down the hill
A tree on a hill, a city on a hill. Makes me think of Rome, makes me think of New York City. Rome at the fall is what I think of when I think of how we build 3 sports stadiums when theres no money for education and give out wall street bailouts when people can hardly survive.
Over the hill there was a house. The house looked plain and worn… lots of love needed. But it was in this house that my future flourished. Families were born, raised, loved, and died in this house. Pets ran amok in the yard and trees blossomed in the spring. It was for this house, that i would fight my greatest fight.
Julie Strange
Well, it is a piece of earth and it is green, when I look to it the first thing that comes to my mind is the softness and the goodness of life and forgetting everything that is human.
Well, it is a piece of earth and it is green, when I look to it the first thing that comes to my mind is the softness and the goodness of life and forgetting everything that is human
the hill came crashing towards us.
The sound of muskets rang out across the open land. The revolution had fought above it’s young beginnings and grown through its trials on bunker hill.
Jack and Jill went up the hill. Nursery rhymes porlifereated our entire childhood. But who knew that nursery rhymes are actually evil and bad? “ring around the Rosey” is about the ashes of dead people during the Bubonic plague. The “Ten Little Indians” rhyme populated by Agatha Christie’s book is about dying little indians.
johnny hill was my best friend and my lover. he touched my soul, my heart, my mind and did it with humor and lightness. he was solid and true and he loved me too. i miss you johnny hill.
There are people on top pf the hill. It’s green and full of trees. They’re having a picnik. (The people, not the trees). That’s it, I guess! I don’t think there’s anything else I can say.
Rolando Silva
and there it was,
upon the hill,
that large mound of stones
we had been searching for.
it glittered in the moonlight,
glittered like nothing we had ever seen.
we have found the portal.
is my name
I saw you there
Upon that hill
Waiting for me to come
I climbed and scratched my way up
As fast as I could
And as I reached the top
My knees skinned and face glowing
With red
I looked for you
My goal
My hope
Only to find that you were gone
it was the hill that did me in. first i had to carry the darn baby and the food but this hill was full of blueberries that were just calling my name. Margie, Margie, come and visit with me. come and sit, come and taste, come and smell. how i wanted to give in and allow the hill to be my lover but the baby needed to get fed and the sun was winking at me, teasting me to see what i would do.
We’re over the hill.
We’ve made it this far,
we can’t turn around.
Face it with me,
or are you already gone?
Weren’t you supposed to be the strong one?
Have we been so far apart all this time?
Or are you just running away.
Come back to me.
jack and jill when up the hill and they came down with a bucket of water, jack fell down, jill stood up. pocket full of posies, all fall down. and ass the hansel and greatle.; notting hill with hugh grant and sandra bullock
My life’s a hill and whenever I’m at the top, I want to roll down it again. I just want to go.
THey walked up the hill, crying as they went. Their burdens weighed heavy upon their souls. It was too much to handle, the time of day was late, and they decided to turn back. Without one second of hesitation, he shot them. This allowed for the night to go on.
hill is a big green thing right?
the rolling green hills went merrily along the well and then what happened was the wolf ate the burger but anyways the ony way the tile was broken was by the piggies on the burger fatso. then the lion and the witsh came riding on a golden chariot but the oils on the limburger was eaten by the pigeons. the ponly way john was able to fleece the cattle was by selling their milk to the beans in cans of thunder. there will always be people like that so cans are generally made of pumpkins. this is the way the world ran in those days and lobsters kept sprinkling shit out of their mouths and the only way to get them to stop is to boil them and eat them. I am awesome and smart but yet stuck right here doing menial jobs while my great mind turns to dust.
Mehdi Sheikh
A large mound of dirt for one to climb, labor on, and be king of. Hill’s are big, small, short and tall. They also make interesting sandwich toppings.
Robert Tracey
i live in hillsdale. i love to sled on the hills of hillsdale. climbing hills really burns a lot of calories..i ride my bike up hills w/ my mom..that rellly takes your breath away..some people say hillsdale doesnt have any hills…well..they need to get on a bike!!! b/c in reality there are a lot! =)
I dearly love the tallest hill in the world. It’s Cavanaugh Hill in Poteau, OK. It saved my life once. I was looking for a good place to have a car wreck to die in because I’d been terribly embarrassed. I was driving along the foot of Cavanaugh when it occurred to me… If Cavanaugh could talk, if it could tell all of the embarrassing things it had ever been silent witness to…. how would mine measure up? I realized I’d done nothing that warranted suicide, so I went home alive and well.
Do you feel like you’re on top of the world? Well the truth is you’re not, you’re merely peaking the interest that you have but you’ll lose. Theres nothing good about climbing to the top. Just going over the edge. The edge, there is no honest way to explain it. Because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.
The time spent with her on that hill were the best moments of my life. Not only did she remind me of the childhood I’ve been missing, but she always made me think of a better life that I knew I’d one day have.
THe farm at the top of the hill is different that Grandma’s place she lived at the bottom of the hill. It is amazing that granpa can run up the hill at his age.. especially with Ruth by his side. They are
The hill was very high. It reached the sky. The hill was covered in every shade of green. I just want to climb to the top of the hill.
A hill is much smaller than a mountain. Sometimes you can get to the top a hill quickly. It can depend on many factors such as the weather, what might be in your way, and if you have to carry anything along with you. Some hills can be very large and hard to climb. I don’t like to see hills coming when I am out walking and running. They make me tired and out of breath.
A hill kicks ass it is where jack and jill went, they went to fetch a pail of water. Things got pretty bad from there, but damn, Jill sure was hot. I bet if they didn’t tumble down that hill, there would have been some pretty sweet action goin on up there, which is why hill rock.
Up the hill was the mansion with a beautiful, albeit pretentious, tower to the side. It was there that the new class was plotting the coup.
There on the hill of the coast of North Carolina, he sat, wishing on the one star he thought would bring him to you.
too high to climb. so i sit. and wish i could. climb. move.
hill, often green and often rolling in stories but have you ever been to one. it’s rather disappointing since the shape is always off and the grass is never even enough to make rolling down them seem all that appealing. and when you do try it, your head hurts something awful when you try to get up, not to mention you get grass stains all over the sweatshirt your dad just washed for you. hills, overrated.
She walked up the hill and decided to have a sit while she waited for Johnny to arrive. She had always liked the view from here, it reminded her of her childhood.
Suddenly she was taken aback by a dreadful sight. A sight of true horror.
As I was on top of the hill, I realized how little my troubles really are. Sure, I had hurt a few people the night before, but only in such trivial ways. Never did I commit such a heinous crime that would forbid instant forgiveness. I really wish someone will listen.
“The hill is on fire” he said
Little Jimmy’s hand was shaking as he tried to grasp his mother’s shoulders to wipe his tears from his face. “No honey, its just the fall, leaves change like this every year, dont be afraid my child; one day everything will be better for us all and you won’t have to cry anymore”.
slope green hard grassy land roll hike forest mountains
the hill top was silent, the mist was grey. I felt like a fool for agreeing to meet with her there. I was a fool, but hey, nothing was better than being in her presence. I felt alive. She never did show. I’ve never liked hills since that night.
One day I walked up the hill. It wasn’t a very big hill, and looked slightly bleak, covered in the snow that had follow the previous evening. The snowfall had slowed considerably now, and only the odd snowflake fell, each a little different to the last, with six or eight arms bejewelled with crystal spikes and shards.
it time you will reach me. round. you have to climb. cannot see. beyond. traped. beautiful mountains. colors on the hilltops. you’ll know when you get there. you’ll see.
i went rolling down the hill
at the bottom i will kneal
and thank God i did not creak my head
doing a 360 on a bike
in the air
down the hill
A tree on a hill, a city on a hill. Makes me think of Rome, makes me think of New York City. Rome at the fall is what I think of when I think of how we build 3 sports stadiums when theres no money for education and give out wall street bailouts when people can hardly survive.
Over the hill there was a house. The house looked plain and worn… lots of love needed. But it was in this house that my future flourished. Families were born, raised, loved, and died in this house. Pets ran amok in the yard and trees blossomed in the spring. It was for this house, that i would fight my greatest fight.
Well, it is a piece of earth and it is green, when I look to it the first thing that comes to my mind is the softness and the goodness of life and forgetting everything that is human.
Well, it is a piece of earth and it is green, when I look to it the first thing that comes to my mind is the softness and the goodness of life and forgetting everything that is human
the hill came crashing towards us.
The sound of muskets rang out across the open land. The revolution had fought above it’s young beginnings and grown through its trials on bunker hill.
Jack and Jill went up the hill. Nursery rhymes porlifereated our entire childhood. But who knew that nursery rhymes are actually evil and bad? “ring around the Rosey” is about the ashes of dead people during the Bubonic plague. The “Ten Little Indians” rhyme populated by Agatha Christie’s book is about dying little indians.
johnny hill was my best friend and my lover. he touched my soul, my heart, my mind and did it with humor and lightness. he was solid and true and he loved me too. i miss you johnny hill.
There are people on top pf the hill. It’s green and full of trees. They’re having a picnik. (The people, not the trees). That’s it, I guess! I don’t think there’s anything else I can say.
and there it was,
upon the hill,
that large mound of stones
we had been searching for.
it glittered in the moonlight,
glittered like nothing we had ever seen.
we have found the portal.
I saw you there
Upon that hill
Waiting for me to come
I climbed and scratched my way up
As fast as I could
And as I reached the top
My knees skinned and face glowing
With red
I looked for you
My goal
My hope
Only to find that you were gone
it was the hill that did me in. first i had to carry the darn baby and the food but this hill was full of blueberries that were just calling my name. Margie, Margie, come and visit with me. come and sit, come and taste, come and smell. how i wanted to give in and allow the hill to be my lover but the baby needed to get fed and the sun was winking at me, teasting me to see what i would do.
We’re over the hill.
We’ve made it this far,
we can’t turn around.
Face it with me,
or are you already gone?
Weren’t you supposed to be the strong one?
Have we been so far apart all this time?
Or are you just running away.
Come back to me.
jack and jill when up the hill and they came down with a bucket of water, jack fell down, jill stood up. pocket full of posies, all fall down. and ass the hansel and greatle.; notting hill with hugh grant and sandra bullock
My life’s a hill and whenever I’m at the top, I want to roll down it again. I just want to go.
THey walked up the hill, crying as they went. Their burdens weighed heavy upon their souls. It was too much to handle, the time of day was late, and they decided to turn back. Without one second of hesitation, he shot them. This allowed for the night to go on.
hill is a big green thing right?
the rolling green hills went merrily along the well and then what happened was the wolf ate the burger but anyways the ony way the tile was broken was by the piggies on the burger fatso. then the lion and the witsh came riding on a golden chariot but the oils on the limburger was eaten by the pigeons. the ponly way john was able to fleece the cattle was by selling their milk to the beans in cans of thunder. there will always be people like that so cans are generally made of pumpkins. this is the way the world ran in those days and lobsters kept sprinkling shit out of their mouths and the only way to get them to stop is to boil them and eat them. I am awesome and smart but yet stuck right here doing menial jobs while my great mind turns to dust.
A large mound of dirt for one to climb, labor on, and be king of. Hill’s are big, small, short and tall. They also make interesting sandwich toppings.
i live in hillsdale. i love to sled on the hills of hillsdale. climbing hills really burns a lot of calories..i ride my bike up hills w/ my mom..that rellly takes your breath away..some people say hillsdale doesnt have any hills…well..they need to get on a bike!!! b/c in reality there are a lot! =)
I dearly love the tallest hill in the world. It’s Cavanaugh Hill in Poteau, OK. It saved my life once. I was looking for a good place to have a car wreck to die in because I’d been terribly embarrassed. I was driving along the foot of Cavanaugh when it occurred to me… If Cavanaugh could talk, if it could tell all of the embarrassing things it had ever been silent witness to…. how would mine measure up? I realized I’d done nothing that warranted suicide, so I went home alive and well.