man, what a horrible class. I remember one time, we were sitting there, and this girl behind me goes “Do people farm in other countries than canada?” No, idiot. We provide the fruits and vegetables for the whole world. Not to mention we can’t grow much of anything.
Mind you, she also asked if racism still exists. Maybe she has brain damage. If she does, I’d feel bad.
The golden age of humans can always be described through history. Over and over again, time has grown and crumbled with the human race, showing their rise and fall through technology, culture, and acceptance. It is with history that we can truly understand where we come from, who we are, and what others truly mean to us. It is through history that we know that man kind is more than just a sack of meaningless flesh, with no feelings.
history is learning about the past, but it’s more than that. it’s about discovery. it’s about humanism. it’s about people you never knew personally, but you feel like they’re close to you. history is important to learn, and the people who don’t learn it are doomed to repeat it.
am i a good person? because i think if i don’t think i am a good person, i must not be. so it’s silly to ask when i already know.
History is horrible. It can’t be re written. What’s done is done. You can’t make additio. History is an unedited book, edited a thousand times over, to favor those in favor of history.
history…well ididnt like history class, I was never good at remembering dates and names of ppl but I would love to MAKE history. Do something good that changes the world :) Other than that I dont really like it.
Fabiola Rodriguez
my family history is sooo amazing. i thought about how i have ancestors that have crossed the plains, and the mayflower. i have learned so much history about my family through my dad. and my grandparents. they went to pennsylivania and did so much genelogy. it amazing how much i’ve learned.
history is made of the two words his and story it is a word used to tell the story of human eings and humanity over the course of time, recording major events and significant happenings in our world over the years. it is often taken in schol as those who do not know theire history are doomed to repeat it
life. Past. Future. What will come. We’re making it right now. Sucks. Horrible. Presidents, cultures, planets, family…
History.Something that helps determine who we are by either accepting it and moving on or ignoring it and pretending we can get by. We can be unfairly judge based on our history or judge by who we are now and what those events have shaped us to be. .
Everyone keeps looking back to the past as if it were something that we can retrieve. I don’t know, for me it has always been about the future and what it can do or me. It’s been rarely on what had happened in the past and what is happening right now. There have been occasions where I have tried to stay here, but not enough convincing for me to even consider that option. There’s too much history here.
History is something that I never used to care about. I thought, why would I care? It’s over and done. I care about tomorrow, not yesterday. But I wish that I would have looked back more. It’s true what they say, that we learn from the past. We do. I’m not just talking George Washington and General Lee and Kennedy and Woodstock…. think about your own personal history. You can teach yourself a lot.
what is history? what makes it? is it an important event? or someone getting milk out of the fridge? Why is it is somehting studied in school? is that making history? Does everyone make history or is just just the important people?
history of places and things all give us a glimpse into the lives and times we may of never known about. each of us has our own histories. whether they are tragic, romantic, fulfilling, whatever it may be.. we are all individuals with our own histories. it’s not just about the stuff you read in text books!
Don’t cool off, I like your warmth. Remember those summer days? I’m in the middle of my summer days now, but remember the old ones? First falling in love with that beautiful city, then falling in love with that beautiful girl? You learned a lot.
history is a bunch of pervy professors eating lunch in a cafiteria staring at your boobs histoty is a fat text book and suckups who get a’s AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ok historybid .
history is for osers, who like ham and eat people and get fs on tests. history is abnout uguly people named hannah qand poetry and weird science frongs. its a bad dog. phones a techononnonono. broogasmmmmmmmmm
History is history. History describes what has happened in the past. We all learn from our history. History helps us learn and predict what not to do in the future and what to do differently. History is one of the core subjects studied in a lot of schools here in america. But like every one of the core subject in america, history has its different qualities.
Im still writing my history , i think is what you make every day, you can not erase it but definitely you can change it for better or for worse but is up to you
history is written by the winner. i am usually the winner, i guess. if we’re looking at my realtionship history. i break up with them, not the other way around. but from my point of view, it always seems like they’re the winners in the end. who in their right mind would want to be with someone who makes them so miserable?
History is the study of the significant events of human past. You have to look at all different perspectives to understand an event. Be it in the political, economical, religious, or socio-cultural vantage point.
You can learn a lot about history. It never changes, but each and every one of a person’s opinion is unique.
*From our History discussion.
Is everything I love about the world….is perfect…makes so much sense and should be studied, analyzed, broken down and put back together because it lets us know where we came from and where we’re going. We, as a people, make so many mistakes because we don’t learn our history- both personally and as a society.
Our history is written in stone, but by those who won the wars, not those who watched objectively. Our individuals are intertwined over centuries and thousands of people. We all connect through our actions and words. Regardless of our personal past, we will be able to find one singular thing that connects us with someone else in the world despite all our differences.
Kaitlin Hodgdon
Noelle’s history was bound to catch up with her. Owen’s death was just the start of the story. All the followed was history. The history she had so desperately buried in her attempt to be happy in her new life.
History is a lost art. History is a forgotten art. When did we forget this art? We forgot it when we turned our backs on Truth. It is necessary to remember that there is such a thing as truth.
It’s history now. That odd rush of emotion and the butterflies and the chills and the funny way you used to make my heart beat louder. History.
Sometimes I want to cry but I don’t. Mi vida es horrible averse pero no me import a de Los obstacles. I only carenabout success, so quire ten ere. Exito. Exito. Exito. En espanol. Mi vida es difficult pero ten go dios. Ya this thing won’t let me write in Spanish.
its about as big as bullshit as there is. History doesn’t exist. We are all a fucking lie. Your life is a lie. Hail to nothing but your washed up prophets for cash.
Brian Sullivan
It’s all there. Hidden somewhere deep in where ever we keep what makes us. Our history. It says where we come from, where we’ve been, who we are. Every little bit of it makes us who we are. It defines us in ways that we can’t quite put into words. We were made not from some magical design, but by the roads we have walked.
Such a rich subject. I hated it in elementary school, middle school, and high school. If I had only listened to what my teachers were talking about, I probably would have been much more interested. I love history now. I love teaching it to my students and learning new things.
I like history. It’s interesting, and not many people in my age like it. Lol, I’m the only one I know in school who likes it.
Uh. Idk what else to write.
You know, I don’t think I remember you. I kind of remember your name from high school, it sounds familiar, but I couldn’t put a face to it if I tried. Apparently we know a lot of the same people. I’ve looked at your picture on facebook and tried to place you, but when I look at you all I can see looking back at me is the face of a haunted old military man in a middle aged man’s body. You wear a grimace and a uniform like a child’s Halloween false face costume… to hide the prisoner held hostage by what he’s seen in a Middle Eastern war…
History is an amazing thing that tells the stories of lives past and even predicts the possibilities of the lives still to come. We should respect our history for what it is and for all the sacrifices that the people born before us had to make for us today. We should thank our history. Thank you.
History is my major. I’ve loved history for about three years now and only realized how much I enjoyed it after I was taught the subject by Derek Moisan, my 10th grade history teacher. He taught in such a way that it made me just…love history. My favorite periods are the 1940’s in America and the general WWII era.
The love of history runs deep in my family. Whether it be the story of how America was formed or how my Uncle Ronnie became so crazy, history swallows us whole taking us for a world of stories and experiences. History defines who we have become as individuals.
Amber Bowman
History class was always one of my favorites in high school. Now it’s one of my favorite college courses. I don’t know why, but something about history makes me feel more alive — more connected to my past, my environment, my parents, my future. Something about history makes me feel more “of this world” if you will. I wish my sister shared my appreciation.
Did Hitler go mad? One minute he was a trustworthy man running for their leadership role, the next he was on a mad rampage to kill the Jewish people. Where does the flip come in?
You could say my dad is history. But to me he’s not. To me he’s still here. He still cares about his lonely family that is still learning how to live without him. His family that would give anything to go back in time and try to make this all end differently. You can say he’s dead. But he’s not history.
There were lots of wars, and many people died, but there were also good things in history. Medicine and science have grown and developed. I was born :) so were my friends and family, i love them dearly.
man, what a horrible class. I remember one time, we were sitting there, and this girl behind me goes “Do people farm in other countries than canada?” No, idiot. We provide the fruits and vegetables for the whole world. Not to mention we can’t grow much of anything.
Mind you, she also asked if racism still exists. Maybe she has brain damage. If she does, I’d feel bad.
The golden age of humans can always be described through history. Over and over again, time has grown and crumbled with the human race, showing their rise and fall through technology, culture, and acceptance. It is with history that we can truly understand where we come from, who we are, and what others truly mean to us. It is through history that we know that man kind is more than just a sack of meaningless flesh, with no feelings.
history is learning about the past, but it’s more than that. it’s about discovery. it’s about humanism. it’s about people you never knew personally, but you feel like they’re close to you. history is important to learn, and the people who don’t learn it are doomed to repeat it.
am i a good person? because i think if i don’t think i am a good person, i must not be. so it’s silly to ask when i already know.
History is horrible. It can’t be re written. What’s done is done. You can’t make additio. History is an unedited book, edited a thousand times over, to favor those in favor of history.
history…well ididnt like history class, I was never good at remembering dates and names of ppl but I would love to MAKE history. Do something good that changes the world :) Other than that I dont really like it.
my family history is sooo amazing. i thought about how i have ancestors that have crossed the plains, and the mayflower. i have learned so much history about my family through my dad. and my grandparents. they went to pennsylivania and did so much genelogy. it amazing how much i’ve learned.
history is made of the two words his and story it is a word used to tell the story of human eings and humanity over the course of time, recording major events and significant happenings in our world over the years. it is often taken in schol as those who do not know theire history are doomed to repeat it
life. Past. Future. What will come. We’re making it right now. Sucks. Horrible. Presidents, cultures, planets, family…
History.Something that helps determine who we are by either accepting it and moving on or ignoring it and pretending we can get by. We can be unfairly judge based on our history or judge by who we are now and what those events have shaped us to be. .
History. His story. Their story. Your story. My story. MYSTERY! See what I did there?
Everyone keeps looking back to the past as if it were something that we can retrieve. I don’t know, for me it has always been about the future and what it can do or me. It’s been rarely on what had happened in the past and what is happening right now. There have been occasions where I have tried to stay here, but not enough convincing for me to even consider that option. There’s too much history here.
History is something that I never used to care about. I thought, why would I care? It’s over and done. I care about tomorrow, not yesterday. But I wish that I would have looked back more. It’s true what they say, that we learn from the past. We do. I’m not just talking George Washington and General Lee and Kennedy and Woodstock…. think about your own personal history. You can teach yourself a lot.
what is history? what makes it? is it an important event? or someone getting milk out of the fridge? Why is it is somehting studied in school? is that making history? Does everyone make history or is just just the important people?
history of places and things all give us a glimpse into the lives and times we may of never known about. each of us has our own histories. whether they are tragic, romantic, fulfilling, whatever it may be.. we are all individuals with our own histories. it’s not just about the stuff you read in text books!
Don’t cool off, I like your warmth. Remember those summer days? I’m in the middle of my summer days now, but remember the old ones? First falling in love with that beautiful city, then falling in love with that beautiful girl? You learned a lot.
history is a bunch of pervy professors eating lunch in a cafiteria staring at your boobs histoty is a fat text book and suckups who get a’s AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ok historybid .
history is for osers, who like ham and eat people and get fs on tests. history is abnout uguly people named hannah qand poetry and weird science frongs. its a bad dog. phones a techononnonono. broogasmmmmmmmmm
History is history. History describes what has happened in the past. We all learn from our history. History helps us learn and predict what not to do in the future and what to do differently. History is one of the core subjects studied in a lot of schools here in america. But like every one of the core subject in america, history has its different qualities.
Im still writing my history , i think is what you make every day, you can not erase it but definitely you can change it for better or for worse but is up to you
history is written by the winner. i am usually the winner, i guess. if we’re looking at my realtionship history. i break up with them, not the other way around. but from my point of view, it always seems like they’re the winners in the end. who in their right mind would want to be with someone who makes them so miserable?
History is the study of the significant events of human past. You have to look at all different perspectives to understand an event. Be it in the political, economical, religious, or socio-cultural vantage point.
You can learn a lot about history. It never changes, but each and every one of a person’s opinion is unique.
*From our History discussion.
Is everything I love about the world….is perfect…makes so much sense and should be studied, analyzed, broken down and put back together because it lets us know where we came from and where we’re going. We, as a people, make so many mistakes because we don’t learn our history- both personally and as a society.
Our history is written in stone, but by those who won the wars, not those who watched objectively. Our individuals are intertwined over centuries and thousands of people. We all connect through our actions and words. Regardless of our personal past, we will be able to find one singular thing that connects us with someone else in the world despite all our differences.
Noelle’s history was bound to catch up with her. Owen’s death was just the start of the story. All the followed was history. The history she had so desperately buried in her attempt to be happy in her new life.
History is a lost art. History is a forgotten art. When did we forget this art? We forgot it when we turned our backs on Truth. It is necessary to remember that there is such a thing as truth.
It’s history now. That odd rush of emotion and the butterflies and the chills and the funny way you used to make my heart beat louder. History.
Sometimes I want to cry but I don’t. Mi vida es horrible averse pero no me import a de Los obstacles. I only carenabout success, so quire ten ere. Exito. Exito. Exito. En espanol. Mi vida es difficult pero ten go dios. Ya this thing won’t let me write in Spanish.
its about as big as bullshit as there is. History doesn’t exist. We are all a fucking lie. Your life is a lie. Hail to nothing but your washed up prophets for cash.
It’s all there. Hidden somewhere deep in where ever we keep what makes us. Our history. It says where we come from, where we’ve been, who we are. Every little bit of it makes us who we are. It defines us in ways that we can’t quite put into words. We were made not from some magical design, but by the roads we have walked.
Such a rich subject. I hated it in elementary school, middle school, and high school. If I had only listened to what my teachers were talking about, I probably would have been much more interested. I love history now. I love teaching it to my students and learning new things.
I like history. It’s interesting, and not many people in my age like it. Lol, I’m the only one I know in school who likes it.
Uh. Idk what else to write.
You know, I don’t think I remember you. I kind of remember your name from high school, it sounds familiar, but I couldn’t put a face to it if I tried. Apparently we know a lot of the same people. I’ve looked at your picture on facebook and tried to place you, but when I look at you all I can see looking back at me is the face of a haunted old military man in a middle aged man’s body. You wear a grimace and a uniform like a child’s Halloween false face costume… to hide the prisoner held hostage by what he’s seen in a Middle Eastern war…
History is an amazing thing that tells the stories of lives past and even predicts the possibilities of the lives still to come. We should respect our history for what it is and for all the sacrifices that the people born before us had to make for us today. We should thank our history. Thank you.
History is my major. I’ve loved history for about three years now and only realized how much I enjoyed it after I was taught the subject by Derek Moisan, my 10th grade history teacher. He taught in such a way that it made me just…love history. My favorite periods are the 1940’s in America and the general WWII era.
The love of history runs deep in my family. Whether it be the story of how America was formed or how my Uncle Ronnie became so crazy, history swallows us whole taking us for a world of stories and experiences. History defines who we have become as individuals.
History class was always one of my favorites in high school. Now it’s one of my favorite college courses. I don’t know why, but something about history makes me feel more alive — more connected to my past, my environment, my parents, my future. Something about history makes me feel more “of this world” if you will. I wish my sister shared my appreciation.
Did Hitler go mad? One minute he was a trustworthy man running for their leadership role, the next he was on a mad rampage to kill the Jewish people. Where does the flip come in?
You could say my dad is history. But to me he’s not. To me he’s still here. He still cares about his lonely family that is still learning how to live without him. His family that would give anything to go back in time and try to make this all end differently. You can say he’s dead. But he’s not history.
There were lots of wars, and many people died, but there were also good things in history. Medicine and science have grown and developed. I was born :) so were my friends and family, i love them dearly.