
November 18th, 2023 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “hollow”

  1. She turned about on the path. Not far she spied a hollow shortly beneath a fork in a great tree. That would have to do. The leaf litter crunched underfoot, and the downward slope caused her to slip.

  2. He felt like there was a hollow in his being. He couldn’t see her anywhere, and he thought that she was dead or lost and he would never find her again. He felt like there would be nothing inside him any more if she were truly out of his life. Only rules, regulations and report writing.

  3. tap, tap, tap. the tree was hollow, that was certain. but why? the woodpeckers above chipped away at the bark while we sit and stare. there is something in there. something menacing, something alluring. but how far will we go to find it?

  4. Don’t tell me I am hollow– I already know that my body holds only the unrealized hopes of a quarter century.