to hover about to float. like a cloud. boys are like clouds. when they go places. sometimes. I don’t know much about clouds. Do you? I guess it would be cool to be a cloud. But it would be cold. I’d rather ride a cloud.
Hover sit, like with a dog. You simply put the dog in a sit and when he is relaxed take your hands off of him. If he holds still “hover” your hands around him. If he tries to get up put him back in a sit and wait till he is calm.
He hovered over her, his long-ish hair faling against her cheekbones, and she clenched the edges of the armchair.
This would be the last straw. Really. He wasn’t going to lord it over her any longer.
Her fingernails dug into the stiff blue fabric, and her teeth ground together, and she found she really couldn’t move.
He leaned back, having finished saying whatever he was saying in that snide tone, and smirked. He had this lopsided smirk, the one side higher than the other, with this dimble that kidn of made him look like he was smiling.
She wished she’d known what he’d said because his look turned confident, superier, and he’d probably said something sexist again. Something about boys being ultimately smarter so it was no wonder they’d lost points ont eh essay because of her part.
“Really, Sarah, I’ll take it all back if you want.” He rolled his eyes and settled into his wooden chair at the table, glancing around at the people clustered over books and chatting with group members or friends. Probably trying to project that he wasn’t the one to blame for her girlish, emotional reaction.
“There’s no need to kill me.” He tsked, ducked bhind a book and tapped at their essay, almost absentmindedly.
She softened her grip on the armchair but slouched lower in the seat. Maybe she was less mad and a little more…well. she pressed her legs together a shifted.
“You mind telling me where you got that, though? Since you’re too stingy to share.” At her confused pout he pointed to the danish squashed forgotten in her hand, smeared onto the armrest.
She blushed and told him, wonderfing if she could still eat it or if that would be too gross.
“Great.” He poped up, gathered his stuff together, and dropped the essay in her lap. He smirked that lopsided grin dimple thing again. “The librarians are going to kill you.”
Then he walked away.
She crossed her legs tightly, praying and cursing God and Fate and Karma, and stuffed teh rest of the danish in her mouth.
Some flaks fell onto the damned essay but that suited her mood just fine.
The bottom of the hot air balloon’s basket glanced over the sloshing blue wide expanse of seawater.
“We’ll never make it!” cried one of the balloon’s only two inhabitants: Professor Carly, designer of the world’s first hot air balloon.
It hovered over the sea, then –
float on. don’t carry yourself, let yourself go. up up up there you are, going going gone away now. i am above you now, above all of you, looking down on everything you are, getting smaller and smaller under my rise. my rise to the top rising. i’m here, up above up so high. don’t you go anywhere.
naya herman
craft over space tends to sail into the blue eyes wide open finds time to be and rests slower then most no ones knows how
i need space. i said. and then it came and took me away. i was an angel in seconds. no longer felt as if my feet were glued to the ground. nothing more hovering over me. i was over it all
diana demuth
so we were just out for a little spin! i didnt think my heart would end up broken! so now im here. alone. and now i need to breathe by myself. and learn to fly without her. i need to stay here with my friends.
to hover is to float lightly above something. It is a simple and gentle act. it’s also close to the name of a vaccum company. I used to play this Bitchin’ game on Windows 95 that had hover bumper cars. It was sweet. Totally awesome!
I miss is so much.
Charles J. McKenney
In a plane i hovered above the twilight, the initial force holding my parallel to the love i felt for him. It was incredible the things you could do after a touch of the fleshy lips
leah culver
is to float as though the pure physics by which we are bound have no hold on our very desires to fly. To lift our feet just slightly above ground and whisk away.
asher rain
hover around me. i wish i could hover. just floating around free. i want someone to know when to hover. blah. dance. float. sweet.
I wish I could hover above myself sometimes and watch me make the choices I make. I want to see my facial expressions when I speak, when I move, when I just sit there and gaze off into space. I want to see what everyone else sees on my face when they see me. It’s the ultimate character study.
When the ships hovered over top of the man. He let out a screech, “What could you be?!?!” I set my sights on the contraption that floated so elegantly in the air. If only it would come down, but it continued it’s hovering above us. I set my sights to take it down by force, but it continued to hover, and made it’s way gone.
Allan Benfield
hover o how i hover above eertyhign as i sit here and wait fro stupid greenprint to deal with itself, tho not hovering as much as wavering, muddling, decphering, dealing, dealing, with with, here it comes
les seagull
the girl hovered over his lilfeless body tears streaming down her face. inaudible whispers of unfufilled promises escaped her lips. and i watched from above a scene i had no control over. for once in my life i was helpless.
Emilee Omberg
The hovercraft! A delightful invention. Benjamin held onto his hat as it lowered itself onto the field. What would the world be like without the ability to noiselessly speed through the upper atmosphere, to ride clouds? Horrible, he imagined. So thank god for hovercrafts, and the brilliant woman who invented them.
hover…hover…hover….thaTS ALL SHE DID….HOW WASA MAN TO BREATHE WITH A WIFE WHO LOVES TO HOVER even the caps want to hover..i;m off..hovercraft ..of coourse
To properly hover, one needs downward thrust sufficient to overcome the force of gravity. Without this, hovering is impossible. The real catch, of course, is in powering the craft to provide enough thrust without weighing down the craft too much
to be above, around.. like a bee around a flower, eager, keen. Wanting to be there.. not leaving its side. just above the ground, never touching
I hovered over the table. I didn’t know what they were talking about, it was greek to me. Business of some sort, but none of mine.
My job was simple; stand still, stay quiet, and attend to any need they had, whether they knew about it or not. Little did I know I would learn things that would change my life forever.
Francis Chary
Hovering is a pretty awesome sensation. it’s not quite flight, but not just gravitation either. it’s in between, and mildly euphoric, but not so much that one would abuse it. its just . . . sex funk, and that sums it up
james finkbeiner
I think I would like to hover, without assistance. The idea of hovering above the ground, even slightly, is scary but fun. However, if I were to hover and then fell, I think I would break something. But don’t worry. If I broke something, it would heal.
Aliens hover
watching with no surprise
lighting their crystalline
their fingertips
draw along each human cheek
crawling with interest
Who can deny
Hovering over Manhattan I saw a whole mess of people. People I do not relate to. people who do not relate to me. I wish I could roam the streets alone. I wish the city was mine and mine only. Maybe that’s why we don’t relate.
Eduardo Barosa
I hover above the ground, suspending myself in air with a difficult pose of two arms on the laundry machine and my two feet against the wall while my best friend chuckles next to me. Her sister, groping along as she crawls on the floor, is cheating in our made up, twisted game of tag. She’s looking, of course, and says, “What the hell are you doing?” And it is not the first time I have heard that question. I want to think of a witty answer, but all I say is, well, nothing. I laugh.
Ashley Nicole Brooks Flowers
The little boy was hovering so close by to me while i drove the stke into the ground that i decided to smack the little boy with the hammer instead. Ofcourse he died on the spot and what was I to do?
I did what any normal human being would do and I ate the body.
mickey hart
And so I did, far above the world in it’s marbled beauty and I foung for once the clouds were not above me but below me and that seems to make all the difference.
Andrew Davis
it stood above the roof as if it had legs. Straight up and down and flat black. It never touched the ground and before it could turn wonder into fear it was gone.
Jack Nicholsen
she hovers vacantly over sunless fields and wearily partakes in the sand-clouded partitions
I hovered across the sky in a pale-blue baby buggy. The sky was blue and purple, as opposed to the buggy’s color. How is it that I hovered this way? I’m not certain, but I love it. I love to hover above the clouds, looking down at the city and the people I love. I wish I could hover like this forever, but I know it cannot be; I must land again. Yet I hover still now, let me enjoy it.
Alex F.
The bee hovered over the lid to the jelly jar. I paused for only a moment, not caring to be stung. Taking full advantage of its trance, I gingerly dipped my knife into the jar just inches away. I thoroughly enjoyed that piece of toast and jelly.
The helicopter will hover above the deep blue sea the people that were in the helicopter would hover over my laptop to try to steal a peek @ the movie that was playing on it.
Thomas Nichols
Life has become a fight against gravity, we dont float, we dont hover anymore. Becoming smaller and smaller, evil little creatures we are.
i hover over above in my living-room tonight. like cupid, i watch our budding love. it’s so delicate, passionate and intense all at the same time! mmm, my imagination runs wild.
above my head always around over my shoulder plane bird in the sky fly around but standing still up above way above over my head
Hovering over the skies, wouldn’t that be amazing? Not just over the ground, but above the clouds. Think about it, those are the kinds of things you think about before you go to sleep don’t you? Hover in the atmosphere, above everything and everyone just to get away. Not even going anywhere, simply staying in place as if you can claim the space around you and call it your own. Hover…
Jesse Canes
hovercat meets monorailcat the other day and both consider skating downtown.
hoverin the death of the cat the old one, g
hovering in winter
the hover car started up with a raur. it sped away done the super highway the driver had is i on the goal to finish the race. the hover car took up speed and flew by the competitors putting him into second place.
to hover about to float. like a cloud. boys are like clouds. when they go places. sometimes. I don’t know much about clouds. Do you? I guess it would be cool to be a cloud. But it would be cold. I’d rather ride a cloud.
Hover sit, like with a dog. You simply put the dog in a sit and when he is relaxed take your hands off of him. If he holds still “hover” your hands around him. If he tries to get up put him back in a sit and wait till he is calm.
He hovered over her, his long-ish hair faling against her cheekbones, and she clenched the edges of the armchair.
This would be the last straw. Really. He wasn’t going to lord it over her any longer.
Her fingernails dug into the stiff blue fabric, and her teeth ground together, and she found she really couldn’t move.
He leaned back, having finished saying whatever he was saying in that snide tone, and smirked. He had this lopsided smirk, the one side higher than the other, with this dimble that kidn of made him look like he was smiling.
She wished she’d known what he’d said because his look turned confident, superier, and he’d probably said something sexist again. Something about boys being ultimately smarter so it was no wonder they’d lost points ont eh essay because of her part.
“Really, Sarah, I’ll take it all back if you want.” He rolled his eyes and settled into his wooden chair at the table, glancing around at the people clustered over books and chatting with group members or friends. Probably trying to project that he wasn’t the one to blame for her girlish, emotional reaction.
“There’s no need to kill me.” He tsked, ducked bhind a book and tapped at their essay, almost absentmindedly.
She softened her grip on the armchair but slouched lower in the seat. Maybe she was less mad and a little more…well. she pressed her legs together a shifted.
“You mind telling me where you got that, though? Since you’re too stingy to share.” At her confused pout he pointed to the danish squashed forgotten in her hand, smeared onto the armrest.
She blushed and told him, wonderfing if she could still eat it or if that would be too gross.
“Great.” He poped up, gathered his stuff together, and dropped the essay in her lap. He smirked that lopsided grin dimple thing again. “The librarians are going to kill you.”
Then he walked away.
She crossed her legs tightly, praying and cursing God and Fate and Karma, and stuffed teh rest of the danish in her mouth.
Some flaks fell onto the damned essay but that suited her mood just fine.
The bottom of the hot air balloon’s basket glanced over the sloshing blue wide expanse of seawater.
“We’ll never make it!” cried one of the balloon’s only two inhabitants: Professor Carly, designer of the world’s first hot air balloon.
It hovered over the sea, then –
float on. don’t carry yourself, let yourself go. up up up there you are, going going gone away now. i am above you now, above all of you, looking down on everything you are, getting smaller and smaller under my rise. my rise to the top rising. i’m here, up above up so high. don’t you go anywhere.
craft over space tends to sail into the blue eyes wide open finds time to be and rests slower then most no ones knows how
i need space. i said. and then it came and took me away. i was an angel in seconds. no longer felt as if my feet were glued to the ground. nothing more hovering over me. i was over it all
so we were just out for a little spin! i didnt think my heart would end up broken! so now im here. alone. and now i need to breathe by myself. and learn to fly without her. i need to stay here with my friends.
to hover is to float lightly above something. It is a simple and gentle act. it’s also close to the name of a vaccum company. I used to play this Bitchin’ game on Windows 95 that had hover bumper cars. It was sweet. Totally awesome!
I miss is so much.
In a plane i hovered above the twilight, the initial force holding my parallel to the love i felt for him. It was incredible the things you could do after a touch of the fleshy lips
is to float as though the pure physics by which we are bound have no hold on our very desires to fly. To lift our feet just slightly above ground and whisk away.
hover around me. i wish i could hover. just floating around free. i want someone to know when to hover. blah. dance. float. sweet.
I wish I could hover above myself sometimes and watch me make the choices I make. I want to see my facial expressions when I speak, when I move, when I just sit there and gaze off into space. I want to see what everyone else sees on my face when they see me. It’s the ultimate character study.
When the ships hovered over top of the man. He let out a screech, “What could you be?!?!” I set my sights on the contraption that floated so elegantly in the air. If only it would come down, but it continued it’s hovering above us. I set my sights to take it down by force, but it continued to hover, and made it’s way gone.
hover o how i hover above eertyhign as i sit here and wait fro stupid greenprint to deal with itself, tho not hovering as much as wavering, muddling, decphering, dealing, dealing, with with, here it comes
the girl hovered over his lilfeless body tears streaming down her face. inaudible whispers of unfufilled promises escaped her lips. and i watched from above a scene i had no control over. for once in my life i was helpless.
The hovercraft! A delightful invention. Benjamin held onto his hat as it lowered itself onto the field. What would the world be like without the ability to noiselessly speed through the upper atmosphere, to ride clouds? Horrible, he imagined. So thank god for hovercrafts, and the brilliant woman who invented them.
hover…hover…hover….thaTS ALL SHE DID….HOW WASA MAN TO BREATHE WITH A WIFE WHO LOVES TO HOVER even the caps want to hover..i;m off..hovercraft ..of coourse
To properly hover, one needs downward thrust sufficient to overcome the force of gravity. Without this, hovering is impossible. The real catch, of course, is in powering the craft to provide enough thrust without weighing down the craft too much
to be above, around.. like a bee around a flower, eager, keen. Wanting to be there.. not leaving its side. just above the ground, never touching
I hovered over the table. I didn’t know what they were talking about, it was greek to me. Business of some sort, but none of mine.
My job was simple; stand still, stay quiet, and attend to any need they had, whether they knew about it or not. Little did I know I would learn things that would change my life forever.
Hovering is a pretty awesome sensation. it’s not quite flight, but not just gravitation either. it’s in between, and mildly euphoric, but not so much that one would abuse it. its just . . . sex funk, and that sums it up
I think I would like to hover, without assistance. The idea of hovering above the ground, even slightly, is scary but fun. However, if I were to hover and then fell, I think I would break something. But don’t worry. If I broke something, it would heal.
Aliens hover
watching with no surprise
lighting their crystalline
their fingertips
draw along each human cheek
crawling with interest
Who can deny
Hovering over Manhattan I saw a whole mess of people. People I do not relate to. people who do not relate to me. I wish I could roam the streets alone. I wish the city was mine and mine only. Maybe that’s why we don’t relate.
I hover above the ground, suspending myself in air with a difficult pose of two arms on the laundry machine and my two feet against the wall while my best friend chuckles next to me. Her sister, groping along as she crawls on the floor, is cheating in our made up, twisted game of tag. She’s looking, of course, and says, “What the hell are you doing?” And it is not the first time I have heard that question. I want to think of a witty answer, but all I say is, well, nothing. I laugh.
The little boy was hovering so close by to me while i drove the stke into the ground that i decided to smack the little boy with the hammer instead. Ofcourse he died on the spot and what was I to do?
I did what any normal human being would do and I ate the body.
And so I did, far above the world in it’s marbled beauty and I foung for once the clouds were not above me but below me and that seems to make all the difference.
it stood above the roof as if it had legs. Straight up and down and flat black. It never touched the ground and before it could turn wonder into fear it was gone.
she hovers vacantly over sunless fields and wearily partakes in the sand-clouded partitions
I hovered across the sky in a pale-blue baby buggy. The sky was blue and purple, as opposed to the buggy’s color. How is it that I hovered this way? I’m not certain, but I love it. I love to hover above the clouds, looking down at the city and the people I love. I wish I could hover like this forever, but I know it cannot be; I must land again. Yet I hover still now, let me enjoy it.
The bee hovered over the lid to the jelly jar. I paused for only a moment, not caring to be stung. Taking full advantage of its trance, I gingerly dipped my knife into the jar just inches away. I thoroughly enjoyed that piece of toast and jelly.
The helicopter will hover above the deep blue sea the people that were in the helicopter would hover over my laptop to try to steal a peek @ the movie that was playing on it.
Life has become a fight against gravity, we dont float, we dont hover anymore. Becoming smaller and smaller, evil little creatures we are.
i hover over above in my living-room tonight. like cupid, i watch our budding love. it’s so delicate, passionate and intense all at the same time! mmm, my imagination runs wild.
above my head always around over my shoulder plane bird in the sky fly around but standing still up above way above over my head
Hovering over the skies, wouldn’t that be amazing? Not just over the ground, but above the clouds. Think about it, those are the kinds of things you think about before you go to sleep don’t you? Hover in the atmosphere, above everything and everyone just to get away. Not even going anywhere, simply staying in place as if you can claim the space around you and call it your own. Hover…
hovercat meets monorailcat the other day and both consider skating downtown.
hoverin the death of the cat the old one, g
the hover car started up with a raur. it sped away done the super highway the driver had is i on the goal to finish the race. the hover car took up speed and flew by the competitors putting him into second place.