to annoy someone. to look over someone or something. to be too close for comfort. no one likes a hover-er. something people do on the train and read over your shoulder. not a good thing; too close.
hovering is like a dream to people. Many scientists try to find what is the technology and what does it take to make one hoever. However, the technology is yet to be found. Should hovering be found as a technology in history, the world may change in a way we may not be adjusted into. However, should we challenge nature itself by using technology such as hovering? Should we challenge human nature and play god?
craft so fine that you don’t need to touch the ground seems like it’s impossible for us to reach and we try to chase our star wars dreams in vehicles that drive firmly on the ground with wheels and oil and broken systems that encourage irresponsible living at break neck speeds and what is the price we pay? We hover between life and death so close to the sun and so far away from any warmth and human interaction. We drive, we glide, we speed…we have stopped breathing in order to catch up with a future that none of us is sure we want. Why do we hover over each other so close to one another and so far away.
Chris Whitler
I wish i could hover, that shit would be so awesome. Imagine being able to just hover over people walking around and looking down like “Yeah bitch, I’m above you” :P
That would be so clean, hovering would be fucking sick. But, as with any other supernatural power, if I were to get one, the world would be fucked.
Over the city of Los Angeles. I flew next to a crazy ass LAPD pilot. I was an observer trainee. This SOB would just hover over the crime scenes and smoke his cigarettes, all the while telling me that we could have a flash fire at any time so I had better keep all of my gear zipped up. It was July in LA. It was fucking hot and this guy was smoking up there. Wasn’t there enough smog already?
Ralph Barrera
hover reminds me of how the cursor hovers. ya know? cos that is what cursors do they hover. it also kind of makes me want to look over my shoulder…
i mean, i know that nobody is there.. but it just gives me that weird feeling like someone is hovering over my shoulder..
i hovered above the bed, restless, kinetic. I craved her body, but she lie anchored to the satin sheets below, like some sort of unattainable chalice. I longed to fill her.
Tokyo Slim
Don’t stay in the hover seat
walk along the light and fluffy
Hovering over me
is like riding a horse
without a buggy
laughing in the lightness of the course
Let’s go underground, away from all the floating people. I don’t need anybody to tell me what to do on the surface anymore, let’s move on down below all the static and get to where we can be ourselves.
Erik J
i dont know what hover means but that simple word seems intense though i might remember from my previous experience that when i did remember stuff its not really important because i do remember stupid things
i think that we’re just here
The spaceship hovered above earth, gathering what little data it could about the lost art of haiku.
Aliens. They’re cool.
But sometimes they burn and kill.
Hey. Whatever works.
Rikkkkk Shaaade
The spaceship hovers exactly 4 feet off the ground. What else is floating in the machine? could it be a wonderful hovering creature, could they fly, would they enslave the world. We stood back breifly, hoping alens were inside and not some government pilots waiting to crush our hopes at extraterrestriel contact.
You let me hover on top so high threatening me to fall.
I await your warmth in which it will bring me down and bring me to life again.
Like winds above gray trees in October, damp with the rain that doesn’t fall, but waits in the wings like extras on stage.
Like lashes over sleepy eyes on a screen,
the waiting red and blue blur of flat surfaces turned
to three dimensional vortexes.
I hover my hand up above her flesh. There can be no touching. Nothing real to fall back on. I must stay here, fingers motionless. My hand like a hummingbird staying in one single space of the air. Like my thoughts put into stasis, as they are now. Hovering without need or reason. I long to touch her, enough for my hand to drop one inch closer, never closer.
I think hover must be a reference to dover cause who ever thought anything whatsoever, its a dover for over remains is a pious retain, Lover is another word like hover, so dover is hover in allthe words except dover hover.
Richard Hillman
the flight of the mother in the thoughts of lost moments seizes. It’s okay for nothing happens really. or is it? the balloons take shape as the water is wiped from her sensitive eyes. looking at them taking flight is saddening for it wasn’t her. just a thought and not something she could ever have. the truely sad is that she makes shadows on the ground not made from someone who has her feet on the ground and her knowledge is blinded as if she never wiped the wetness from her eyes. thank goodness her two year old sees and holds the bottom of her skirt like a string of a kite or balloon.
the kite hovers over the boy who wants to catch it but cant because its too high above his head. he
Windhover is the name of my school’s yearbook and it makes me think of a poem I leanred about but could not recite, explain, or even summarize if you asked me too. I appreciate in the moment. I read, listen to the lecture, and appreciate for as long as i can. Most times the feeling is fleeting but i persist that any work i cannot recall does not reflect my own shortcomings but thsoe of the workitself.
I hover and glide in the sky so high. Talking with all the people I see. They call for prayer in the empty space that they dwell in.
hoverplanes are cool. I dream of hovering above my body. I don’t have to move a muscle. Just relax and watch all that is below me. Just like flying. Hover crafts are cool vehicles. They glide through the air with no friction. They make a whirring sound like a ufo. Its futuristic.
Brad Murray
i wish to hover around the world on a hot air baloon savour every sight the world has to offer.always moving see everything …
sometimes people make a difference without even knowing they’ve done anything at all. they look at you, they touch your hand, they smile, anything, something, tiny or big, and you are suddenly not sitting or standing, walking or leaning. you’re floating. the ground is nothing but a memory beneath your feet, because you don’t need anything beneath you.
The wings hovered in the air like a great white eagle. Fluttering and hovering into the distance. It didn’t speak of it’s love or life. It only said what it meant in the simplest movements. Forever in flight of passions and love. Hovering Above.
Blake Bennett
Hovering above that hill was nothing more than my dignity which had been swept away. I wish somehow there was something i could do to rectify the situation but alas, the moment has passed me by. I can only now sit with my feet up, giving myself a pat on the shoulder for a good job done, which helps, I guess.
Encarta says no
Hovering. Like a bat. It didn’t make sense but it wouldn’t go away, those stupid thoughts that insist on battering your head. Like the thoughts about the train, the battering noises on the sides. You knew it was only the sound of the carriage careering along, but it sounded awfully like someone, or something, was trying to get in…
we hovered over the city. This is it i thought. This would be the place i call home. The glistening buildings and grey tarmac became clearer as we hovered closer to the city..
the plane can hover this is new technology… it is the first in the world.
to hover is to stand, in the midst of nothing. Waiting for the the inevitable fall. Time seems to stand still, as the world continues, yet nothing happens.
Steve Tarrant
There was a sound similiar to a window pane being bumped repeatedly by a metal object, if if by the wind. By the time the sun was high in the sky, he still hadn’t working up the nerve to deal with the sound. He assumed that it was just going to take care of itself.
hovercraft. I just watched the matrix last night. The ship they were in was a hovercraft. It was wierd seeing the first matrix last night, when I had watched the second and third a few days before, having not seen any of them in years. The first one is better, I have concluded as a result.
Lee Shaver
hover. it’s a word that means you are floating, but maybe on a cushion of air, like a hover craft. People have dreamed of being able to fly for thousands of years, but they haven’t even conquered the hovering bit yet. Maybe they need to get their head out of the clouds, or maybe that’s the problem.
james kindred
I hate the feeling of ust hovering – I like being something/doing somethign at all times. Nothing is worse then feeling like I am just hovering – whether in a social sitation or anything of the sort. I am a doer… Not a hoverer! and I will always be that way.
i want to hover over the clouds and try to fly as high as i can because i feel like if i never do, then i’ll always be stuck on this horrible ground. I want to hover over everyone i see and feel the sun on my face and on my body and not feel intimidated to want to have those things.
she hovered over the streetlights in her woolen red scarf. she didn’t know why she was suddenly in the air and didn’t know how she could possibly get down from there. her feet dangled from her hips and her head swayed from side to side with the wind caressing her. the lamp glowed golden underneath her.
Why do you hover myoverr
charlene botley
hover, hovering, air beneath my feet
city lights below me, cold night air
floating, dreaming, honks and rush underneath
flying cars were promised us in the science fiction of the 1950s, but where are they? I feel cheated. I want my jetpacks, my gravity boots … why has science not granted us the promised dominion over the forces of nature that was suggested all that time? It’s silly. I want my flying car.
I hover, excited to see his arrival. Will he arrive? Is he coming? What will he think when he sees me? Lust, delight, longing? Is he here? There he is! Oh no, that’s not him, no no no
to annoy someone. to look over someone or something. to be too close for comfort. no one likes a hover-er. something people do on the train and read over your shoulder. not a good thing; too close.
hovering is like a dream to people. Many scientists try to find what is the technology and what does it take to make one hoever. However, the technology is yet to be found. Should hovering be found as a technology in history, the world may change in a way we may not be adjusted into. However, should we challenge nature itself by using technology such as hovering? Should we challenge human nature and play god?
craft so fine that you don’t need to touch the ground seems like it’s impossible for us to reach and we try to chase our star wars dreams in vehicles that drive firmly on the ground with wheels and oil and broken systems that encourage irresponsible living at break neck speeds and what is the price we pay? We hover between life and death so close to the sun and so far away from any warmth and human interaction. We drive, we glide, we speed…we have stopped breathing in order to catch up with a future that none of us is sure we want. Why do we hover over each other so close to one another and so far away.
I wish i could hover, that shit would be so awesome. Imagine being able to just hover over people walking around and looking down like “Yeah bitch, I’m above you” :P
That would be so clean, hovering would be fucking sick. But, as with any other supernatural power, if I were to get one, the world would be fucked.
Over the city of Los Angeles. I flew next to a crazy ass LAPD pilot. I was an observer trainee. This SOB would just hover over the crime scenes and smoke his cigarettes, all the while telling me that we could have a flash fire at any time so I had better keep all of my gear zipped up. It was July in LA. It was fucking hot and this guy was smoking up there. Wasn’t there enough smog already?
hover reminds me of how the cursor hovers. ya know? cos that is what cursors do they hover. it also kind of makes me want to look over my shoulder…
i mean, i know that nobody is there.. but it just gives me that weird feeling like someone is hovering over my shoulder..
i hovered above the bed, restless, kinetic. I craved her body, but she lie anchored to the satin sheets below, like some sort of unattainable chalice. I longed to fill her.
Don’t stay in the hover seat
walk along the light and fluffy
Hovering over me
is like riding a horse
without a buggy
laughing in the lightness of the course
Let’s go underground, away from all the floating people. I don’t need anybody to tell me what to do on the surface anymore, let’s move on down below all the static and get to where we can be ourselves.
i dont know what hover means but that simple word seems intense though i might remember from my previous experience that when i did remember stuff its not really important because i do remember stupid things
i think that we’re just here
The spaceship hovered above earth, gathering what little data it could about the lost art of haiku.
Aliens. They’re cool.
But sometimes they burn and kill.
Hey. Whatever works.
The spaceship hovers exactly 4 feet off the ground. What else is floating in the machine? could it be a wonderful hovering creature, could they fly, would they enslave the world. We stood back breifly, hoping alens were inside and not some government pilots waiting to crush our hopes at extraterrestriel contact.
You let me hover on top so high threatening me to fall.
I await your warmth in which it will bring me down and bring me to life again.
Like winds above gray trees in October, damp with the rain that doesn’t fall, but waits in the wings like extras on stage.
Like lashes over sleepy eyes on a screen,
the waiting red and blue blur of flat surfaces turned
to three dimensional vortexes.
I hover my hand up above her flesh. There can be no touching. Nothing real to fall back on. I must stay here, fingers motionless. My hand like a hummingbird staying in one single space of the air. Like my thoughts put into stasis, as they are now. Hovering without need or reason. I long to touch her, enough for my hand to drop one inch closer, never closer.
I think hover must be a reference to dover cause who ever thought anything whatsoever, its a dover for over remains is a pious retain, Lover is another word like hover, so dover is hover in allthe words except dover hover.
the flight of the mother in the thoughts of lost moments seizes. It’s okay for nothing happens really. or is it? the balloons take shape as the water is wiped from her sensitive eyes. looking at them taking flight is saddening for it wasn’t her. just a thought and not something she could ever have. the truely sad is that she makes shadows on the ground not made from someone who has her feet on the ground and her knowledge is blinded as if she never wiped the wetness from her eyes. thank goodness her two year old sees and holds the bottom of her skirt like a string of a kite or balloon.
Maintain, search, view wind?, work, balloon, can’t.
the kite hovers over the boy who wants to catch it but cant because its too high above his head. he
Windhover is the name of my school’s yearbook and it makes me think of a poem I leanred about but could not recite, explain, or even summarize if you asked me too. I appreciate in the moment. I read, listen to the lecture, and appreciate for as long as i can. Most times the feeling is fleeting but i persist that any work i cannot recall does not reflect my own shortcomings but thsoe of the workitself.
I hover and glide in the sky so high. Talking with all the people I see. They call for prayer in the empty space that they dwell in.
hoverplanes are cool. I dream of hovering above my body. I don’t have to move a muscle. Just relax and watch all that is below me. Just like flying. Hover crafts are cool vehicles. They glide through the air with no friction. They make a whirring sound like a ufo. Its futuristic.
i wish to hover around the world on a hot air baloon savour every sight the world has to offer.always moving see everything …
sometimes people make a difference without even knowing they’ve done anything at all. they look at you, they touch your hand, they smile, anything, something, tiny or big, and you are suddenly not sitting or standing, walking or leaning. you’re floating. the ground is nothing but a memory beneath your feet, because you don’t need anything beneath you.
The wings hovered in the air like a great white eagle. Fluttering and hovering into the distance. It didn’t speak of it’s love or life. It only said what it meant in the simplest movements. Forever in flight of passions and love. Hovering Above.
Hovering above that hill was nothing more than my dignity which had been swept away. I wish somehow there was something i could do to rectify the situation but alas, the moment has passed me by. I can only now sit with my feet up, giving myself a pat on the shoulder for a good job done, which helps, I guess.
Hovering. Like a bat. It didn’t make sense but it wouldn’t go away, those stupid thoughts that insist on battering your head. Like the thoughts about the train, the battering noises on the sides. You knew it was only the sound of the carriage careering along, but it sounded awfully like someone, or something, was trying to get in…
we hovered over the city. This is it i thought. This would be the place i call home. The glistening buildings and grey tarmac became clearer as we hovered closer to the city..
the plane can hover this is new technology… it is the first in the world.
to hover is to stand, in the midst of nothing. Waiting for the the inevitable fall. Time seems to stand still, as the world continues, yet nothing happens.
There was a sound similiar to a window pane being bumped repeatedly by a metal object, if if by the wind. By the time the sun was high in the sky, he still hadn’t working up the nerve to deal with the sound. He assumed that it was just going to take care of itself.
hovercraft. I just watched the matrix last night. The ship they were in was a hovercraft. It was wierd seeing the first matrix last night, when I had watched the second and third a few days before, having not seen any of them in years. The first one is better, I have concluded as a result.
hover. it’s a word that means you are floating, but maybe on a cushion of air, like a hover craft. People have dreamed of being able to fly for thousands of years, but they haven’t even conquered the hovering bit yet. Maybe they need to get their head out of the clouds, or maybe that’s the problem.
I hate the feeling of ust hovering – I like being something/doing somethign at all times. Nothing is worse then feeling like I am just hovering – whether in a social sitation or anything of the sort. I am a doer… Not a hoverer! and I will always be that way.
i want to hover over the clouds and try to fly as high as i can because i feel like if i never do, then i’ll always be stuck on this horrible ground. I want to hover over everyone i see and feel the sun on my face and on my body and not feel intimidated to want to have those things.
she hovered over the streetlights in her woolen red scarf. she didn’t know why she was suddenly in the air and didn’t know how she could possibly get down from there. her feet dangled from her hips and her head swayed from side to side with the wind caressing her. the lamp glowed golden underneath her.
Why do you hover myoverr
hover, hovering, air beneath my feet
city lights below me, cold night air
floating, dreaming, honks and rush underneath
flying cars were promised us in the science fiction of the 1950s, but where are they? I feel cheated. I want my jetpacks, my gravity boots … why has science not granted us the promised dominion over the forces of nature that was suggested all that time? It’s silly. I want my flying car.
I hover, excited to see his arrival. Will he arrive? Is he coming? What will he think when he sees me? Lust, delight, longing? Is he here? There he is! Oh no, that’s not him, no no no