i hover over the crowds…i hover a head above the rest.
I am afraid to relinquish my self control..I hover slightly behind, emotionally inefficient.
i hover across the sky, everyone down below says Woah! look at that amazing guy hovering in the sky. I hover all the way around the world while the breeze on my face feels amazing. I land at a burger place glad to finally enjoy my meal. I tell myself wow,hovering is amazing and set off for another trip.
she hovers her hand over my sack and handjobs me
To hover. It’s like hoovering, but awfully half-hearted. Leaves dust everywhere.
like a helicopter, i hover over you while you work. Try to get something done, i dare you. As soon as you start writing, i will scream obsceneties in your ear. It makes me laugh. Good luck on your exam tomorrow! :D
hover around
maybe die
Silently, genlty they hover
Floating on the air,
Twirling as they descend,
Graceful in their journey
From branch to bare earth below
Leaves from their hold, let go
N. Kourmoulis
a hover craft. is it possible to create one? it may be with some kind of upwards thrust as shown by the myth busters but what about an antigravity one? what is gravity?
Alec Philosophos
the craft was nice and sleek and space agey, so we all hopped in and turned it on. i drove, sandy sat in the passenger seat and mark ate funions in the back. the funions stink in a hover craft the same way they stink in a regular, non-future cars.
ben salvo
In the cabin she dreamed of flying over the land, staying calm as the wind blew her hair about her eyes and mouth. She wanted to see the world, but did not want to feel its revolutions.
The Hoover hovered one mile off the ground sally had just learned to never use the blow function on the hover Hoover 4000. That was the las time she ever had to clean her room. But they never found the room either.
sue: desperate to be loved. whenever office chitchat would erupt, she’d glide over, inching closer with a hopeful grin. you could see her wheels spin for something clever to add, the magic key to her inclusion. some of us called her “the hovercraft”.
in the air a few feet my spaceship was there, I looked across the field to other crafts floating. It was weird to be an alien, but we could just ride around on the air. I liked it, and it was energy efficient. How the humans would benefit from this thing.
Graham Garfield
My shoulder always feels like this. A slight tingling as though someone is standing right there behind me. I’m always on edge when I think about what mother might say, or the sound of fathers boots on the kitchen floor. My hand’s in the cookie jar so to speak and it makes me uneasy even though they’re both dead and gone now.
Cecil Baird
flapping around aimlessly he tried to forge a link with his past. He removed the cloak and slipped on the coat. His renewal depended on his next actions. He needed more time to think; more time to respond. Again he will try. Try to bang his head against the wonderful bridge to immortality.
Ian O'Brien
I don’t particularly enjoy people who hover. You know who I’m talking about, the ones who incessantly follow just a little too closely, who stare over your shoulder, or stand just on the outside of a conversation.
Duncan Ryan
to fly, to watch to look to see indiscreetly; to cling to. charlie does not hover. my heart hovers. hover crafts. they hover. hoover dam, not to be confused with hover. hovering isn’t good in my opinion. do not hover to me.
daina earles
What does hover mean? I ask. Curiously. One minute of non understanding and no time for some sneak peaking in the dictionary.
i hover above the world as the people below hoover their carpets. strange how the hum of hoovers are still heard in the hovering area of the atmosphere. strange, indeed.
hover over me
like birds in the sea
and doves in the sky,
pass the fork
to my plate
and never dare hesitate
for good will laughs
at those who wait
and happiness
falls upon those willing
to stand and scream
just like the skeletons
in your closet
and the boots
in your back pocket
I sat there, bouncing slightly as if sitting on ocean waves, only I was sitting above solid terra. My legs crossed, my hands upward, how can this be?
i like to hover over the ground, said the happy, happy mosquito. as he flitted across the grass, smelling the yummy poo from the dogs that littered the park, he smiled because he knew he was in the right place.
he came upon his friend, Betty Beetle, and told her, “Oye, Mamasita, te quiero!”
Dusty, bunnies, clean, to eat, suck air, floor, sofaes, corners.can i write more?
Hovering above the trees, waiting for the celebrity alike to be ready to come on board. We all wish that someone as high as her might even take one of us with her. Never again would she consider this idea though, after the last debacle that arose from taking a visitor into her home. She had no idea of his obsession with her, but she quickly became aware of it.
Georgia Kelly
He hovered over me, tempted to kiss my lips. I trembled, unsure if I wanted this. I mean I wanted it, but it was him. THis man I gavemy life to, bore his children, loved him. Then he betrayed me.
I loved him.
She hiovered over the note anxiously, reading it again and again. She knew there had to be something written there explaining his disappearance. That there had to be something there ex[laining why she was left alone, dealing with her siblings and all her memories. She tire the note apart in her head, wanting to hear what was unwritten, hoping to find the message between the lines.
My hair blew in my face as the helicopter hovered above me. Afraid that it might land on me, I ran out from under it. What was it doing? Why the hell it would want to land in my yard of all places was beyond me.
planes; trains; automobiles.
prison; jail; boyfriends
hovering hovering, whirring blades & dishonesty
keep me; save me; make me want to.
enamorada de la vida y sobretodo de la mia!! amando a los k estan commigo y los que ya se fueron los amo aun… soy feliz con lo k tengo y con lo l puedo ser… gracias por ser
there was a strange cat i saw on lolcats one day. i know it sounds silly that thats the first thing that popped into my head, but it cracked me up. Plus, my friend here really needs to vaccum his rug. hair is everywhere! stupid dropped food….
Hover makes me think of stalkers and crazy people with no sense of personal space. I don’t lie hovering.
he hovered over me, his warm breath tickling the nape of my neck. goose bumps ran over my body, the small hairs on my forearms standing straight up, pointing towards the sky, the endless ribbon of blue that he made feel i could soar through.
Elizabeth Masi
helicopers hover over my house almost everynight. it makes me think about how much crime there is in this city. makes me think how much craziness there is in this world. makes me feel sick in my stomach.
floating flying i wish that i could only do that. To escape and fly away to hover above it all. One day i will it will all go away you will see and then you will understand. Lets hope you will goe with me my good friend and we can finde what we truely want.
Alex Diane H.
feelings of being in the air. i want to rise above the world and see it from the sky. i want to be free above everything else. just me and her. no one else. just hovering there motionless in complete content for life. its where i want to be. i want to be there. hovering about the rest.
hovercrafts are pretty useless in my opinion. but the ability to hover could be cool. the “hover” in special affects often result in something pretty sweet so in real life im sure i couldnt hurt
if you add another “o” it would be hoover. president or vacuum.
sean hodson
I hover
hoover vacuum
the way the world ends
hovering over the plains of
the vacuum of space
the hover vacuum of space
space is the place to buy great
world ending
hoaver watch me don’t step donw i dont want to see you anywhere near me
and i don’t want you to hover
just stay away
and leave me in peace
you’re machinated, immobile
and lack emotion
and you just hover
and bring down pain.
hovering is not quite as good as flying but it’s still pretty good it’s being above not touching the ground it’s being over better than it’s still floating in the air with the wind blowing in your face and the clouds moving by and the sun beating down upon you and you can’t push forward into the wind you’re just stuck there forever stuck in that one spot but at least you’re not going to touch the ground at least you’re not going to be soiled by the dirty earth you’re just going to hover above it all and it can’t touch you.
Brendan Conway
I was thinking about jumping off the cliff but i wasn’t too sure. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, not sure of what i was about to do. A weird feeling overcame me and i opened my eyes fast, gasping as i looked down. My feet were visably 2 ft off the ground and i clambered around in the air trying to maintain my composure.
i hover over the crowds…i hover a head above the rest.
I am afraid to relinquish my self control..I hover slightly behind, emotionally inefficient.
i hover across the sky, everyone down below says Woah! look at that amazing guy hovering in the sky. I hover all the way around the world while the breeze on my face feels amazing. I land at a burger place glad to finally enjoy my meal. I tell myself wow,hovering is amazing and set off for another trip.
she hovers her hand over my sack and handjobs me
To hover. It’s like hoovering, but awfully half-hearted. Leaves dust everywhere.
like a helicopter, i hover over you while you work. Try to get something done, i dare you. As soon as you start writing, i will scream obsceneties in your ear. It makes me laugh. Good luck on your exam tomorrow! :D
hover around
maybe die
Silently, genlty they hover
Floating on the air,
Twirling as they descend,
Graceful in their journey
From branch to bare earth below
Leaves from their hold, let go
a hover craft. is it possible to create one? it may be with some kind of upwards thrust as shown by the myth busters but what about an antigravity one? what is gravity?
the craft was nice and sleek and space agey, so we all hopped in and turned it on. i drove, sandy sat in the passenger seat and mark ate funions in the back. the funions stink in a hover craft the same way they stink in a regular, non-future cars.
In the cabin she dreamed of flying over the land, staying calm as the wind blew her hair about her eyes and mouth. She wanted to see the world, but did not want to feel its revolutions.
The Hoover hovered one mile off the ground sally had just learned to never use the blow function on the hover Hoover 4000. That was the las time she ever had to clean her room. But they never found the room either.
sue: desperate to be loved. whenever office chitchat would erupt, she’d glide over, inching closer with a hopeful grin. you could see her wheels spin for something clever to add, the magic key to her inclusion. some of us called her “the hovercraft”.
in the air a few feet my spaceship was there, I looked across the field to other crafts floating. It was weird to be an alien, but we could just ride around on the air. I liked it, and it was energy efficient. How the humans would benefit from this thing.
My shoulder always feels like this. A slight tingling as though someone is standing right there behind me. I’m always on edge when I think about what mother might say, or the sound of fathers boots on the kitchen floor. My hand’s in the cookie jar so to speak and it makes me uneasy even though they’re both dead and gone now.
flapping around aimlessly he tried to forge a link with his past. He removed the cloak and slipped on the coat. His renewal depended on his next actions. He needed more time to think; more time to respond. Again he will try. Try to bang his head against the wonderful bridge to immortality.
I don’t particularly enjoy people who hover. You know who I’m talking about, the ones who incessantly follow just a little too closely, who stare over your shoulder, or stand just on the outside of a conversation.
to fly, to watch to look to see indiscreetly; to cling to. charlie does not hover. my heart hovers. hover crafts. they hover. hoover dam, not to be confused with hover. hovering isn’t good in my opinion. do not hover to me.
What does hover mean? I ask. Curiously. One minute of non understanding and no time for some sneak peaking in the dictionary.
i hover above the world as the people below hoover their carpets. strange how the hum of hoovers are still heard in the hovering area of the atmosphere. strange, indeed.
hover over me
like birds in the sea
and doves in the sky,
pass the fork
to my plate
and never dare hesitate
for good will laughs
at those who wait
and happiness
falls upon those willing
to stand and scream
just like the skeletons
in your closet
and the boots
in your back pocket
I sat there, bouncing slightly as if sitting on ocean waves, only I was sitting above solid terra. My legs crossed, my hands upward, how can this be?
i like to hover over the ground, said the happy, happy mosquito. as he flitted across the grass, smelling the yummy poo from the dogs that littered the park, he smiled because he knew he was in the right place.
he came upon his friend, Betty Beetle, and told her, “Oye, Mamasita, te quiero!”
Dusty, bunnies, clean, to eat, suck air, floor, sofaes, corners.can i write more?
Hovering above the trees, waiting for the celebrity alike to be ready to come on board. We all wish that someone as high as her might even take one of us with her. Never again would she consider this idea though, after the last debacle that arose from taking a visitor into her home. She had no idea of his obsession with her, but she quickly became aware of it.
He hovered over me, tempted to kiss my lips. I trembled, unsure if I wanted this. I mean I wanted it, but it was him. THis man I gavemy life to, bore his children, loved him. Then he betrayed me.
I loved him.
She hiovered over the note anxiously, reading it again and again. She knew there had to be something written there explaining his disappearance. That there had to be something there ex[laining why she was left alone, dealing with her siblings and all her memories. She tire the note apart in her head, wanting to hear what was unwritten, hoping to find the message between the lines.
My hair blew in my face as the helicopter hovered above me. Afraid that it might land on me, I ran out from under it. What was it doing? Why the hell it would want to land in my yard of all places was beyond me.
planes; trains; automobiles.
prison; jail; boyfriends
hovering hovering, whirring blades & dishonesty
keep me; save me; make me want to.
enamorada de la vida y sobretodo de la mia!! amando a los k estan commigo y los que ya se fueron los amo aun… soy feliz con lo k tengo y con lo l puedo ser… gracias por ser
there was a strange cat i saw on lolcats one day. i know it sounds silly that thats the first thing that popped into my head, but it cracked me up. Plus, my friend here really needs to vaccum his rug. hair is everywhere! stupid dropped food….
Hover makes me think of stalkers and crazy people with no sense of personal space. I don’t lie hovering.
he hovered over me, his warm breath tickling the nape of my neck. goose bumps ran over my body, the small hairs on my forearms standing straight up, pointing towards the sky, the endless ribbon of blue that he made feel i could soar through.
helicopers hover over my house almost everynight. it makes me think about how much crime there is in this city. makes me think how much craziness there is in this world. makes me feel sick in my stomach.
floating flying i wish that i could only do that. To escape and fly away to hover above it all. One day i will it will all go away you will see and then you will understand. Lets hope you will goe with me my good friend and we can finde what we truely want.
feelings of being in the air. i want to rise above the world and see it from the sky. i want to be free above everything else. just me and her. no one else. just hovering there motionless in complete content for life. its where i want to be. i want to be there. hovering about the rest.
hovercrafts are pretty useless in my opinion. but the ability to hover could be cool. the “hover” in special affects often result in something pretty sweet so in real life im sure i couldnt hurt
if you add another “o” it would be hoover. president or vacuum.
I hover
hoover vacuum
the way the world ends
hovering over the plains of
the vacuum of space
the hover vacuum of space
space is the place to buy great
world ending
hoaver watch me don’t step donw i dont want to see you anywhere near me
and i don’t want you to hover
just stay away
and leave me in peace
you’re machinated, immobile
and lack emotion
and you just hover
and bring down pain.
hovering is not quite as good as flying but it’s still pretty good it’s being above not touching the ground it’s being over better than it’s still floating in the air with the wind blowing in your face and the clouds moving by and the sun beating down upon you and you can’t push forward into the wind you’re just stuck there forever stuck in that one spot but at least you’re not going to touch the ground at least you’re not going to be soiled by the dirty earth you’re just going to hover above it all and it can’t touch you.
I was thinking about jumping off the cliff but i wasn’t too sure. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, not sure of what i was about to do. A weird feeling overcame me and i opened my eyes fast, gasping as i looked down. My feet were visably 2 ft off the ground and i clambered around in the air trying to maintain my composure.