The water , the obstacle , the hover!
The wish , the think , the act!
those craft projects in the back of “boy’s Life” magazine, build your own hovercraft with a spare vaccum cleaner. wanted to do this so bad with my dad but he had better ideas fro projects. quite rightly assumed they wouldn’t work. always wondered about hovercraft
hover in the air, hired by a freelance writing agent, hush hush dont be shy, present yourself the air will carry you if you dont doubt, the crash will come
lukas k
the will of one’s self will constantly loom over the head just out of reach. But make no mistake it is there; ALWAYS.
Thomas Stout
hover in tha air hired by a freelance wirintg agent hush hush dont be shy present yourself the air will carry you if you dont soubt, the crash will com
lukas k
she hovered around me like a fly on the proverbial honey. I could feel her breath on the top of my head. You know the sensitive crown part where the hair starts growing in that strange circular shape. I wanted to tell her to move away from me but I didn’t want to be rude. There is nothing more vexing than having someone standing in my space.
Hover over what? Hover, funny that the first thing I think of is like a saucer. You know, like a UFO. I guess I’m stupid and crazy like that. It’s not like I even believe in that stuff but I watch shows about it all the time.
I hover over the river where he was said to have fallen. I wonder about his guide, was he nearby, was his hand the last sensation the blind man felt on his back. The water was cold – it must have been, the middle of winter, dark, desolate.
The ship hovered in the air the way a brick doesn’t.
this is cool more peeps should find out about this and the world would be happy sunshine gumdrops licking lollipops dripping popsicles on the sandy… beach
hover around the city like an eagle and see what other can’t while i can, in complete anonymity and peace. what lies beneath is my area!
the helecopter was in hover mode, there was no time to think just junp out and hope that the prarchute would do its work and I wouldn’t plummet to the ground like a metior on fire!
my mom hovers over me whenever i have a guy over! >:( it might as well be the 1950s with her… she has this phrase she uses every time “dont get too comfortable!”
Laura Cannarella
The man stood, overlooking a small cliff. below him, jutting rocks pierced the air, and he shuddered slightly.
He stepped foreward, and enjoyed a single moment of hang time, a slight feeling that he was levitating, or hovering.
Then he began his slow decent into oblivion.
Feral Smile
the hovercraft came towards me, i froze..i wanted to blend in so i just hovered too, i figured if i would just think i was one of them. luckily…i was from the future…and id been trained in the arts of hovering…this was one time i was thankful for my harsh the japanese master of hover…hayi kayu.
he lay there hovering over the top of the building. his face was covered with goose bumps and his hair was flowing freely as the wind passed it. he was scared out of his wits but excited at the same time. never in his life would he imagine that he would have the chance to do this. never at all. he sucked in a big breath, and jumped.
spaceships and new technology. hovercraft not so fictional. i hate for you to read over my shoulder. boss i am working, leave me alone. god. the deceased. do they know what im up to?
i want to go too, beam me up scotty
flote, move above, don’t touch the ground, hover craft, land speeder, sand, water pillow, wypeout, new kind of transport, indigenous, eutarhic, flamberqe, tragectorial,
the hover over the end since i explained the various different components i emplore you to hover my noover or in other word discover your own selse idea and love your self
The vehicle approaches, not on wheels, but hovering above the ground somehow … I see these small jets underneath lifting it from the ground, but I am curious, truly, how far off the ground can in go with those puny jets? can it go beyond the stratosphere?
what is this huh? i am so stupid i dont even know the meaning of this word. omg. wtf. stop count down. omg, i hate the count down.
hover is to determine how I keep a distance from those evil ones around me. I like to hover a safe distance, but not as to obscure my view but improve it. I do not want to sensor everything distasteful out of my memory.
I looked above, and there they were. They weren’t big, they weren’t scary, just… there. The bright light glinting off the broken glass, the cool damp of the morning breeze – it was a perfect scene.
the bird was hovering above the ground. Its flight was as swift as a kite. it hovered around forsometime, searching intently for its pray, likea hunter.
Death also hovers above ourhead but we dont see it. it too is a hunter
I like hovering on the Internet and watching what’s going on. You can also hover behind someone while they’re sitting on your computer. Hovercraft are a great invention, althouth I’ve only been on one once in my life – that was quite an experience.
To hover in the sky, kinda like a bird. It has a calming effect to say the least. Looking down at all the ant-like people, wondering how much it would take to squish them all. Then you’d look to the stars, seeing them all twinkle above the clouds, even in day time. How far up can you go. Just hovering along…
i remember the game on the windows 95 start up disk was called hover. it was a game where you hover and try to collet flags before the other floaty thing got to them first
jason abbitt
ect. to remain in position while taking in life.
as i begin to feel as though i have nothing left to tdo i begin to hover over situations the occur once i vaule nothing but the sound of the supressing roar amongst the drunks and whores.
Above, the air, the currents. He felt it breeze beneath his wings in the softest of flows. His bright feathers extended into a plume of gold and yellow, brightening in the sun. With a caw he hovered lightly, observing the earth as a simple keen watcher.
To float.
To dream in clouds, not flying but being.
We exist there therefore we exist
The genie is us rubbed
It hovered above them, the sound of its engines drowning out any other noise, any shouts or screams as it shot them, to the ground. People who ran were shot in the back. He hid in a crater left by one of the missiles, pretending to be dead as the world ended around him.
Blood poured in, soaking through his shirt, to his skin, warm, sticky, and not his.
I type very slowly, sixty seconds isn’t enoug-
Her feet waved in the air, her skirts blowing around her knees, brushing against the goose prickled skin like a lover’s caress. What is going on? Her mind was screaming as she lifted above the ground, seeing it become progressively further away. How am I in the air? But somehow it all made sense to her, as birds fly by her, twittering curiously.
Aircrafts hover in the sky!
in the air, over everything. it was all just so perfect.
to hover, and see what most dont see in such a free manner, as the flight of a bird.
I want to hover over the broken hearts. I came here for peace, but all I’m left with is a burning ladder to brought me to a cold place. I start burning some hearts for warmth
Hovering criss cross applesauce, shooting around the room testing my limits. The earth rotates as I run five times faster. Do you have this kind of control? Leaving the window is tricky as all kids will fall.
Andre P
little demon
hovering over me
whispering hateful bits into my ear
hate hate hate
not good enough
smart enough
funny enough
kind enough
not enough
not good
little hovery demon
if only it were so simple as that.
It went over the house as fast as lightening. It was bright; green and yellow neon lights blurred into a long line, as the object sped up to dizzying speeds. No longer just hovering, it moved quickly.
The water , the obstacle , the hover!
The wish , the think , the act!
those craft projects in the back of “boy’s Life” magazine, build your own hovercraft with a spare vaccum cleaner. wanted to do this so bad with my dad but he had better ideas fro projects. quite rightly assumed they wouldn’t work. always wondered about hovercraft
hover in the air, hired by a freelance writing agent, hush hush dont be shy, present yourself the air will carry you if you dont doubt, the crash will come
the will of one’s self will constantly loom over the head just out of reach. But make no mistake it is there; ALWAYS.
hover in tha air hired by a freelance wirintg agent hush hush dont be shy present yourself the air will carry you if you dont soubt, the crash will com
she hovered around me like a fly on the proverbial honey. I could feel her breath on the top of my head. You know the sensitive crown part where the hair starts growing in that strange circular shape. I wanted to tell her to move away from me but I didn’t want to be rude. There is nothing more vexing than having someone standing in my space.
Hover over what? Hover, funny that the first thing I think of is like a saucer. You know, like a UFO. I guess I’m stupid and crazy like that. It’s not like I even believe in that stuff but I watch shows about it all the time.
I hover over the river where he was said to have fallen. I wonder about his guide, was he nearby, was his hand the last sensation the blind man felt on his back. The water was cold – it must have been, the middle of winter, dark, desolate.
The ship hovered in the air the way a brick doesn’t.
Magnificent, glowing, unearthly.
the people of earth looked up in awe.
planes hover yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
i don’t know
this is cool more peeps should find out about this and the world would be happy sunshine gumdrops licking lollipops dripping popsicles on the sandy… beach
hover around the city like an eagle and see what other can’t while i can, in complete anonymity and peace. what lies beneath is my area!
the helecopter was in hover mode, there was no time to think just junp out and hope that the prarchute would do its work and I wouldn’t plummet to the ground like a metior on fire!
my mom hovers over me whenever i have a guy over! >:( it might as well be the 1950s with her… she has this phrase she uses every time “dont get too comfortable!”
The man stood, overlooking a small cliff. below him, jutting rocks pierced the air, and he shuddered slightly.
He stepped foreward, and enjoyed a single moment of hang time, a slight feeling that he was levitating, or hovering.
Then he began his slow decent into oblivion.
the hovercraft came towards me, i froze..i wanted to blend in so i just hovered too, i figured if i would just think i was one of them. luckily…i was from the future…and id been trained in the arts of hovering…this was one time i was thankful for my harsh the japanese master of hover…hayi kayu.
he lay there hovering over the top of the building. his face was covered with goose bumps and his hair was flowing freely as the wind passed it. he was scared out of his wits but excited at the same time. never in his life would he imagine that he would have the chance to do this. never at all. he sucked in a big breath, and jumped.
spaceships and new technology. hovercraft not so fictional. i hate for you to read over my shoulder. boss i am working, leave me alone. god. the deceased. do they know what im up to?
i want to go too, beam me up scotty
flote, move above, don’t touch the ground, hover craft, land speeder, sand, water pillow, wypeout, new kind of transport, indigenous, eutarhic, flamberqe, tragectorial,
the hover over the end since i explained the various different components i emplore you to hover my noover or in other word discover your own selse idea and love your self
The vehicle approaches, not on wheels, but hovering above the ground somehow … I see these small jets underneath lifting it from the ground, but I am curious, truly, how far off the ground can in go with those puny jets? can it go beyond the stratosphere?
what is this huh? i am so stupid i dont even know the meaning of this word. omg. wtf. stop count down. omg, i hate the count down.
hover is to determine how I keep a distance from those evil ones around me. I like to hover a safe distance, but not as to obscure my view but improve it. I do not want to sensor everything distasteful out of my memory.
I looked above, and there they were. They weren’t big, they weren’t scary, just… there. The bright light glinting off the broken glass, the cool damp of the morning breeze – it was a perfect scene.
the bird was hovering above the ground. Its flight was as swift as a kite. it hovered around forsometime, searching intently for its pray, likea hunter.
Death also hovers above ourhead but we dont see it. it too is a hunter
I like hovering on the Internet and watching what’s going on. You can also hover behind someone while they’re sitting on your computer. Hovercraft are a great invention, althouth I’ve only been on one once in my life – that was quite an experience.
To hover in the sky, kinda like a bird. It has a calming effect to say the least. Looking down at all the ant-like people, wondering how much it would take to squish them all. Then you’d look to the stars, seeing them all twinkle above the clouds, even in day time. How far up can you go. Just hovering along…
i remember the game on the windows 95 start up disk was called hover. it was a game where you hover and try to collet flags before the other floaty thing got to them first
ect. to remain in position while taking in life.
as i begin to feel as though i have nothing left to tdo i begin to hover over situations the occur once i vaule nothing but the sound of the supressing roar amongst the drunks and whores.
Above, the air, the currents. He felt it breeze beneath his wings in the softest of flows. His bright feathers extended into a plume of gold and yellow, brightening in the sun. With a caw he hovered lightly, observing the earth as a simple keen watcher.
To float.
To dream in clouds, not flying but being.
We exist there therefore we exist
The genie is us rubbed
It hovered above them, the sound of its engines drowning out any other noise, any shouts or screams as it shot them, to the ground. People who ran were shot in the back. He hid in a crater left by one of the missiles, pretending to be dead as the world ended around him.
Blood poured in, soaking through his shirt, to his skin, warm, sticky, and not his.
I type very slowly, sixty seconds isn’t enoug-
Her feet waved in the air, her skirts blowing around her knees, brushing against the goose prickled skin like a lover’s caress. What is going on? Her mind was screaming as she lifted above the ground, seeing it become progressively further away. How am I in the air? But somehow it all made sense to her, as birds fly by her, twittering curiously.
Aircrafts hover in the sky!
in the air, over everything. it was all just so perfect.
to hover, and see what most dont see in such a free manner, as the flight of a bird.
I want to hover over the broken hearts. I came here for peace, but all I’m left with is a burning ladder to brought me to a cold place. I start burning some hearts for warmth
Hovering criss cross applesauce, shooting around the room testing my limits. The earth rotates as I run five times faster. Do you have this kind of control? Leaving the window is tricky as all kids will fall.
little demon
hovering over me
whispering hateful bits into my ear
hate hate hate
not good enough
smart enough
funny enough
kind enough
not enough
not good
little hovery demon
if only it were so simple as that.
It went over the house as fast as lightening. It was bright; green and yellow neon lights blurred into a long line, as the object sped up to dizzying speeds. No longer just hovering, it moved quickly.