
December 1st, 2008 | 556 Entries

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556 Entries for “hover”

  1. like a spaceship that surrounds the sky, waiting amongst the clouds high above our heads for time, it never descends, it just waits high in the sky endlessly pondering for time.

    Olivia O'Sullivan
  2. how did i get so lonely..
    was noone there all this time?
    if they have been i never noticed
    without you i can’t see a thing
    and certainly cant write

  3. what is going on?

    Jacob Berman
  4. I was walking across the street and i saw something hove. Then i said to my mind”Is that a ufo”then it just flew away.

    adrian ramos
  5. my mind hovers around so many things simultaneously not clear of what would it fetch at the end.

  6. I’m tempted to hover round, find out about the first kiss, the first fuck, the first morning together. i can’t. i can’t. i can’t. my mind will not take it.

  7. a boat hover over the sea just waiting there for his pirate to come for the boat

  8. fine. i didn’t want hover but whatever. if i had one super power, it would be that of “hovering” which could also be refferred to as flying i suppose. superman could “hover” why can’t i?

  9. the girl was so sick of her parents hovering her that she had to escape. she couldn’t wait till she was 18

  10. he was hovering over the edge watching the water as it washed up on the shore. He wanted to dive in and hover over the surface and just watch the sun hover over the sky as wll as him. He wanted to hover like his problems

  11. like a bird. too simple, something clever. Hovering is pretty clever, but who will ever do it? Is it for real or just something make up, I don’t know. A dream, to some, but real to others, do I like it? Does anyone like. What does people like, if not hovering?

  12. He hovered over the work like a prized possession. He could not believe that it was in jeopardy of being lost forever. Thinking outloud, he said, “but what if…” and trailed in thought. No one could ever, ever understand how dear and precious this was to him. No one could ever understand what it

  13. hovering over things is one thing i wish i could do. What would be your reaction if you saw someone hover? oh wow mine would be shocked as all hell. The day i see someone hovering is the day i crap my self.

  14. its the world below me. Im always seeing it all the people I’ve disconnected. Maybe never connected at all. Its sad maybe lonely. In some moments its comforting. but I wait for my release.

    Jason McCracken

  16. in the air. over my head. Hover craft. To stay in the air for a long period of time. What people do when they don’t have anything better to do with their own time and they want to be in your business

  17. What your other half does when they are afraid of losing you.

  18. There is something about the way they hover. By “they”, I mean to say those few, fortunate souls who have been born with a certain genetic anomaly which, if I understand correctly, is slowly becoming less and less uncommon.

    Amanda Lai
  19. the glory of god hovers over us like the waters cover the seas. and i ask that is hovers over me for the rest of my life.

  20. I own a hover craft. Not a fake ass toy hover craft. An honest to God real hover craft. And not the ones that hover over water. An actual flying kind of hover craft. And it’s totally awesome. I take it work and laugh at people below my stuck in traffic. I park it on the roof.

  21. Over the blue grass the grasshoppers hover
    they binge on dandelions, feast on clover

  22. No entiendo lo que es hover, no consigo leer las letras, unirlas, darles sentido. No consigo ver las relaciones, entender las conexiones. EL mundo pierde su sentido. Solo queda el yo, sin amigos, sin hermanos ni lealtades. Sin conecciones

  23. I sit and wait for you to come to me. While you hover over another woman with love in your eyes. Why do I let you do this to me? Why do I want you to hover over me?

  24. I wish i could hover in space wherever i wish to be at any given time. That would be wonderful. No one has figured out how to do this. What a shame.

  25. I hover above it now and wonder what I was thinking. I wonder about choices as everyone does I wonder the damage that was done. I hover but cannot leave

  26. there I was hovering above that atmosphere. I couldnt see anyone I knew from here. nothing I knew. no people no distractions only me and the rest of the sleeping world below.

  27. she hovered over him expecting some kind of answer. He knew what she wanted but didn’t know how to give it to her. Her anger was boiling inside her and she was starting to lose patience. Suddenly, the roof was pulled off the house and there, hovering over them , they saw the beginning of the world’s very first alien invasion.

  28. To float just above the surface.

  29. She hovers over me and crunches her cereal as my stomach forms a ball of tension that is so sweet and forgiving it can’t crunch my ribs and eat my little black death heart like she eats her cereal.

  30. to hover. what type of implications does this have? I can hover over something. I could hover over someone. I could also hypothetically hover over an idea. being so close that I could almost smell it.

  31. the plane hovered in the sky. it’s piolet nervous. The combustion engine had finally gone bad, exactly as the mechnic said it would. The piolet didn’t know what to do. This was his first flight alone except with his copiolet.

  32. my thoughts hover, ironic topic because i am slightly drunk. and by slightly i mean very. so i drift, from thoughts i think i cannot have or am not allowed to my everyday thoughts – more condemning and negative. but my slight visit to drunken thoughts leaves me happy, hovering over what i know is not real but will do for the momemtn.

  33. i’m thinking about my 6th grade teacher during a spelling quiz walking around our desks while we struggled to sound out words. She had a lot of arm fat, and she was old yet she always wore tank tops. I was good at spelling but I still got nervous when she would “hover”

  34. This makes me think of a hovercraft. Which would be really cool if they could make those, like in Star Wars. I wonder what kind of energy source those would take to run? Hopefully something as cheap, if not cheaper than gas.

  35. I remember doing a speech at school about technology. One example I used to talk about this topic was the hover-craft. It amazed me then and still now. I wondered if we would be flying around in them now. We aint.

  36. It rose slowly, wobbling slightly, until it was at shoulder-height. The thought hovered over her shoulder, on the verge of occuring to her. She was afraid to look at it directly and accidentally scare it off. Finally, with a whir, it dipped towards her head and sunk in.


  37. she hovers in the background and you never really notice. she’s not one of the people you notice. when she speaks, she grates on your nerves. and she does it often.

    i wish she would just go back to hovering. i hate having to pretend.

    what must it be like to not even be welcome on the inside?

  38. on the top of a mountain, sink your feet in the sand and your arms in the mist. don’t fall into the depths of your unease, lift your chin to the heavens and your eyes will follow.

  39. a sucking device? or something more, known to some less desirable members of society as a sex implement, it is still our friendly family friend, and tireless avenger of dust.

    sam smith
  40. to hover is to be above something such as a hovercraft or also people hover around waiting for something. Like you might hover around the buffet table at a party waiting for someone who’s running the party to say right folks tuck in the buffet is oopen now.
    Also you could hover around a bus stop waiting for a bus or you could hover around the kitchen waiting for the oven to open so you can have one of those fairy buns that someone is making for you. And also you could hover around when you want to speak to someone about something personal and you are waiting for the room to clear so you can have a privat word. I think thats about all I can think about on the subject of hovering.
