
April 1st, 2010 | 134 Entries

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134 Entries for “humor”

  1. I turned to him and he laughed with no trace of humor. “What’s with that face?” I turned back towards my locker, angrily stuffing books into my backpack. He reached out and touched my arm.

  2. Teeth shine and bellies shake. The giggles and sighs fill the room. Tears stream from our eyes, carrying with them the worries of the past.

  3. Sally Stevens always saw the humor in any situation. Take for example the time the Russkies dropped an A-bomb on the outskirts of her home town. She saw the humor in that situation. Sally Stevens was always the life of the party. Even during the apocalypse.

  4. What has happened to my sense of humour, Carly mused. If this had happened five years ago, or even just last week, I’d be laughing it off. And I’m crying istead?

    There is something seriously wrong with me.
    There is no humour in my life save my sardonic comments at the restaurant, or my petty sniping en sotto voce.

  5. hahah that’s funny, didn’t expect this to come up.

  6. the warming of the spirit and of the belly, a break from the day to stop and relax. take the most serious of situations and throw in some humor…humor makes everything better!

    Robin O'Day
  7. No sense of humor, he thought. But wait, was humor a “sense”? Not in the manner of the five senses perhaps. More like common sense. Just how common was common sense, anyway? Lots of the common people he knew had no common sense. Most of them in fact. So common sense really is not common at all. It is rare.

  8. A sense of humor is needed to get by in life. If one doesn’t have a good sense of humor then how can they ever laugh. Some humor goes over my head like geek humor. Some think I don’t have a sense of humor.

  9. i liked it. i liked everything about it … you made it seem timeless and effervescent. yours was twisted, but mine was pulled from the gutter of society. together, we made a team – a superhero team of let’s fuck with this and laugh at that.

    too bad we were the butt of our own living joke.

  10. Kind sir, please accept this invitation to the third annual “kicked in the testicles” ball. Please humor us all with your presence.

    Sincerely, Sir William Northbridge

  11. Oh humor, my maybe one redeeming quality. I’m using it now to bullshit my way through a couple papers that are due in a couple hours. Either I finish them that way, or I fail both classes and get kicked out of college after just one year. So I guess I have to have some humor in me or I’d die. Me and the rest of the world

  12. its funny how comedy can make you laugh
    and its sad how sad things are funny
    but the why do we still have silent tears?

    ugly prometheus
  13. Humor is so excellent. I love people that are humourous and funny, I mean whats the point of life when you can’t laugh at a joke? thats why comedies are so popular and stand up comedians when their good because bad humor is the worst.

  14. You laughed
    But I cried

    When I laughed
    You shook your head

    Nothing I do will be good enough
    because I have no
    good humour.

  15. today, i have lost my sense of humor. i don’t find it funny that you called me controlling. it’s no longer april fool’s. or maybe that wasn’t a joke. i don’t find it funny that you take some things for granted. i am going to leave you. still funny?

  16. I love a really good joke. Especially when I think it’s being played on me. Being April 1st I shouldn’t be shocked to find that the best joke came at the end of the day. Now that’s humor!

  17. people have sick senses of humor.
    but i guess that’s kind of the point, we’re all different, so of course we would all see humor in different lights.

    what do you call a new born bee? a bay-bee :)

    off a cherrios box

  18. Google…I mean, Topeka has a great sense of humor. It makes me smile when you can feel the humanity in a leviathan. Other things make me smile too. Like kissing.

  19. April 1st is supposed to be full of humor…people playing jokes and tricks on each other. But April Fool’s day has a very negative connotation for me….it is the anniversary of my father’s death :(
    And I am totally serious…

  20. Humor. Humor has not been around today. I think my teacher found humor failing me. I think every fucking person in the world found humor today. I was miserable and they were happy. It was terrible. Humor is what some found. I did not.

  21. humorous is what i thought then i realized that it wasn’t funny. i didn’t know why but it just wasn’t it didn’t seem right. why should one gang think that they could have control of the whole city. what would happen to the rest of us ? to the code that we had perfected over decades.

  22. It is so humorous to know you think you’re on top of the world better than anyone..
    In reality you are the lowest living life form on this planet.
    I find much HUMOR in that.

  23. satire and sarcasm
    they go hand in hand
    along with the dry
    and the witty
    We all know the slapstick
    Three Stooges to the curbed enthusiasm

  24. I said,”hi.” you greeted me too. We made some small talk, all the while with you staring into my eyes. You said you were going to kiss me. I laughed. Sorry, forgive me?

    Lola Sparx

    April 1st, 2010.

  26. Humor. Ha ha, funny joke. But i’m having trouble finding humor in anything right now. While he sits in there, alone, sad, longing for her, and me unable to help him. While she moves off, maybe forgetting our friendship, maybe distraught at what has happened. I dont want her to come back to him. Things can never be as they once were… there’s nothing funny.

  27. You ran out of words. How could that be possible I thought to myself. Even the powers at be somehow find new words to add to the dictionaries every year. It’s amazing how long it takes to remember what day it is..

  28. Knock knock.
    Who’s there?
    Ach who?
    Bless you.

  29. It was so funny, I couldn’t stop laughing.
    The way his mouth twitched when he frowned made me stop and think at how much he was trying not to smile, but I couldn’t quite take him seriously.
    “Just chill out,” I said.
    “Everything will be fine.”

  30. dismount,
    horsemen apocalypting
    their frugal ways,
    televangelism’s finest hour
    baked beans
    skilleting the post-prandial
    urges, decaffeinated
    tax season mania
    pas de deux
    sliding down
    the nearest travesty
    collisions most weary
    defenestrated funnel cakes
    blending hodge
    with podge, while
    proctors envy the New
    Hampshire boys in all
    they genteel
    Eli thievery,
    Nathaniel and all his
    bells and whistles,
    Decatur-way they be
    belles and whassles –
    in the ginger room
    apostles most wry,
    bread leavened
    beyond repair,
    after the girds
    are loined
    the roundabout way,
    tassels in the sweatlands
    i…knew just what you’d say –
    bless the beasts & all
    the chillun
    we be the best
    down all them
    tertiary ways.

  31. Humor, as I see it, is the ability to turn pain into laughter — to see clearly. It’s what keeps me alive, you know; my ability to laugh when I should be crying, to pretend that I do not feel.

    That’s my only secret.

  32. the gas or is it liquid that fills our innards allowing us to feel, dream, cry and welcome a door onto our humanity.

  33. Dearest,
    I love you so much today. Thank you for being funny. Thank you for understanding what life is about.
    Every writer ever.

    r.a. & co.
  34. Haha, very funny. You guys are clever. Ish. Heh…

  35. this is without humor that I write. There is nothing funny about being a circus performer. Juggling is not all that it’s cracked up to be, and it’s not without sweat,tears, and tents that I’ve learned this lesson the hard way. Running from home and being a part of something was what mattered. But being part of a freak show, alongside elephants and women with too much testosterone..that was too much.

  36. i’ve never thought of myself as having a sense of humor. occasionally i’ll rak a little quip, or pun, and think….hey, maybe i am funny. and then riding on the glories of that one successful moment, i go for another….and fail.

    oh well, at least i’m pretty.

  37. humor is something that makes a person who they are. i have long kept a book of everything that made me laugh, i look back on it now and realize they are still the funniest things i have ever read.

  38. This April Fools’ Day joke caught me dead in my tracks, but I was glad the site was still alive. Sometimes, humor can make you scared and make you laugh at the same time. Like the French, who prefer the darker side of life.

  39. haha april fools!
    believibal, but wiith a million + words…
    humor, irish, laugh at me! lol rofl.
    sorry, no poetry today.

    JBA 2009
  40. I can’t believe you ran out of words… that’s impossible! Humor is great, but i’m sad this is over :(
