
February 25th, 2025 | 3 Entries

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Yo yo yo, the oneword™ podcast is back for Season 3.
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3 Entries for “hurricane”

  1. Wind around me, tree-hurling, thick enough to block sight, but right here, there is peace, the sky is blue, the air is still, and I wonder if I’ll have the courage to go through the chaos to escape or I’ll just wait for the storm to come for me.

  2. It’s a flood of tears and emotion, a whirlwind of stress and regret. We will miss you dear friend, companion, nothing in life in truly fair.

  3. The rain started in the afternoon. The weather reports were just for continued drizzle through the day, but everyone was surprised wen the rain worsened, and suddenly there was a hurricane. No one had prepared, and then two days later, they looked at the wrecks of their houses and possessions.
