
July 6th, 2008 | 295 Entries

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295 Entries for “hurricane”

  1. la vida es exactamente eso, un hurac

  2. The hurricane started slowly, almost gently, a few circling winds, a breeze almost, but then the anger of the storm came in, the trees bent, the siding of houses started to slap against itself, park benches turned over, and the water came.

  3. all these miles of water
    separate, stretch the distance
    between here and home

    I cannot see the shore from here
    I cannot swim that far

  4. One of the most fun things to watch and look at, but forget about being near one and feeling the effects. I find it really amazing how we are atracked to things such as hurricanes that are so devistating. We are sometimes a sick culture at times.

  5. it brings all the life to hell, disturbance, trouble, emergency, is alternative name of hurricane it

  6. Catrina New Orleans Salzburgring rain blow death human football stadium arcadium chili peppers flea flair effay snooker red balls ballroom neon car Need for Speed

  7. My 4 year old is fascinated with hurricanes. He is frightened of them but loves them too. He wants me to cut out pictures of them in the paper & we watch shows about them on Discovery Channel. He wants to know how to prepare if one comes & how people survive.

    He is interested in all things of the wind, he loves the power windmills that are cropping up all over as well. He is a clever, beautiful little boy.

  8. what’s this?




    (just clicks i like it)


  9. Once there was a child who lived on the river. And during a storm he was carried away by a great breeze called David. He never understood why he was the way he was. He just was. And that was that.

  10. The hurricane tore the roots out from under my family. We used to have a home, a car, and a garden full of plants that were carefully tended by my parents. And now it’s all gone. It’s hard to believe the wind took it all away from us.

  11. its something huge that can blow a place up

    it is very strong it can nearly destroy a city or a country people always try to take care from all hurricanes

    one of my friends calls herself hurricane cuz she is so strong and powerful and can destroy shit

    salma amr
  12. one instantly thinks katrina, but there are so many natural disasters that happen all across the world, and yet we find it difficult to give a shit somehow. large numbers of dead people make no sense to us, we can’t relate – i think this is a fundamental problem with human nature.

    Will Davies
  13. Mother nature at her worse, when she decides that enough is finally enough while dealing with children with tantrums.

  14. The boy had forever wanted to be a Hurricane. His friends jostled him for it, teasing that growing up to be a machine, an old war plane, was ridiculous. He could at least obtain a speck of common sense and aspire to be a pilot and not the mechanical beast they flew through the air, engaging in dog fights and tearing through the enemy aircrafts in dizzying feats of aviation. It couldn’t be done, they said. May as well hope to grow up to be a firetruck instead of a fireman.

    Little did *they* know he had grown up to prove them all wrong.

  15. There was nothing more to be said. The hurricane was coming and it was time for the practicalities to take precedence. They all had jobs. She would arrive within the hour, bringing with her seven children, three dogs, two guinea pigs and a gold fish.

  16. amerika wind strong tornado fisch plain wolke dangerous water funny enormous huge amazin stromgberg enemenemu

  17. what used to wake me up in the middle of the night, terrified.

    that and tornadoes and burglars and ice knives.

    eva xiao
  18. the wind blew gently all around the couple, swirling a cloud of fallen petals through their embrace. Their lips met, and the storm between them grew, until it could be contained no more and their hair blew up into the air around them, and their hearts spun in the maelstrom of their desire. He opened his eyes and she, hers. They gazed into each other and saw the weather was fine.

  19. Florida has been plagued with hurricanes and have found it to damage not only structures but the human heart. It can ruin your life in a matter of minutes. You no can longer trust that God is looking out for you when mother nature makes its on natural selection.

  20. the hurricane was horrible it had a surge of large waters like a tonado of the sea. it came with such such force that it demolished everything in it’s path and killed anyone in it’s way. all i have to say is that it was powerful.

    Jeff Levinson.
  21. I grew up in eastern NC. In September 1999, hurricanes Fran and Floyd devastated my home state. My family lost power for nearly a week and schools were closed. My graduation was subsequently postponed for nearly 2 weeks because we had to make-up the lost days from the hurricanes (and from a freak snow storm the following January.) Trees toppled. Houses were flooded. People died. Coffins floated out of their graves. Hog carcasses polluted the waters. I even recieved a ‘financial hardship’ subsidy for college because my father was a farmer and had flooded land and lost crops. I’ve never been afraid of hurricanes.

  22. A blast of wind and water. Seeing the horrible wreckage makes us realize that we are not aisians, not americans, not britans. We are humans. We all live on this planet together. And as soon as it’s over, we all forget again.

  23. are the things that help destroy the world we all live in here in Florida…thank you …oh wait no…fuck you.

    Nick Hillger
  24. Devastation to the humans of this world,disaster for the government!

    Euphoria Dreams
  25. n

  26. the only way i could escape from that hurricane was to just think about the best thing that happened in my life….that was the only way i get through for i knew my physical body wouldnt escape as death was inevitable. I have seen everything lose in front of my eyes a couple of seconds back…

  27. The big wind came and blew through the house. The family shook under the covers. Windows rattled and the celiing cracked. Dust floated down into their hair as the plaster crack widened.

  28. there is a whole lot of babble about hurricane katrina. and i have to say this: everyone fucked up. and now everyone is paying.

  29. Sally ran out to the back of the house, covering her children with her shawl.
    The hurricane loomed in the distance. It was getting closer by the second, yet it seemed as though it was sucking all the energy out of Sally. She struggled to move.

  30. It would be a horrible thing to experience a hurricane. Never faced a situation like this before. Would like to experience it though with a lot of security in place for me to survive it. never heard of it in India.

  31. the hurricane muttered
    stormy seas in his head, in his heart
    soon to rush to his fists
    the hot waves rushed over cool depths
    the brew began to boil
    the hurricane roared.

  32. a lot of wind, causes much damage, a hurricane lamp, usually much rain accompanies wind.

    Alys II
  33. I once had to write about hurricans for a school project…and it saved me….isn

  34. windy, turbulent mass of water and energy. pounding everything it sees, giving ay doubting organism a display of nature’s true, raw power. smashing things in it’s path to matchsticks, reducing tall proud buildings to rubble.

  35. A force that has a horrendous impact on the worlds of today, they have the power to rip buildings apart and to cause millions of pounds worth of damage, there is however the technology out there to be able to follow these hurricanes and track their whereabout and their likely points of impact.

    Steven Edmunds
  36. this is so tough.. this is all about destruction and there is little to think about. mayhem, chaos, pain, and then some…

    energy, power, excitement, the power of nature that leaves one spell bound and awestruck!

    Jaideep Chowdhary
  37. I have never witnessed a hurricane and I don’t really want to because of the damage and distruction it would cause. However, if I could be at a safe vantage point and could be sure that no man or beast was in danger, I would love to experience the force of nature as it wreaks havoc. It would make me realise that the elements are stronger than I am and all my successes and failure my happy and sad moments, all my aspirations for me and my family can come to nothing in a few moments. Earthquakes, fires, floods, and hurricanes or tornadoes are really mans greatest enemy and kill more people than any terrorist organisation or global war.

  38. hurricane katrica has cost millions of people’s lives.

    Hurricane is a dreadful thing.

    One one can survive a hurricane.

    I would like to experience it once in my entire life.

  39. the house was coming apart. The wind was getting very strong by now. David knew that this was the end, but somehow Paul was just standing in the corner looking. Not at something in peticualry but out in the distance.

    Simon Larsen
  40. She cried out in shock as she opened the door to her apartment. Her things were thrown all over the floor. Couch cushions ripped apart, books with pages blowing about in the breeze, it looked as if a hurricane had blown through but the blue sky told a different story. Her legs felt weak as she fell to the floor. Her surroundings getting fuzzy as the tears started to fall.
