
December 17th, 2009 | 363 Entries

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363 Entries for “hut”

  1. hut in the middle of my stomach where things live and hide where i can’t find them. is it any wonder that i’m scared? these things that live inside of me don’t always show themselves, sometimes i’m not even shore if they’re really there. i can feel them though, though it sleeps, it also wakes. it crawls around inside me until it’s right below my skin. it speaks to me and i can’t help but listen…

    The Founder
  2. I always assumed huts were small, low to the ground,dark, and round. If that is true, than the place Moira took me was not a hut at all. It was tall, with a steep roof, open on two sides and bathed in sunlight.

  3. I would love to live in a hut, preferably by some beautiful white sand beach. In the mornings, wake up take the surf board out or just go for a swim. I wouldn’t want to live in a hut in the city though. That would be horrible.

    Shane Loake
  4. It is definitely an object. Maybe that is something with a hole. I have nothing to say about this thing. Nothing.

  5. it reminds me of tribal homes on tropical islands. the waves in the water, the sea spray splashing on my face. it reminds me of summer.

  6. what this is the same word i just did a minute ago why isnt it different someones phone is buzzing and i dont understand the point of this game i wanted to do something that made me think hard, not just write down anything and everything many typeos and spelled wrong things.

  7. Hut. As in, ‘Jabba the’….

    The little primitive cottage. I’m finally moving out of my little mind hut, and breathing the free air. What a sky. Stars. Ahhhhhh….

    Thanks little hut. Time to explore.

  8. a place by the ocean that people live in and build out of straw and mud, this is not very warm but keeps them out of the sunaH nd rain, many peole can fit in these huts and im most likly spelling all this wrong and im writing about huts and cant think of

  9. she sat in the hut, dirty cold and poor. so tiny so small her face smudged with dirt and soil and mud big brown eyes turned towards heaven, the body of her mother beside her. now what? tears streamed down her cheeks, helpless

    Alexa Reilly
  10. There is an entire village in India called the slums. The people live in huts, and their caste system does not allow them or their children to escape poverty. They are the “untouchables,” because they are like lepers and do not come in contact with others.

    Chrsitina Vranian
  11. the things the Indians lived in…or my apartment. Wither one i would consider a “hut”. Yes. Very tiny. Indians. COoL. I am like a indian living in a tiny hut. Why. Why ME?!?!?!?!?! I LIVE IN A HUT.

  12. i would never want to live in a hut. a hut is gross and dingy. i think of nasty africans when i think of a hut. mut slapped upon mud, its not for me. i wish that everyone in the world could live in a regular house, not in a hut. poor people live in huts, homeless people always asking for money and crack cocain.

  13. i lived in a hut for many years. it was drafty.

  14. the hut is know as a home to some they are usually made of straw and mud clumped together. i would live in a hut if i had to

  15. They lived in a hut by the sea, with a thatched roof that Marcus had made with painstaking care, his fingers aching once he was done. Tarrild would sit, sometimes, and just look up at that roof. It was mostly all that he had left of Marcus, since the actual man had left the body. The roof made him feel like Marcus wasn’t gone.

  16. She looked over the pile of sticks with a raised eyebrow. Kyle threw another armful of sticks and leaves onto the pile and smiled at her, as though he expected her to see whatever excited him so much about the situation. She shot him a half-hearted smile, and he took this as permission to start building. She sighed and began sorting the branches and palm tree leaves with him.

  17. football shelter protection small

  18. huts are soemthing a man lives in when he pisses off this wife. honey are the dishes done? no get your ass in the hut!! did you do the laundry? no get your ass in the hut!!

  19. His face become hot with anger as the word, ‘hut’ so curtly passed the man’s lips. The dirt floor was charming to him, and he did his best to keep his few possessions neatly organized in each corner. Hadn’t he read the wall’s only adornment, the scribbled words, ‘Home Sweet Home’?

    The other man’s gaze met his at the words’ place on the wall, and he marveled at the cruelty of the phrase in this place.

  20. she lives over me and she lives in my veins
    i built her from the trees of the earth God gave to us but according to the Greeks Gaea made for us
    She’s my topping ot my house and she protects me from the sun , the rain , and the outsiders
    she is my hut and i love her dearly for she is apart of me.

  21. my sisters and i used to build huts when we were small. tiny huts, big huts, full fledged hut-houses, made of sticks and mud and sometimes tent poles and spare bed-sheets. every time we’d learn about a country that had huts, we’d go in the back yard and educate ourselves about the building of huts.

  22. pizza

  23. Myra braids her daughter, Lulani’s hair under the midnight sky from the light of the fire. The men are chanting and circling around the hut. To outsiders, they are traditional and boring but the stars tell a different story.

  24. Nentchuka lived in a small hut in her village. This hut was short, but wide, and was made with the bark of trees and the limbs from these trees. She had woven beautiful mats for her floor and made it beautiful.

  25. she lived there and brought her people there. She collected things like nuts and berries. She felt warm there. I do not know where the man was that day. She had no children. I did not specify if she was gay.

  26. The small hut that lies quietly on the white sand was a safe haven for the lost boy in the jungle. He was stranded for a three days with no food and water.

  27. fuck………

  28. i like the people who live in the hut. I always wanted to bw int eh hut as sometimes afcourse you cant lie in the time.

    huts are made of low cost and terrible chea

  29. huts are homes. they are a dwelling that provides a place for people to gather and become one. the people who live in huts tend to live in warmer climates.

  30. Good morning my friend lolich

  31. I was in a camping spot the other day with a couple of my friends. We had to build a campfire, but no one really knew how to, so we only threw some of our material together along with a lit match and hoped for the best. We thought everything would go fine, until one of the girls that constitued our gang started screaming like a madman. A rope was on fire, heading to our hut.

  32. I sat by the hut in the bottom of the green valley with a river running beside it, waiting for Rebecca to come. The sun in the blue sky with only a few white clouds beating down, the heat only relieved by the breeze.

    James Bent
  33. He looked up and watched the hut burn from the ceiling to the ground. “Why did we do that?” he asked the girl standing next to her. “I really don’t know.” He suddenly realised that he had no idea who this person was. “Who the hell are you?”

  34. there was a crooked broken hut at the end of the garden, nobody went near it, it was as if there was an evil look about it

  35. pee room i love to eat pie so i can smell it mary didint have a little lamb it was compleatley brown how are you old spice

  36. The hut was cold, damp, wet. I sat in it, crouched like a cougar waiting to leap upon prey. But there was no prey for me to leap on, only the truth that would sear my mind forever. It lay there, breathing, pulsing, soapy with need to explain itself. I sighed and pressed me palms to my eyes. There wasn’t a point in denying it. I needed that truth just as i needed this hut to keep me safe.

  37. I’m prepared for this. As a nurse, I can do this. There are sick people in this tiny little hut and they need me.

  38. i bet a hut would be a cool place to life, its simple. no running water, no electricity. you could write all you want in a hut, given its day light. other than that you would need a light source. that would be cozy, in the winter. writing next to a fire outside of your hut in the woods some where. maybe its in the woods of your in laws house because they dont care for you much, but fuck them, honestly. because you’re in a god damn hut writing shit that people are going to appreciate one day.

  39. hut hut! Putt putt!
    pretty diametrically opposed. the military is not the first thing you think of when you think mini golf.

    exploding brains
  40. there ae so mny different things that ar cool about hut… i mean come on… how fun is it to live in a place made out of sticks… and crap… :)

    Branon McNabb