
December 17th, 2009 | 363 Entries

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363 Entries for “hut”

  1. yada yada.

    pizza dick.


  2. the hut sat out in the wilderness as the natives walked around half clothed. They were free. Their ways were simple and they understood the good in life. They were’nt afraid to stare down at the pit of life and pick the fibers off the pit.

  3. i used to live in a hut!!

  4. what

  5. can tomorrow’s word please be pizza?

  6. It was a tiny hut, haphazardly constructed from gathered scrapwood. Intrepidly, he climbed inside – and sneezed. What happened next was both tragic and comic.

  7. hut hunted palm trees on the beach, and two hearts break against the chrome-plated one. and away a little blonde angel smokes a cigarette while the two she names herself smoke with her and watch her dream on the clouds of dark mist.
    lookout at midnight, and shapes loom from behind every dark bush, and fear rises in her throat. just a state of mind? not when things rustle and threaten and manifest in every shadow, and terror rises like a flood to overwhelm her.
    chrome-plated heart takes her hand and coaxes her out of the walls of her frenzied mind, pulling her along into the light, and the chrome cracks away from her sight for a little while to reveal old gold. they shone together once, while characters stormed through the air to playact on the currents of the wind.
    what corridors walk ye now?

  8. this is a place that people sleep and eat and make babies. they love to put these huts up in grassy plains. there ancestores invented pizza hut from the word hut. is origin comes from to hide. so the pizza is hiding in the huts.

  9. hut! 2, 3, 4.
    hut! 2, 3, 4.
    hut! 2, 3, 4.

  10. the poor live in them. Those in africa i guess as they aint got no money and besides, it’s a third world country therefore there aren’t high rise buildings.

  11. hut

  12. Huts are kinda like crappy houses. I would totally live in one though. Ya know usually I try to be poetic, but how do you be poetic about a hut? Anyways, huts are pretty neat, and are much more bad ass than our earth killing houses.

    Kyle Falconer
  13. She wanted to live in a mansion when she grew up – perhaps years in the future, if she was lucky – but for now she lived under the thatched roof of her family’s hut. It lacked in charisma, but it was comfortably cold. Nonetheless, he mansion would have electric heat, she promised herself that.

  14. once in a land far away caroline looked far and wide for the hut she had been told about for years and years, one day she found it and she discovred it was just death…she had reached the end so long…

  15. a hut is a square construction maily used as the dwelling for the low uincome strata group. It generally has a cone top an dhas straw and hay with whioch it is covered. Claya nd Egg white are used for plastering purposes to prevent rain.

  16. I wanna fuck a hut.

  17. A small home made out of leaves, and wood, and trees, and mud. India, Africa, Gemany

  18. I wish I lived in a hut. Simplicity.

  19. A hut is an interesting place to live. It’s not quite a house, nor is it nearly a mansion, but it’s leagues above the average box, and has proven to be home to many famous individuals, such as Ghandi. Would he have been as humble without his hut? Yes. Probably more so. A hut is very spoiling for those born in Asiatic nations, and can be wrought with conflict that creates great men.

  20. It is very ugly in the african jungle. I think I wouldn’t stay there. There are headhunters that are looking for me now. This hut does seem sturdy enough. What do I do? Help me, I hate this hut. Oh wait I see a Pizza Hut!!! Yay I can eat some pizza.

    pizza hut inc.
  21. There is a hut on the silent island, it is brown and twiggy and rather horrible – all filled with mice and bird nests and dust. It’s and odd, very derelict place, and nobody is quite sure where it comes from. There are some stories about it, naturally, just as there always are about odd things, but there was never anything definite.

  22. a house… idunno, hagrids hut from harry potter? that’s what I think about. a small house… a place…. I DON’T KNOW :P

  23. there is a place that i think of sometimes where it might be warmer than i am now. I want to think of it as a place where there are people who are close together, a family, crowded around a fire maybe, where smoke goes up through the small hole in the ceiling, and there you can see images of animals in your dreams, but this is a place that is far away in my imagination for I am in a large house that has four people within it, all who are so dispondent. There is no real love here, only allies, but there is no hut, it’s not like survivor.

  24. pizza hut. i grew up in hawaii and always thought that we were the only state that had pizza hut because you know hawaiians lived in huts, i guess. yeah that sounds really stupid when i reread it, oh well.

    becca Loo
  25. The three negro austronauts lived in the woods a an old abandoned hut cause that didn’t had no money from they jobs as them negro spacemen, for their program was not

    Negro Virgil
  26. The cat is curled up under my arm, burrowing in against the howling winter winds outside, it’s 1:45 am and I can’t sleep and all I can think about is the grass hut that’s waiting for me on the other side of New Year’s Day.

    Rae Mancini
  27. The small shelter shared by a small family in a small village with a small roof and small accommodations. But in this small hut, there sat, squarely, a big baby, the size of an elephant.

    Brian Gale
  28. That villagers created to keep shelter as far as I’ve heard I actually heard about it first when I read the three little pigs nursery rhyme even though it’s origination has nothing to do with that. I also heard it was made out of straw but I don’t think that’s true I just believe that’s an example of how people used their natural resources.

  29. It was a small place, but she enjoyed it.
    There was no door, just an opening, but she didn’t mind.
    It let people in.
    Let light in.
    Let laughter in.
    Wasn’t that what mattered?
    There was an entire world outside.
    She didn’t mind if her own home was empty.

  30. i could not believe they slept on the dirt floors with huts made from dirt. In the rain part of the mud huts fall apart. It is much more than most people do to upkeep their house.

  31. we sat there collecting coconuts. to build a radio? you ask. no. we are building a ladder to the spot in the sky concealed by lens flare. the only spot where there is refuge from it is underneath the domice of the hut.

  32. a hut is a house, a small house that isnt very large. yet the word hut mostly makes me hungry because it reminds me of pizza hut. So whenever I see the word hut, I picture it with a red roof, just like the hut on the pizza hut boxes.

  33. “Hut,” he always said, instead of “huh”. It always made her smile, even though she cringed and pretended to hate his childish nicknames for words and sounds. But he knew she liked it, so he always said it. “Hut.”

  34. in the middle of the woods, with a fire burning brightly and snow on the ground outside. we sit together watching the flames fly high. in the middle of the woods, we feel each other sigh, loving

  35. My body shaking from the cold, I willed myself onward. Gripping the log with numb hands, I took to dragging it through the snow. I hoped I would have enough, the night was falling fast. Minutes seemed like hours as I forced myself onward, setting them carefully in a makeshift shelter to ward off the harsh elements.

  36. i once wen to a hut and me and clarice sa at the round table and talked i went into the kitchen to make us some coffee while she made herself comfortble. the kettle wasnt working so i boiled a pot of water…. next my box of tea was missing, i knew s omething was up and just as i was getting freaked out, i went into my pantry to and was surprised by john.

  37. “Hut hut hut!!” He yelled while he hurled the pigskin as far as he could.
    It landed. 10 feet away from him.
    Doesn’t look like he’d be the quaterback of the century.
    At least not this century.
    Well, maybe he should move over to playing fire in the mountain…run, run, run.

  38. The hut was nothing special. It was small, mud covering the ground as a carpet. But there were people everywhere, laughing, dancing. Nothing like my home. Empty space, white walls. These people had color, had life. This was their hut.

  39. I’ve already gotten this word? IS this a new website and they just havnt given any new words to use yet? I like this webdite and I hope they get more words soon before I forget abbout it. I “stumbled” onto it lol

  40. The natives walked in with mocassins comforting their feet. The boy only wished for these. The natives walked into the hut made of sticks and bark, would carved terribly. There wasn’t even a roof. They taught the boy how to live, how to care for his brother, and how to make a proper hut.
