the hut at the end of the path seemed remote, though it was only a short distance back to the roil of the beach. But Jamaica has that sense of being private and public at the same time.
joey valentino
In a little village in Africa there is a hut. This hut houses a family of six. The one room structure stands as the bedroom, living room, kitchen and garage. This hut is home, despite the lack of space.
like a little house or something. maybe made of straw, used by less sophisticated races of people. I think Eeyore had a hut from Winnie the Pooh. That was more of a shack though. “Can you shut the hut??” that would be a pretty nice sentence if I do say so myself, if huts have doors that is.
Shawn Shuman
all of ure comments stink rm1 mp1
a hut is a small place where you live or buy things, often in the name of boutiques like Sunglass Hut…tiki hut also comes to mind. reminds me of tropical areas, rhymes with a lot of things…nut, but, what, cut, gut, mutt, putt…also a football term. funny how one word can have different meanings.
Living in a hut away from the city right now would seem a really wonderful thing As long as there is sun and sea and waves
i live in a hut and it is small with a grass ceiling i hear birds and a dog sniff around the back where the lake is nearby. i wish i was in the lake now and not stuck here. please let me swim one day
A hut can be made out of several different things. It can be made out of mud and clay, bricks and concrete, or it can just be made out of logs nailed together. But the roofs are usually made out of the same thing: straw.
little people
gina doesnt like to write about this word because she lives in a hut. being that she lives in a hut its a very personal subject matter for her and it insults her that one would have the audacity to write about the word hut.
matt orabella
My hut was blown away by the big bad wolf. It had torn up the foundation with his granny paws and took some meth to make his puffs stronger. So he huffed and puffed and blew it away!
doesn’t matter where you live, home is home
Hut up, you fool! Shut down. Hut is such a primitive word. Who has a hut? Hotdog hut, Easter Bunny hut. There are no huts in the first world, only the third world. Some huts are large, some small. A hut is something we do not know.
what is a hut? is it a little place that villagers live in the middle of the african landscape? or is it occupied by pizzas that generally lack the taste and identify of an actual pizza? there are many things that it could be, many things that it isn’t, either. but when it comes down to it and my time is up… it’s still a hut.
Once upon a time in a small hut there was a child who grew up with no parents or any friends. The hut was his friend. It kept the child warm and away from the rain. Sometimes food would appear out of nowhere just to keep the child alive. There were times where there were evil visitors, but the hut would scare them off just to protect him.
Hut sounds like a bad word if you say it really fast. Hut! It could also be a swear word to the dirty minded. It qualifies as one of the words that you think should be naughtier than it actually is. This gives you satisfaction if you’re in a place where you can’t really swear, but you want to. Say something like “hut!” or “buh!” or
Sometimes when I think of Little House on the prarie, I think their house is more like a hut. I personally think that it might be a little bit nice in a hut, because it would be a little snug. There’s no metal in the walls to hurt yourself on.
there was a small little hut that only I knew about. lost in the forest of time, really being the recesses of my mind. It was my happy place that no one could enter and I was happy there. When the forest was torn down it was like the hut never existed. that is the saddest part of all.
Kat Elizabeth
I’m so happy
ah, a hut, ok, i love huts, mainly cos they are often broken and battered – places of refuge away from the world, yet they carry enough marks of the world for you to feel at home there.
I have a hut. A hut of wool. A woolen hut for Sitting Bull. A hut of wool in the summer cool. I like mangoes. My housemate has tiny testicles, but he hides them in the hut and nobody knows. So everything’s fine. Yeah!
I went to one. Because I love pizza hut.
Huts are fun. Sometimes I think that it would be nicer to live in a small wooden hut instead of a house made of bricks and mortars.
Also, outhouses are quite nifty too. Even if it is just a place to go take a dump.
Hut also rhymes with shut which is quite nice because you can shut a hut. You can’t putt a hut though because that’s what you do with a golf ball.
Huts are cute. I always imagine some little cute indian living in teh middle of the amazon jungle dancing around in his hut. or around it…depends on his mood. Huts can be on the beach too, right? hmm…I think so. anyhow, a hut on the beach would be AWESOME. like Barney Stinsom from how i met your mother. So cool!
A hut is a little house. My grandma has one. It is very nice. I like little huts. My grandma has the hut in a nice weather place.
a small little triangular house. im guessing it’s very warm. i’ve always wanted to sleep in one :)
Why do I keep getting “hut.” Should I say it again? Am I the unexpected quarterback, awaiting two more and a “hike?” I don’t remember saying “down” or “set.” I’m not “set,” are you?
When I was a child, I built a hut in the yard. It was made of straw. I pretended I was on Gilligan’s Island. I was Ginger because she was the really pretty one that all the guys wanted. Outside the hut I had a stash of coconuts in case I got hungry or thistly.
Jane Scanlon
small dwelling… cozy… primitive… basic… earthy… contemplate… connect with simple pleasures… we are all the same inside…
pizza. now. cheese filled crust. thin crust. crust is the most important part of the pizza.
steve wilson
a small fort hand made made of a natural material, used for storage or for living in. usually made in a country or woodsy setting. cheap to make, made for more primitive uses.
Really? I suck at this. I can’t get inspired by a simple three letter word. Shameful.
Fale a Samoan house that is made with posts and thatch roofs made for palm leaves. They are waterproof.
hut is a domain for tribal peoples, usually made from thatch roofed design composed of some form of organic material. A hut is used for storage and living space by primitive and poor individuals
era singura si alergase deja de doua ore. inauntru nu era decat praf si sticla sparta, dar culorile ii dadeau senzatia de caldura si pace. siguranta.
living place
football signal
place for the dog
made of wood
the Kirk
I live in a little hut
Alone by the foaming sea,
It’s lonely sometimes but
I enjoy being with just me.
hunker down in your bunkers, huddle in your huts. Hide from the eyes that patronize while all you do is run.
I don’t understand why people live in huts? What is a hut anyway? Is it made out of particular things? Wood? Grass? reeds? Who lives in huts? certain typles of people, certain ethnicities, do they like living in huts?
the hut at the end of the path seemed remote, though it was only a short distance back to the roil of the beach. But Jamaica has that sense of being private and public at the same time.
In a little village in Africa there is a hut. This hut houses a family of six. The one room structure stands as the bedroom, living room, kitchen and garage. This hut is home, despite the lack of space.
like a little house or something. maybe made of straw, used by less sophisticated races of people. I think Eeyore had a hut from Winnie the Pooh. That was more of a shack though. “Can you shut the hut??” that would be a pretty nice sentence if I do say so myself, if huts have doors that is.
all of ure comments stink rm1 mp1
a hut is a small place where you live or buy things, often in the name of boutiques like Sunglass Hut…tiki hut also comes to mind. reminds me of tropical areas, rhymes with a lot of things…nut, but, what, cut, gut, mutt, putt…also a football term. funny how one word can have different meanings.
Living in a hut away from the city right now would seem a really wonderful thing As long as there is sun and sea and waves
i live in a hut and it is small with a grass ceiling i hear birds and a dog sniff around the back where the lake is nearby. i wish i was in the lake now and not stuck here. please let me swim one day
A hut can be made out of several different things. It can be made out of mud and clay, bricks and concrete, or it can just be made out of logs nailed together. But the roofs are usually made out of the same thing: straw.
little people
gina doesnt like to write about this word because she lives in a hut. being that she lives in a hut its a very personal subject matter for her and it insults her that one would have the audacity to write about the word hut.
My hut was blown away by the big bad wolf. It had torn up the foundation with his granny paws and took some meth to make his puffs stronger. So he huffed and puffed and blew it away!
doesn’t matter where you live, home is home
Hut up, you fool! Shut down. Hut is such a primitive word. Who has a hut? Hotdog hut, Easter Bunny hut. There are no huts in the first world, only the third world. Some huts are large, some small. A hut is something we do not know.
what is a hut? is it a little place that villagers live in the middle of the african landscape? or is it occupied by pizzas that generally lack the taste and identify of an actual pizza? there are many things that it could be, many things that it isn’t, either. but when it comes down to it and my time is up… it’s still a hut.
Once upon a time in a small hut there was a child who grew up with no parents or any friends. The hut was his friend. It kept the child warm and away from the rain. Sometimes food would appear out of nowhere just to keep the child alive. There were times where there were evil visitors, but the hut would scare them off just to protect him.
Hut sounds like a bad word if you say it really fast. Hut! It could also be a swear word to the dirty minded. It qualifies as one of the words that you think should be naughtier than it actually is. This gives you satisfaction if you’re in a place where you can’t really swear, but you want to. Say something like “hut!” or “buh!” or
Sometimes when I think of Little House on the prarie, I think their house is more like a hut. I personally think that it might be a little bit nice in a hut, because it would be a little snug. There’s no metal in the walls to hurt yourself on.
there was a small little hut that only I knew about. lost in the forest of time, really being the recesses of my mind. It was my happy place that no one could enter and I was happy there. When the forest was torn down it was like the hut never existed. that is the saddest part of all.
I’m so happy
ah, a hut, ok, i love huts, mainly cos they are often broken and battered – places of refuge away from the world, yet they carry enough marks of the world for you to feel at home there.
I have a hut. A hut of wool. A woolen hut for Sitting Bull. A hut of wool in the summer cool. I like mangoes. My housemate has tiny testicles, but he hides them in the hut and nobody knows. So everything’s fine. Yeah!
I went to one. Because I love pizza hut.
Huts are fun. Sometimes I think that it would be nicer to live in a small wooden hut instead of a house made of bricks and mortars.
Also, outhouses are quite nifty too. Even if it is just a place to go take a dump.
Hut also rhymes with shut which is quite nice because you can shut a hut. You can’t putt a hut though because that’s what you do with a golf ball.
Huts are cute. I always imagine some little cute indian living in teh middle of the amazon jungle dancing around in his hut. or around it…depends on his mood. Huts can be on the beach too, right? hmm…I think so. anyhow, a hut on the beach would be AWESOME. like Barney Stinsom from how i met your mother. So cool!
A hut is a little house. My grandma has one. It is very nice. I like little huts. My grandma has the hut in a nice weather place.
a small little triangular house. im guessing it’s very warm. i’ve always wanted to sleep in one :)
Why do I keep getting “hut.” Should I say it again? Am I the unexpected quarterback, awaiting two more and a “hike?” I don’t remember saying “down” or “set.” I’m not “set,” are you?
When I was a child, I built a hut in the yard. It was made of straw. I pretended I was on Gilligan’s Island. I was Ginger because she was the really pretty one that all the guys wanted. Outside the hut I had a stash of coconuts in case I got hungry or thistly.
small dwelling… cozy… primitive… basic… earthy… contemplate… connect with simple pleasures… we are all the same inside…
pizza. now. cheese filled crust. thin crust. crust is the most important part of the pizza.
a small fort hand made made of a natural material, used for storage or for living in. usually made in a country or woodsy setting. cheap to make, made for more primitive uses.
Really? I suck at this. I can’t get inspired by a simple three letter word. Shameful.
Fale a Samoan house that is made with posts and thatch roofs made for palm leaves. They are waterproof.
hut is a domain for tribal peoples, usually made from thatch roofed design composed of some form of organic material. A hut is used for storage and living space by primitive and poor individuals
era singura si alergase deja de doua ore. inauntru nu era decat praf si sticla sparta, dar culorile ii dadeau senzatia de caldura si pace. siguranta.
living place
football signal
place for the dog
made of wood
I live in a little hut
Alone by the foaming sea,
It’s lonely sometimes but
I enjoy being with just me.
hunker down in your bunkers, huddle in your huts. Hide from the eyes that patronize while all you do is run.
I don’t understand why people live in huts? What is a hut anyway? Is it made out of particular things? Wood? Grass? reeds? Who lives in huts? certain typles of people, certain ethnicities, do they like living in huts?