
December 17th, 2009 | 363 Entries

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363 Entries for “hut”

  1. huts are brown, full of indigenous
    peoples and usually
    very dirty
    not easy to clean or look after
    huts are actually quite disgusting

    Except for those who grow up in them
    and then they’re just “home”

  2. huts in africa, the villages of my people.
    beautiful they sing of children’s voices sweet,
    sitting in the setting sun.
    oh huts of straw and sweat and mud,
    oh huts, labors of love, beautiful community.

  3. the small hut overlooked the steep cliff. bits of plants and clods of dirt stuck out the side of the cliff face like hair. occasionally, pieces would crumble off, and plummet down into the churning waters below.

  4. a hut is a hideaway. a small place to be quiet. a place to think and be peter pan. a place to shrink and be small. a place to grow and learn and laugh. a place to look outside at the cold and be warm. a place to smoke and laugh and drink with close friends. somewhere safe.

  5. A hut on the beach and the warm sea breeze upon my skin.

  6. i used live in ahut been then barack obama hepled me out…. YEAH. Barack obama 08 oh yeah

  7. I want to live in Tahiti, where the ocean is calm and the sunrise is mellow as 50 year old rum, the sunset even sweeter. I would build my home on one of the many atolls in the archipelago. An abode made of palm leaves, so the roof would protect me from the rain from a typhoon.

  8. I wish I were living in a hut somewhere in the south pacific right now, with clear blue waters and palm trees all around. I wouldn’t have a care in the world

  9. I used to live in a hut. A thatched roof and a bamboo door were the outside. The inside was tiny and dirty. The floor was dirt. There was a small table and wooden stool. I had a small broom to try and keep my little hut clean with.

  10. hagrid
    harry potter

  11. I’d live in a hut if it were comfortable, heat dry electricity, a computer.
    Guess I don’t really belong in a hut. But the idea sounds nice, just not the reality.

  12. Hut trips. Theyu make me think about the times i used to have with my family when i was little. Skiing into the hut, it was such a magical place to iumagine as you are coming it. With the snow poiunding hard against your face and everything aroud you spisning…the hut is literaly what keeps you going. it’s

  13. makes me think of india. i went there this summer. although there weren’t really any huts where i was, the places that these people lived could almost be compared to them. their entire houses were miniscule. i don’t know what else to say.

  14. its a buliding made of clay or straw… quite place to relax and read and think. i love it in there. i would love to own one

    nina Hernandez
  15. i think of third world countries, with thatched roofs, with dirty children smiling at newcomers, but with warmth and compassion and closeness. Tolerance.

  16. hut

  17. I live in a country where huts are still in use. Probably more out of choice then any other reason though. Still, in our climate they make quite a bit of sense – cool in summer blah blah. Wow, who gives a crap …

    Stephen Browne
  18. A hut stood deep in a gloomy forest. The occupants were not sane, however. They murdered and raped women and children with brutal savagery. They even bludgeoned a frail old women, her limp frame hitting pavement with a blood curdling thud.

  19. little poeple live in here and cook in pots and are cold in the winter and like to kneeel down when they eat. They have a very harty lifestyle and they have many children. They like to go hunting and they wear furs. The yahve huge fields and community churches in the woods. The end.

  20. it’s a nice thing to have near a lake in the country side, where u r being isolated with ur beloved sweetheart and thinking about nothing in the world… just you and your lover and nothing else, it’s beautiful cause it makes ur mind clear as a crystal and ur heart as pure as nature

    Simo Med-X
  21. it’s yours. pitty. It looks nice. Old. I would love it. Really.

  22. the hut was a place of shadows and
    dancing things, little noises and
    tails that scrambled into the night.
    with her back against the wall,
    scratchy, she counted the

  23. feder, stau

  24. The small structure stood along the shoreline, the waves lapping up the sand of the nearby beach. The red curtain covering the doorway flapped in the breeze.

  25. Hut. A necessary implementation for society to thrive in primitive areas. The hut provides shelter and a place of gathering for everyone to meet. It is an essential part of life in these societies and help build bonds beneath the roof. GEnerally huts are built from straw and thatch, much more simplistic than wood and brick.

  26. home lair house inside pizza going sleeping down with it

  27. My hut, all mine and nobody else’s! Alone I sit peacefully and calmly thinking about where I am going in this crazy world. In my hut,my thoughts are clear and correct. No one can judge me, the walls of the hut block out the exterior world. Thank you hut, thank you!

  28. A small hut in the corner of the street.lonely, no one inside! It is abandoned, looking sad. Only a small table and one chair inside. I went inside and found a small child brewing a pot of water and cabbage. She lives there, in this small hut all alone because she has no where else to go.

  29. Muzak blared out the reciever as she continued to hold. Planning her evening, she ignored the irritating noise: hardware store, laundromat, then a cheap dinner at Pizza Hut. Not a bad day, all in all. But really, eveything rode on what she learned from this call.

  30. We were curled up inside our little one room hut. Our breath twisted around our ears and hair, tangible unlike any other time of the year — the cold, frigid wind liked to play with the water vapor in our oxygen. Your warmth echoed off of mine, and danced around my face. I was happy.

  31. All alone in a little hut.
    Looking out onto the beaches.
    Safe inside this little hut.


  32. house like on stupid dot com where you can build it and have toy farm animals. Also pizza hut. I don’t know what else to say. Hut is one letter off from hat. what is the point of this?

  33. indian tribes live in huts usually but they have also been used by many different cultures as well. huts are an easy type of housing that can be made by almost anyone if they have the structure style in their heads.

    Mike Oesterle
  34. let’s curl up, baby,
    let’s live in the woods
    comfy and cozy in a hut
    that only has one room
    or maybe two, one for
    me and you to sleep
    the other for us to
    eat by candlelight.
    wouldn’t it be nice?
    wouldn’t it be
    i’m sure it would be
    lovely, sweet, cute,
    if it weren’t for the
    fact that i probably
    couldn’t stand to be around
    you for that long.
    (or maybe its the other way around.)

  35. My mother lives in a hut in New York , Delaware. I call it a hut, because it only has one floor. It also looks like a hut, because she’s not a very good housekeeper. The kitchen looks like a jungle, from the animal carcusses, from the pets that are brought in from thanksgiving dinner. ha h

    Ms. Asti
  36. i walked into Pizza Hut, and I could smell the delicious flavors of the pizzas and pasta. I knew instantly that I wanted to eat something cheesy and yummy. I just wanted to enjyo it with a friend. SO I called someone up, and Bam. My friend arrived, and enjoyed the meal with me. We ate the meal together, and I was so glad th

    Mrs. Ward
  37. i used to live in a hut. i was twelve years old. my daddy didn’t let me go outside because of my rickets. i eat fish in the hut. pizza fish. one time i went rafting down the river while playing a tuba. i went back to the hut for snickers and pie.

    brian d
  38. “Joey get back in the hut!”
    ….. I got nothing.

  39. There in the distance across the searing heat of the white sand stood a dazzling sight. She gazed back. And I knew at once, it was my mom.

  40. hmmm.. at first i thought i had read “hunt.” this was incorrect. i was excited when i misread it… “hut?” i got nothing. this writer’s block is killing me. i have nothing to say about that word. …”hut.” blarg.
