
December 17th, 2009 | 363 Entries

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363 Entries for “hut”

  1. and she sat down next to him in what is so small that it could only be described as a hut. he put his hand on his shoulder and pushed so lightly that his force of moving her really seemed to be her own. she hit the floor with the softest of control and he leaned down beside her with the same slow, steady movement. he closed his eyes, touched her cheek, and left a soft kiss where his hand had been.

    Teri MIchelle
  2. I hate this word

  3. This reminds me of Gilligans Island :)

    Mary, CT USA
  4. HUT, THE home of huNters

  5. one world

  6. If I lived in a hut I’d feel like I was on Gilligan’s island. Since my first name is Ginger I guess it wouldn’t be so bad – though I am no movie star. A hut sounds cute and very peaceful, but I think I’d go crazy without all the stuff that I claim makes me crazy in my life now – like technology and anything electronic.
  7. a big beach with a beautiful sky and rolling low waves coming in. Palm trees and there is a steady breeze blowing in from the ocean. There is a small vegetated mountain on the far end of the beach and you feel you want to

    randy shannon
  8. At the beach on Christmas eve, wow, that’s going to be something.

  9. i live in a i dont, that is not ture….i only camped out in a hut once, actually that once and the once are a bit redudndant aren’t they? um…im supposed to be writing a scene arn’t i? ok, so theres these two dudes living in a hut in their backyard WHAT NO TIME?

  10. sometimes, I feel like I live in a hut and not a home. a small, lonely house with fragile walls that threaten to fall in on me…
    But I never do anything to help the walls stay up. I guess its my own fault…

  11. i dont have any idea of the meaning of the word hut.. i think that is something you can wear

  12. grim

  13. Very nive site youngest illegal underground loli teen models ohoohhh lolitics women

  14. running to the hut, straw cap like a little sun visor, keeping away the rays but not the heat. Or does it? I’m not sure, I’ve never been in one. At least not a beach hut. Beach huts look like so much fun! I would love to spend the night in a beach hut.

  15. in a pizza hut
    best pizza ever
    cheese slides off the dough like it’s

    this isnt a rap though it feels like one

    zoeynothats nto me

  17. I lived in a hut on the beach down south, then I moved to hawaii and lived in another hut. After flying to africa I seen a lot of people that lived in huts.
    Then went to pizz hut.

    John David
  18. I’ve always wanted to stay the night in a hut. Hut also reminds me of pizza hut. Pizza hut is an okay restaurant. I just ate there tonight for dinner.

    I imagine there are lots of huts in Hawaii. I’m curious as to what happens at the end of this 60 seconds.

  19. Inside the hut, things were a mess. You try keeping things organized when your hut has chicken legs! It’s worse than a boat or an RV. Everything, everywhere. There isn’t enough two-stage epoxy in the world to keep it all straight.

  20. The rain crashed down on the thatched roof. I could see over the walls to the rooms next door. We were soaked in noise.

  21. The moon hut is calling me….I’ll go there to find solace and peaceful contemplations.

  22. The hit was old tarnished and had a broke window its windows seemed to cry out in pain slashing the passerby’s into peices. I t cried of neglect ans

  23. its a hut with flowers on the fooftop that twinkle like your icy blues. i live in the hit. your mom is a hut.

  24. She woke up and found herself in a dream. Rubbing her blurry eyes and clutching the unknown sheets in her hand , she realized she was in an inclosed space of her imagination, a small hut of reality.

  25. Hut. It’s a small place. Often I think of it as filled with poverty, dirt, and the smell of the kitchen fire’s smoke that wafted through the dark room. It seems cold and lonely. But often, I see this hut with a kind, weather-worn, life-line-filled woman, holding a broom

  26. Think about living in a hut. How brutal. How violent. How depressing. How simple. Not being able to have the luxuries of life at the palm of your hand. Having to work for everything. But at least you’ll be independent. The upside.

  27. house. dirty. rickety. straw. home. island.

  28. I better get credit for whatever I write, punk bitches.

  29. i live in a hut. nothing else just a hut. there is nothing but me & my mut. living in this hut. & the thing about it is there is no door to shut on this hut

    ariana b.
  30. this has been over and over now. I don’t want to write about a hut. This…is done.

  31. a place where natives live, they build them many ways, mud, mortar, thatch roofs, slate roofs, and the likes… i think of a naked to the waist mother, nursing her child sitting outside in the dirt, bare feet cross legged, surrounded by several of the same
  32. dirty kinky sex. pizza hut. yummy yummy food. indians. exotic, erratic. Dumb…lame. snap, crackle, pop. Straw, sticks, brick. Three little piggys…

  33. there once was a hut were i used to live, it was small in size for our big family. We lived out on the desert near the nearest water vein. It was a nice quite place, no one would bother us there. We should of stayed

  34. indians live in it. if you put n in it it spells hunt and hunting is fun cause indians use to do it…when they needed food. males mostly would hunt and the females would take care of the hut

  35. This little grass hut protects me from storms. It keeps me warm. It may not be worth the same amount as your million dollar mansion, but mine has more love inside, and I bet I have more sex than you do too.

    Ha ha
  36. he came into the forest only to find a tangle of twigs supporting her safety.
    this was home.

  37. s

  38. hut. fire. woods, people, water, fun. alcohol. snow. bathing suits and laughing. drunken lullabies and adventures. friendships. memories, nostalgia, happiness, enjoyment. life.

  39. The hut was a simple thing. A home built of wood and mud but yet it was more than that. It was a home, a place where people had lived and memories had been made. It’s walls had felt much in their life. But the hut was slowly being destroyed by the world around it.

  40. Poking straws not for sipping. An alarm clock built in. The winds are visible and the air is scratchy. Detangling rope and the wings of birds crawl across the day.

    Andre P