
November 3rd, 2009 | 402 Entries

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402 Entries for “identity”

  1. Marke was always very sure of his identity. he was the son, first born , of the emperor, and he was going to be the next emperor. He was a powerful sun mage, but not a devout sun worshipper. this is what made him doubt the identity of the sun god, because somehow that didn’t make sense that he could be both. his father

  2. Identity…haha it’s kind of a big word. But I supposed what comes to mind first is the search for identity that I’m going through right now. I don’t know if it will ever stop. Quite honestly, I’m not sure I want it to. It’s all one big journey and the more I learn about myself the better I am able to help others and achieve my maximum potential.
  3. She stared at her reflection in the still water of the pond. How had she spent so many years here and never truly seen herself. The trees around her grew and flourished. The arms of the weeping willow stretched as if to wrap her in a hug.

  4. A crime scene, the chalk man on the floor, who is weirdly positioned like you see in the films, with their arms placed up near their head.

    Daniel M
  5. my identity is hidden for a reason. Fuck you……’s important to not have anyone know who I am or where I come from. If anyone finds out, I would have to kill them, slowly and painfully.

  6. i lost who i was when i stopped self-harming a year ago, i had depended on it for nearly 11 years and without it i still feel at times that i’ve lost part of my identity.

  7. No one ever really reveals their identity. They fabricate it. Identity is not a truth, but a way to conceal the inside of you.

  8. I’ve been thinking about my identity a lot lately. Moreso, about identity theft and privacy . . . things we didn’t have to think about at all as recent as 10 years ago. My the world has changed so much in such a short span of time.

  9. Everyone has an identitiy me I am a teacher I like kids and I like to be around kids other people have an identity like they are a mom and may be they are a day that is there identity. wwhat is your identity

  10. identity is abbreviated to ID. i think that’s easier then typing the word out!! I love abbreviations! I mean who doesn’t?

  11. It’s alright. You don’t have to be someone else, I like you as you are. In fact, I love you. I always have. I never cared about who you pretended to be, I could see past that. The borken hearted lover, the optimistic friend, the caring brother. I never gave a damn.

  12. We’ll talk all night about our identity, and then decide to change it in the morning.
    Will you change with me?

  13. identity theft—-BEWARE

  14. Eros glanced into the pool of water on the stand, seeing his reflection, and stroked his beard. He still looked good for a god that was 5,000-years-old; yet, mortals were always deceived. There was a loud gong sound announcing the arrival of one of the lesser deities.

    “Come in.” Eros said, placing his hand on the brim of the bowl.

    A tall, muscular man with wavy hair and green eyes strutted in: Hercules.

    “By the god, Narcissus, you’re still admiring yourself? I left around five hours ago!”

    The former smiled, gesturing for the other to sit down.

    “Why are you really here, Herc?”

    “Well, I have a problem…and

    Gouldin Lion
  15. My identity eluded me, as did my pants. I was as drunk as a skunk, and I was doing a dance.

  16. She was mysterious and dark. Her face was hidden by the bangs that hung across it. She knew that she had to find herself in this city. She couldn’t put it off any longer. She had to find waht she was looking for. If she could just remember. Remember where it all began…

  17. We will never have an identity. An identity is merely an illusion that we try to conform to in order to not feel so alone. The truth is – we will never know who we are, what we believe, who we are supposed to be. We are so involved in finding this that we cannot find what we want. Who needs an identity? I’ll be faceless if it means I can rule the world, if I can be happy and get what I want. Who are you to tell me who I am.

  18. You could never figure her out. It was like she had several identities, lined up to appear when needed. I liked her, actually I like her a lot, but could never figure out which person she was or what identity I was in love with.

  19. when i was in the cafitirea i drank something and got super powers.when i got home i was feeling very sick.when i woke up i had poweres and now i have to have a secret identitiy. when i was in my room i was thinking of a costume to make for my secret identitiy so i t took me about three to five hours to make.

    when i went out side i cept my identity siut underneathme

  20. I was a victim of identity theft. They took my wallat, and my credit card. Everyone thought they were me and they bought 50,000 worth of items. I was so upset and the police were trying to track him down. They never found him and I started to track my credit card. I cought

  21. I was a victim of identity theft. They took my wallat, and my credit card. Everyone thought they were me and they

  22. when i was in the cafitirea i drank something and got super powers.when i got home i was feeling very sick.when i woke up i had poweres and now i have to have a secret identitiy. when i was in my room i was thinking of a costume to make for my secret identitiy

  23. when i was in the cafitirea i drank something and got super powers.when i got home i was feeling very sick.when i woke up i had poweres and now i have to

  24. An identity? What is that, really? Who decides who we are? I am nothing and everything, a cumulation of ideas and thoughts that are granted by something beyond comprehension.

    Jonny Blackbeard
  25. HA
    I’ve lost mine.
    I saw myself as Welsh. Being around Welsh people for a month has made me realise – I am not Welsh.
    At least, if I am.. I’m a NICE Welsh person. I’m vaguely interesting and have a sense of humour.

  26. identity
    its what we define ourselves as.
    we are made up
    of our own past
    our own laughs
    our own hates
    and only we can negate
    anything ever said about us
    only we
    can define ourselves
    and we often do so
    by what weve been through in life
    so never grow old
    unless you want to be
    and never be sad
    unless you want to be.

  27. Identity – what is it? Is it the persona we show to the world, that guides the way we speak and behave all day? Is it the person we are within, who is maybe longing to leap out and surprise the world?

    Annabel Weir
  28. Everyone always feels like they don’t know who they are. And honestly, it can take years to figure it out. But your identity is all that you will be promised in life. The important thing is you shouldn’t fake it, just be yourself. If people don’t like it they’ll just have to get over themselves. You only get one chance to show who you are. Make your own identity.

    Panda Bearr <3
  29. My identity is many things. I’m not 1 person although I am. Many sides to me, not an alter ego but just layers and depth. people can’t understand because that concrpt seems scary. they want you to be easily identitfied. I’m not

  30. How you portray yourself to others is your identity.

  31. She couldn’t remember how she’d gotten here or even what her name was. How had she gotten here? The cave was cold and damp and a chill ran down her spine. Where was she, and better yet, who had brought her here? Cause surely she hadn’t walked here on her own…

  32. ohhh good one. I thought about being an “identity crisis” for halloween this year. I was going to wear normal clothes and stick various nametags on me. I know. Lame, right?

    Seriously though, your identity is all you have.

  33. identity could be used for like “identity thefts” someone who got their identity stolen.

  34. She didn’t know what to think who was she where had she been all along. It was an identity crisis or so her family would say, but she didn’t have time to question. She had to decide.

    “Raine!” Yes. Raine was her name, but who was she exactly. Who could she be who would she be.

  35. His identity had been hidden from his, his birth right his parentage. All because of his mother his mother who had had no right to be even called a mother. She had stolen his identity and had left him with out a mask to hide behind. She was to blame. And now she was dead. Dead and gone.

  36. four syllables

    it defines you. it IS you.

    you can use this to locate or find a person.

    has the word “tit” in it

    comes in the form of driver’s licenses and passports, etc.

  37. hard to copy. unique. selfless, everyone needs to have one. individual.

  38. today i lost my identity. i was walking to school, and it just left. it seemed like no-one had a clue who the hell i was. none of my teachers knew who i was, they called my name and was like “huh? who..?” then i would have to tell them that was me. they would ask me if i was a new student, i would tell them the truth. “no, i have been in this school ever since year 7, been in this distrect my whole entire life.” then all the other kids would say “what? as IF?! i have never seen you around here. ever.” it is so strange. is this a prank? or a dream? do i look different? AM i different? maybe i swaped bodies with someone, but kept my own soul? but then they would reconize my name. what the hell is going on here?!

    mr. awesomo
  39. identity is something that people create to interact or feel special with society. we feel that we need identity to feel independent as well. why do we want to be independent? well, everybody’s always in such a big hurry that they dont need anyone else. that is their identity. not needing anything

    Michael Lin
  40. There is too much to say about identity. Too much to write. what is it? why do we care? why do we have to ‘find’ it? where did it go?
