The girl stared at the many human-sized capsules that lined the walls. It was disgusting – eerie. They had taken her identity, her body, and mass-produced it for some sick business. That shouldn’t be happening. No. Not her. Not ever.
College students deal with identity at an age where they think they know who they are until they leave home, and then they have no idea. Identity runs deeply through humanity’s agonies. Reminding us that we are somehow incomplete, unfulfilled beings looking for something of Someone bigger than ourselves to fill that void of necessity.
Robert Ralsh
identity is very important you can’t live without it. you would die or break down.
hail satan
As i finish up my senior year i will find my identity.
I will soon graduate and go off to school, hopefully.
By doing so i will become a speech pathologist.
My identity will never be completely found, it is not possible.
It’s a crazy life that i live in.
Ashley Medlin
the think that makes someone unique. It is how people recognize you. Without an identity you would be no one. Losing ones identity is one of the worst things that can happen to a person.
what is my identity? Do I look for it through the world or do I strive to find my identity in Christ? my youth pastor is starting a series on identity this week and I am really looking forward to it. I want to challenge myself to see what my identity would be, or if it would change the way i look at myself if instead I look through the eyes of Christ.
K.A. Silver
I don’t know who I am from day to day. I mean I do but I don’t. I feel that I am always evlolving. It’s a chance to have a fresh start if I want it. I can always move on. I don’t have to wait for the New Year. I can be who ever I want.
Identity, definition of one self, how do you identify yourself. Does it reflect your mirror image in your mind? I dont know too much about the true identity of most people.
My identity is in Christ. Hard as it may seem, I am glad and rejoicing to know that my salvation will not be removed from me.
I llst my identity, i found it in the bottom of my mind as i serched for myself. Murphy always says you find what you werent looking for when you look for what you are. this is nothing sensical except to myself. I dont know why this is this way, but it is the way i have always been, as have my friends.
“Corporate identity must be maintained at all times”, intoned the ever so carefully dressed HR clone. I couldn’t really call her a woman, no sparkle beneath that veneer. Is the ring on her finger corporate too? Can’t imagine fucking her, even as a drunk. Recoiling from the image, I flicked thru the manual she referenced.
As a college graduate, I am now speculating about my identity. I know the general who I am and where I live, but who will I be? What will I do? Where will I be five years from now? It seems like college didn’t prepare me for that. Uh-oh.
Citra was confused. Who was she? Why was she so different from everyone else? Was it because they were raised here in the city with others of their kind? Or was it something inherantly different? Something about where she came from. She wished she could remember… She knew she felt more than they did. She could sense their emotions and their feelings even when they themselves were unaware of them.
the police man ushered the criminal into the office and asked for his identity, the criminal didn’t have it so he struggeled and fort with the police man to let him go.
Ich m
my identity is how I define myself, my own self image of how I perceive myself and can be expanded to how others perceive me as well. Its just a matter of perception.
No one will ever know the true ‘me’, the ‘me’ that I keep inside. I am Tabula Rasa, you will see who you want to see. I will be anybody and everybody. I am never ‘me’.
a definition of self.
identity. Identity theft. Who am I? Police search for clues as to the identity of the killer and the body. Pltthhhhh I have no ideas!
the one who must be obeyed
Identity is knowing who you are. Everyone has one and you should not try to steal others by copying them. Identity means being true to yourself and not acting or being a fake character.
Elissa Alston
She was sitting at the end of a long table. She waited for the man to approach. Although she had been sitting for a while, she was fidgety, she twiddled her fingers as if she were tying them in a knot. She cold not find the right way to twist them into their own identity. It wasn’t right that she was waiting for this to be
My identity was constantly in a flux, never stopping, my personality changing with each heartbeat and each breath. I didn’t know who I was, most days, and others I just didn’t care, raising my hand to who I had been five seconds ago and waving farewell with a grin and a lightness in my step.
she had no identitty. no passport or liciencens . or ability to spell. it hadn’t been stolen from her. she jsut didn’t care she went from day to day responding like Pavlov’s dog no perdonality just reponses that didn’t stick to her and form anything it wasn’t a desease just the way it was she had a family but they din’t remember her she was nothing no name no references a human , abit more than a much of cells . but not a zoombie. a blank slate with no fure to hope for no past to learn from. nothing was had or easy it just was maybe this was Nirvanan the state of nothingness compleete peace or boredom. Always in the now but never growing into a woman or a wife or a mother no hope to deter her from taking the unexpected path. No path nO forks in the road she could have great sex being in that moment completely, yet the poor guy wasn’t given another thought. she could eat a fabulous meal moaning through the whole experience but couldn’t tell you what she ate. she had no identity she was just a response to cues from the universe Cut her and she cried and then cut herself again.
Everyone has one. It’s something you go to sleep with at night, and wake up with in the morning, and carry with you all day. Interesting that an identity can also be thought of as something seperate from “us”. Our consciousness is what percieves our identity
It’s how people see yourself, and how you see yourself truly. You have only one identity, your true identity, no matter how much you think you can fake it with other people. You only have one true one.
Naomi Catlin
I lost myself the day I let him choose what he wanted me to be. I thought if I let him take the lead, he would stay. He would let me love him.
My identity is in Christ. In Christ alone, but I often don’t place my identity in Christ, but in others, or what I see in myself. When I do this I find chaos at the center of all I do. I am lost if I am not found in Him.
who or what something is or can be
this is me, it is all that i am. it is the thing that akes you you makes you unique. It is important to remeber your own, it is important not to change, to hide to lie about it. It is what you are and is what tou always will be. It is neverending, it is untsoppable. It is you.
who I am
sad innovative leader
theft hair color skin eyes tall short fat wide skinny friendly beautiful fun honest trust
my identity is changing everday. i try to determine what new facets of my life will i can change or will change on their own that will determine what people perceive as my identity. why do i care so much about what other people think? what is the best identity?
It wasn’t written anywhere, and she couldn’t find it. Panic creeped up her spine, like twenty tiny fingers and toes until it was gripping her entire body. She’d lost it.
Her goddamn identity.
Katelyn Wilson
Sometimes he looks in the mirror and wonders what other people think of him. Do they think that he’s hiding behind bright hair colours and styles to cover up insecurities? Do they wonder what he really looks like without any of the metamorph abilities?
What, some of them must think, would he look like if he lost his abilities completely?
Every passing car is yours, and every driver wears your face, if only for a moment. My mind plays tricks on me when I’m not paying attention, which has been often lately. I’ve been slipping. I still wear your shirts to bed, and pretend I can still smell you on them. Pathetic, right? You have no idea. It’s been so long now. If I didn’t have these pictures to remind me, I would think your whole identity, a figment of my overactive imagination.
So many layers make up our identities. We have to identify ourselves based on race, gender, class, job, humor, interest…
It’s very hard when you can’t decide whether to identify as a piece of bread or a piece of cheese. Both can lead to terrible discrimination, clearly.
i think that your identity is something you decided for yourself. yeah we are givin a name when we are born, but what we do with that name is up to us. we can become who ever we want, and do what ever we want.
So many layers make up our identities. We have to identify ourselves based on race, gender, class, job, humor, interest…
It’s very hard when you can’t decide whether to identify as a piece of bread or a piece of cheese. Both can lead to terrible discrimination, clearly.
The girl stared at the many human-sized capsules that lined the walls. It was disgusting – eerie. They had taken her identity, her body, and mass-produced it for some sick business. That shouldn’t be happening. No. Not her. Not ever.
card, yourself, life, being, human, life, living, face, police, arrestation, control
College students deal with identity at an age where they think they know who they are until they leave home, and then they have no idea. Identity runs deeply through humanity’s agonies. Reminding us that we are somehow incomplete, unfulfilled beings looking for something of Someone bigger than ourselves to fill that void of necessity.
identity is very important you can’t live without it. you would die or break down.
hail satan
As i finish up my senior year i will find my identity.
I will soon graduate and go off to school, hopefully.
By doing so i will become a speech pathologist.
My identity will never be completely found, it is not possible.
It’s a crazy life that i live in.
the think that makes someone unique. It is how people recognize you. Without an identity you would be no one. Losing ones identity is one of the worst things that can happen to a person.
what is my identity? Do I look for it through the world or do I strive to find my identity in Christ? my youth pastor is starting a series on identity this week and I am really looking forward to it. I want to challenge myself to see what my identity would be, or if it would change the way i look at myself if instead I look through the eyes of Christ.
I don’t know who I am from day to day. I mean I do but I don’t. I feel that I am always evlolving. It’s a chance to have a fresh start if I want it. I can always move on. I don’t have to wait for the New Year. I can be who ever I want.
Identity, definition of one self, how do you identify yourself. Does it reflect your mirror image in your mind? I dont know too much about the true identity of most people.
My identity is in Christ. Hard as it may seem, I am glad and rejoicing to know that my salvation will not be removed from me.
I llst my identity, i found it in the bottom of my mind as i serched for myself. Murphy always says you find what you werent looking for when you look for what you are. this is nothing sensical except to myself. I dont know why this is this way, but it is the way i have always been, as have my friends.
“Corporate identity must be maintained at all times”, intoned the ever so carefully dressed HR clone. I couldn’t really call her a woman, no sparkle beneath that veneer. Is the ring on her finger corporate too? Can’t imagine fucking her, even as a drunk. Recoiling from the image, I flicked thru the manual she referenced.
As a college graduate, I am now speculating about my identity. I know the general who I am and where I live, but who will I be? What will I do? Where will I be five years from now? It seems like college didn’t prepare me for that. Uh-oh.
Citra was confused. Who was she? Why was she so different from everyone else? Was it because they were raised here in the city with others of their kind? Or was it something inherantly different? Something about where she came from. She wished she could remember… She knew she felt more than they did. She could sense their emotions and their feelings even when they themselves were unaware of them.
the police man ushered the criminal into the office and asked for his identity, the criminal didn’t have it so he struggeled and fort with the police man to let him go.
Ich m
my identity is how I define myself, my own self image of how I perceive myself and can be expanded to how others perceive me as well. Its just a matter of perception.
No one will ever know the true ‘me’, the ‘me’ that I keep inside. I am Tabula Rasa, you will see who you want to see. I will be anybody and everybody. I am never ‘me’.
a definition of self.
identity. Identity theft. Who am I? Police search for clues as to the identity of the killer and the body. Pltthhhhh I have no ideas!
Identity is knowing who you are. Everyone has one and you should not try to steal others by copying them. Identity means being true to yourself and not acting or being a fake character.
She was sitting at the end of a long table. She waited for the man to approach. Although she had been sitting for a while, she was fidgety, she twiddled her fingers as if she were tying them in a knot. She cold not find the right way to twist them into their own identity. It wasn’t right that she was waiting for this to be
My identity was constantly in a flux, never stopping, my personality changing with each heartbeat and each breath. I didn’t know who I was, most days, and others I just didn’t care, raising my hand to who I had been five seconds ago and waving farewell with a grin and a lightness in my step.
she had no identitty. no passport or liciencens . or ability to spell. it hadn’t been stolen from her. she jsut didn’t care she went from day to day responding like Pavlov’s dog no perdonality just reponses that didn’t stick to her and form anything it wasn’t a desease just the way it was she had a family but they din’t remember her she was nothing no name no references a human , abit more than a much of cells . but not a zoombie. a blank slate with no fure to hope for no past to learn from. nothing was had or easy it just was maybe this was Nirvanan the state of nothingness compleete peace or boredom. Always in the now but never growing into a woman or a wife or a mother no hope to deter her from taking the unexpected path. No path nO forks in the road she could have great sex being in that moment completely, yet the poor guy wasn’t given another thought. she could eat a fabulous meal moaning through the whole experience but couldn’t tell you what she ate. she had no identity she was just a response to cues from the universe Cut her and she cried and then cut herself again.
Everyone has one. It’s something you go to sleep with at night, and wake up with in the morning, and carry with you all day. Interesting that an identity can also be thought of as something seperate from “us”. Our consciousness is what percieves our identity
It’s how people see yourself, and how you see yourself truly. You have only one identity, your true identity, no matter how much you think you can fake it with other people. You only have one true one.
I lost myself the day I let him choose what he wanted me to be. I thought if I let him take the lead, he would stay. He would let me love him.
My identity is in Christ. In Christ alone, but I often don’t place my identity in Christ, but in others, or what I see in myself. When I do this I find chaos at the center of all I do. I am lost if I am not found in Him.
who or what something is or can be
this is me, it is all that i am. it is the thing that akes you you makes you unique. It is important to remeber your own, it is important not to change, to hide to lie about it. It is what you are and is what tou always will be. It is neverending, it is untsoppable. It is you.
who I am
sad innovative leader
theft hair color skin eyes tall short fat wide skinny friendly beautiful fun honest trust
my identity is changing everday. i try to determine what new facets of my life will i can change or will change on their own that will determine what people perceive as my identity. why do i care so much about what other people think? what is the best identity?
It wasn’t written anywhere, and she couldn’t find it. Panic creeped up her spine, like twenty tiny fingers and toes until it was gripping her entire body. She’d lost it.
Her goddamn identity.
Sometimes he looks in the mirror and wonders what other people think of him. Do they think that he’s hiding behind bright hair colours and styles to cover up insecurities? Do they wonder what he really looks like without any of the metamorph abilities?
What, some of them must think, would he look like if he lost his abilities completely?
Every passing car is yours, and every driver wears your face, if only for a moment. My mind plays tricks on me when I’m not paying attention, which has been often lately. I’ve been slipping. I still wear your shirts to bed, and pretend I can still smell you on them. Pathetic, right? You have no idea. It’s been so long now. If I didn’t have these pictures to remind me, I would think your whole identity, a figment of my overactive imagination.
So many layers make up our identities. We have to identify ourselves based on race, gender, class, job, humor, interest…
It’s very hard when you can’t decide whether to identify as a piece of bread or a piece of cheese. Both can lead to terrible discrimination, clearly.
i think that your identity is something you decided for yourself. yeah we are givin a name when we are born, but what we do with that name is up to us. we can become who ever we want, and do what ever we want.
So many layers make up our identities. We have to identify ourselves based on race, gender, class, job, humor, interest…
It’s very hard when you can’t decide whether to identify as a piece of bread or a piece of cheese. Both can lead to terrible discrimination, clearly.