
November 3rd, 2009 | 402 Entries

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402 Entries for “identity”

  1. For a long time I was unsure about my gender identity. I knew I didn’t feel very female, but I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to identify as a man because I still liked cute clothes and fashion and had girly tendencies. So I tried identifying as “genderqueer”, but even that didn’t fit. But now? Now I’ve realized that being into flamboyant clothing and fashion and doesn’t make me any less of a guy.

    It just makes me a really, really FABULOUS guy.

  2. there’s nothing here. if i drop any more weight there wont be any physical anything left to “me” to who I am. What makes me what I am anyway? Everything is mental. Beliefs are mental. Strengths and weaknesses are mental. Identity is no different. It’s all in your head. Everything was made up by someone at some point.. even who we are?

  3. She wandered through the shelves, wondering where it had all gone wrong, why she was even here. She didn’t know who she was anymore, what she had become, and it scared her to think that she wouldn’t recognise herself in the mirror one day.

  4. I achieved a new identity today. We did a short radio spot and I invented a stage name so as not to be recognized should anyone be listening. I can’t say why as that would give me away.

  5. What’s mine cannot be yours
    Relish in the fact of originality
    Sharing is impossible
    Because I’m the only me
    This is my identity

  6. He looked in the mirror, staring past his eyes. What did it matter to the rest of them anyway? Who were they to judge? He wished there was a way to make the comments stop.
    There was no way to count the ways they’d hurt him.

  7. identity is a funny thing to some people. some think that you can attain one simply by being or doing, not the case. an identity is something that one carefully crafts and constructs within their mind with or without knowing it. those of us who have realized this are capable of determining our own identity and therefore, destiny.

  8. stolen identity
    double identity
    who-the-fuck-knows identity

  9. An identity is very important to a person. If you don’t know who you are, you can be anybody. If you’re just anybody, you might as well be nobody. Many people think that you can find your identity. But this is not always true.

  10. The identity of the candy thief was a mystery to all but me.
    For I am he end he is me.
    Peamutbutter cups lolipops and an occasional smartee.
    filled me with childlike glee.

  11. identity

  12. my identity and myself who am i and what do i do what do i want to become what do i want to change
    do i want to be a candle
    or just another dark hole
    i am me
    and no one else i am i
    i ant to change people
    i want to be better
    i want to make people happy and love them selves
    because that is me
    that is my identity
    it cannot be stole
    only copyed

    Morgan Wolf
  13. Identity theft is rampant. It’s a devasting crime. I would have to have my identity stolen. Could you imagine cancelling your credit cards, closing checkinc accounts, informing creditors..crazy

    Kitty Sutton
  14. I wish I knew who I was. I think I used to know, but age set in and I started making mistakes and I realized I’m not as bless nor as strong willed as I thought. In fact, if I had to quantify it, I’d say I’m none of those things. Anymore.

  15. WHo am I? Like really, tell me WHO AM I? And please don’t tell me my name, I know as well as fuck what it is. Nor give me a list of activities I do, is any one of them who I am or just what I do? Don’t tell me I am nice, so is half the world. But tell me who am I…

  16. It was as if someone had stolen her identity; this was how drastic the effect it had on her. Her heart had sank like a rock into her stomach, and she felt an enormous pressure squeezing her lungs. Her eyes were wide and dumbstruck; she couldn’t stop staring at the one who had just dared to ruin her life. How could he? How COULD he? “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said bravely, only to cringe from the laughter that came as a reply. How could he do this to her? How could she have trusted him?

  17. you ar greatest gift to all of mankind

  18. what you are. what you will be. the ability to trace your name back to personal information. without an identity, you are nothing; you are nobody.

  19. Everyone is looking for their identity. An identity in SOMETHING. But aren’t we made for the purpose of having our identity? Or are we do put our identity in something else; another idea or another place or thing? Identity defines us. It creates YOU. US. WE. Difference.

    EA Emerson
  20. An identity is something that you not only take for yourself, but something that is assigned to you by your peers, lawmakers or those who observe stereotypes and decide that you just might fall into theirs. Well, my identity came from none of those, but from one event that was so infinitesimal that it went almost unobserved.

  21. Who are you? Who am I? Something I struggle with everyday. Am I the person I seem to be when I’m with my friends or the person I am inside when I’m all alone. What am I supposed to do with this case of mysterious identity? How does one figure out who they are? Why do we have to have one specific identity? Can I be two different people?

  22. it is really hard to identify your identity sometimes. i mean, what does it even mean? how do you figure out what you are, or who you are? I think my identity has to do with being a doctoral student, and that can be a problem sometimes. do i want to be identified by the field of my research? will that box me in? i’m not sure. i don’t want it to. i want to be flexible and work on other areas. also, what are the other parts of my identity? wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, researcher? book lover, gym-goer, love of cooking. what makes me me? how can i figure that out? it’s hard. i wonder if after i have a child my identity will be defined only as mom. what will happen then? will all my work on other areas go out the window?

  23. identity is who you are it’s how you define yourself, how others define you, the identity of identity is definition, the definition of identity is in the dicionary

  24. I’m a teenager. We aren’t supposed to know who we are yet. At the same time however, they are pressuring us into making practically all of our major life decisions right now. I don’t even know if I like the boy who sits in front of me in psychology class right now, let alone what college I want to attend or what job I want to have….

  25. identity…real, false, unknown. Just who am I? I am discovering that everyday, every minute and sometimes I surprise the heck out of myself.

  26. When will I learn?
    I can’t look through glass,
    To see myself.

    I can’t listen to music,
    To hear myself.

    I can’t act like you,
    To be myself.

    When will I learn?
    That the only way to be true,
    Is to be me.

    Lily Kowalczyk
  27. your personality
    who you are,who youve become.
    who you want to be,

    her identity was stolen”
    Licesnse number,security number,age,location,weight,ect.

    hallie martin
  28. diversity respect tolerance uniqueness values culture costumes traditions singunces global village singularity difference

  29. who am i?
    am i the one you look to when you need a shoulder to cry on? a laugh? a smack back to reality?
    am i the person you can trust? or the one who will betray you?
    am i the person i want to be… or the one im trying to avoid.

  30. She didn’t know who she was anymore, what happened in her past, what her favorite color was, even her name. She sat down in the snow, unsure of what to do

  31. there is no reason to identify such matters. It is absolutely necessary to act, under the pressure of nothing in particular. Don’t identify parts of speech, enjoy the sentence. That’s what Latin’s all about, and no one ever believes me. “But I have to know the part of speech! is this ablative or accusitve?” they say. Bah.

  32. I’m having an identity crisis

    I don’t know whether I’m a tree or a dog

    A cat or a litter box

    Somebody help me

    I’m losing my mind





    Oh no, it’s starting..

    What am I?

    Who am I?




    What the hell am I?


    What is my identity?

  33. it’s used to describe how a person looks. It’s also how you identify yourself to yourself. There are identity cards, there are pictures, fingerprints and DNA. All types of identification. You carry it in your wallet on your person.

    red beard
  34. What is identity? We all have one. But so many people can’t see their own. They have to have someone else to define their identity. They can’t find it on their own. I find this sad.

  35. I was lost and confused. Everything seemed different. Here, I was no one. Here, I had no identity.

  36. One, No one and One Hundred Thousand.

    Luigi Pirandello
  37. you Identity is who you are, more then a card. more that some name on a paper. Who are you? Are you a follower? Are you a villain? Are you a leader? A peace maker.

  38. how do you even know what an identity is? I don’t even know who I am? am I a teacher? a girl? a woman? Why do we always try to find our identity? And why is it, when faced with the word, I can only write questions? Probably because I don’t know who I am at this point. All I can do is question. But isn’t that who we are? Questioners?

  39. his identity was unknown and it was the anonimity that gave him the rush. sneaking throguh the streets and alleys, peering in through windows in the middle of the night. many many women. thats all that it was to him, a wave of nameless faceless women.

    Lydia K.
  40. no identity
