the identity of one can not be defined by what someone does, what someone says,or how people act around other. It should be a combination of the three, or many none at all. I can say to this day, i don’t know what my identity is.
Nora sighed and flipped her hair. Her identity today was herself, not Ginny, and she had never been happier to simply put her hair in a messy ponytail. Dressing in the identity of a book character was fun, that was for sure, but it made dressing as herself seem so much simpler. She could dress up if she wanted, or she could just relax.
Her identity was lost forever. Well, this was just perfect.
Sarah slumped against the wall of her holding cell, sighing. Sarah. It wasn’t her real name, of course. Though she supposed keeping up the pretense of being a simple housekeeper didn’t matter, now.
My identity is my own. Man male transman fag dyke cocksucker, boy, Daddy, tired papa. All these things are me and always will be me, in some respect or another. No one has the right to tell any other person how to identify or how to make that identity real. Leave identification up to the experts, yeah?
to know one’s self
what people see in you
what people know about you
How do we find our identity? Am I a person? A woman? An American? A white American? Do I want to be identified with labels like that at all or should my identity be deeper?
Identity is nebulous at the best of times. She sat there, staring at the elderly man–who had he been, in another place, another life? And who was he talking to?
identify. ones personality and how one can be unique from all others.
I’m not sure what my identity is or what I identify as. Am I Asian or am I American? These questions I ask always come out without an answer. Who am I? What am I? Who can I be?
im not sure what my ultimate identity really is, considering im only a junior in college. do we really need a distinct identity? life is all about changing and finding oneself through different experiences, places, and people, so how could one person have only one identity?
i often forget my identity. as soon as someone says my name, i often think “who am i?” i look down at these hands, wondering if i am who i am. how can i think? how can i breathe? how am i me?
kara chiasson
No one really knows what the word identity is. Is it really possible for you to have your own identity? If so, no one influences you. You live in a cave. I think it is absolutely impossible. Our identities are a combination of everyone we have ever met or talked to. Or the lack of them. Either way.
One’s identity, how to describe it, has never been something easily done. It’s hard to describe yourself to another person, and it’s hard to describe another person to others…. but all in all, you just need to work on becoming the person you want to be.
cell phones and laptops control us.
they can hardwire us.
and thus
we die
The girl no one knows
Seraphine kept her true backround hidden from the villagers. Already, she was an outcast and she didn’t want to be seperated anymore then that. Some small part of her longed to be accepted but thanks to a series of unfortunate events, that would never happen.
I had an identity crisis and began to wonder what it all amounted to. My life had become just another cog in the spirit of the nation. Individuality is hard to feel when everything is the same. Who am I?
I feel I have lost my identity. I used to know who I was and what I wanted. There are so many pressures coming from all around me that is demanding a be something. Be smart, be kind, be thin, be pretty, be happy, etc. etc. It’s agonizing trying to decide which one to be and yet I know which one it is. I want to be and do it all. However the confines of time and my own sanity do not permit me to do this seemingly simple task…
She didn’t know who she was. An angel, trapped in the fires of hell? Or the other way around? Her identity was in crisis. She felt sometimes as if this were the perfect place to be, and others like she was the outcast among outcasts; the most perfect pariah. But who would tell her? Identity was an ever changing matter. She couldn’t know what her true identity was. Maybe it was what she thought it was.
Identity crisis. Losing one’s identity. Finding one’s identity. Finding one’s voice. Voice is part of identity, maybe all of identity. One voice, one heart, one mind, one identity.
i’ve lost my identity.
Identity are those aspects which we believe we understand the most in ourselves, and by which we define our existence.
Carson Ramsdell
What’s your identity?
I am not a number! I am a man!
Capn Kirk
identity is what we are, its what we claim ourselves to be, you can have more than one but no two are the same no matter how similar there are always major contributing differences
Identity. People are always seaching for there’s. Idenity crisis, identity theft. I have no idea what mine entails.And i don’t have to. I”m only 17 after all. Wow, 17? Soon i’ll be 18 and have to know at least as far as legal is concerned.
Identity. People are always seaching for there’s. Idenity crisis, identity theft. I have no idea what mine entails.And i don’t have to. I”m only 17 after all. Wow, 17? Soon i’ll be 18 and have to know at least as far as legal is concerned.
Seeking my identity in this whirlwind of change, my day to day changes very little, though my mind is every changing, searching for that illusive perception of self.
Tracey Loftis
Seeking my identity in this whirlwind of change, my day to day changes very little, though my mind is every changing, searching for that illusive perception of self.
In health today we talked about how the in the teenage years one typically searched for their identity, their sense of purpose.
I think it changes as your life does. But it’s good to lay down the basics, right?
my identity differs depending on who is relating to it. I base myself on anything and everything around me. I don’t think this is wrong or dishonest, it’s how everyone becomes themself.
In health today we talked about how the in the teenage years one typically searched for their identity, their sense of purpose.
I think it changes as your life does. But it’s good to lay down the basics, right?
he said something along the lines of: “go wash your own moron face.” i kissed him on the mouth. we went walking, except that it wasn’t much like walking at all, i mean it looked like walking i’m sure, but it didn’t feel to much like walking, when you really got down to the bottom of it. it was more like singing. we found a tree, as if it were money maybe. it was lost and it did not belong to us. i said it was probably a grandmother of some sort. trees are often grandmothers. he agreed and told me that the tree was incidentally his grandmother, so i took all the necessary precautions and introduced myself in a british accent.
Identity is what we make of ourselves, not what is given to us. It is our preferences and our beliefs. Not our race or our religion.
identity is complex…i’ve always been asked “are you an american jew or a jewish american?” there’s a big difference.
sarah p.
Identity. What is it? It is nothing to the people of my world. Anyone can be anyone. You have nothing. People lie. People steal. People cheat. They ruin eachother’s lives and for what? To regain their own? But how can they when there is someone else out there? Someone else who has sought to destroy theirs? I have chosen no identity. That way, it cannot be stolen. I will walk the streets of this city with no people. No REAL people, and i will smile. For i am no one. And THAT, no one can take from me.
identity is what makes us us. it is the unique part of everyone that differs us from the world. its our DNA, our love, our
who am i
It’s always the same sky. The same sun. The same road.
Just a different false I.D. card singing in my pocket.
Your identity is you, is solid, is unable to be taken. You are unique to your identity and it to you.
losing one’s self.
the identity of one can not be defined by what someone does, what someone says,or how people act around other. It should be a combination of the three, or many none at all. I can say to this day, i don’t know what my identity is.
Nora sighed and flipped her hair. Her identity today was herself, not Ginny, and she had never been happier to simply put her hair in a messy ponytail. Dressing in the identity of a book character was fun, that was for sure, but it made dressing as herself seem so much simpler. She could dress up if she wanted, or she could just relax.
Her identity was lost forever. Well, this was just perfect.
Sarah slumped against the wall of her holding cell, sighing. Sarah. It wasn’t her real name, of course. Though she supposed keeping up the pretense of being a simple housekeeper didn’t matter, now.
My identity is my own. Man male transman fag dyke cocksucker, boy, Daddy, tired papa. All these things are me and always will be me, in some respect or another. No one has the right to tell any other person how to identify or how to make that identity real. Leave identification up to the experts, yeah?
to know one’s self
what people see in you
what people know about you
How do we find our identity? Am I a person? A woman? An American? A white American? Do I want to be identified with labels like that at all or should my identity be deeper?
Identity is nebulous at the best of times. She sat there, staring at the elderly man–who had he been, in another place, another life? And who was he talking to?
identify. ones personality and how one can be unique from all others.
I’m not sure what my identity is or what I identify as. Am I Asian or am I American? These questions I ask always come out without an answer. Who am I? What am I? Who can I be?
im not sure what my ultimate identity really is, considering im only a junior in college. do we really need a distinct identity? life is all about changing and finding oneself through different experiences, places, and people, so how could one person have only one identity?
i often forget my identity. as soon as someone says my name, i often think “who am i?” i look down at these hands, wondering if i am who i am. how can i think? how can i breathe? how am i me?
No one really knows what the word identity is. Is it really possible for you to have your own identity? If so, no one influences you. You live in a cave. I think it is absolutely impossible. Our identities are a combination of everyone we have ever met or talked to. Or the lack of them. Either way.
One’s identity, how to describe it, has never been something easily done. It’s hard to describe yourself to another person, and it’s hard to describe another person to others…. but all in all, you just need to work on becoming the person you want to be.
cell phones and laptops control us.
they can hardwire us.
and thus
we die
Seraphine kept her true backround hidden from the villagers. Already, she was an outcast and she didn’t want to be seperated anymore then that. Some small part of her longed to be accepted but thanks to a series of unfortunate events, that would never happen.
I had an identity crisis and began to wonder what it all amounted to. My life had become just another cog in the spirit of the nation. Individuality is hard to feel when everything is the same. Who am I?
I feel I have lost my identity. I used to know who I was and what I wanted. There are so many pressures coming from all around me that is demanding a be something. Be smart, be kind, be thin, be pretty, be happy, etc. etc. It’s agonizing trying to decide which one to be and yet I know which one it is. I want to be and do it all. However the confines of time and my own sanity do not permit me to do this seemingly simple task…
She didn’t know who she was. An angel, trapped in the fires of hell? Or the other way around? Her identity was in crisis. She felt sometimes as if this were the perfect place to be, and others like she was the outcast among outcasts; the most perfect pariah. But who would tell her? Identity was an ever changing matter. She couldn’t know what her true identity was. Maybe it was what she thought it was.
Identity crisis. Losing one’s identity. Finding one’s identity. Finding one’s voice. Voice is part of identity, maybe all of identity. One voice, one heart, one mind, one identity.
i’ve lost my identity.
Identity are those aspects which we believe we understand the most in ourselves, and by which we define our existence.
What’s your identity?
I am not a number! I am a man!
identity is what we are, its what we claim ourselves to be, you can have more than one but no two are the same no matter how similar there are always major contributing differences
Identity. People are always seaching for there’s. Idenity crisis, identity theft. I have no idea what mine entails.And i don’t have to. I”m only 17 after all. Wow, 17? Soon i’ll be 18 and have to know at least as far as legal is concerned.
Identity. People are always seaching for there’s. Idenity crisis, identity theft. I have no idea what mine entails.And i don’t have to. I”m only 17 after all. Wow, 17? Soon i’ll be 18 and have to know at least as far as legal is concerned.
Seeking my identity in this whirlwind of change, my day to day changes very little, though my mind is every changing, searching for that illusive perception of self.
Seeking my identity in this whirlwind of change, my day to day changes very little, though my mind is every changing, searching for that illusive perception of self.
In health today we talked about how the in the teenage years one typically searched for their identity, their sense of purpose.
I think it changes as your life does. But it’s good to lay down the basics, right?
my identity differs depending on who is relating to it. I base myself on anything and everything around me. I don’t think this is wrong or dishonest, it’s how everyone becomes themself.
In health today we talked about how the in the teenage years one typically searched for their identity, their sense of purpose.
I think it changes as your life does. But it’s good to lay down the basics, right?
he said something along the lines of: “go wash your own moron face.” i kissed him on the mouth. we went walking, except that it wasn’t much like walking at all, i mean it looked like walking i’m sure, but it didn’t feel to much like walking, when you really got down to the bottom of it. it was more like singing. we found a tree, as if it were money maybe. it was lost and it did not belong to us. i said it was probably a grandmother of some sort. trees are often grandmothers. he agreed and told me that the tree was incidentally his grandmother, so i took all the necessary precautions and introduced myself in a british accent.
Identity is what we make of ourselves, not what is given to us. It is our preferences and our beliefs. Not our race or our religion.
identity is complex…i’ve always been asked “are you an american jew or a jewish american?” there’s a big difference.
Identity. What is it? It is nothing to the people of my world. Anyone can be anyone. You have nothing. People lie. People steal. People cheat. They ruin eachother’s lives and for what? To regain their own? But how can they when there is someone else out there? Someone else who has sought to destroy theirs? I have chosen no identity. That way, it cannot be stolen. I will walk the streets of this city with no people. No REAL people, and i will smile. For i am no one. And THAT, no one can take from me.
identity is what makes us us. it is the unique part of everyone that differs us from the world. its our DNA, our love, our
who am i
It’s always the same sky. The same sun. The same road.
Just a different false I.D. card singing in my pocket.
Your identity is you, is solid, is unable to be taken. You are unique to your identity and it to you.