
November 3rd, 2009 | 402 Entries

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402 Entries for “identity”

  1. Identity is whatever your mind tells you you are, or vise versa. It is whatever you believe yourself to be. You can always recreate your identity if you so choose. This recreation is called growth. Happy growing my friends…

  2. follow me i am scared foryou to see who i am i lhate me i want my own identity if you love me please save me tell me love my identiy i cannot not think iam scared afraid its simple this should be simple but iam scared i dont know if i should feel tyhis way omg omg omg i cant not not htink this is hard. identity. i think iam spelling that wrong what

  3. theft

  4. what is an identity without a face to go with? how many people have not only their credit identity stolen but also their personal identity? dont cheat. be yourself. i know i am. identity is you.

  5. There were times when he wasn’t sure exactly who he was. What was he true identity? He would never know for sure.

    Lady Psychic
  6. A identity is who you are. not what you do. its who you hang with. the way you think. identity is what you protray to the outside world along with to those who know you.

    samantha mcbride/
  7. Identity, that’s the crisis that I’m having right now, well i know it sounds really funny, but im at the stage where i dont know who i am, what im doing, where i belong and where i came from. its true…Im lost, really really lost.

  8. Identity, that’s the crisis that I’m having right now, well i know it sounds really funny, but im at the stage where i dont know who i am, what im doing, where i belong and where i came from. its true…Im lost, really really lost.

  9. Sitting here. Putting off my future, not knowing what do with myself. Not sure who I am and who I’ve become, not even sure of who I used to be. Lacking an identity. Here. Alone. Again. Sitting. Me.

  10. I don’t see you, but you know all about me. You know my birthday, my age, my hair color. You are a stranger, but could seem like my friend. How do you know my identity?

  11. identity is the root of all evil. everyone has their own identity even tho many will try to copy your. you can be the most original person and someone, somewhere will try to imitate you and your originality.

    Sweet Doll loves Chad
  12. names seemingly surface description but true identity has to do what is in your soul your essence what motivates and fulfills you

  13. My identity is lost. Standing here, looking out towards the streets with their tall lights staring back at me, I wonder what it would be like to have my identity. Would it be a good one? Would I care? Just to have someone other than my brother know I was alive…what would that be like? I don’t know. I never will.

  14. an identity crisis is something that we all go through.. you can never really know who you are, you can be what you want to be in that very moment. I think many other people need to be open to not having an identity…

  15. everyone has an identity but no one actually knows who they are all the time. identity is how you identify someone. you aren’t anyone without your identity. so don’t ruin it or else you are screwed because you only get one of them.

  16. How does one know their identity? Can anyone really define themselves totally and completely? I’m not just talking about how teenagers don’t know who they are, I’m also talking about how most adults don’t know themselves either. Nobody can ever really know who they are.

  17. He had no identity. he was like shadows, like breaks in the wall, cracks in the side walk. slipping away and hiding in the unknown places. he was like the gaps between history and the pauses between moments. he was a wallflower and try as he might, he couldn’t be noticed.

  18. Time dictated that he work with the utmost of speed. There were only three choices and he’d already tried two of the options.

    On the third attempt the lock slid back into position and the system appeared to suddenly lock down.

    “Shit!” he said as a bead of sweat dripped onto the keyboard. He was preparing to pack and go when a metallic click issued, and the whirring of huge servos announced that he’d unlocked the door.

    As the 12 tonne door swung pendulously on it’s enourmous hinges the wry smile on his face slowly turned to horror as out of the darkness a low moan came followed by the shambling horror within.

  19. vnhv he fhwe hvdb gdy3vu vdtvdhgydvtwv dt vdqw d t gd bqs qwyb ye bhwebvduyhes d vtwdgv gevdhgfd bdybeh dyd btd vvd q dvt d bv gtr b dbhfb ftgeb feg v egfv efvgb dfKJBdoKIHG&UTYFDUKhVB AZOPWYUd9bihfvgukjb. vbuydh bvdhv v.bdnjvh vuedv m NHUIGF V. viuv nnu GC abcyh dnu2einckjw4egbf jugefbENFlN yhnm johnFma jn aytG Gnyh nwdhfgbhd cjTGBFHDNFGBMFGB IBY B DB qjyijbo8qyi mhujmsudhfn vjzbfg fg khrtd6jyi nny8iuh nyit hn ymmuyhb ny5uhtb nhltkn

  20. its not so much about who you are than what you are actually about. What you do and how you do things are what create your true idenity.

  21. i have an identety like everyone else my identity is that i am 10 and i luv dogs so much

  22. i am a pacifist, a feminist, a lover, a friend, a sister, a thinker, a college freshman, a sixteen year old, a neo-hippie :), a Beatlemaniac, a reader, a writer.

    I am Robin.

  23. It is subjective. It is based on what the ego tells us, what we have experienced, what we would like to believe about ourselves. Identity is not just your name, your height, skin color or upbringing, it is what resonates with us when we are asked, who are you…

  24. my identity has been stolen. The person walked right up to be and stole it. They did not say a word, their face was emotionless. There is
  25. Sometimes I’m afraid of losing my identity as time goes on. It’s one of my biggest fears. I feel like life is slipping away from me. Being emotionally detached is awesome, until it means you’re losing your touch on reality.

    I’m terrified.

  26. The very sense of being. Who you are and what that means to both yourself and the world around you as it pertains to your personal being. Your soul is nothing compared to your identity. And what identity isn’t, is anything to do with someone else or an outside source. Despite what appears, identity is all you. And what that means, I’m not entirely sure…I just smoked a bowl.

  27. The identity of the woman was unknown. All he knew was that she was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. That was enough for him. He stood up and started to walk towards the woman. His eyes went from her soft brownish blond hair to the red trench coat that she was wearing.

    Victor Hugo
  28. identity

  29. identity?
    what is it really?
    is it the face i bare?
    the scars i hold?
    the stories i tell?
    or is it the name i was branded with?

  30. My identity? What’s your identity?

    Ben Olson
  31. i have no identity. i dont know who i am therefore no one knows who i am. i want to figure it out so that i can be whole, so that people will understand.

  32. Many people associate identity with possessions. How they look, how they talk often take a back seat. Identity is how others view us when it should be how we view ourselves.

  33. the dissolution of self. bacchanalian rituals. i wonder what the bacchae thought of, if anything, when they were performing their rites. blood and sexual guts spilling on forest floors. what did euripides think of that?

  34. her identity is secret, its hidden from all that want to know, from those that think they know her, and at times she thinks from herself. Her identity has been compromised and replaced with another-gone is the burning hair and green eyes, now set in place with a boring and normal identity that she can’t stand to hide.

  35. My identity is not your identity. Your identity is not his identity. And thus, we have come in a full circle- his identity is not mine, either. Are we all so different from one another? I think so.

  36. I am teacher, mom, wife, sister. I like to smile, though it is often hard. I wish I could relax, sometimes, breath a bit more. Look at the leaves, blue sky, white clouds.

  37. the identity of the man was undisguised for he was an alien that no one could see. imaginary in the world of glacial space triennial

  38. identity, physical, gender identity, blurred in Nightwood, different character identities, Robin, Nora Flood, Dr. Matthew O’Connell, the Night, national identity blurred with shifting locals. Things change, change is the last outcome, the book is over.

  39. theft sucks, happens all of the time and should be stopped.

  40. You think your identity would be something that you could keep with you at all times, something you wouldn’t have to worry about losing.

    Of course you can be wrong. Sometimes we think ourselves to be someone else. Someone more courageous, more important than what we really are. The thing is we get so used to who we think we are, and cling so tightly to it, that when our ideal self is challenged we become insulted, and a crack appears in our egos.
