
November 3rd, 2009 | 402 Entries

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402 Entries for “identity”

  1. identity,

    where is it, that love i wore on my sleeve. that heart i kept so close to mine, it kept me sane, it shown through the night. it told me who i was, what i wanted, what my identity would be who i would remain. where are you now? not in bed next to me. sleeping close keeping the nightmares at bay, how i miss you my sweet identity.

  2. My identity is what I am. I am me. But who is me? I am the one that you walk past in the hallways without a second glance. I am the one who laughs and likes to have a good time. I am the one that helps whenever need. My identity is me. I am who I can be, and who I am is is Kris. Your average, ordinary girl.

  3. identity is a wierd thing. you never know when someone is changing their identity or if they are changing their personality when they are talking to you. you just have to trust someone that they are showing their true identity.

    identity is also very malliable you can change it whenever you want

  4. I didn’t know what identity I had taken on. At first, I thought i was just a person. Your average, everyday high school girl. But now, I had taken on the identity of the pretty little princess. The one who got all of the guys in the school. I was turning into my worse enemy. I use to loathe girls like me, and now I was one. What was wrong with me?

  5. my identity is a mystery. i have no idea who i am or what i am. why am i here? my identity is a secret with it’s answer held by God. my identity is sacred, no one can duplicate me. I am my own identity.

    Christy Bui
  6. Identity is everything. Me? I Identify myself as a young hard working girl. People identify themselves by what they do, and what they like to do. I like going to school and I enjoy helping people. I am going to school to become a social worker.

    Nicole Webb
  7. who you are and what you find yourself to be. there isnt anyone like you and that is your identity and no one else can have your identity. like a finger print and your face. no one has your face. some people have secret identitys and others have stolen identitys!

  8. Identity is who you are. It is everything about you. Personality, favorite color, hobbies, activities. It is your mother father, what you look like, who you’ve dated. Your name. But it’s also more than that. It is you thoughts. It is your opinions. And it is what you accomplish in the world.

  9. life, amazing. who you are. who am i an identity is your life, how you can imagine the day, who you live with. my identity relies on my boyfriend. i love him with my soul and who i am is who he is. we are everything together

  10. ya hice esto de hablar de la identidad. creo que es mucho hablar de nuevo. la identidad es un espejo que hay que escupir cada cierto tiempo. luego limpiarlo con la manga y ver el reflejo nuevamente. empa

  11. everyone has their own identity. good bad slutty bitchy stupid. but it doesn’t matter. you are who you are, and that is that.

  12. stolen. Keep it private. Trying to be someone you are not. Be your own person.

  13. My identity is completely phony. Completely fabricated by myself. I look in the mirror and I think, “Who do I want to be?” and…POOF! That’s who I am, that’s how I act. The question is: what is it that leads me to choose the way I do?

    Daniel Hoyt
  14. My life. My thoughts. My feelings. My world. My everything.
  15. For me, there is no identity. What am I? Who am I? And me, only 19.

  16. I am. Me. Id. Personality. Individuality. Importance. Perfect Imperfection.

  17. my life is a direct line to the source I am a very singular person and yet I watch endlessly endlessly
    I am

  18. the last time i was aware of myself i was still shitting my diapers. identity is lost once one is aware of himself.

  19. “It’s not me, no, it’s her bad body double.”

    Lies, it all are and always will be. It’s just excuses, always, because the world refuses to let things be and we must always comprehend the nonsensicalities of society. You must know who you are. You must know what you want. You must, not may.

  20. my identity doesn’ exist it exist only in my mind, that is not even a real mind, is a mind that is expanding to another identities. i dont speak in english, i only wroite for the pleasure of giving you my false identity.
    that is the truth

  21. i have no identity. or at least i thought so. then i discovered i had many identities, the only thing that mattered was the time and place and who was there and how i had to be. i guess we all have masks. mine just have names and faces. it’s a genius way to get through life. survival.

  22. my face. personality. who i am. stolen. judgement. first impression. friends. life. funny. personable. images. people

  23. Identity is something you need.
    U can get it by getting a driver’s license/learner’s permit etc.
    Identity can be stolen.

  24. i never knew her identity. she just hit me with a brick, took my keys, my latte, and my dog. i thought about reporting her to the authorities, but hey, she was hella hot and i think maybe someday she will break into my home and make out with me. i love lattes. and i don’t miss that yapping mutt.

    sean kindt
  25. They pulled out his wallet. “Any I.D.?” Greg asked.
    “No. Wallet’s clean.”
    “Right. Call him John Doe, then.”
    “Got it. Any leads?”

  26. the sign to recognise one with; a sanction; a card worn with name and other details; an important trait to categorise. A name, a clan, a nationality etc.

    Pavalamani Pragasam
  27. My identity is a mystery. A mysterious enemy. I don’t even know it. Is it safer that way? Can I evade the truth that way? Or will it find me anyway and find an unsuspecting victim from me? I’ll never see it coming, that’s for sure. I wouldn’t have the foggiest where it should be coming from in the first place

  28. people who see what your exterior is. Sometimes it seems like I dont have a real identity because I have never told anyone that I am adopted. Am I the person who people believe. Does this mean I have lied toeveryone who is close to me? Should I come clean or live blissfully ignorant like my friends. It is painful to think that I am not really who they think.

  29. identity seems to be a labyrinth of forest, compiled into the desert of the human mind. how dare we assume that the GAK of personality, character, relationships, and all-encompassing being can be reduced to one sphere of meaning? we are nothing but that we say we are, but then we are reduced. i do not identify.

  30. My identity remained a mystery; the mask covering my face was both torn and tattered but just enough to conceal my face. I knew that if she knew it was me, she wouldn’t understand my needs.
    I held the gun to her head and repeated myself.
    “I need this, and I need it now. Just give me the money.”
    She gave in.

  31. Figure out something that feels like the ideal of exact. Remember someone’s face. Remembering is so difficult. I dent if I face you.

  32. how do you define it? is it the money you earn or in the siblings you grew up with?
    i am a white caucasian female

    i have a fondness for bananas

    i like cats

  33. The identity of the girl was unknown. A bruise on one eye, blood trickling from the other, her nose was smashed in a way God had obviously never intended. Breath came from her, he noticed – an exhale.

  34. who”s-sacred, important, everything and all that we have. The very core of us and those we trust. Identity cannot be taken away nor given to us…

  35. identity is something that you create. you make up who you are along the way. Life isn’t about finding yourself. its about creating yourself.

    Olivia K.
  36. some people think that an identity is something that your born with, that you come out of the womb with. But i’ve discovered that its something that you create. Every situation you’ve been in, every heartbreak, every scar – that’s your identity.

  37. i am…it is a puzzle i must say who am i, i’m not sure how can it be that i’m me. if i think therefore i am but what is it i think i am. too much seuss

    Brian H.
  38. oh fuck. this word is so complex. i have an identity, at least as far as i choose to define it. i guess i’m a daughter, sister, friend, girlfriend, superhero, masked maven. Any number of things I choose to write down are only true as far as I believe them or perpetuate them…so I guess my identity is up for grabs. but yours isn’t…i took it.

  39. Identity, it’s what you are, what you become. What you will be, what you can be. What you are… Shall we play it again? Shall we go over it again? But of course. You need your identity, you need to be someone.

  40. What is anyone’s identity? Are we really who we say we are? Do our activities and preferences define us? How can we really explain ourselves?
