Almezing smell, swirling beauty romantic pain of those who never got to see it. Wait It’s breath deep, in and out.
she likes the incense swirling up in the sky, likes the smell of it the curls of smoke like lazy snakes in the air,
The smell of you,
the smell of me too,
the smell of your incense, the smell of you:
for this,
for this only,
my insides are breaking
the dawn.
I watch you
and I yawn;
I yawn.
I need
squirrel toys.
the smell of incense was warming the place’s cold atmosphere, everybody seemed more friendly now. I flt a bit more comfortable. Now I see the people around me and am ready to get to know them better.
Slowly, it burns
I wonder when im going to
smell it.
The scent, the wonderful
scent that makes me calm
the scent that sends me to
worlds unknown. I smell it,
I sit, I sleep, and wonder
why my body is affected,
by such a simple thing.
Permeating aroma setting off allergic reactions to religious rites. Also, hiding other odors one wouldn’t want their parents to detect …
she bowed down in a silent prayer, incense filling her senses. in front of her was the sight of a face she grew up with. a face she loved, a face she sometimes fought with. a face she never thought she’d lose. a face she’d never thought she’d miss like this. and it was a face she’d never see again.
but she said, “papa, i will see you one day, okay?” she said silently, fighting back tears. “i will see you again one day.”
and she smiled, as if knowingly her father was nodding, as if agreeing with her.
Sara de Souza
She inhaled deeply. The back of her brain swam with deep, thick smoke.
She wasn’t sure if she was being drugged or not.
Actually, as it turned out, small cyborg components were contained within that dark smoke. When she left the Incense Room, she wasn’t the same human as when she walked out.
She was a little bit stronger.
A little bit wiser.
A little bit more dangerous.
brought before the king of kings
thought to be the thing of things
it’s scent was like the ocean breeze
or maybe honey of the bees
its not as subtle as it sounds
its scent can tend to be renowned
smelly, gets rid of unwanted smells, makes girls drop trow, smells good, creates smoke, requires a lighter or match, generally brown with crazy names, bought at head shops,
fragrant smells throughout the room. hippies. candles… soft lighting. relaxation. home. breathing out.
Almezing smell, swirling beauty romantic pain of those who never got to see it. Wait It’s breath deep, in and out.
she likes the incense swirling up in the sky, likes the smell of it the curls of smoke like lazy snakes in the air,
The smell of you,
the smell of me too,
the smell of your incense, the smell of you:
for this,
for this only,
my insides are breaking
the dawn.
I watch you
and I yawn;
I yawn.
I need
squirrel toys.
the smell of incense was warming the place’s cold atmosphere, everybody seemed more friendly now. I flt a bit more comfortable. Now I see the people around me and am ready to get to know them better.
Slowly, it burns
I wonder when im going to
smell it.
The scent, the wonderful
scent that makes me calm
the scent that sends me to
worlds unknown. I smell it,
I sit, I sleep, and wonder
why my body is affected,
by such a simple thing.
Permeating aroma setting off allergic reactions to religious rites. Also, hiding other odors one wouldn’t want their parents to detect …
she bowed down in a silent prayer, incense filling her senses. in front of her was the sight of a face she grew up with. a face she loved, a face she sometimes fought with. a face she never thought she’d lose. a face she’d never thought she’d miss like this. and it was a face she’d never see again.
but she said, “papa, i will see you one day, okay?” she said silently, fighting back tears. “i will see you again one day.”
and she smiled, as if knowingly her father was nodding, as if agreeing with her.
She inhaled deeply. The back of her brain swam with deep, thick smoke.
She wasn’t sure if she was being drugged or not.
Actually, as it turned out, small cyborg components were contained within that dark smoke. When she left the Incense Room, she wasn’t the same human as when she walked out.
She was a little bit stronger.
A little bit wiser.
A little bit more dangerous.
brought before the king of kings
thought to be the thing of things
it’s scent was like the ocean breeze
or maybe honey of the bees
its not as subtle as it sounds
its scent can tend to be renowned
smelly, gets rid of unwanted smells, makes girls drop trow, smells good, creates smoke, requires a lighter or match, generally brown with crazy names, bought at head shops,
fragrant smells throughout the room. hippies. candles… soft lighting. relaxation. home. breathing out.