Some kind of
The smell of incense was cherry blosso it driffted over the garden and trees to the housing estate.
Scent, The smell of something
i have no idea
smells like pot cover up…i worked at a boarding school and always wondered when i smelled it if the kids were stoned. I was never a stoner so i couldn’t count on knowing, i guess that was lucky for the kids.
i have all these sticks of incense in my room and just by themselves…they smell amazing. its weird how smell can do that-just make you feel better. like somepeople have a certain smell. and when you walk by them and smell it. its a crazy weird feeling
I love the smell of incense. The sweetness of the fragance fills all of my rooms. I love the incense and the aromotheraphy.
Kitty Sutton
One night I went over to your house and we burned incense and listened to Streetlight Manifesto and went on your roof. It was great, and I miss you and your incense and your roof and your alternative rock CDs.
anger flowing coursing through the body,lip curling in a childrens book, furious hair on end anger spittle hitting the face upper lip tight little line eyes out bulging hips over bearing amazing and gobsmacked by stupidity.
The smell of incense burned in her nose, clogging the air in the small room. Other than the smell, it was a fairly normal, almost boring place. White walls, wood furniture, the curtains were just plain gray.
Just her luck to be stuck in a place like this.
Incense burning in the metal bowl fills the house with sweet memories of a teenage hippy phase when I shopped in Mrs Peach’s in Taunton and drank (under-age) in the Full Moon in the High Street.
Annabel Weir
It smells wonderful. It always takes me back to the days when I called myself Wiccan. Even rthough I’m not Wiccan now, it’s still triggers fond memories.
incense. i guess it’s a way to relieve stress, but i just find it kind of lame. it depends on who you are. some smells are sweet, but others are piercing to the senses. i can’t have incense in my dorm anyway because apparently the building will burn down. does that make (in)sense? hah. a pun.
Incense looks like incest. Except it like a candle. It is not a sexual act between family.
incense smells weird and was popular in the 90s. It is still popular with weirdos.
Incense. The smoke filled her lungs but she breathed it in deeply anyway, despite the uncomfortable burning. It smelled good, like peace, like calm. The small ember in the darkness gave her mind something to focus on, red and bright. She felt like that, sometimes, just an ember burning in the darkness. Sometimes she also felt like the smoke, floating blindly, lost and without direction.
Smells that are horrible, no matter what they are made to smell like.
Sweet smelling harsh smoke and wonderment of peace and abstraction.
Smells swirling around like fairy dust. Fills the room with vibrancy. Too strong or not strong enough; catch me. I need to feel at home. Wake me up. I need to feel okay. Surround me, consume me. You smell lovely.
the incense filled the room, clouding it with smoke, hazy. she sat there, legs crossed indian style in boxers and a loose tee, her fingers tracing the wooden floor. she could breathe for once, her mind clearing, yet in some strange way transcending the pain that had left her immobile. this was the beginning to freedom, to understanding that maybe love wasn’t always perfect.
Do not incense him. You do not know what you are creating or destroying. Mind your management of your resources or you may lose them. RIP Adam
my high school english teacher always burned incense, and the scent traveled through the halls… everyone hated it.
The dog was incensed. How could these humans not give him his food? How could they leave him, chained and whimpering, inside a cage while they went outside and frolicked in the sun? He decided that he wouldn’t take it any longer.
she could smell the incense from the towering building that seemed five times its mere 2 stories. she shuddered and entered into the massive arches with gargoyles protecting its wrought-iron gates
smell like a smoky scent of hippie hindu wood burning bathroom candle fire on a stick. i could be incensed at a comment or insensitive to your needs.
a name
The vanilla pouch at Beds Baths and Beyond smelled terrible. I coughed so much, very strong. I don’t understand why people use vanilla in cakes if it’s a chocolate cake, or to make other things that aren’t vanilla. That just doesn’t make any sense to me. Why don’t they have chocolate you have to put into everything?
Incense wafted up from the pot as she sat cross legged on the red satin pillow. Light flickered across the dimly lit room as she huffed in annoyance and conceded that she would find no peace in her meditation today. Instead she turned her thoughts to he who distracted her focus.
He figured they would be fairly incensed at him. Not only had he deliberately disobeyed their directives, but it seemed that he may have made the situation with the girl worse. Not only did she know, but now she was out to change things. As if that was possible. Yes, he did not think they would be happy at all.
swirling colours. the memory of being wild, free as the birds in the blue sky. the memory was there, as clear as the event that never happened. senses are stimulated, and a being is awakened.
The incense stick burned slowly in the little girl’s hand. She put it in the cup to burn with her parent’s incense sticks, and made three ketou to her dead grandparents as the fake money burned in the makeshift metal pot.
Ann X.
“Hurry, we don’t have much time!” I felt myself being dragged further down the pitch-black hall, the stones on the wall scraping my hand. A cloud of incense filled my lungs and made my light blind eyes water.
Courtney Kowalke
She took a deep breathe. Something was wrong, something didn’t smell right. What was it?
Suddenly she knew what it was. She took the stairs two steps at a time and stopped in front of her room. She could smell the incense through the door…
The streaker flashed by me. I was incensed. That was absolutely disgusting. Why do people do that? Just to prove some stupid point? What point are you proving? That you are indeed a deranged idiot in need of psychological help?
Patience Stewart
The burning smell of flesh and hair wafted across the threshold of the building like an incense offering to a strange god. Willem wiped his sword on his thigh and stepped out.
The smell of the incense took me back to a dark place in my life. 15 years old and utterly depressed. Turning to religions I knew nothing about. I burned incense and mixed herbs looking for a special kind of magic that would take the pain away. I never did find it.
Jessica Sanford
I was so mad. I was red. I was burning, and it just didn’t make sense. She asked about my whereabouts. I haven’t been around much for a reason. There was a great disconnect that nobody felt.
The connections. That’s why I was so mad.
the smell that permeates the air
a smoke, a haze
a hypnotic tranquility follows
blurring the lines between reality and dreamscape
and when it is over
am back to reality
Earl E.
I could smelel the intoxicatoing aroma. It permeated my esenses, making me thingk of gypsies and mystery and beatuy. I couldn’t nehlp but lose myself in the moment, breathing in the beauty of the fascinating scent. It was beautiful and dark and mysterious yet light and flirthy and amazing. I couldn’t help but fall in love with it.
incense. at a funeral. that strong, sharp, fragrance. supposed to smell like roses or something, but it smells like death. the smell of incense mixed with the smell of camphor. the death smell. i like vanilla incense. its not like the smell of death.
the smell that permeates the air
a smoke, a haze
a hypnotic tranquility follows
blurring the lines between reality and dreamscape
and when it is over
am back to reality
Earl E.
The smoke drifted towards the ceiling fan. It caught in the updraft and wafted against the acoustic ceiling where it would stick for years. The smell was awful but it wasn’t new. I had become accustomed to it.
Some kind of
The smell of incense was cherry blosso it driffted over the garden and trees to the housing estate.
Scent, The smell of something
i have no idea
smells like pot cover up…i worked at a boarding school and always wondered when i smelled it if the kids were stoned. I was never a stoner so i couldn’t count on knowing, i guess that was lucky for the kids.
i have all these sticks of incense in my room and just by themselves…they smell amazing. its weird how smell can do that-just make you feel better. like somepeople have a certain smell. and when you walk by them and smell it. its a crazy weird feeling
I love the smell of incense. The sweetness of the fragance fills all of my rooms. I love the incense and the aromotheraphy.
One night I went over to your house and we burned incense and listened to Streetlight Manifesto and went on your roof. It was great, and I miss you and your incense and your roof and your alternative rock CDs.
anger flowing coursing through the body,lip curling in a childrens book, furious hair on end anger spittle hitting the face upper lip tight little line eyes out bulging hips over bearing amazing and gobsmacked by stupidity.
The smell of incense burned in her nose, clogging the air in the small room. Other than the smell, it was a fairly normal, almost boring place. White walls, wood furniture, the curtains were just plain gray.
Just her luck to be stuck in a place like this.
Incense burning in the metal bowl fills the house with sweet memories of a teenage hippy phase when I shopped in Mrs Peach’s in Taunton and drank (under-age) in the Full Moon in the High Street.
It smells wonderful. It always takes me back to the days when I called myself Wiccan. Even rthough I’m not Wiccan now, it’s still triggers fond memories.
incense. i guess it’s a way to relieve stress, but i just find it kind of lame. it depends on who you are. some smells are sweet, but others are piercing to the senses. i can’t have incense in my dorm anyway because apparently the building will burn down. does that make (in)sense? hah. a pun.
Incense looks like incest. Except it like a candle. It is not a sexual act between family.
incense smells weird and was popular in the 90s. It is still popular with weirdos.
Incense. The smoke filled her lungs but she breathed it in deeply anyway, despite the uncomfortable burning. It smelled good, like peace, like calm. The small ember in the darkness gave her mind something to focus on, red and bright. She felt like that, sometimes, just an ember burning in the darkness. Sometimes she also felt like the smoke, floating blindly, lost and without direction.
Smells that are horrible, no matter what they are made to smell like.
Sweet smelling harsh smoke and wonderment of peace and abstraction.
Smells swirling around like fairy dust. Fills the room with vibrancy. Too strong or not strong enough; catch me. I need to feel at home. Wake me up. I need to feel okay. Surround me, consume me. You smell lovely.
the incense filled the room, clouding it with smoke, hazy. she sat there, legs crossed indian style in boxers and a loose tee, her fingers tracing the wooden floor. she could breathe for once, her mind clearing, yet in some strange way transcending the pain that had left her immobile. this was the beginning to freedom, to understanding that maybe love wasn’t always perfect.
Do not incense him. You do not know what you are creating or destroying. Mind your management of your resources or you may lose them. RIP Adam
my high school english teacher always burned incense, and the scent traveled through the halls… everyone hated it.
The dog was incensed. How could these humans not give him his food? How could they leave him, chained and whimpering, inside a cage while they went outside and frolicked in the sun? He decided that he wouldn’t take it any longer.
she could smell the incense from the towering building that seemed five times its mere 2 stories. she shuddered and entered into the massive arches with gargoyles protecting its wrought-iron gates
smell like a smoky scent of hippie hindu wood burning bathroom candle fire on a stick. i could be incensed at a comment or insensitive to your needs.
The vanilla pouch at Beds Baths and Beyond smelled terrible. I coughed so much, very strong. I don’t understand why people use vanilla in cakes if it’s a chocolate cake, or to make other things that aren’t vanilla. That just doesn’t make any sense to me. Why don’t they have chocolate you have to put into everything?
Incense wafted up from the pot as she sat cross legged on the red satin pillow. Light flickered across the dimly lit room as she huffed in annoyance and conceded that she would find no peace in her meditation today. Instead she turned her thoughts to he who distracted her focus.
He figured they would be fairly incensed at him. Not only had he deliberately disobeyed their directives, but it seemed that he may have made the situation with the girl worse. Not only did she know, but now she was out to change things. As if that was possible. Yes, he did not think they would be happy at all.
swirling colours. the memory of being wild, free as the birds in the blue sky. the memory was there, as clear as the event that never happened. senses are stimulated, and a being is awakened.
The incense stick burned slowly in the little girl’s hand. She put it in the cup to burn with her parent’s incense sticks, and made three ketou to her dead grandparents as the fake money burned in the makeshift metal pot.
“Hurry, we don’t have much time!” I felt myself being dragged further down the pitch-black hall, the stones on the wall scraping my hand. A cloud of incense filled my lungs and made my light blind eyes water.
She took a deep breathe. Something was wrong, something didn’t smell right. What was it?
Suddenly she knew what it was. She took the stairs two steps at a time and stopped in front of her room. She could smell the incense through the door…
The streaker flashed by me. I was incensed. That was absolutely disgusting. Why do people do that? Just to prove some stupid point? What point are you proving? That you are indeed a deranged idiot in need of psychological help?
The burning smell of flesh and hair wafted across the threshold of the building like an incense offering to a strange god. Willem wiped his sword on his thigh and stepped out.
The smell of the incense took me back to a dark place in my life. 15 years old and utterly depressed. Turning to religions I knew nothing about. I burned incense and mixed herbs looking for a special kind of magic that would take the pain away. I never did find it.
I was so mad. I was red. I was burning, and it just didn’t make sense. She asked about my whereabouts. I haven’t been around much for a reason. There was a great disconnect that nobody felt.
The connections. That’s why I was so mad.
the smell that permeates the air
a smoke, a haze
a hypnotic tranquility follows
blurring the lines between reality and dreamscape
and when it is over
am back to reality
I could smelel the intoxicatoing aroma. It permeated my esenses, making me thingk of gypsies and mystery and beatuy. I couldn’t nehlp but lose myself in the moment, breathing in the beauty of the fascinating scent. It was beautiful and dark and mysterious yet light and flirthy and amazing. I couldn’t help but fall in love with it.
incense. at a funeral. that strong, sharp, fragrance. supposed to smell like roses or something, but it smells like death. the smell of incense mixed with the smell of camphor. the death smell. i like vanilla incense. its not like the smell of death.
the smell that permeates the air
a smoke, a haze
a hypnotic tranquility follows
blurring the lines between reality and dreamscape
and when it is over
am back to reality
The smoke drifted towards the ceiling fan. It caught in the updraft and wafted against the acoustic ceiling where it would stick for years. The smell was awful but it wasn’t new. I had become accustomed to it.