Incensed with pride. I smell your foolishness. You reek of ego-driven nastiness.
Karyn Ross
hot grip on my balls
Incense filled the room as the priest prayed for the souls of the worshippers. It made me realize God is always awesome and He loves us no matter what and who we are
Streams of earthy scents twist into the air. Weaving in and around my tense fist and furrowed brow. My adolescent insecurities tangle with the certainty of history, culture, and the ever-present spirit within. Breathing in, deeply, meditatively, I am a yogi-in-training.
incense and peppermints, trip of mankind. the episode of the simpsons was really good with the medicinal marijuana. I liked the song by strawberry alarmclock and always think back to it. smoke on the water was also on it. i think ill have a .. candybar.. i think ill have a mounds.
The incense filled the room, surrounding me. The smell of pine was overpowering. So overpowering, I had to resist the urge to gag. I couldn’t breathe or see through it.
I remember being really into incense in my university days as it felt sort of bohemian chic to try out different fragrances, but truth be told it made me cough and wheeze and become quite irritable in my small house by the university…studying away night and day
they smell good very fragance makes the room smell wonderful happy smells podwere=y
smelly stinky cloudy funerals death eery dark churches Sheila’s allergy ukranin
Incense is made purely for the concealment of marijuana usage. In fact, I associate the smell of incense with weed. Hard to tell them apart.
Lax Bro 09
They give a nice smell :) They are peaceful . Some of them have a very bad smell :(
There is a burning, slow and warm. It lingers like its aroma that fills the air beyond the reaches of its light. Ash falls and recreates the shape of its source.
Incense is a way of thinking. It is a habit unweary of its own existence. There is unlimited power and inspiration to be gathered within the periods the incense is at its utmost glory. Never underestimate its potential. It has…
The incense that occupied that little amount of space in the room brightened the day of everyone. Something so small. Something so great.
The little incent posessing the position which it sits locked into place in the incense holder, feeled the space it occupied with beautiful fragrance. everyone around it loved it.
Calm soft air
flittering in the wind
the smell intoxicates
lets you dream of possibilities
it burns
and along with it
the dream burns
until … one day
the incense burns bright
the calm soft air
flitters in the wind
and lets you dream
inifinite dreams
The sweet aroma of the incense filled the room. It gave a mystical yet mysterious mood over the room. How does a smell make all other senses of the body feel different?
$tephen Moulton
stick color fragrance wide variety smoke catch the tip on fire blow it out incent hold
The soft smell drifted around her. She continued to stretch, it helped. Her yoga abaility was increasing, she would definitely pass the test and become a teacher, it was her dream. It was her passion
Lune the Looney
Smell it.
I hate incense. It fills my nose way too fast. I feel like my brain is going to explode everytime incense creeps up inside my nostrils. Blech.
Chinese incense, Indian, Thai, whatever. Just give me regular mint leaves please or a eucalyptus-scented candle.
I hate incense on sticks especially.
Incense is often associated with creating an atmosphere or sense of peace in people through our olfactory senses. Funny how also to be incensed is to be angry, which would be an exact opposite of the desired effect. In conclusion, we should all be incensed at this adverse effect of incense.
Jacob Cassens
the smell filled the hallway, and the living room. i jangled the mess of bracelets on my wrist at i sat on the rug that took up most of the floor.
my legs curled right up underneath me, i plaited my hair into a thousand tiny braids, and waited.
The incense’s smoke filled the room, sending a chill down the blonde’s spine. She had lit candles, placing them around the room creating a sensual atmosphere. Everything was ready, she was ready. She pulled the ring from her pocket, a simple diamond on a gold band. A promise ring. She wanted to marry that brunette, but, alas…
It smells. When I go to those Chinese temples, we always carry around incense. ..Whenever I think about incense, it’s just always those yellowy kinds with the red stem that you can buy at chinese temples. I’ve always wanted to try burning..”western” versions, you know, the kind that smell like Rose…
the smell of candles that can evoke strong emotions in people, whether it be romantic, stress-relieving or just relaxing. incense implies that a better day is on its way, and you are not stuck where you are in the darkness forever.
I’m not really a big fan of incense. Whenever I go into stores with incense or candles etc, I get a headache and it’s like a sensory overload. I’m just not really that into things burning with smoke and all that. I guess if that’s your thing, then that’s cool
incense is used to make a room smell warm and cozy. It can have many kinds of scents; vanila, cinnamon, patchouli are a few. It is burned in a stand and sold in sticks
I read about Geisha women in Japan who charge by the length of time it takes for an incense stick to burn.
Dan McDermott
Evey’s room always smelled good. He wasn’t about to go wondering what it was called, but it smelled like sweet things and nature and her, so he liked it well enough. Girls always seemed to be doing cute, incomprehensible things like that and he sure enjoyed it. She was quite a specimen, that’s for sure.
Incense is just the smoke of life. Eats at your soul and takes away all of your pain. Flowery fragrances that wind around your mind like a thick wet blanket in the middle of the afternoon.
So do you know?
Melanie Pachebel
I don’t like the smell of incense burning. It tickles my nose. Makes my allergies act up. I don’t find it pleasant and it reminds me of church.
incense, smoking, smells, homey ummmm weed, hippies laying around smoking weed in the 70s on a sunny day in northern cali,uummmmmm
Nag Champa, the scent of the worldly gods and goddesses. It can calm even the most uptight of souls. Also, reminds me of church–being an altar girl for father john and shaking the smoke from the incense amongst the pewed congregation.
The smell of incense was heavy in the room and was lulling Janey to sleep. It was lavender, possibly. Or myrrh. Myrrh was far more likely; it smelled like Africa. Egypt. It smelled like ancient history and tales of merchants on busy ports and trading in booths and off the dock. Janey’s eyes fluttered shut and she could see it happening.
I could smell the incense as I walked into the fortune teller’s tent. It made my brain feel hazy. I did not want to be here. But I had a job to finish. (Based on an X-Files)
I think incense smells good because it has a scent that is very independent. And I think it helps you think it helps you think very well. It helps you with your sense of smell. It is very good.
The smoke danced like a ballerina around the candle flame. I stared at it, hypnotized. My mother hated that smell, but the image was worth it.
hey smell good… and i like the way they smell. it is fun to light them in the house, but my dad days not to because the smell is stay and never go away. that is not good. so as much as i like incense, i don’t use them at all. i use candles more often.
the smell of incense always filled my house. It was lit in front of the altar and I distinctly remember it burning a bright comforting orange glow just before I head to bed. My mom and dad always lit it and the smell was so distinct and apparent. I never forgot it. It’s that obvious scent.
Incensed with pride. I smell your foolishness. You reek of ego-driven nastiness.
hot grip on my balls
Incense filled the room as the priest prayed for the souls of the worshippers. It made me realize God is always awesome and He loves us no matter what and who we are
Streams of earthy scents twist into the air. Weaving in and around my tense fist and furrowed brow. My adolescent insecurities tangle with the certainty of history, culture, and the ever-present spirit within. Breathing in, deeply, meditatively, I am a yogi-in-training.
incense and peppermints, trip of mankind. the episode of the simpsons was really good with the medicinal marijuana. I liked the song by strawberry alarmclock and always think back to it. smoke on the water was also on it. i think ill have a .. candybar.. i think ill have a mounds.
The incense filled the room, surrounding me. The smell of pine was overpowering. So overpowering, I had to resist the urge to gag. I couldn’t breathe or see through it.
I remember being really into incense in my university days as it felt sort of bohemian chic to try out different fragrances, but truth be told it made me cough and wheeze and become quite irritable in my small house by the university…studying away night and day
they smell good very fragance makes the room smell wonderful happy smells podwere=y
smelly stinky cloudy funerals death eery dark churches Sheila’s allergy ukranin
Incense is made purely for the concealment of marijuana usage. In fact, I associate the smell of incense with weed. Hard to tell them apart.
They give a nice smell :) They are peaceful . Some of them have a very bad smell :(
There is a burning, slow and warm. It lingers like its aroma that fills the air beyond the reaches of its light. Ash falls and recreates the shape of its source.
Incense is a way of thinking. It is a habit unweary of its own existence. There is unlimited power and inspiration to be gathered within the periods the incense is at its utmost glory. Never underestimate its potential. It has…
The incense that occupied that little amount of space in the room brightened the day of everyone. Something so small. Something so great.
The little incent posessing the position which it sits locked into place in the incense holder, feeled the space it occupied with beautiful fragrance. everyone around it loved it.
Calm soft air
flittering in the wind
the smell intoxicates
lets you dream of possibilities
it burns
and along with it
the dream burns
until … one day
the incense burns bright
the calm soft air
flitters in the wind
and lets you dream
inifinite dreams
The sweet aroma of the incense filled the room. It gave a mystical yet mysterious mood over the room. How does a smell make all other senses of the body feel different?
stick color fragrance wide variety smoke catch the tip on fire blow it out incent hold
The soft smell drifted around her. She continued to stretch, it helped. Her yoga abaility was increasing, she would definitely pass the test and become a teacher, it was her dream. It was her passion
Smell it.
I hate incense. It fills my nose way too fast. I feel like my brain is going to explode everytime incense creeps up inside my nostrils. Blech.
Chinese incense, Indian, Thai, whatever. Just give me regular mint leaves please or a eucalyptus-scented candle.
I hate incense on sticks especially.
Incense is often associated with creating an atmosphere or sense of peace in people through our olfactory senses. Funny how also to be incensed is to be angry, which would be an exact opposite of the desired effect. In conclusion, we should all be incensed at this adverse effect of incense.
the smell filled the hallway, and the living room. i jangled the mess of bracelets on my wrist at i sat on the rug that took up most of the floor.
my legs curled right up underneath me, i plaited my hair into a thousand tiny braids, and waited.
The incense’s smoke filled the room, sending a chill down the blonde’s spine. She had lit candles, placing them around the room creating a sensual atmosphere. Everything was ready, she was ready. She pulled the ring from her pocket, a simple diamond on a gold band. A promise ring. She wanted to marry that brunette, but, alas…
It smells. When I go to those Chinese temples, we always carry around incense. ..Whenever I think about incense, it’s just always those yellowy kinds with the red stem that you can buy at chinese temples. I’ve always wanted to try burning..”western” versions, you know, the kind that smell like Rose…
the smell of candles that can evoke strong emotions in people, whether it be romantic, stress-relieving or just relaxing. incense implies that a better day is on its way, and you are not stuck where you are in the darkness forever.
I’m not really a big fan of incense. Whenever I go into stores with incense or candles etc, I get a headache and it’s like a sensory overload. I’m just not really that into things burning with smoke and all that. I guess if that’s your thing, then that’s cool
incense is used to make a room smell warm and cozy. It can have many kinds of scents; vanila, cinnamon, patchouli are a few. It is burned in a stand and sold in sticks
I read about Geisha women in Japan who charge by the length of time it takes for an incense stick to burn.
Evey’s room always smelled good. He wasn’t about to go wondering what it was called, but it smelled like sweet things and nature and her, so he liked it well enough. Girls always seemed to be doing cute, incomprehensible things like that and he sure enjoyed it. She was quite a specimen, that’s for sure.
Incense is just the smoke of life. Eats at your soul and takes away all of your pain. Flowery fragrances that wind around your mind like a thick wet blanket in the middle of the afternoon.
So do you know?
I don’t like the smell of incense burning. It tickles my nose. Makes my allergies act up. I don’t find it pleasant and it reminds me of church.
incense, smoking, smells, homey ummmm weed, hippies laying around smoking weed in the 70s on a sunny day in northern cali,uummmmmm
Nag Champa, the scent of the worldly gods and goddesses. It can calm even the most uptight of souls. Also, reminds me of church–being an altar girl for father john and shaking the smoke from the incense amongst the pewed congregation.
The smell of incense was heavy in the room and was lulling Janey to sleep. It was lavender, possibly. Or myrrh. Myrrh was far more likely; it smelled like Africa. Egypt. It smelled like ancient history and tales of merchants on busy ports and trading in booths and off the dock. Janey’s eyes fluttered shut and she could see it happening.
I could smell the incense as I walked into the fortune teller’s tent. It made my brain feel hazy. I did not want to be here. But I had a job to finish. (Based on an X-Files)
I think incense smells good because it has a scent that is very independent. And I think it helps you think it helps you think very well. It helps you with your sense of smell. It is very good.
The smoke danced like a ballerina around the candle flame. I stared at it, hypnotized. My mother hated that smell, but the image was worth it.
hey smell good… and i like the way they smell. it is fun to light them in the house, but my dad days not to because the smell is stay and never go away. that is not good. so as much as i like incense, i don’t use them at all. i use candles more often.
the smell of incense always filled my house. It was lit in front of the altar and I distinctly remember it burning a bright comforting orange glow just before I head to bed. My mom and dad always lit it and the smell was so distinct and apparent. I never forgot it. It’s that obvious scent.