I really like incense. We use them all the time in my house. Especially when we do prayers (I’m Hindu). I think my favorite ones would have do be the strawberry vanilla ones my sister brought back home from college. I don’t like the smell of plain vanilla though because it makes my stomach feel kind of queezy.
My parents don’t let me light it in the house… They assume that I’m retarded enough to somehow burn the place down. Or that I’m smoking weed. Which smells completely different from incense. Strangely enough, it’s the smell that I find most comforting and serene.
Incense always makes me think of two things; Mass and hippies. Mass, meaning the Catholic service I attended as a little girl and hippies, the phase I went through as a teenager. I remember the priest swinging the incense holder in the air and smelling that exotic smell. Fast forward to when I was a 15 year girl wandering through a very chic hippie dress shop and smelling the strong fragrance of patchouli oil or incense. Patchouli will forever be imprinted on my brain as the quintiessential hippie fragrance.
One word
He smelled like incense, like something magical she couldn’t put her finger on. “Who are you?” she managed to mutter before she was overcome, her knees softening, her arms reaching out towards him as if she expected him to hold her up. He didn’t. When she awoke, she didn’t know where she was.
Incese smells good to me but gives me a headache when i breathe it in. i dont absolutely love it but in all honestly its alright
i recently had a 24 hour straight recording session with a music group i was playing with. we had plenty of coffee (midnight run to mcdonalds) and we started burning incense at around 3 AM, which was a really nice addition to the atmosphere and creative process.
incence is stuff that you burn when your room stinks / your smokin stuff. incence generally makes me think of spencers and hippies. i mean it smells good but only so good.
The incense is burning in teh room as he’s hunched over her. Is she breathing? I hope so. She was the only woman I ever loved and ever will love. I don’t want this to be over.
Am I dead? Is he still here. He was the only man I ever loved. I don’t want this to be over.
The smell of sweet mist, olifactorily and sublimely sweet, wanting to taste, but not edible. Just like life in so many ways as the dust off the stick drops off after the flame dies.
“When I opened my birthday presents and saw I had gotten gold, frankincense, and myrrh– I was incensed!” said Baby Jesus. “I wanted a Tickle Me Elmo!”
You Know Who
i used to burn incense in high school. my father hated it, but I did not care. I didn’t do it to cover up a bad smell, but only because I liked the smell of incense.
I tried to burn incense tonight, but my parents suddenly decided that they don’t like incense and I can’t burn it. So now I’m sitting next to a candle- the pussy form of incense.
Man…what am I gonna do with all this leftover incense?
incest. marijuana. intense. dark, warm room. stoners. peaceful. dark outside. winter. heavy scent. smoky rooms. stale beer. hard liquor. bob marley.
stoners use this to cover up their bad habits. It’s a cover up. Hiding. I don’t want to be found
Incense, lavender scent wafting throughout the air. Peeking through the fogs of perfumed smoke, she struggled to make out his retreating figure. That peaceful floral aroma would never calm her again.
oh no I don’t know what incense mean, I’m not from around here, hold on I’ll look up in the dictionary.
The smell of incense always takes me back to my childhood. Sitting next to my Grandpa in the old, sturdy, wooden pews of the huge cathedral that never seized to amaze me
Thick and spiced, the air hung heavy with glitz and jewels – a heady rush of cinnamon and wine that gushed inside of her, promising, whispering, smirking. She couldn’t breathe; she didn’t need to.
thick rich smoke fills her bedroom as the butterflies in my stomach settle and we cease our caresses, if only for a moment. Nag champa. So exotic and yet so close to home.
i like to burn incense when I getting stones, it takes away from the sometimes stanky smell of bad weed, but sometimes I dont burn incense because id rathder smell the sweet cherry delisciousness of good buds. hooray beer
I lit the incense for my grandmother, because she just passed away and because it’s what we do to honor her from the time she dies to the time she reaches her new life. I hope that in her new life, she will smell incense, somewhere in her heart she’ll remember me and remember her family — at least until I meet her again. I miss her more than anyone can imagine. Every time I smell incense it reminds me of her — but it reminds me of when I saw her lying on her deathbed. I love her. I miss her.
mmm Something that smells really nice. Pomegranite and Cinnamon are a really splendid mix if you were wondering. I have those in liquid incense and they smell like angels when combined.
Maddie Jewess
Smelly, yummy
my sister makes fun of me for smelling like a hippy
not in the yucky BO way, but in the yummy Nag Champa way.. yay!
The smell of them is good to me, it reminds me of my freshman year for high school
I lit some incense today in the bathroom while I dried my hair, but the wind kept blowing it in my face. I coughed and coughed and coughed and coughed and coughed and coughed and
Incense, scent, her I can feel her. Home, New home. I think I might love her. I don’t want it forever but it is great now. Sandlewood. Patchooli
smells good. brown. it’s a long stick and sits in a holder. you burn it. it creates ashes. it reminds me of potheads and hippies. my sister used to burn it when I was younger and I always wanted to burn it too. to this day my dad would yell at me for burning it.
He knocked lightly. A long pause and no answer
i think of thick smell that hits you as soon as you step in to one of thpse weird earthy shops, of hippies and headbands that usually smell like theyve litteraly drowned in this stuff
I was incensed over nothing! There really was no problem.
The air smelled thickly of incense when the door opened, and Andy tried hard not to sneeze. Trent stole into the barely opened door and she followed him, cross bow held out at the ready.
Nathaniel was chained to the pulpit.
He was definitely looking worse for the wear, the hair on one side of his head was matted with dried blood.
Spirals of demons float gently upwards towards the rafters.
smell nice good fire light aroma fragrance pungent sticks liquid spiritual ceremony candle burn rope
Kaitlin Peachey
The smell wafts up to the rafters. It permeates the room in a cloud of
1970’s rock bands and flower printed headbands. The smell of something dangerous. Something intense. Intense but magical.
my roommate last year
Bobby Lightening
what smell is incense sticks
smells kinda good in the hood, we just be sippin that good, grip grip grippin on wood, like a steerin wheel,
when i was in my crazy occult phase there was one thing that drove me insane- in a good way. fucking incense. so good. the best scent is sandalwood, although i like the marijuana ones and the ‘sress relief’ one haha. why did they call it that? why not a pretty scent name? wtf. but anyhow i still love that over any fucking candle.
the incense burned with a sweet smell. it wafted through the rafters of the high ceilinged cabin in which she sat. the tip of the incense stick burned a dull red, and she closed her eyes in pleasure. she was relaxed and ready. the rain fell noisily on the roof.
I really like incense. We use them all the time in my house. Especially when we do prayers (I’m Hindu). I think my favorite ones would have do be the strawberry vanilla ones my sister brought back home from college. I don’t like the smell of plain vanilla though because it makes my stomach feel kind of queezy.
My parents don’t let me light it in the house… They assume that I’m retarded enough to somehow burn the place down. Or that I’m smoking weed. Which smells completely different from incense. Strangely enough, it’s the smell that I find most comforting and serene.
Incense always makes me think of two things; Mass and hippies. Mass, meaning the Catholic service I attended as a little girl and hippies, the phase I went through as a teenager. I remember the priest swinging the incense holder in the air and smelling that exotic smell. Fast forward to when I was a 15 year girl wandering through a very chic hippie dress shop and smelling the strong fragrance of patchouli oil or incense. Patchouli will forever be imprinted on my brain as the quintiessential hippie fragrance.
One word
He smelled like incense, like something magical she couldn’t put her finger on. “Who are you?” she managed to mutter before she was overcome, her knees softening, her arms reaching out towards him as if she expected him to hold her up. He didn’t. When she awoke, she didn’t know where she was.
Incese smells good to me but gives me a headache when i breathe it in. i dont absolutely love it but in all honestly its alright
i recently had a 24 hour straight recording session with a music group i was playing with. we had plenty of coffee (midnight run to mcdonalds) and we started burning incense at around 3 AM, which was a really nice addition to the atmosphere and creative process.
incence is stuff that you burn when your room stinks / your smokin stuff. incence generally makes me think of spencers and hippies. i mean it smells good but only so good.
The incense is burning in teh room as he’s hunched over her. Is she breathing? I hope so. She was the only woman I ever loved and ever will love. I don’t want this to be over.
Am I dead? Is he still here. He was the only man I ever loved. I don’t want this to be over.
The smell of sweet mist, olifactorily and sublimely sweet, wanting to taste, but not edible. Just like life in so many ways as the dust off the stick drops off after the flame dies.
“When I opened my birthday presents and saw I had gotten gold, frankincense, and myrrh– I was incensed!” said Baby Jesus. “I wanted a Tickle Me Elmo!”
i used to burn incense in high school. my father hated it, but I did not care. I didn’t do it to cover up a bad smell, but only because I liked the smell of incense.
I tried to burn incense tonight, but my parents suddenly decided that they don’t like incense and I can’t burn it. So now I’m sitting next to a candle- the pussy form of incense.
Man…what am I gonna do with all this leftover incense?
incest. marijuana. intense. dark, warm room. stoners. peaceful. dark outside. winter. heavy scent. smoky rooms. stale beer. hard liquor. bob marley.
stoners use this to cover up their bad habits. It’s a cover up. Hiding. I don’t want to be found
Incense, lavender scent wafting throughout the air. Peeking through the fogs of perfumed smoke, she struggled to make out his retreating figure. That peaceful floral aroma would never calm her again.
oh no I don’t know what incense mean, I’m not from around here, hold on I’ll look up in the dictionary.
The smell of incense always takes me back to my childhood. Sitting next to my Grandpa in the old, sturdy, wooden pews of the huge cathedral that never seized to amaze me
Thick and spiced, the air hung heavy with glitz and jewels – a heady rush of cinnamon and wine that gushed inside of her, promising, whispering, smirking. She couldn’t breathe; she didn’t need to.
thick rich smoke fills her bedroom as the butterflies in my stomach settle and we cease our caresses, if only for a moment. Nag champa. So exotic and yet so close to home.
i like to burn incense when I getting stones, it takes away from the sometimes stanky smell of bad weed, but sometimes I dont burn incense because id rathder smell the sweet cherry delisciousness of good buds. hooray beer
I lit the incense for my grandmother, because she just passed away and because it’s what we do to honor her from the time she dies to the time she reaches her new life. I hope that in her new life, she will smell incense, somewhere in her heart she’ll remember me and remember her family — at least until I meet her again. I miss her more than anyone can imagine. Every time I smell incense it reminds me of her — but it reminds me of when I saw her lying on her deathbed. I love her. I miss her.
mmm Something that smells really nice. Pomegranite and Cinnamon are a really splendid mix if you were wondering. I have those in liquid incense and they smell like angels when combined.
Smelly, yummy
my sister makes fun of me for smelling like a hippy
not in the yucky BO way, but in the yummy Nag Champa way.. yay!
The smell of them is good to me, it reminds me of my freshman year for high school
I lit some incense today in the bathroom while I dried my hair, but the wind kept blowing it in my face. I coughed and coughed and coughed and coughed and coughed and coughed and
Incense, scent, her I can feel her. Home, New home. I think I might love her. I don’t want it forever but it is great now. Sandlewood. Patchooli
smells good. brown. it’s a long stick and sits in a holder. you burn it. it creates ashes. it reminds me of potheads and hippies. my sister used to burn it when I was younger and I always wanted to burn it too. to this day my dad would yell at me for burning it.
He knocked lightly. A long pause and no answer
i think of thick smell that hits you as soon as you step in to one of thpse weird earthy shops, of hippies and headbands that usually smell like theyve litteraly drowned in this stuff
I was incensed over nothing! There really was no problem.
The air smelled thickly of incense when the door opened, and Andy tried hard not to sneeze. Trent stole into the barely opened door and she followed him, cross bow held out at the ready.
Nathaniel was chained to the pulpit.
He was definitely looking worse for the wear, the hair on one side of his head was matted with dried blood.
Spirals of demons float gently upwards towards the rafters.
smell nice good fire light aroma fragrance pungent sticks liquid spiritual ceremony candle burn rope
The smell wafts up to the rafters. It permeates the room in a cloud of
1970’s rock bands and flower printed headbands. The smell of something dangerous. Something intense. Intense but magical.
my roommate last year
what smell is incense sticks
smells kinda good in the hood, we just be sippin that good, grip grip grippin on wood, like a steerin wheel,
when i was in my crazy occult phase there was one thing that drove me insane- in a good way. fucking incense. so good. the best scent is sandalwood, although i like the marijuana ones and the ‘sress relief’ one haha. why did they call it that? why not a pretty scent name? wtf. but anyhow i still love that over any fucking candle.
the incense burned with a sweet smell. it wafted through the rafters of the high ceilinged cabin in which she sat. the tip of the incense stick burned a dull red, and she closed her eyes in pleasure. she was relaxed and ready. the rain fell noisily on the roof.